Thursday, December 15, 2011


Number 788 is a compilation of the vibrations and energies of number 7 and number 8, with number 8 appearing twice, amplifying its energies. Number 7 resonates with spiritual awakening and development, understanding the self and others, introspection, the esoteric and mystical, empathic and psychic abilities, persistence of purpose and determination, study, research and learning. Number 8 is the number of practicality, challenge, consideration, inner-strength and self-confidence, efficiency, self-discipline, discernment and good judgement, stability and self-sufficiency. Number 8 also relates to the concept of karma; the Universal Spiritual Law of Karma.

Angel Number 788 is a sign that your strong connection with the angelic and spiritual realms, as well as your prayers, positive affirmations and optimistic expectations have opened you to the flow of infinite abundance. Trust that you will have all that you deserve and will find success on many levels. Be grateful for your blessings and share them with others.

Angel Number 788 is the number of spiritual and material abundance and finding success in your life. Angel Number 788 asks you to trust that your finances are being taken care of and your needs will be met as you focus upon your personal spirituality. If you have any fears or doubts about any aspects of your life, ask your angels for guidance and assistance.

Angel Number 788 suggests that if you have been feeling that some part of your life is ending, such as a relationship or job, then this number is validation that your feelings are correct. Take it as forewarning and prepare yourself for the changes to come.

Angel Number 788 indicates forthcoming positive changes involving the completion or ending of an intense situation, and that things will begin to flow more easily in your life on all levels.

Number 788 relates to number 5 (7+8+8=23, 2+3=5) and Angel Number 5.



Sacred Scribes

NUMEROLOGY  - The Vibration and Energies of NUMBERS

Sacred Scribes Ceramics





  1. this is very reassuring. Most numbers that I have seen correlate to spirituality and financial abundance is on it's way! I have been struggling but now I know what they angels want me to do and I'm taking the necessary steps to complete my life purpose and do what it is I really need to do in the work and stop worrying about lack and fear. I'm getting better everyday and my spirituality is growing in ways I couldn't even imagine. I know 2014 is going to be the most AMAZING year ever because I took the first step in learning what my life purpose is, now I know! Thanks rush-collection!

  2. I am so humbled. I use your site EVERYDAY. its a go to and is bookmarked and homepaged. I am grateful for divine guidance. I've grown to acknowledge, and love divine presence ALL THE TIME. My life has drastically changed over a years time frame

  3. love the message !! love my guardian angels !! namaste

  4. AMEN!!!Much needed message!!! Reassuring and uplifting!!! ♡♡♡Immensely blessed and grateful right now and always!!!
    Love,peace and Light to all!!!♡♡♡

  5. All my life im just sayin788 now what does this mean? I always said it without reason or random wtf creepy but good i guess?

  6. justo hoy, justo ahora, asΓ­ sea, amΓ©n

  7. Thank you Jesus and to my angels

  8. So, if my job is ending which is very possible in the current climate, does that signal a positive or negative outcome? What a horrible message

  9. Wonderful message of reassurance...and right on point!!! Thank you πŸ™πŸ˜‡πŸ₯° Love and light to all of us! πŸŽΆπŸ’–πŸ₯°πŸ’žπŸ’—πŸ’πŸŽΆ
