Monday, December 26, 2011


Number 818 is a blend of the energies and attributes of number 8 and number 1, with number 8 appearing twice, magnifying its influences. Number 8 is associated with self-confidence, personal power and authority, giving and receiving, truth and integrity, reality, dependability and self-reliance, and manifesting positive abundance, the concept of karma and the Universal Spiritual Law of Karma. Number 1 resonates with new beginnings, striving forward and pursuing goals, instinct and intuition, ambition and tenacity, initiative, changes, inspiration, self-leadership and assertiveness, and creating our own realities with our thoughts, beliefs and actions.  

Angel Number 818 may be telling you that you are nearing the end of a significant and important phase of your life. If there is some part of your life that is not flowing as you'd like, know that it will soon be healed and/or replaced with better, more suited situations and circumstances.  

Angel Number 818 suggests that you to think only thoughts of abundance and prosperity. Your thoughts are manifesting very quickly at the moment and you want them to be positive rather than negative. Create a list of affirmations that affirm and reinforce your own ability and motivation to turn your dreams into reality and look to new and/or different ways to bring about and achieve your goals and aspirations. Trust that if you listen to your inner-wisdom and the guidance from the angels you are bound to succeed on many levels.

If you have been considering beginning a spiritually-based career, profession or practice, or a project or venture whereby you use your natural skills and abilities to serve and assist others, Angel Number 818 may be a prompt to pursue your ideas and take positive action in the direction of your desires. Recognize, develop and share your values, abilities, talents, gifts and passions. Now is the moment in which you are creating your future.

Number 818 relates to number 8 (8+1+8=17, 1+7=8) and Angel Number 8.



Sacred Scribes

NUMEROLOGY  - The Vibration and Energies of NUMBERS

Sacred Scribes Ceramics





  1. Seeing 818 3-6 times a day now

    1. I see 818 all the time too...but it may be because that is my birth date.

    2. started seeing this 7 years ago. everyday. it is also my birthday

    3. When you see the numbers of your date of birth repeating to you, it is often an indication that you are to concentrate and focus upon your true life purpose ... your reason for being ... your soul mission. Seeing your own birthday is a reminder of why you were born and your reason for being on the Earthplane at this time.

      rush-collection - Sacred Scribes

    4. Wow!!!! I've been seeing my Birth date (818) since I was a child... But I feel I'm always at a lost as to why I am here... I see a lot of number sequences though...

    5. Im reading how folks are saying its their burthdate. rush-collection writes back on July 26, MY BIRTHDAY. Following that, ANGELA, my name!!

    6. Im reading how everyone says its their birthdate. rush-collection wrote back on July 26, MY BIRTHDAY! Following that, response by ANGELA, my name!

    7. Me too, my birthday is also 8 18, 8.18.81 to be exact. I just figured that I noticed the time of 8:18 for example all the time because it was my birth date. But it is the date, or phone numbers, all different ways. Sometimes 8s in general. Ending up in lot 8 or gate 8. Things like that. I see 8s all the time.

    8. My birthday is 818 and I see this number often on digital clocks- it's been for a few years now. I'm an LPN and have an associate of arts degree in fashion design ( the latter have never used), for years I've been having a desire to make a career move(s) related to both. I started school for RN, but I'm afraid of failure to move forward with my own fashion line. The meaning of 818 I keep seeing must be a sign telling me I'll be a success.

  2. Stay positive Shawn ;) I keep seeing the 22's and after seeing the time you posted your comment im curious as to what the number 522 means ;)

    *rush-collection we are ALL very blessed and grateful for this site! Thank you so much ! Very informative, inspirational, and uplifting information on this site.

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    2. Good morning Kenny, I see so many numbers myself! The Angels talks to me every day and night. 818, 737, 1111, 222, 1222, 555, 442, 333, 818, 919, 515, 664, years a1055, 1000, 611, 747, 808, 949, 1022, 844, they give me so many numbers I have them all written down! My life is not the same since all of this started to happen to me! What about you? Have your life changed? Thanks. Ann Marie

    3. I see numbers like these all of the time as well. I started to find out why. I've also had encounters with guardian angels and I feel so blessed that I can receive these special messages although I am still trying to put them all together. It's also nice to be able to have a place to be able to comment on it. :)

    4. Interesting since I have recognized and started walking my life's true purpose that the frequency of seeing my birthdate diminished. Things that make you go huh.

