Thursday, December 29, 2011


Number 823 is a combination of the vibrations and energies of number 8 and number 2, and the attributes of number 3. Number 8 is associated with self-confidence, personal power and authority, giving and receiving, truth and integrity, reality, dependability and self-reliance, and manifesting positive abundance. Number 8 also relates to the concept of karma and the Universal Spiritual Law of KarmaNumber 2 relates to your intuition and insight, service to others, diplomacy and mediation, duality, finding balance and harmony, receptivity and love, selflessness, ambition, sensitivity, faith, trust, and your life purpose and soul mission. Number 3 is the number of manifesting, creativity and self-expression, joy and spontaneity, growth and expansion, imagination and intelligence, affability and enthusiasm. Number 3 also resonates with the energies of the Ascended Masters.

Angel Number 823 is a message from your angels that they are currently assisting you with keeping your thoughts light and positive. It suggests that you keep your personal truths and values in focus and work towards fulfilling your Divine life purpose and soul mission. Trust that the angels and Ascended Masters are always available for guidance and assistance.

Number 823 encourages you to bring your natural abilities to the fore and utilize them for the benefit of yourself and others, as by using your natural attributes, skills and talents you are able to create circumstances in your life that are more aligned with your true inner-self. Once you take steps in the right direction the Universe assists you by presenting auspicious opportunities and synchronicities for you to take advantage of. Look out for the signs, listen to your intuition, and do as your soul guides you.

Angel Number 823 indicates that pursuing your Divine life purpose will reap many long-term benefits and rewards for you on all levels. Trust that you are on the right path and that the angels are encouraging and supporting you in your efforts. Keep up the good work and continue to manifest your good.

Happiness is your true, innate nature, and mindfulness, gratitude, creativity, compassion and community help you to cultivate happiness into your life every day.

Number 823 relates to number 4 (8+2+3=13, 1+3=4) and Angel Number 4.



Sacred Scribes

NUMEROLOGY  - The Vibration and Energies of NUMBERS

Sacred Scribes Ceramics





  1. For a few months now the numbers 823 keep popping up everywhere I turn. Those numbers just happen to be my birthdate so at first I ignored it. But they just kept coming so I googled the signifigence an at first I got that on the internet it means "thinking of you". Being very spiritual, my first thoughts were of course "who is thinking of me"? Then I came upon this article an it struck a serious cord. For the last 5 years or so I have done a lot of soul searching an thinking about my destiny. I think that I have figured it out, and gave been actively pursuing it. And along the way I have had various deja vu but this totally explains the last few months an everything that has happened recently. Thank you so much for this informaton an angels, thank you for your guidance an reassurance that the path I am on is my true destiny.
    Joann o

  2. 823 is my bithday number pops up as long as i could remember in fact its really keepy in the morning look over its 8:23 at night look over randomly to check the time 823 numbers in fortune cookies 823 you name it cant escape the number. also my sister the first born aug. 3 bother the sec. oct. 23 mine aug. 23 my other brother is aug. 10. in order the day between my sister and brother are 6 then me and my brother are 12 then my other brother the days between our births our 60. Also i'm rh negative i'm searching theres never answers though all of it intertwines but none of it makes sense i want to know what i'm in for i feel like its something i dont want dezstiny i cannot change maybe you can help.

    1. Same thing is happening to me as well. More coincidence is the sam cory thing ... my hubby is Sam and my son is Corey. my b-day is 823 and I am also a rh neg. Born Buffalo NY any connection there as well?

    2. Hi guys, my birthday is also 823 and I constantly see this number and have been for the past couple of yearsI have been doing a lot of soul searching and really wanted to know what this means, if anyone wants to speak about this please email me at

    3. When you see the numbers of your date of birth repeating to you, it is often an indication that you are to concentrate and focus upon your true life purpose ... your reason for being ... your soul mission. Seeing your own birthday is a reminder of why you were born and what you are to do and achieve in your lifetime.

    4. It's so interesting as I read this and all the comments that follow--I see 8:23 frequently. On license plates and in the evening and morning when I look at the clock. I always think the same thing, "Hey, it's my birthday date!" So when I came across this blog and read what the numbers mean and how many other people who have this same birthday see the numbers, too, I think that's pretty amazing! I guess we 823's have some serious work to do in fulfilling our purpose and are being called to it. I'm sure people with other birthdays may have the same experience with their own numbers, but I guess it also reaffirms how profound our birthdays and zodiac signs are as well. They make up a big part of who we are and what we're meant to do. Thanks, all, for sharing!!

    5. This is so amazing! We all have 823 bdays! This is some powerful message! I feel like its my destiny to help educate the world about holistic lifestyles, I have been pursuing this path for about six years now and the more I get into it, the more I want to learn and share with others. Good luck to all of you in your journey to fulfill your destiny!

    6. Hello everybody..I also have an 823 birthdate and have often found that i wuld see as usual day or nite the clock wuld read 8:23 .and it wuld bug me and bug me bvuz i just had to know what these numbers meant..and after reading this page as well as all of the coments..i definately know what i was born to do..Being i come from a strong native american medicine is my destiny to do as my grandmother did..and all the others before her.(my ancestors)I am truly blessed..and right at this very moment i am sheddimg tears of happininess and pride..thans to all of you and this page i am confident thats what those numbers mean for myself..and i wi be praying for all of the 8/23 birthday brothers and sisters..AHO

    7. I came across this from a Facebook post and decided to look into it. I am also an 8/23 baby AND rH negative as well. A- to be exact. I see 823 often. License plates, truck numbers, the clock, etc. I also see 1234 often. Reading these comments, it’s starting to make me wonder.

