Friday, December 23, 2011


Number 808 is a blend of the attributes and vibrations of number 8 and number 0, with number 8 appearing twice, amplifying and magnifying it energies. Number 8 is the number of self-confidence and personal authority, manifesting positive abundance, monetary and business acumen, decisiveness, giving and receiving, inner-wisdom and intelligence, discernment and good judgement. Number 8 is also the number of karma, the Universal Spiritual Law of Cause and Effect. Number 0 represents potential and/or choice, a spiritual journey, developing your spiritual aspects, listening to your intuition and higher-self, eternity and infinity, oneness and wholeness, continuing cycles and flow, and the beginning point. Number 0 also relates to the God force/Universal Energies/Source, and magnifies the influences of the numbers it appears with.

Angel Number 808 brings a message from your angels signifying that the impending endings in your life are part of your soul purpose and life mission. Ask the angels to help allay any fears or worries you may have about these upcoming changes. You will find with hindsight that the changes were necessary and ultimately very positive and beneficial for you.

Angel Number 808 tells you to be sure that the path you choose to take aligns with your true self on every level. Your life is for you to live, made up of your choices and actions, so make sure that they are right for you. Ask yourself what is most important to you, then have the courage to create your life around it. Do not fear changing paths or paving a new one if feeling guided to do so. When you live your life from a place that reflects who you truly are, the energies of the Universe come together to assist you.

Angel Number 808 also encourages you to keep your finances in check to ensure that you have set yourself solid foundations for yourself and your loved ones. You are to be responsible for your own income, abundance and well-being. The Universe and your angels will always support you, but it is your responsibility to ensure that you put in the proper work and effort. This will ensure your future prosperity and will help you to live up to your full potential on every level.

Number 808 relates to number 7 (8+0+8=16, 1+6=7) and Angel Number 7.



Sacred Scribes

NUMEROLOGY  - The Vibration and Energies of NUMBERS

Sacred Scribes Ceramics





  1. How should this number be used for improvement in financial condition? Thanx.

    1. It shouldn't, you should use mathematics and common sense...


    2. The reply about mathematics & common sense is totally unnecessary! Just pay attention too the signs your guides send you & do what you are passionate about..
      The money will come!

    3. Amitabh,
      I believe you will find your truth instinctively between Baby Boo and Anonymous' perspectives.

    4. I'm very nice and giving person but I'm so lonely and can never find love women always just use me or treat me bad like they don't care about me so I get depressed alot and I can't figure out what's wrong with me and it seems when I get like this I always see the number 808 I think a lot that the world would be better if I wasn't here I just don't know anymore

    5. You are extremely important. Don't allow a few disappointments make you feel like you not worthy of anyone else.

    6. Hello ! I have question , why all the pain of losing properties , status and etc ? . Does it mean what you had was bad ? . Why loose all that you worked for and still believe your in the right path. I seriously dont get it . Ok after loosing then what comes next ? Gaining what you lost again ? . I personally tthink its abad thing nothing like love here. Someone loosing all that he or she has worked for years without a good sold explaination and its because of seeing numbers is absolutely absurd . Am just dont get it , I personally see this number 08:08 am and whenever I see it I struggle to make money that day . If I see it before a business deal or if I am going to collect money something bad must happen , either the deal will be off or I will loose some money. To be frank I just dont like it . I feel being tortured for something I dont understand or know . So where is the positivity here . Something aint right.

    7. Its probably a test. A test of Faith, like Job in the bible. Pray for guidance and understanding. If you seek Him, he will answer.

    8. Unknown the reason you don't seem to have luck with women is because you are destined to find the perfect female soul mate for you, someone who is completely in tune & inline with who you are & who you are becoming.

      The reason you have to wait is because you are in the process of becoming the man of her dreams, that takes time, & patience. You will weed out all the negativity within yourself, & when you have done that you will learn to flourish, & become a being of absolute love, when this happens she will appear in your life as if by magic.

      I am a good looking man & a good man. I have been single for 8 years, I used to blame my bad luck with women because I believed it was because I was a good man, you know the saying women love the bad boys. I will meet my perfect match because I am destined to just like you.

      I am on my own path to perfection as are we all. Have a Great & Wonderful Future.:)

    9. Hi Unknown, I feel the same but im woman. Men always use me im sure it is much easier to use kind hearted people, so we need to suffer until we find our soulmate. Take it as a lesson and learn from it. Be careful next time. I know I will, I learned to love and respect myself and stop thinking what's wrong with me. Nothing's wrong with you either, Unkown. There will be always people who are using other people you need to sharpen your intuition and make that as your guiding light so you see who is to be trusted and who doesn't. Be safe!