  3. Me too....i see all possible combinations of the same numbers every single day....i am becoming something.....i feel that i will transform into something body is changing...

  4. Me too, I am seeing many numbers and many changes, also many names and clues on number plates. Thank you for a great website!


  6. shawnelmer824 I see 818 constantly. Microwave, alarm clock, clock in the car, phone etc. It actually scares me as this number is involved with my Family alot. Even frightened when my time comes to leave Earth it will be this time.

  7. This is dope. Ive been seeing 818 for almost a year now. And everything it says is true...

  8. Last night I saw 818 in my dream, thanks for enlightening me, but I still don't get why me?

    1. It's not just you my friend... it's all of us in due time ❤️ are a special creation and like a are one of a kind in connection with all living things... like when a little snowflake connects with other snowflakes ending up being a blanket of 15ft of snow!!! Lol

  9. i m also seeing repeating number since last 6 months,and within this period my life has totally changed, thank for making infomative blog for this

    1. Changed how? I am seeing similar numbers and want to know what to expect.

  10. I texted a guy a like at this triple number time...does this mean my relationship with him is ending or nearing an end??

    1. me too, i saw this number sequence 1818 while texting my bf...doe that mean its the end of the relationship?

    2. Hi, my name is Ann Marie, I have been seeing so many numbers too myself. My life as changes since then. I feel so last since it all started! I have no one to talk to about it! And I have no family! God and the Angels are calling me to do big things. But I don't even know we're to start. How about you?

    3. I cay because I have no support from anyone! The Angels give me so many numbers! 665 442 919 1200 333 111 444 555 662 551 I cry to day because I feel so alone in all this!

    4. Hi my name is Leonardo, and something similar happened to me few years ago, until I learned how to be happy with my self along,to enjoy anything on any day like a flower or a tree or look at the clouds,talk more to God,and feel the answers true my Hart, believe me being by your self is not always a bad thing, find yourself! God bless!

    5. Hi my name is Leonardo, and something similar happened to me few years ago, until I learned how to be happy with my self along,to enjoy anything on any day like a flower or a tree or look at the clouds,talk more to God,and feel the answers true my Hart, believe me being by your self is not always a bad thing, find yourself! God bless!

    6. Same happened to me, I have been so alone in my life all my life actually. God and angels are with me now and I can enjoy little things I don't have any other support in my life.

  11. 818, 777, 444, 555, 880, 222, 999, 333, 727, keeps occuring in my life everyday,, I am on a very spiritual ride and know that angels are surrounding me and supporting me in every way

    1. Same here! Whatever is going own, my Angels speak to me by way of numbers! Expecially when I am confused, feeling defeat, need to have more patience and so much more! I absolutely love the Angels, Archangels and Assented Masters! I could not go through ALL of this transformation without their guidance!

    2. your life has changed how? I am seeing similar numbers and seeking more info about life changes that accompany these.

  12. Isn't life grand!! The Divine beauty behind all that is cannot be described with words.

  13. 818



  14. Every single time I need guidance I look at the time. If im experiencing fear or doubt, this site assures me that my angels of light&love are right there with me. Love me to pieces. It really helps me and opens my crown chakra to recieve the warmth and support needed. The time is how me and my guides keep in touch, butterflies are also a significant and meaningful sign!! I get so excited whenever it happens and I tell everyone, convincing and expressing spiritual truths is an amazing thing to teach and share. !! You did a fabolous job rush-collection

    1. That's funny you say that about butterflies. Butterflies and ladybugs are special to me because a special aunt of mine that passed in 09 loved them. Whenever my family sees anything with them we think of her.

