Friday, December 02, 2011


Number 755 is a blend of the vibrations and energies of number 7 and 5, with the number 5 appearing twice, amplifying its influences. Number 7 relates to the esoteric and mystical, spiritual awakening and development, emotions and feelings, persistence of purpose and determination, discernment and positive intentions, inner-knowing and understanding others, empathic and psychic abilities, and education and learning. Number 5 brings its influences of making positive life choices and important changes, imagination and curiosity, cleverness and intelligence, life lessons learned through experience, courage and being courageous, adaptability and versatility, motivation and auspicious opportunities.

Angel Number 755 is a message to stay strong in the conviction of your choices and to do what is right for YOU. Do not allow other’s opinions, judgments or pressure to sway you off your course. Do not buy into someone else's idea of who and what you 'should' be. Discern for yourself as it is time for you to take your own power back and do what is right for you. Listen to your true feelings and emotions and know what is right for you and your life. Stay true to yourself.

Angel Number 755 brings a message from the angels that you are about to go through changes that will enrich you either physically, emotionally, spiritually or intellectually; or a combination of all. It will be a liberating and enlightening time for you and your angels rejoice with you. Know that they are with you, encouraging and supporting you along your path.

Live a life of amazing discoveries, wonders, experiences and achievements. Open yourself up to the world around you, and your capacity to relish it.

Number 755 relates to number 8 (7+5+5=17, 1+7=8) and Angel Number 8.



Sacred Scribes

NUMEROLOGY  - The Vibration and Energies of NUMBERS

Sacred Scribes Ceramics





  1. Thank you Angels for all your hard work, you are being received loud and clear now. This system really works.

    1. Absolutely works! Very amazing to beable to witness this before my very eyes. :)

    2. Thank you n deep grateful for your work on me all along so far since I know this system exists.

  2. I constantly see the "numbers" and look up the messages on your site rush-collection. They are always right for me as I advance along my path ...
    Thank you once again, and the beloved angels!!

  3. me too and i notice your post was at 2:02 am ha. here's the message. it jumped out at me so to speak so i went ahead and looked it up. i tend to take note of numbers that provide a double digit within it or triple.

    Angel Number 202 is a message from your angels to maintain faith and trust, balance and harmony, and stay optimistic about the path ahead. With a positive attitude and outlook, miracles can happen in your life. Have trust and faith that all will work out for your highest good. Maintain balance and equilibrium within.

    Angel Number 202 can turn the most ambitious of dreams into reality. It asks you to see the bigger picture, and work with the details necessary to complete that picture. Bring things through to fruition on both the spiritual and material planes.

  4. I've been seeing the numbers for over 3 years and the Angels have stayed by my side through trying times with constant encouragement. I've been blessed in many ways and very quickly. I've read that we are the light workers and it's our duty to make positive impacts on the lives of others. I think the Angels see our good heart and our troubles and bring us messages from God about our life purposes. Thank you Angels, and blessing and luck on your paths as light workers!

    1. Good insight amanda i agree!

    2. I agree too !!! ♡♡♡
      Health,love,peace and Light to all !!!

    3. I agree I constantly see those numbers since I started to wirk on a new projecct of mine and I been through a lot of difficulties in my childhood and remaind a good person

  5. Thank you so much for explaining my dream to me. I thank God for giving you the give so you can help others.I thank my angels to remind me to stay on course i will.

  6. Thank you so much for explaining my dream to me. I thank God for giving you the give so you can help others.I thank my angels to remind me to stay on course i will.

  7. This little Earth Angel is rejoicing :) Love working with you Universe <3

  8. I am so grateful for this resource. I hold on to my angel signs each day as a means of staying in touch and keeping things together. The world is a lonely place and this helps with support an encouragement. To be understood, to loved and to be free this is my journey...with loving kindness.