    10. I refuse to INSIST that numbers occurring in my life by chance have meaning. On the other hand I simply can not deny incredible coincidence where so many times numbers assigned to me via arbitrary means DO have what I discern as meaning when compared to the Bible .... I can't hope but think it MIGHT be a wink from God...but like I say I refuse to insist on anything I can NOT honestly know is a message ....I believe that insisting on ANYTHING as "True" that honestly is at most speculation? Is to lean on a bold faced LIE ... At the most REALLY? Obviously we are not God to say "I KNOW" things we only hope are so ... A person's HEART could be to want to have only true things held onto AS "right" but come on now! We SO obviously are FALLIBLE! Perhaps the ONLY truly righteous (right) thing we even CAN do would have to involve the honesty of "I HOPE" as opposed to "I do KNOW" Which I believe IF someone is carefully reading EVERYTHING in the Bible such as Romans 8:24 "...For we are saved by hope: but hope that is seen is not hope: for what a man seeth, why doth he yet hope for?..." And how about Proverbs 3:5 "... Trust in the LORD with all thine heart; and lean not unto thine own understanding..." And I could site so many more if this were the right kind of forum...but again the point being that it is a matter of one's HEART to either want to be right? Or not care and simply subscribe to whatever seems right AS fact...the presumption that to ME appears to sound a lot like "eating"/partaking of "the fruit" (of the tree) of knowing "good and evil" ....partaking of THAT is what is called the "original sin" that is unto spiritual death it not common as grass for people to INSIST that what they individually believe ABSOLUTELY is RIGHT? (good and evil)??? Think about that if you will before insisting on anything ever again!

    11. The generosity of the universe knows no bounds. In other words, it is a force that always says “yes“. So when we say things like, “I don’t belong here,” the universe says, “yes”. When we say, “people I love always use me,” the universe says, “yes, people use you”. We have the great gift of creating the reality we see every day and are obliged in that creation constantly by the universe that surrounds us. So, from my humble perspective, if you feel that you are worthless or are being used by others, I would propose that you try asking yourself what it is that you are putting out into the universe that is assisting you in the creation of that experience, since everything you experience is an extension and reflection of the inner truth you project into the world. And if you are dissatisfied with your present/habitual circumstances, what is it that you would like to change, and how can you change your innermost truth to reflect the world you want to see presented to you? When you become as conscious as possible of your subconscious thoughts, you may realize that there is great potential for self improvement and naturally, that you have the power to change your every circumstance by making those adjustments. When you start to truly believe instead, “I am deeply loved, I am abundant, I am prosperous, I am appreciated etc” the universe says “yes, you are all of those things” and reflects that creative energy back to you in place of the negativity. Remember, it all starts with you, what you choose to feed with your thoughts and energy, and it is the responsibility of each and every one of us to allow the universe to say “yes” to our highest good. This perspective works for me. I hope it helps those struggling. Look inward, and let the creative force of the universe guide your circumstances accordingly. All the power you need already lies within you and your divine connection to all that is. With love - SI

    12. 26 years old male virgin here,thinking about suicide every day,if God really cares for me i dont think i would be in this position i am right now.....

    13. 26 years old, most beautiful time of human life. Exclude electronics, go in nature, swim in the ocean, and connect to this world in the natural way and you will unlock yourself. Think of yourself as a magnificent being because you are. We all are. Write down what you passionate about in life. Write down what you like about yourself. And cultivate it. You must focus on your self worth. You have to meet with yourself. I don't think you know yourself. Sometimes people leave you for a good reason so you have space to learn and master yourself. Use this time. Virgin, it's awesome. Nowadays you can be in museum. Anyway, you may be going thru a dark night of the soul. The best time to purge negativity out of your system. Don't forget we are getting close to full blood blue moon. Emotions will run on high gear. Stay blessed because you are. Only you can't see it right now.