      In the past couple of years, I've had a few moments where I was going through a difficulty and ladybugs would start randomly appearing in my house. One time, we counted and there were over 20 of them that had collected on my kitchen ceiling. It was amazing.

      I said, luck is on the way. And, yup, it was. I have two beautiful sets of wind chimes on my porches. One with butterflies and the other with half moons. Funny thing is, I found the moon wind chime after I had to research the moon and its symbolism around the time I "found" it.

      I saw it as a sign of prosperity and help from my Angels. There are no words for how amazing the power of the Universe truly is. Every day I find further enlightenment...every day is a learning experience and a chance to grow spiritually. I've come a long way from how close minded I was 2 1/2 years ago.

      My enlightenment started in 2011, but I was actually seeing signs since 95 and never realized it until then. Saw 222 and 911 for years. My oldest son was born on 2/22 and it was after his birth that I started seeing 222. So many numbers and so many amazing messages. I'm in awe... Sorry for the ramble. :)

    2. Same here! Whatever is going on, my Angels speak to me by way of numbers! Expecially when I am confused, feeling defeat, need to have more patience and so much more! I absolutely love the Angels, Archangels and Assented Masters! I could not go through ALL of this transformation without their guidance!

    3. Same here! Whatever is going own, my Angels speak to me by way of numbers! Expecially when I am confused, feeling defeat, need to have more patience and so much more! I absolutely love the Angels, Archangels and Assented Masters! I could not go through ALL of this transformation without their guidance!
      (Butterflies, Cardinals and HAWKS)

    4. Same here Beverly Hill Shelly, butterflies, hawks, bears n snakes. All day long. For me, faith is like a muscle, the moment use this, the better we become and the easier it is to stay positive. At least 20 times a day the angels communicate with me, no matter where my mind is, the numbers are right one, like being verified. Thank you Joanna, many blessing for all

  15. I've been seeing more prosperity numbers the past couple of months and sure enough, the financial aspects of my life are improving! Yay!! I've been working so hard and waited so long for this. I'm beyond thankful to the Universe and my many Angels. Can't tell you all how many times a day I check this site. I'm obsessed with it, actually. I see number messages all day long and work on the computer, so it's easy to check right away.

    Not a big fan of the 555 because when ever I see that one I know something awful is coming. But I know my Angels are with me throughout the difficulties that I face and that number also tells me that they're with me. Sure enough, I get through it and things work out for the better. I like my 7s, 8s, 4s, and 3s. I've also been seeing number combinations with the year of my birth lately. Anyone have any insight on seeing the year of your birth? :)

    1. Carmen, 555 for me just means a big change is coming. Bad is 'perception' which is actually moving something to bring something much better. It just feels bad for a season. 555 gives us a heads up so we can prepare that a major change is coming. I actually like 555! ALL things happen for my highest good! :-)

    2. Carmen, 555 for me just means a big change is coming. Bad is 'perception' which is actually moving something to bring something much better. It just feels bad for a season. 555 gives us a heads up so we can prepare that a major change is coming. I actually like 555! ALL things happen for my highest good! :-)

  16. And, haha, this posted at 7:22. Also, I was the 18th comment! Lol

  17. Just lik3 woRds haV3 pow3r...Numb3rs hav3 pow3r ...Pay aTTn !

  18. 18 is the lucky # for the Japanese, their star pitchers on their ball teams are almost always # 18. Which is the mirror of 81 which is supposedly the # of the adept with cabalists..... anyway, once in deep deep meditation a guide was showing me 81 and opened it up like a butterfly to make 818. I couldn't think why this number was important until weeks later i realized it was the birthdate of the woman who I was in love, a soulmate

  19. Dear rush-collection, I'm using this site for 2 years now(when i need a answer) and WOW It is such a nice Energy. I'm a medium from the Netherlands and NOW 818 looks like a Butterfly or an Angel( the eight as a wing) and the number is 8 also which stands for Forever, Infinity Thanks Andy Sanders Oiaratree Bless You And Your Site 26-01-2015 818

  20. I completely agree with this. See Deuteronomy 8:18

  21. I always see 818 now for a few months. I have also ended a relationship with someone with the birthday Aug 18. Is there any correlation.