  9. What does it mean when you see the people's names like the numbers? I saw this number and read it and through the comments I see my ex's name

  10. Thank you so much . This is timely indeed!
    On another note, id like to ask. Have you (anyone) ever felt as though you are so very close to something great being manifested then POW you're hit by all manner of issues seeming to block it. It seems as though I'm in spiritual warfare! And on top of it,I have shingles!!! So spiritual and physical attack! Is this normal?

    1. Yes is 'normal'. Its a test of your mettle.


    2. @LotusFlower
      Down to your question.
      We are all tested constantly.
      For instance,I am receiving as many messages daily that I've lost count.
      Amongst all ppsitivities and great things that have happened,I've also has tests.
      Example was an infection in my FACE (it was horid and lasted nearly a month),then a tummy flu (for that I was kept in emergency for some hours ).
      I went true it all with my spirit and head held tall.
      Add to all this the constant battle with my self-questioning my choices.
      I think all this obstacles and stamina tests have helped me stay and become stronger and wiser than ever.
      When things are difficult or we are faced with an issue,we must fight and think & look for solutions.
      Never give up and stay true to your self.
      Whenever I'm in doubt ,the Angels remind that to me!!! ♡♡♡

    3. I've been having the exact same thing happen. I was working on a very large personal project in 2015, and what I felt was going to come out of that was so huge (but good) that it scared me. I wasn't just getting angel messages either, but also messages from psychics that family or friends had gone to for a reading. They'd all send them home with a message for me, and the messages were all the same. It's going to be big. None of these people knew I was working on something. I've been keeping this a secret and only talking about it with 3 people who I know are more positive minded.
      Then 2016 hit and was a disaster. I could barely function or get anything done. It finally started to improve this year, or rather the way I was dealing with it improved. There have been almost non-stop disasters this year in my life and the lives of my loved ones, but the project that I put on hold last year is slowly but steadily being completed :-).
      You just gotta hang in there! I came out of it so much stronger than before and you will too. I think that sometimes when we have a dream we have to grow to meet it, and I guess that requires a lot of struggle depending on how big that dream is.

  11. This is actually true for me now. I've actually made real change in my life. I'm recreating my whole life right now.

  12. Thank you so much rush-collection!!! Love and Light your way!!! ♡♡♡

  13. Awesome !!! Thank you rush-collection & thank you Angels!!!Always and forever grateful!!!Love ,peace and Light to all !!! ♡♡♡

  14. I believe and trust that it is a combination of all for me !!!
    The feeling is amazing !!!
    I feel reborn & enlighten !!!
    A unity of mind,body and soul!!!
    Always and forever grateful!!!
    Stay blessed people !!!
    Love,peace and Light to All!!! ♡♡♡

  15. I have failed a lot of my tests, and have also passed more than I expected. The tests don't stop. I have heard, 'the bigger the purpose, the bigger the challenge.' And I do agree with that. I agree with the phrase 'Do not buy into someone else's idea of who and what you 'should' be,' as well.

    It's okay to change your mind and discover new worlds. <3

  16. @Amber Rose, spot on girl!!! ♡♡♡
    Stay blessed ,as we a are !!!
    Stay true to your self,always !!! ♡♡♡
    Love,peace and Light to all!!! ♡♡♡

  17. Amen!!! Grateful for every reminder!!!♡♡♡

  18. I can't decide if this means 'Yes' to my question I posed or not. I'm so confused 😣

  19. You, Yes you, This is a message for you.
    Go to Christ.
    The message is clear, do not doubt or delay.
    Go to God, pray for your loved ones, rejoice in comfort.
    You are less but loved as all, so beautiful.
    I see you, and so does god.