    14. 26 and thinking about suicide because you're virgin
      I am 28 and don't give a damn lol
      I mean i think good porn helps but still why wanna rush things that much haha

    15. Thank you. To take the time to respond for the benefit of another human being means the world to a person like myself! I’ve only spoken the truths that come from above and have been shown as the truth I’ve shown. I was born 7/28/76 and my nemesis was born 30 days later- 8/27/76- 3 doors down the hallway, at episcopal hospital, on the 6th floor. It was set up where I was set up by the dark forces to meet her on the 3rd step o. The upper church steps of Visitation BVM on 10/22/88 at 7:00pm for what would become the road to a broken heart and major win for the dark side! Then this happened and God showed up to right what’s been unfairly played and done against the universal laws and spiritual principles that all the beings under the sun must abide unto! I’m just wanting to take this place to a loving and beautiful place that has been long overdue and much needed by humanity! We’ve been systematically broken down and divided while the darkness tried to free themselves from the judgments of God almighty! Well God won’t let that happen and I’ll pray that I’m given the Grace and Mercy that I’ve been made to feel I’m already supposed to have! God isn’t beatable and the wizard of Oz will find this out the hard way, being that’s the way they wanted to have it happen! God will always let you have it your way! I am just here trying to use my story to show kids and the youth of this planet that God must never be cast aside for anyone! Peer pressures aren’t going to relent and it’s them whom must never choose to lose their diversity and individuality that God has bestowed upon them! God doesn’t make mistakes. Stay diligent in keeping God in your heart and soul and use Christ as your filter when making decisions. I was supposed to
      Lose as the deck was stacked against me yet, God showed up and made sure I didn’t lose because my faith stood tall in the face of adversity! And that’s how God works. Much more to say on this but I’d rather have the expression shown to back the power of those words I’ll speak! When It’s this kind of fight God shows up and lends me His might to bring us back to Love and light! For God I’ll endure any and all plight so we all get back to doing what’s right in God’s sight!

    16. You are FULL of Love at your center. & that Divine Spark is where All the magic & Beauty Shines from. Take Any & All opportunities to Celebrate your many gifts & talents... & you have Many, because you are an extension of The Awesomeness of Our Creator. Love, Love, Love All that you are, & that Beauty will emanate from your being & you will attract your Soul's Mirror. But, it's also important to transform & release any negative thoughts you may have about yourself... Because our outer world is a reflection of our inner world. So, get in the habit of only Expecting Positive experiences, & don't entertain the negative. Then, make it Clear to The Creator & your Angels what your Soul's most Joyous, Abundant Life would look like, feel like.... be like!!! & Know in your Heart that's Exactly what The Creator wants. For you to be The Fullest Expression of your SOUL!!! & KNOW that you're Never alone.... So Please keep the Faith!!! Sending You All my Love, Blessings, & Resolution!!!

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. what are the impending endings ???

    1. Hey its means you did all your life hard work ,non pay for your hard work,tied, bad credit, cry,cry,and cry divorce and away from your kids, all people laughing on you ,your friends fight for no reason,and then you start pray cry and pray .no money for rent you stop drinking Caz no $ no girlfriend you completely alone but slowly slowly you meet new frainds new work and you starting love athers you do some jobs free for (Allah g) and you wish good for athers after that you show your light to the angels and angels starting to show you all kinds of numbers sign's and suddenly you look up to the sky and laugh you know you Changing .that's the right answer for you.I hop it's help you .;) from your angels........:)

    2. So is it a good thing or bad?

    3. Amir. That made me smile. Its so true. I was stripped of everything!!! everything!!! Life, And slowly I trusted, I stopped asking for money. I gave my worries to the universe asking for abundance, light, because Worry creates nothing but more worry. My path began bleak and final through the clouds I was awarded with higher intelligence. About myself, about people, and I see things like HD now…the numbers increased over time and I still get 311 & 333 but now I get 1818 1801 0000, 010, 001, 2020 most days I get a familiar sequence. And I know now I play a big role in this space of mind called Universe!

    4. I never really read posts on this site... And today I'm glad I did. I know exactly what's up with the truth in HD. for 5 years, I have been in the worst pain in my life... Mentally, physically and financially. I was a concert Promoter, in Hawaii, for 10 years. Had the ladies, the free boose, money, fame, friends. Business es, a house, community respect. Then one day, it seemed the whole world was out to get me and I lost everything in a matter of months. It started out as a 'hobby' to give our military a needed platform, to let it all out returning from war into jealousy, greed and rage. Every time I would try to get back out there and get seriously injured and told I was a bad person... By my own family even ending up on psych pills and methadone/oxy.somas for pts and 10 boken ribs and severe back pain of a 10. 3years later I am in the same condition physically and mentally... I stated meditating and studying, life, history, science, physics, metaphysics, astronomy, sales, business, politics and healing others... I was spiritual beforehand and have been meditating since age 7, now 37, 2-4hrs a day as well as Shamanic and medicinal frequencies. Figured out i was always sucessful because I was guided every step of the way by my guides Thomas, Andrew and Simon the biblical writers of gosples. Had no idea. I received an overwhelming download of info and specific insite relating to everything of self, where we are to zeta reticuli. I have been kept physically impaired to receive knowledge of my life purpose and no sleeping most nights to receive number sequences and verifiably time sensitive knowledge. I have received 808 regularly now, and Hawaii's area code is 808, 000, 10, 11, 7,949 and many others. I have been informed of future happenings and preparations. I am now sure this is my time to shine my light again, help others and be independent... Once again! Thy will be done, not mine. Sorry so long... But, its exciting to find out you havent been delusional all this time and others are on the same level. And much mahalo to rush-collection. Awesome site.