  22. jeff firewalkerFriday, April 24, 2015

    Dear rush-collection,
    like a previous commenter, I communicate with my angels through the clock. whenever I feel unease I look at the clock and read the angel number into my phone and it comes to your site. every time it has been relevant to my journey. through the dark night of the soul, Saturn returns and light body activations I stand Here Now in my Truth. with great gratitude thank you from my heart Joann e !!

  23. seeing this now and also 919

  24. Seeing this AGAIN multiples times a day thank you for putting up this website !

  25. Lately I have been seeing this number every day and I am soo excited to know my angels and the Universe always has my back. I can't wait until the new beginning takes over, I am ready!!

  26. So I went to look at a couple of houses yesterday, a distance away from where I am now, and I need distance away from where I am now under a number of different headings, and one of them was so incredibly perfect for me in so many ways that I put in an offer. On the ride home on the train, I was trying not to have an anxiety attack that would set off the smoke alarm, what am I doing, did I really think this through, blah, blah, blah, tears started running down my face and then I noticed that someone had written "818" on the seat in front of me.
    When I got home, I found out the offer had been accepted, and for less than the asking price. Thank You God, thank you angels, thank you rush-collection, bless you all. The angels are the ones who are seeing me through so much.

  27. I see 818 and 808 every day. I am in a lot of debt but for some reason feel every thing is going to be fine. I feel like something big is brewing in my life.

    1. Same here @Annonymous!!!
      I know,trust and believe that something huge is brewing up behind the scenes!!!
      Stay blessed people ,as we all are !!!
      Love,peace and Light to all!!! ♡♡♡

  28. Since I found your website my life never been the same anymore. It gave me more meaning for so many things. I have seen repetitive numbers for so long and I couldn't understand. It always happens during major life changes. I knew something was trying to guide me. Thank you for the great website. Your words definitely makes a difference. It is spot on everytime. Incredible! Thank you God. Thank you angels. I know I am never alone.

  29. My angels have me on fast track, I'm just amazed at how many messages they give me each n every day. Thank you

  30. I see 888, 818, 808, all of the time. i am very nervous because I am being harassed at work. I am experiencing a lot of negative energy, and I am trying not to let it get me down and bring my energy down, but it is very hard. I need guidance.

  31. I've been seeing this combination for about 13 year now. It's not my birthday or anything, something today just made me google the meaning.

  32. I seen 818 after doing a astral travel meditation.

  33. i have been thinking of sharing my wisdom and peace state of mind with others via youtube and now i have understanding of what i should do.

  34. Whats the meaning of seeing 111 all the time??
    Everytime i look at the time its 11.11 am 13.11 pm 11.11 pm 1.11 am ??? All the time!

  35. I keep seeing 111 all the time 11.11am 13.11pm 11.11 pm 1.11 am ??? Wats goin on??

  36. rush-collection,I use your site frequently,but the numbers I am seeing now make no sense to me.Every time I randomly glance at a clock, several times a day,The time is always 7:07 or 7:17,8:08 or 8:18, 9:09 or 9:19. And so on.It is never the same time...just the same combinations..I am so confused by this.Do you have any thoughts on this?

    1. I am seeing them too and it has been more than one year since it started, at the time that is the start of a significant period in my life. I take on the meaning that the angels are by your side everywhere you go and whatever you do. That things may not be so clear now but will be later. Have faith and God bless.

  37. I kept seeing 818, when I was living in Florida. 818 is the area code in Los Angeles where I grew up, I'm now back in L.A., but still keep seeing this number. I get a gut feeling I should be here even though I keep getting opportunities to live in other cities. I want to explore other cities to live but I'm reluctant to go because I feel that my angels are hinting that my place is here in 818.

