Thursday, December 29, 2011


Number 822 is a blend of the energies and attributes of number 8 and number 2, with number 2 appearing twice, amplifying its vibrations. Number 2 appearing twice also resonates with Master Number 22. Number 8 relates to giving and receiving, manifesting abundance, monetary and business acumen, management, self-confidence and personal authority, discernment and good judgement, insight and intelligence, the concept of karma, the Universal Spiritual Law of Cause and Effect. Number 2 is the number of faith and trust, finding balance and harmony, caution, diplomacy and mediation, service to others, compassion and selflessness, love, encouragement and happiness. Number 2 also resonates with serving your life purpose and soul mission. Master Number 22 (Master Builder) symbolizes the principle of precision and balance, dreams made manifest, ancient wisdom, realization, force of nature, redemption, love, service, the Divine imagination, Universal transformation, philanthropy, common sense and practicality.

Angel Number 822 brings a message about your personal spirituality, inner-strength and tenacity and pursuing your Divine life purpose. The angels encourage you to have faith and trust in yourself and the Universal Energies, and know that you will find success in all that you put your mind and efforts towards. The angels are helping you to recognize and acknowledge the Divine light within yourself and others.

Angel Number 822 brings a reminder that part of your purpose is to contribute to the good of the world by your presence. Realize your inborn talents and abilities and bring them forth to shine. Share the bounty of your energy, time, talents and/or possessions with those that need it. Identify the good that is within you and use it for the benefit of yourself and others as generosity and benevolence come full circle to reward the giver.

Angel Number 822 is a powerful message of self-belief, faith and trust. Your prayers, positive attitude, visualizations and positive affirmations have been acknowledged by the Universal Energies. Stay focused, balanced and at peace and know that all is going to Divine right order and in Divine right time. Trust that your desired results will manifest in your life.

Number 822 relates to number 3 (8+2+2=12, 1+2=3) and Angel Number 3.



Sacred Scribes

NUMEROLOGY  - The Vibration and Energies of NUMBERS

Sacred Scribes Ceramics





  1. I love and trust your messages from the angels! I believe ... I see now, and yes I know that all my hard work has paid off ... WHAT MY HEART WANTS ... MY HEART GETS ... IT IS MANIFESTING.

    Thank you for communicating the angels messages!! Josephine

  2. Thank you rush-collection for your efforts to making this site my life changing thing , it has/is given me hope and steps to right direction. Love and light Joni

  3. Thank you so much for insightful information, I have Doreen Virtues book as well. I feel this is right on point.

  4. I know my true purpose in life ! I am a gifted light worker. I know my soul mission and i will do my best! Blessings and LOVE to EVERYONE!!!!
    rush-collection you truly are a ANGEL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  5. Angels are life! If you do not believe in Angels, but have the slightest feeling in your stomach telling you they are real. THEN YOU MUST FOLLOW THIS FEELING! They give you guidance, reassurance, strength. They should you numbers so that you know that they are there trying to tell you something. IF you have the slightest feeling in your stomach telling you that Angels do exist, FOLLOW THIS FEELING! They are always there willing to help. WE all have angels so we can bring peace amongst our lives and in this world. rush-collection GOD BLESS YOU! May the angels bless you with everything your beautiful heart desires!

  6. THANK YOU ((JIYEON))x(22/7)x5((Gg69Hy))

  7. Hi i want a personal reading w u please. I have tried to request but it hasnt gone through.

  8. Thank you!! I am taking my MCAT on 8/22 so this is a wonderful message for me to hear and has reduced some stress! The angels are with me everyday and sending me messages as I do this. THANK YOU for being a part of that!

  9. I just had an 822 moment, 'the tube light', returning,
    giving others a clue how to get started. Trust you are :: Light. -J

  10. angels are real. their energy is real. to receive it you must believe it.