    5. hello! I have been seeing these numbers for 4 years now , my life have change so much ,I really need to be helped and taught about what is happening and should I do . Am on Google + as Carlos john .

    6. Hello ! I have been seeing these numbers for so long almost 4 years now , mixed numbers on the watch on number plates ,I really need some guidance about the numbers . I keep asking my self what does it mean , what should I do to understand.

    7. I love seeing others who are getting the same beautiful (even if painful in the beginning) guidance and vibrational raising through Love

    8. It is an opportunity to make a choice because things are changing. It is meant as guidance to help you understand this time has come.

      It is always positive if you choose it to be.

  4. Ask Arch Angel Micheal for clarity and understanding. There are also angels assign to our lives, we have our own angels, ask them.

  5. rush-collection, may I have your permission to cite this page in my book?

  6. Yes, I know, I see this every single day now haha. Thanks.

  7. So is impending ending a good or bad thing?

    1. No! It may look like one at first, but that ending or those endings will open up and allow space for new greatness!

  8. Yes what does this mean ??? Heads melted !!! :(

  9. I see this number before any major romantic relationship change and I've been seeing it again for the past week give or take. Strangely enough, it directly correlates to meanings of impending endings and changes told to happen this week during the Scorpio new moon/solar eclipse. This week, apparently any new connections romantically will be deeper and more trusting than we've ever experienced...and apparently unshakable. The problem is this...there are no romantic prospects. I can think of no one.
    At least Mercury is beginning to station itself...finally.
    Any advice would be so helpful.

    1. Hello, the same way here, but for me, it is love thyself. This changed my life in such positive ways. If this change had taken place before this realization, I would have been crushed, now it's a fried. What is within, is without

  10. "impending endings in your life ...upcoming responsible for your income, abundance and well-being...ensure that you have set yourself solid foundations for yourself and your loved ones. Ask the angels to help allay any fears or worries you may have about these upcoming changes." Is this a good or bad thing?

    1. It would be up to the attitude of the individual as to whether the situation/circumstance is 'good' or 'bad'. It may differ for everyone.

      Sacred Scribes

  11. 808 was the room number right after my wedding. Divorced with 2 kids 5 yrs later. I guess for me, it was definitely karma there, potential indeed, but also a very bad choice of woman on my part. Looking back that room number made a lot of sense. I remember an eerie feeling when I saw the number upon entering the room. Just a coincidence?

  12. I used to feel ill at ease whenever I'd see this number, because the first thing I'd remember is the "impending endings in your life" statement...but of you read and focus on that last part of the paragraph that states:"you will find in hindsight that the changes where necessary, and ultimately very positive and beneficial for you" cannot and should not be misconstrued as a bad thing..

  13. Some will end and new will come! I want and then i have to stear my boat in the right direction!

  14. Impending endings means that: what you are going thru and have gone thru are coming to and end for those things; this is a period of transition into a much rewarded future, but simultaneously you must still be responsible for your finances as it will be your strong foundation as the transition comes into play - the positive changes in your life that you will receive for putting your faith out there and setting aside the negatives of the past and hold out your hands to your future. It's a good thing.

    1. Thank you! Your explanation makes perfect sense :)

    2. Hi I am going court for my daughter now I'm in Vancouver and what u think it means to start new and my daughter will be safe

    3. Beautiful SoulsSaturday, May 29, 2021

      Thank you so much Beautiful Soul. This msg has given me a lot of clarity to the next steps of my soul mission. Peace and BLESSINGS. Shalom��

    4. Thank you Joanna. So inspiring. May God bless you.

  15. Its been 3 years of me seeing this number, randomly all the time. Something prompts me to look at the clock, my phone, a call coming thru, etc and the number 808 just appears. Calls ending on 808, text messages lately coming at 808.. unreal situations unreal. Lol

  16. I've used this number in the past and miraculous things have happened. I started using it again and am waiting for more miracles.