  38. I just looked up blackbird as I see one ever day sitting on a branch in my garden like it's saying hello ..then I look I'm drawn to the time 8.18 ..seems this message fits well together ☺

  39. Always and forever grateful !!! Thank you rush-collection !!!Thank you Angels !!!♡♡♡

  40. I have been seeing 1111 for a month everyday am and pm

  41. I would like any help with this because I have never had this happen, and, its gone to 111, 222, 303, 313, 333, 444, 555, 616, 711, 818, 808, 911

  42. Been seeing all kinds of Numbers but seeing 818 on 8/18 is pretty amazing is any significance to this

  43. I started seeing a weird pattern in numbers all of a sudden. I see everyday at some point numbers like 212 919 818 747 or 717 or 616 909 808 Always the first number is the same as the last number. I see it more in the time but lately Ive also seen this weird repetition in ads, tags , you name it. For years I always saw the solid sequences like 111 444 333 222, but now just recently ( a month time) it totally changed to this. Anyone knows why this happens or the meaning of this? Its so weird it kind of freaks me out sometimes.

    1. You are one of the God's chosen ones. A lightworker. God bless you all.

    2. I get this too. In either AM or PM. I'd love to know the meaning of this.

  44. So happy I came across this.... Back in October the 15th to be exact I had a dream that a guy friend of mine who I have been involved with for about and year and counting with no direction sent me a text message in my dream stating that he would be here at 8:18 I'm a firm believer in numbers so the first thing I did when I woke up was googled the number and found "Present Suffering and Future Glory - I consider that our present sufferings are not worth comparing with the glory that will be revealed in us." I immediately started crying and just started thanking god because the last 2 years of my life have been hell but I've managed to survive and press on by god grace. The dream was also accompanied by pregnancy, I actually felt a baby moving in my stomach as I was sleeping which was weird. I also dreamt about a wedding all in the same dream. However; I have not yet saw or witnessed any changes in my life but I will forever hold onto to the promises of gods signs because everything is in his timing....

  45. I love seeing numbers! Tonight with number 818, I was leaving the dentist with sad news. I have to have partial upper and bottom denrures. :( If we read 818 it says a few meanings one love is my something you find, love finds you. Something I have been struggling with for a long time. Than its new beginings and theres a part of me that isnt moving sorta speak but it will be with better. This can be so confusing right now and it also speaks of abundance and prosper... I guess my new partial teeth is a prosper. I hope the abundance of my flow will help amd I can be rid of this stress. Finally be loved by someone who he actually gets me, but... he's scared. So my apologies for the confusion but, in the last week I have been with my best friend whos struggling with tissue cancer, I'm back at a location of work tht it drains me, a classmate walked into my life and I can't read him but know he likes me and.. I have hives for this stress and now knowing I have to remove teeth. SO... if anyone can suggest, tell, help me see, I would greatly appreciate it. For I am 99.9% always a positive woman. But I guess we are allowed to feel hurt amd confusion and its ok to be sad and hurt.

    Thank you
    Diane ��

  46. I’ve been job searching for a little over two weeks nothing have came through just yet but I applied for this retail job and after submitting my application they sent a confirmation email saying they received it and would get back if I fit the position after reading the email I noticed it was sent to my inbox twice at 818. This isn’t the first time I’ve been receiving angel numbers but can someone give me there input

  47. I haven't been able to get pregnant in the 13 years I've been with my husband and I found out 2 weeks ago that I'm pregnant. A co-worker of mine told me to get on a certain brand of prenatals to help my vitamin deficiency in regular life and I believe it cause me to get pregnant. I believe beautiful things can happen if you truly desire them. I've been seeing many 818s 4s 5s and 1's.

  48. 818 it telling me that I am attracting exactly what I need to further my spiritually based practice assisting those with guidance toward their highest good while money comes in abundance on a continuous basis, in increasing quantities, from multiple sources.

  49. My mom's favorite Bible passage was Romans 8:18. Last December she was placed in the hospital room 8 on unit 18. She died on December 18th 8 months after her birthday. What amazes me is that 818 has a hidden third 8 in it because if you add the numbers 8+18 you get 26 and if you add the 2+6 you get 8. She had peaceful death and chose to let me feel when her spirit began to leave her body and all the grace, love, peace, and strength that was the true her and oh her spirit presence was huge. It filled the room. When she was ready to let us be, her spirit exited the room as gracefully and as lengthy as she took to leave her body. She was home <3

  50. Arrived here, while seeing 88 comments left in the comment section :D

  51. This is wonderful. It was 8:18 when a random 818 area code called my phone. Naturally, I come here to look it up and I see this wonderful confirmation from my angels. Thank you.

