Sunday, December 18, 2011


Number 800 resonates with the attributes of the number 8, and the influences of number 0 appearing twice. Number 8 brings it energies of manifesting abundance, self-confidence and personal authority, discernment and decisiveness, achievement, patience, practicality, giving and receiving, inner-wisdom and material success. Number 8 is also the number of karma; the Universal Spiritual Law of Cause and EffectNumber 0 relates to developing one’s spiritual aspects and carries the vibration of the ‘God force’ and Universal Energies, eternity, infinity, potential and/or choice, oneness, wholeness, continuing cycles and flow, and the beginning point, and its energies emphasize the attributes of the numbers it appears with.

Angel Number 800 signifies that the many successes in your life appear to enhance your soul purpose and Divine life mission. You are encouraged to use your personal will and power to your utmost advantage and to the advantage of others.

Angel Number 800 may be a sign that some situations and circumstances are coming to an end and positive new changes and opportunities will be of long-term benefit to your life, and will propel you along your destined life path and spiritual purpose.

Angel Number 800 suggests that you live your life with truth, honour and integrity, and encourages you to discern and judge things for yourself using your own perceptions and insights. Trust your inner-radar, follow your intuition and begin the empowering journey of self-realization. 

Angel Number 800 encourages you to step into your own personal power, live your life as you wish it to be lived, and stay positive and loving. Stay focused, balanced and at peace within. 

Number 800 relates to number 8 (8+0+0=8) and Angel Number 8.



Sacred Scribes

NUMEROLOGY  - The Vibration and Energies of NUMBERS

Sacred Scribes Ceramics





  1. the number 8,000 came up in a weird way today. would the extra 0 have a special meaning?

    1. Repetition would strengthen the message, in harmony with the numbers and attributes. For starters. I'm no expert but that might be a good place to start. I'd take a look at the 8000 or 7000 or 4000 posts to get insight on what 8000 is if you can't find it. As always. All is well

  2. Zeros emphasize, enhance and amplify the numbers it appears with, so this makes number 8000 a very powerful energy.



    1. What if it appears before ?
      Like 0800 for example

  3. Your light is amazing! I thank you for shining it.:)

    Love & light always,
    Kelly C

  4. THE EARTH IS BLESS BY THE LOVE AND HEART OF (( JIYEON ))x(22/7)x5(Gg69infinity7)#thankUwithAllmyHeart&soulForever&NeverEverEverNeverEndingCircleOfEternalLoveSquredTOtheINFINITYpower...

  5. I was told someone was doing voodoo on me and my family. And for the last couple of years I feel like it's been hard for me to get ahead in life it's been one bad thing after the next I mean everything has been happening within the same couple of weeks I lost my car and apartment my boss has been on me about everything trying to fire me. And the same for some of my family members. Plz tell me what can I do????

    1. 1. Search your heart. Is there anything you're doing that is displeasing to God. Have you not forgave someone, do you feel hatred towards someone, envy, lust, gossip, trying to get quick money, drunkenes, not paying back debt, etc.
      2. Pray. Ask God for forgiveness and to cleanse your heart. Give your cares to him in Jesus name.
      3. Rejoice. Know that he is able and it will all work out for you.
      4. Be committed to stop what was displeasing to God.

    2. The only thing I found to help, because someone was doing it to me as well, is to go to a Holy church, pray the rosary, fast for 3 days, water only with prayers and submit to the calling of out In the Name of Jesus.

    3. Only a help is through Jesus Christ. Look up on deliverance prayers, that will help. Primarily midnight warfare prayer

    4. What you think will turn into your truth. Concentrade on the positive side of live and it will manifest itself! That's how you create ali e for yourself. When you don't get it that we all create our live our selfs than you will have some very terible years ahead. Hope you can change this around! Forgive others and yourself and that from the heart.

    5. Ask your angels to block and rebuke it

  6. Yvette....the previous replies seem to insinuate you are being punished for sinning in the sight of God. God loves you unconditionally. What i feel is that your belief that you are cursed is bringing negative things into your life. Words and beliefs have great power. Being on this site is a great positive step. Continue to ask the angels to protect and empower you. Whenever you think of that curse say cancel clear delete and replace it with a positive thought. Envision all attacks and negativity that is aimed at you bouncing of a forcefield of white light that you can place around yourself at will.....see all of that bouncing off and going back where it came from. In universal love.

    1. "God loves you unconditionally" unless you are non Christian, atheist, homosexual, transgender, a woman, a man who had his genitals injured in an accident, dark skinned, an unwed non virgin, the list goes on.

      Your God is jealous, heinous, misogynist and hateful. Your beliefs mean nothing to the real world, and I am ashamed at religion from a humanitarian perspective.

    2. Well, indeed i was of similar minds untill it was explained. The world from which perspective you are looking on is not the world God created, but world distorted. Plus- Jesus died exactly for all those homosexuals,etc, they shall accept his help of deliverance and salvation

    3. Damin Smith, who told you that, God? There is only one God, and that God is exactly what carolyn said He is, He loves unconditionally. If you want to believe the ravings of lunatics because it makes life easier for you, knock yourself out, but don't talk trash about a God you apparently know nothing about, and that you are willing to believe any kind of nonsense about. You're not bringing anything good to the world when you do that, and you're making something bad worse.

  7. But how about the zeros behind,I mean: 008 or 0008, for example? Thank you!

  8. Amen!!!
    Immensely blessed and grateful !!!❤💥👊💫
    Love,peace and Light to all!!!
    Thank you rush-collection, you are our Angel on Earth!!! Blessings,love and Light to you and family!!!
    I love you !!!❤

  9. Grateful for every reminder!!!😇🍀♥️🎈

  10. The past month I see all the time frequencesf of numbers!!! All the time!!! Any frequencies!! 933, 929, 544, 455, 923, 333, 555, 505.. there's no end to this!! A month ago, I dtartst seeing 1111, 1011, 1001.. but then stopped! Now I'm only seeing the numbers I mentioned first!! The list is unfinished... What does it mean?? I'm in right path or I'm just lost??

  11. Thank you ABBA Father and to my loving Angels

  12. I try so hard to live my life with truth and's hard when no one around me isn't... it would be nice if I was surrounded by uplifting and positive folk ... it makes a big difference... I tired of struggling with life...One day my challenges will be behind me ..BUT WHEN !!!I don't know how long I can take.

    1. Limit yourself to the negative peeps around you and if thats not possible dont lower yourself to their vibration, it’s important to keep your mood positive, answer them in positive ways no matter how they react to it, you can turn it around, i know how you feel because i had a similar experience, it used to be really bad, when they would start complaining whaver it was about, i would say things like, at least you have a job or at least you have food and a roof over your head unlike some people, or i try and would switch subjects or i would bless them in my mind silently over and over again and say to myself, i bless you because you are like a little broken bird ....

  13. Always and forever grateful...Thank you!!!🥰

  14. Lots of praise to god messages here. There is no god. Angels aren't real either. Sorry

    1. Not true. I used to think the same thing. Ask your angels for help with something you are struggling with. Ask sincerely. They can’t help you until you ask. Then you will know.

  15. Beautiful message!

  16. I have many voices during the night that give me numbers
    Sometimes they’re visual, mostly audio

  17. Glory to God in the highest

  18. Glory to our angels and our all mighty Lord above for changing my life for the better . I'm forever grateful and will always spread love and encouragement to others. I'll forever be a faithful servant to God above. There's no future without God in my life.