  17. This angel number came to me on Dec 1st 08:08 before clocking into work, i have worked my way up from having no income, sitting around all day smoking weed on credit and whining about life and why the universe was going against me. Now im working 9-6 plus overtime and soon buying a car aswell. Im taking this sign as a teaching that if you want something you have to work hard for it, nerver give up no matter what anybody says, i fear nothing, i create my reality with guidence by the Angels. 1333, 1337, 1338, 2020, 2222, 0808, awekening Master...Blessings!

  18. My boyfriend worked at a restaurant called the 808. It was the absolute worst job he's ever had. Eventually he quit that job and was offered another restaurant job which is the absolute better one in that choice. I started seeing the number constantly and always wondered if this was a sign to play this number in the lottery lol..never won, by the way lol. I am listening to the audiobook book "I wish I knew this 20 years ago", and thought to look up the meaning of the constant 808. Now it makes perfect sense as to why and where my focus has been redirected..Thanking the universe for the people like yourselves to put the meaning to the numbers.

  19. I see lots of repeated numbers like 0808, 0909, 2323, 1818 etc always doubled up numbers why?

  20. So do i,
    It's been around one year i start to look at wach and see repetead numbers always doubled even today morning at 0808.
    I did some research but no deep answers,just some superstitions.
    I feel is something like an attention.
    Something want me to be more vigillant...or more good then before..or really i don't know what this means.
    Still i look forward for some answers.
    If any one can help or some guidance,is verry welcome.
    Thanks a lot.
    I will be wainting.

  21. Like the person who commented before I'm going to hope this is indeed a future message. Currently I live day by day with no savings and sometimes not even enough money to do everything I would like to that day. I have a book to write and I haven't been writing it because I don't want to actually have to write! How lazy is that honestly I want to be able to dictate it just like I am doing this post. I just didn't have a working phone for a good. Of time so now I have no excuses. I'll start tonight. as far as this site I was having number sequences stand out and so I look them up and I'm a big believer in physics and that everything has energy. So I could handle the idea that the numbers had energy and that the synchronicity made sense to me in a logical and scientific way as well as a spiritual way. Anyway I got a message consistently last summer to let go of people you're no longer were needed in my life and to let go of things and people that I've held onto for too long. I had a pretty good idea what that meant. I didn't want it to be true so I kept thinking it was about letting go of past relationships and I got rid of things that I didn't need to keep from old relationships. I knew that my father was tired and that he needed to be able to leave this world. I didn't want it to be him I don't like I don't like letting go now but at the end of the summer and he took his own life. I just hope he has a chance to relax now I feel like he is with me more right now than when I had I'm here on Earth. I talk with him and the other loved ones who have passed. I talk to angels. They do call me by my name(like that old song). I'm going to turn my finances over to a professional when that abundance starts filling up. I will be happy to pay some bills and the money I owe to some medical professionals who've been remarkably generous with me. I know to give away to others any excess that can be used by someone else. Now I'm learning how to accept help when I need it, and how to turn it down from well meaning people when it's best for me to do on my own.

  22. I just want to share how this 808 message kept on coming to me but I did not fully listen to it. Most especially the part about being careful with our resources and finances. I totally listen to the part where it said there are endings happening. I had just been laid off from a very good paying job last year October 2015. So yes that was an ending. We had also sold our house so that we would have a financial question to see this through well I tried to change my career. Well almost one year later we are almost all out of money and I am still looking for a new job because the change of career did not work out. So it's very very important that if you see 808 you watch out for the blessings that you already have in your life and don't take them for granted. If there are friends who support you that is an important resource. If you have money in the bank and you get this message be very careful with your budget. What I have learned from all of this is those things. Plus I realize that the loss of wealth is a pattern that I am repeating in my family. My great-grandparents lost a lot of their wealth do to my great-grandfather gambling and womanizing. Then my maternal grandparents lost their farm and their fishing business. Then the small Parcels of land that each of their kids, my mom and her siblings had, we're also sold lost because of bad financial situations. I am repeating this pattern of poverty and lack. I am deeply aware of this now and them trying to let go of bad habits and limiting beliefs. Good luck to all of you. May you heed the messages of 808 and not ignore them like I did this past year.

  23. The other 808 message of October 2015 that I am finally finally listening to is that i must ground my dreams by taking concrete action. Even just baby steps. I squandered money and time waiting for good things to happen to me by just doing a limited number of steps. Or not finishing things through. And therefore I am now in place with little money (having lost about $90,000 because of careless spending, bad decisions and lack of right action). Its all my fault. I only have myself to blame.