    1. I am back again...818, 606,717, 1122, and so many other synchronicities have begun showing up. I love hearing from my angels. Thank you rush-collection.

  52. I have an interesting situation that's very complicated, but I'll try to be brief. I first started seeing the number 818 in a dream. Since it was the beginning of August 2018, I thought it had something to do with that. However, in the middle of the month I got a direct deposit, a commission check from work that put my checking account balance at $818.00. Then I started seeing the number 2222 everywhere. In the meantime one of my sons had an issue so I took some money out of my 401k to help him. On the last day of August I played a Mega Million lottery ticket. In the morning I checked it and it was not a winner, so I tossed it aside and logged into my checking account. The balance in my checking account was $2222.00. Then, the little voice inside my head told me to take another look at that lottery ticket and I found the drawing number was 2222. The very next day, September first I bought a Classic Lotto ticket which also didn't win, but the drawing number was 1818. While there is much more to this story, I would love to read the comments. I am struggling to understand the meaning of all of this aside from the obvious.

  53. So true thank you Jesus and to my angels

  54. This comment has been removed by the author.

    1. Do what will make you the happiest. Everything else will fall into place.

    2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  55. Thank you Jesus for everything thank you my Guardian Angel love you

  56. I feel blessed guided and protected Amen x

  57. 818! Thank you Angels!πŸ˜˜πŸ˜˜πŸ‘ŒπŸ‘ŒπŸŒžπŸŒž⭐⭐πŸŒŠπŸŒŠπŸŒŠπŸ™πŸ™πŸ™πŸ™πŸ€²πŸ˜™

  58. Thanks be to God and to my loving angels

  59. I see it this morning. It resonates clearly. Thank you Angels and Guides. I know what I need to try to do and I will stay positive in my thoughts as much as I can. Love, Lib.

  60. I see combos of 8 everyday multiple times like 88 and 808 818 888 81 18 and don't want to miss the messages. Can you please help me here. πŸ’—

  61. I also see 1818 or 1118 ����

  62. Grateful and blessed.πŸ™
    The moment we create out future is now. We deserve the best. Lets go. Let's manifest it. Sending much love and light to everyone and all.❤πŸ™Œ

  63. Hi All, thank you for sharing all information about the numbers.

  64. Hi All, thank you for sharing all information about the numbers.

  65. Awesome. I got my idea while reading

  66. I have been seeing triple numbers and double numbers over and over for a few months now. I know I'm going throu a spiritual phase now. My angels are sending me so many, I have to constantly read what they mean. 555 us every single day, 444, 222, 333, 1111. 919, 818,ECT....they just keep coming.

  67. All im seeing in this phase of my life is 818 and it feels like its the end

  68. Always grateful!!! πŸ™πŸ₯°πŸ˜‡

  69. i see this repetead numbers all the day long, when i'm feeling something different i just look at the clock and the repetead number is there

  70. Beautiful message, thank you! πŸ˜ƒπŸ’œπŸ‘

  71. Timely message... Thank you πŸ™πŸ˜‡ Love and light always!!!πŸ’–πŸ₯°πŸ’—πŸ₯°πŸŽΆ

  72. Great overview of angel number 818 :)

  73. This is my ex's birthday and I see it all the time. What does that mean?

  74. Thanks rush-collection for explaining our angels numbers and Angel messages it’s great to read every one’s messages because it all helps us to know and understand what we are going through and to know our angels are right by our sides guiding us every day through our spiritual journey good luck everyone with the future I have been loads of Angel numbers and messages have a amazing day, bless yous πŸ¦‹πŸ˜‡πŸ‘ΌπŸ™πŸ™☘️