  3. I, too am born on 823 a 1:53am. My son was born on 803 and my grandma died on 523. I live on the 23rd fl. 23 is a significant number in my life. I just don't know what my purpose is...I soul search so much that I stay up all night trying to figure it out

  4. hi, please give me a explication about this, mi older son born 10/10/2007 that is 1+0+1+0+2+0+0+7=11=2 at 8:23 am , my younger boy born 22/02/2012 that is 2+2+0+2+2+0+1+2=11=2 at 3:28 pm same number but in reverse. what is the meaning of this? sorry for my bad english

  5. This 823 is not my birthday. The first time it popped up was in a dream I had the other night when I was trying to write my phone number for someone. I just couldnt stop writing 823 over and over in the dream. Now it seems like everywhere I turn I see the numbers 823. Usually I see 8:28 which IS my birthdate, but not anymore, it's 823 all the time.

  6. 823 is NOT my birthday BUT it was the house number of the home on the street where I lived a d did the larger portion of my growing up (from age 7-22) The last several months these numbers keep popping up.....a lot. It took a bit to get my attention but my attention is now on full alert. Not sure what to do with this so I Google number combinations of 823. Got a math site but also saw this and read first. This is bizarre a d comes as a real surprise

  7. 823 is not my birthday, 89 is however 823 was my house address for the larger part of my growing up years from age 7-22. For the last few months these numbers have been popping up everywhere. Today I finally asked Google how many math combinations 823 has....just for fun. I have the site for that but also have this one as it caught my eye sitting just above the math one. I am quite surprised at what I have read, but then again, not really. I knew it was a message of some sort but was surprised at how many others have same numbers. And that it really has meaning (s). Not sure what to do now. I am a good student but a slow learner. It took awhile for these numbers to get my attention......but now they have for sure. Also I have never blogged in my life LOL Now what???

  8. As I'm reading this it's interesting to see similarities in events and thought patterns. I'm pretty sure if we got more in depth we would see even more commonalities. when I read the meaning of the numbers more things start to resignate with me... feel free to contact me @

  9. I'm a licensed massage therapist and my license number is 823, I'm a practicing shaman and holistic healer, my B-Day is 5/27/77== 5+2=7, so I'm 7777s, maybe I can assist in some spiritual healing? My name is Mongkon, means "Everything Good"

    Have a good spiritual awakening my friends :)

  10. My birthday is 823 and I see it morning and night 4 or 5 times a week. It is mind blowing that other people with the same birthdate see it as well! I like to think it is my momma letting me know she is with me from heaven!!

  11. Well my birthday is 830 but my first loves birthday is 823... I see his birthday a lot especially when he's trying to come back into my life. I never understood how I just see it then very shortly after he's trying to reach out to me. Please help me on this

  12. Immensely blessed and grateful always and forever !!! Love,peace and Light to all!!! ♡♡♡

  13. My birthday is 8/23 and I sae 8/23 frequently but today, I saw it 5 times before 8pm. I am also rh negative.

  14. I’m a 823 Birthday as well. Like many of you, I see it many times during the week. So glad to have found meaning to this not so coincidental number and to continue to pursue my passion of uplifting and encouraging others in all areas of my life.

  15. My birthday is 823 too and I see it (or sometimes 822) almost every time I check the clock in the morning and at night. I also see it on license plates and in random numbers everywhere. I just got a new phone number and the last four digits are all 8's 2's and 3's. My grandma (kind of) recently got a new apartment and her apartment number is 823! It's nice to see that this is happening to other people too <3

  16. My birthday is 8/23 as well..... 1981 at 602am......I believe it was a Sunday..... I've been seeing 823 for the past few months..... And this woman I'm talking to always seems to txt me and I txt her at this time..... We don't do it on purpose either

  17. Amen!!! Grateful for every reminder!!!♥️

  18. MY MOTHER DIED Jan.2017 she was my heart. Her Birthday is 823 and I've been seeing this number also. I do believe she is the angel watching over me. I LOVE YOU ALWAYS MOTHER....

    1. She is your Angel indeed !!! Stay strong Annonymous!!!🎈🍀♥️
      Love,peace and Light your way!

    2. My mother died Jan 2018. God rest their souls ❤️🙏🏻❤️

  19. Amen!!!♥️🧘‍♀️🎈🙏🧘‍♀️

  20. I'm also born 8/23 and blood type rh neg very interesting

  21. Thx every bd 23 aug..we all should meet even in dream time..we have a mission 2gather..lets go to begin

  22. my birthday is august 23 and im rh neg. i often see 823 everythere, im empath and can read other people mind programs. Im taking a very dificult life journey and getting more conciuos fast quickly and am able to see what others can't, it is not easy though. People are not ready yet to see the truth. Ant yet i wonder why me? what should I do with that? no idea yet

  23. My birthday is 823. My life number is 6. I am O+ not RH- and I'm an INFJ. I see 823 constantly!