    Its september 2016 and 808 is showing again. I still can listen to the advice...

  24. That's a bit creepy because 10/2015 is when things went badly for me too. Now it's 9/2016 and this number is popping up again. At first, I tremble. I'm thinking "Does this mean it's going to get WORSE??"....
    While that is a very real possibility, I'm thinking that the 808 number has a happy ending of sorts. It's true it is about the endings but doesn't it also stand for the New Beginnings? The tower has collapsed and here we are after wasting our time and resources , finally accepting that we need to put plan into action, ... Maybe by seeing 808 again , at this bottom of our lives, Perhaps it's finally time to look up: ??
    I've seen a VERY SMALL but positive sign in what I am personally trying to achieve. It's so insignificant to most I'm sure, but to me in the middle of all this darkness it's a ray of hope. It seems like if only we Do Something to achieve our dreams , that effort will be compounded with force we can not see.
    I'm going to go w that and hope this is now still a warning to keep finances in check, but all effort I put forth now will steam roll over the bad.
    I pray this is true for you and me. We seem to have been caught up in a group of people being shaken out of our tracks.

  25. For me is about work and action ' but I don't want to , get it angels !.? I just like to spend from others ' I hate work ' why I am on this planettttttttttt??

    1. I think if you hate work that much you probably have a very strong spiritual​ mission and maybe a lot of love and healing to give....Maybe your not supposed to work but it's gonna a take just a little bit of work to get to that point..Situate your self ..Find your path..When your mission is revealed begin To follow your dreams and believe in what you know to be true to you. Everything will come can have any life you want and as Jacqueline c Brunner said "if only we do something to achieve our dreams That effort will be compounded with force we cannot see" the universe will take care if you and send people and things to help take care of you..

  26. I've been reading these numbers for years and I've never commented but the comment thread on this particular number is very interesting. I think 808 can mean a turn in finances be it good or bad. If you've been suffering due to not enough income and you see this number it could mean that things are going to be looking better and it could also mean that the situation could have been prevented. For me in my current financial situation I believe it means both. I hope everyone's financial conditions have improved since commenting though. I wish you all the best.

  27. I am concerned and confused and doubtful about the number 808, it say "impending ending of your life" does it mean my life is near the end , or death is impending. Please advise and explain, thank you, Juno

    1. It says "impending endings in your life". I always interpret that as chapters opening and closing: job, relationship, house, finance, etc. One chapter must close in order for the next to begin. Think positive! Imagine a new beginning better than the one you are now in.

  28. rush-collection
    I Give you much graditude. We work with the LIGHT of God, but i am in awe of your high intelligence.

    Many blessings


  29. Been seeing this number almost every day now. very sick with lyme diease and getting to the point i cant take care of myself

  30. I have also been seeing this number everyday. I lost my dad last year and before losing him I was seeing this number. I am now very paranoid I will lose something or somebody else I love. I pray this number can be a good thing possibly on how we view our lives and others may change? Maybe clarity to take care of the people and things we live? Impending ending of how we perceive things? Ugh I dunno I just hope it's good

  31. Wow! Thank you we are in 2017 just about to have another full moon eclipse in Pisces and I have been having sleepless nights for the past week or so wondering what I should do about a relationship that no longer serves my highest good. I have been asking my Angels for a sign and BAM 8:08! Then thankfully I came to your post, which has given me a blatantly clear message for what I need to do and also the hope that I needed for the next chapter. Thank you rush-collection for the message and thank you Shei13 for helping me with the answer.

  32. Thanks a lot for the explanation it makes tons of sense to me! I guess being afraid or feeling uncertainty is not the greatest feeling. Letting go, of things or people we are used to, is not always an easy thing to do. But this means that your thoughts are guided, and to move forward. Namaste

    1. True say @ Dinhora Sierra!!! Totally on point !!! We must stay strong & believe in our self & the power of the Universe !!! Always!!! ♡♡♡
      Namaste !!!
      Love,peace and Light to you and everyone !!!♡♡♡

  33. I loved the details provided on 808 because for a long time I lot seeing these numbers. On a clock. Cellphone. Microwave. Car clock. I manage to look up side down turn and I see 808. You are right, I made a choice to be and do as it is today. I do appreciate the angels support and spiritual love.