  11. Thank you for bridging the gap between the divine and humanity ��

  12. Thank you so much for this website and all your time and effort that you put forth in it and helping others. I have been going through such a hard time and the only peace and comfort I seem to get R from the angels through their numbers. But for about a month now all I see our eights and twos and sometimes fours always together i'm not sure I'm getting the message though because my life is in shambles and my mind and despair unsure of what to do next although I know I'm supposed to pursue my soul mission, yet I have no idea what that is I just know it's something great

    1. Hi, hope things are better for you now. I'm in the same position and also feel the same way. I try to stay as positive as I can while shifting mental thoughts to good feeling ones.
      Much love & blessings to you

    2. When you see those numbers, think for a second what is it that you were talking or thinking about when you saw those numbers. There is probably a pattern. Pattern may not be a specific, for example-it may not every time you think about how do I manage to go to school and keep going to work. It might be that you are you recognize that you are struggling and you ask God for help. Angels as messengers say don't worry. You will get your wish. If you are worried then give God your worry, but don't give up because things we ask for take time.

    3. When you see those numbers, think for a second what is it that you were talking or thinking about when you saw those numbers. There is probably a pattern. Pattern may not be a specific, for example-it may not every time you think about how do I manage to go to school and keep going to work. It might be that you are you recognize that you are struggling and you ask God for help. Angels as messengers say don't worry. You will get your wish. If you are worried then give God your worry, but don't give up because things we ask for take time.

  13. thanks for your sharing... I know more about me now...thank you...

  14. I just love looking up the numbers I get all day everyday here <3 what a gift to have this to refer too Namaste

  15. Thank you so much for all of your hard work you have helped me and many others tremendously <3

  16. I see 822 a lot and I was born on 822, what does it mean?

    1. So am i and have seen this # everywhere my whole life ... Loaded a friend into an ambulance today that was the truck #

    2. I am as well. I see the number 822 everywhere and my mind kept telling me it meant something. I still feel like I have an overactive imagination. But I feel apart of something.

    3. I am as well. I see the number 822 everywhere and my mind kept telling me it meant something. I still feel like I have an overactive imagination. But I feel apart of something.

  17. Amin!!! Forever grateful!!!Thank you rush-collection!!! ♡♡♡

  18. There were so many turning points in my life & I've just discovered that I've always changed what does not suit well with me!!!
    Sometimes it has taken longer than other times,however the ability to accept change and follow my heart has brought me where I am today!!!
    I am indeed a very powerful being,my ability to overcome challenges is limitless and my internal power and determination are infinite!!!
    Follow your heart people,when you feel that something is not going right in your life -change it !!!
    Look within and change it !!!
    Don't live by people's expectations -live by your own !!! ♡♡♡
    Thank you Angels and thank you rush-collection!!! ♡♡♡
    Stay blessed people , as we all are !!!
    Love,peace and Light to ALL!!! ♡♡♡

  19. Grateful for every reminder !!!🎈❤🍀💥

  20. Thank you ABBA Father love you Lord Jesus and to my Angels

  21. Thank you ABBA Father love you Lord Jesus and to my Angels

  22. Thank you Loving Jesus and to my Angels

  23. I really enjoy reading your angel blog,to me it's like speaking directly with the angels. I usually read it everyday because that's how often I receive communication. Today, however, when I tried to access the message there were free ads that covered the majority of the message on my phone. I tried closing the ads but even when they closed they still blocked the message. I hope you can fix this because I will have to go to another blog if I'm unable to read your messages and I don't want to because I feel your blog is the truth. Thank you for everything.

  24. Thanks for the message my Angels

  25. Thank you... Powerful message!!! 🙏😇🥰😜💖

  26. Thank you Angels for your message. Praise to Creator.

  27. I saw that opportunity knocking on the trees in the woods today as the woodpeckers communed. I sat and sketched some plants and tears left my eyes. I saw a wish tree and I wished for a family with you if it is meant to be.

  28. Beautiful message.... I visited 822 exactly a year ago today. Always and forever grateful... Love and Blessings to all of us. 💞💗💖💓🥰