  20. Loud Yes. Yet again.♥️♥️♥️ Grateful.🙏

  21. Wow Ive seen 755 on license plate 4 times today.. I really needed this boost of energy.. Thank you Universe/God

  22. 755! IAM BLESSED!🌞🤲🤲🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏💐💐🏵🌺🌺⚘🌻🌼🌷🌸💮🥀🌹😍💗💙💙💚💛💛💛💖

  23. 755! READY TO BE FREE! 🙏🙏🙏🤲🤲🤲💖💖💖 Thank you rush-collection thank you Angels!!!🥂🕯🥂🕯🥂🕯💖

  24. 755! Thank you Angels Thank you rush-collection! 🙏🙏🤲🤲👉💕💕💕💖😘🌊⛱🌴🌵💏🌄👈

  25. 755! Thank you Angels Thank you rush-collection! 🙏🙏🤲🤲👉💕💕💕💕💖💖💖💖🌊🌊🌊🌄🌄🌅🌅👈

  26. Thanks be to Jesus and to my loving angels

  27. Be critical as to whom you send your prayers to. Don't believe You invented God. We allknow from many examples in rhe past, from scriptures of humble servants of God, what happens to those who perform idolatry.

    Also dont be naive and belirve in the wide spread humanistic lie, that all are equally good. Such views have taken the world astray from happiness and truth, since believing so is abused by Egos to misguide people.

    Seek only the wise who are not lovers of the world. Love God! Follow dpirit, not form/mind based delusions.

  28. This is clarifying exactly what I need and am realizing. I love seeing this beautiful synchronicity.

  29. The best. thank you for guiding me and reassuring me always

  30. Thank you my angels for guiding me always. I will saved this message. 😘

  31. Love and infinite light to all of you who are embodying your mastery...I love all of humanity for upleveling in so many ways. The illusion is that we are separate...when in truth we are all one ☝️. When you come to this realization the healing and revealing of your true nature has just begun...the conclusion becomes that you were brought here with an innate knowing that has now come to the fore.
    I don’t normally comment as it’s been such a time if introspection for me, yet I feel so inclined to say that indeed the bigger the purpose bigger the obstacles, Otherwise all would be doing as we are doing and BEing. As the path has yet to be paved, you must believe and make a way. Each soul’s blueprint is unique which means we all follow our own calling. 🖖😊♥️ The light shall illuminate far and wide.
    I have been tested over and over and yet I still keep going strong 💪 with the inner knowing that there is something greater than me at play.

    Nurture your Nature.

    “I once was lost but now I’m found, I was was blind now I see 👁.”

    Your body is a great indicator of when a change is needed, if you feel dis-eased in any way know that alignment is at play. You will align when your living within the divine truth of who you are. All will fall into place, for your divine knowing is not a race. Enjoy. Rest. Relax and Embrace.
    I feel blessed to be here at this time with you beautiful divine BEings 🖖
    Love and infinite life light
    Kelsea Isis Starr 🥻🌟🌹
    Let go of the past for your future is vast.
    BE you.

    1. I second your statement all the way Kelsea Isis Star.
      You are a great writer. Endless love and blessings to us all. We are ONE.❤✨🙌

    2. Silv, Thank you and Love you Soul Sistar.
      To add to that, YES we are ONE! UNI-verse. One verse, so trust your inner knowing and focus on all that can be done. We all have the tools within us, start with where you are! I am here to bring in the light with my knowing of alchemy, esoteric wisdom, teaching, healing and any way I can do so, I will and have (even through the storms).

      The best get tested and do not give up! Visualize it, Believe it, Take inspired Action and Watch your Visions come into Fruition. Allow all to come, come in!

      You are loved Lightworkers...and Star Beings
      Kelsea Isis Starr

  32. Grateful, and soo blessed!!! Thank you for this amazing message!!! Love and light to all of us. 🙏😇🥰💖😜

  33. Thank you, thank you, thank you 🙏❤️❤️❤️

  34. Sometimes I wake up sad or discouraged about the way my life is and the way I have failed. I am an inventor that hasn't invented anything. I have ideas but nothing ever happens with them. Please Angels help me .

  35. Now is my time to shine! Asé Asé Asé 🙏