  34. Born at 8 lbs and 8 oz, and in deep thought about what I am seeking to do at this moment, 808 stood out to me and it then connected that is my birth weight. Finances surrounds me in a golden light right now. I am extremely grateful to get such a positive sign of hope. I am the Solid Foundation (yes I was a plump baby too, btw)

  35. Hello everyone! Well my bday is 8/8 so 808 stood out very clear to me this past month. So I don't know what I should do. I'm about to be 34 and I want to have another child, but I don't want to wait too long..Do I go to school for another two years starting next April or have the baby first? I make ok money but I'm so curious as to why I'm seeing 808?

  36. Hello! So my bday is 8/8 so 808 stands out very clear to me. I've been seeing 808 for the past month now. I believe it has something to do with me wanting another child. I am about to be 34 yrs old and my dilemma is do I go back to school starting in April 2018 or go ahead to start having the baby now? I don't want to wait too long. I do not know what I should do and I do make ok money...I just need to learn how to spend it wisely.

  37. Hello everyone! Well my bday is 8/8 so 808 stood out very clear to me this past month. So I don't know what I should do. I'm about to be 34 and I want to have another child, but I don't want to wait too long..Do I go to school for another two years starting next April or have the baby first? I make ok money but I'm so curious as to why I'm seeing 808?

  38. Amir (Your comment is dated May 13, 2014): Your explanation is so beautiful, so perfect in its simplicity and so strong in its personal Truth. Bless you for leaving your comment :)

  39. I try so hard and everything feels still blocked. Ugh! Am I trying too hard? I don't get it....

  40. Immensely blessed and grateful always and forever!!! ♡♡♡
    Thank you Angels and thank you rush-collection!!! ♡♡♡
    Love peace and Light to All!!! ♡♡♡

  41. This one confuses me so much. All of my other numbers the last few days states I'm going to reap the rewards and benefits both financially and materially for all of my hard work and efforts I've done on my soul purpose and life path. This one totally contradicts those for me. Bc I quit my fulltime job to take fulltime courses towards completing my life path and soul purpose. I started the business the angels told me to, I've solved 3 missing persons cases and got no rewards. Now this one basically in so many words tells me get a job. WtH

    1. Hello Nicole, if you come back to this message can you please reach out to via email at I'm interested in talking to you more about your life path and soul purpose..

    2. Me too! I'm so confused! I quit my job to pursue my passions and what I thought my soul purpose is and I'm seeing this number too so I'm very confused as well!

  42. I want to thankyou for the revelation of how angels are taking care of myself.
    I want to feel more protected and secured. I love my angels and I know they are around.

  43. I see this number DAILY and have for about a year. Today I stopped at a light and the car in front of me had 808 at the end of the plate number and the car next to it had 888 at the end of the plate number. Any help on the meaning would be great. Please!

  44. Every number is a command. God's commandments. Money is the devil himself impersonating God here on Earth. Just a tool to navigate the artificial world, no value for God. Do not value money, just use it. Value God's life! At the end of the day, I ask myself if I have behaved in a way that pleases God? If I have then I can be at peace with myself. For me, it's not important if I am important to myself or any person here on Earth, but it is of great importance that I know that I am important to God. God is the Universe... The Universe is God, and God does not make junk, only people do that!

  45. Grateful for every reminder!!!🎈🙏🍀🧘‍♀️♥️
    I am to be responsible for my life happenings and well being!!! I'm manifesting Miricles ,because I can !!!
    We all can !!! #FocusOnTheGood #BeKind #BeMindful #BeYou #BeTheLightYouWantToSee#PowerSurge #BePatientWithYourSelf #BeCompassioned #Belove #BelieveInYourSelf #TogetherAForce
    Love,peace and Light to all!!!🎈🙏🍀♥️🧘‍♀️

  46. Hi guys please can some one reply to my message soon
    I have 808 at the same time my freind has 606 what do this mean to support him with money but to make sure I will have balance in my financial life too??

  47. yo me separe hace unos años pero no se si dejo de amarla,no me puedo separar del todo,veo 2121,1212,0303,1616,4444,aun despues de 2 años no se bien lo que quiero,este viaje me a llevado a conocerme y mejorar como persona,pero me siento mal solo,aun no ha entrado nadie a mi vida

  48. yo veo 4444,1616,0808,0303,2121,1212,hace 2 años termine mi relacion,pero no termino nunca de separarme por completo mas por mis hijos ,no se si la amo,creo que necesito conocerme mas,desde que empezo este viaje fue como un calvario,pero esto me llevo fortalecerme y conocerme mas internamente,y hacerme mas seguro ,fue un cambio muy benefisioso por que era muy inseguro,ahora soy mejor persona,mas seguro y fuerte ,pero me he sentido solo por que nadie a entrado a mi vida,siempre pienso en recociliarme pero no se si es mi camino o debo hacer una nueva vida,no dejo de ver repeticiones constantemente.

  49. 808! 📶88% Thankfull of every reminder! 🙏🙏🙏🤲🤲🤲🐞🐞🐞💓💓💓

  50. Thank you for your messages, Angels. I do feel much sadness and fear but I believe in this message and I know the changes will be for the greater good. Please help me to transmute my fears and fulfill my soul's purpose. All my love, Libby

  51. Thank you so mu rush-collection, Universe and guardian angels :) I'm blessed

  52. I've been losing my faith. Finding it harder to connect with my god, who I love very dearly. I entered a dark night where my senses were cut off and I became cut off from source and my own soul. I've been trying to stay faithful but it's been like a salmon swimming upstream and the rocks have beaten me to the point of exhaustion. It's as if the universe is trying to get me to give up all faith and my love for my god. It's like it's trying to get me to stay down. Happiness is so hard to find. I used to remember what it felt like to feel the love of the divine. That is all gone, now. Does 808 mean I need to let go of my spiritual connections? Let go of god? What cruelty. No. If it destroys me, I will love him no matter what.

  53. Gallardo Da GallardoWednesday, January 20, 2021

    Love and Light to all. wishing everyone success under the New Age of Aquarius.

  54. Wow.. thank you.. thank you to all.. mostly my guides and angels of course.. I'm grateful... grateful for all things a beings.. so excited.. so ready... the numbers are ecstatic.. day after day.. like conversations.. wow.. I'm jus so full of joy.. thank you Joann.. I'm grateful for being guided to you.. thanks all

  55. Let's do this! S&S I'll use this as a Go to Page... Have faith in me where no one else will. I just want to be Happy. You are My Treasure at the End of the �� ✨ I'll be the Good you Need and the World Too. I've always said everything happens for a Reason. I know that to be true now. I can't think you enough! To All who was apart of the show... It was a team effort but you stars �� kept me going like no other. I found the key to loving life, even if you don't believe my tricky ass. But yes, I love you and only you and it's been that way since the first time I heard "Bad Romance" while locked up in jail. I'd sit and listen to one station all day just to hear it. And boy was it Hot �� I sold my soul that day. Please forgive me for my rebel ways. I really do have a Heart of ��. Just had a rough life of rejection and not fitting in. My soul fitted you. Instantly. I am because of You. You & I... Life's Short, don't wait to long... Either way, I'll never give up on you! All my Heart ��

    1. Love yourself. How could you expect anyone else to if you don’t. Do your shadow work and learn who you are not just what everyone else likes or expects. Visualize yourself as the mate you would like to be with and become that person. Fall in love with the amazing person that is blessed to be here by Devine right. It is your birth right. Claim it and work towards and be proud of your personal strengths and work on your personal weaknesses. But acknowledge both. It’s all part of you and source. Light and dark. Don’t ignore the parts you don’t like or they will pop up when u don’t want them too. No limits. All blockages have been removed. :)

    2. Truth. Life mirrors the world within us.

  56. Wonderful rush-collection, your site's are a blessing to all who find them 🙏 thank you 🙏🙏

  57. To unknown talking about women using him. You are valuable, wonderfully made, and God has one woman that’s made for you that will cherish and love every ounce of you. Believe she is out there and all those other women were just lessons to prepare you for her. He won’t bring her til you love yourself first. It’s ok to know your worth and not put up with that treatment from anyone. Stay true to yourself but also value and love yourself. Pray to the angels to give you self esteem and see yourself from your higher self to know what you’re truly worthy of a beautiful kind caring loving woman. I am the same way but I’ve found out the love I was desperately seeking was the love for me, Jesus’s love, Gods love and the angels. Once that falls in place you’ll attract the woman you deserve. Believe she’s out there. We create our own reality so if you believe women will use you and abuse you the cycle will continue. Have faith, & hope!! Mostly believe! God bless you I’m saying a prayer for you now that you find the love for yourself and the perfectly made woman for you will come. Blessings! And rush-collection your words hit true everytime! Angels have always surrounded me thanks to my mom being obsessed with them. But through you they connect to me ever more now weird things are happening. They’ve always been calling to me but now I’ve awakened things all over are happening and I’m seeing into the future… it’s wild but beautiful and sooooo amazing to know they are all there watching and guiding me to bring this world to better more loving place. Blessings to all struggling. Believe in you. Stay true to yourself. Be kind loving and help bring peace to the world with me! Empathy, love compassion and light. -Crystal
