Sunday, December 25, 2011


Number 812 is a compilation of the attributes and vibrations of number 8 and number 1, and the energies of number 2. Number 8 relates to practicality, personal power and authority, dependability and self-reliance, manifesting positive abundance, discernment and decisiveness, a desire for peace and a love of humanity, world transformation, giving and receiving and the Universal Spiritual Law of Cause and Effect; karma. Number 1 promotes striving forward and pursuing goals, instinct and intuition, ambition and tenacity, initiative, changes, inspiration, self-leadership and assertiveness, new beginnings and starting afresh. Number 1 also relates to creating our own realities with our thoughts, beliefs and actions. Number 2 is the number of intuition and insight, service to others, diplomacy and mediation, duality, finding balance and harmony, receptivity and love, selflessness, ambition, sensitivity, faith, trust, and your life purpose and soul mission.

Angel Number 812 may also suggest that it is time for you to consider beginning a spiritually-based profession, practice and/or career, or a project, service or venture that aids and assists others. Use your strengths and talents to uplift and enlighten others through serving humanity in compassionate and loving ways. 

Angel Number 812 brings a message to have faith and trust that your prayers and positive affirmations are manifesting your material needs in Divine right time and order. Your positive attitude and optimistic expectations coupled with faith and trust in the Divine will create positive results in all aspects of your life.

Angel Number 812 suggests that the diligent efforts you have put towards serving your life purpose have been acknowledged by the angelic and spiritual realms. In turn you have manifested your well-earned results and rewards. Be open to receiving and accepting your ‘good’, which may appear in the form of new opportunities, new projects and/or new ideas. Have faith and trust in the angels, and if feeling any doubts or fears, simply ask your angels for guidance and support.

Number 812 relates to Master Number 11 and Angel Number 11 on the higher plane, and number 2 and Angel Number 2 on the lower plane (8+1+2=11, 1+1=2).



Sacred Scribes

NUMEROLOGY  - The Vibration and Energies of NUMBERS

Sacred Scribes Ceramics





  1. This post is right and exact on the money.
    I've been seeing these numbers over and over again througout my life, and never understood the meaning why it has been following me for many years, and now I get it.

    Thank you rush-collection for your inseight and thoughts.


    1. Me also. My oldest son passed in 1999 and I keep seeing the number 128 afterwards.. Mind you, he was buried on 2/18. I've been seeing this number for twenty years and this is the year I now understand about numerology thanks to my daughter

    2. thats awesome i lost my mom at 17 and im big into numerology much luv

  2. I was Born on 812 and these numbers are always following me and guiding.

    1. I was born 8-12 also...every time i look at the clock i will see this combination, although i see 711,1111,1234,1023,222,333,444,555, and so forth.

    2. I was also born on 812 and always for some reason I get some kind of nudge to look at the click when its 812 or exp. Date 812 or building numbers out of no where

  3. I was Born on 812 and these numbers are always following me and guiding.

  4. Thank you doing this work rush-collection! I really appreciate it!

  5. I was born 812 and my sister also not twins. 6 years apart and this number is following both of us. She mentioned it first. I saw it on the clock and said 812 our bday. She says she sees this number all the time suddenly. I saw it too but never said anything until she did. It comes and goes...usually when I see it major events happen. She had a major event recently. We both did the same week but different events not related with each other...the same week I kept seeing it. We both live separate lives but the same week changed our lives except I accepted the change and made a difference, she tried to accept the change, and move on, but went back. This event happened twice now. Im afraid it might happen a third time for her and it will be irreversible. It will be too late...I hope she realizes b4 her life could be ruined. She's had many warning signs. Acknowledges them but then ignores them. Don't know why...I pray..Amen.

  6. rush-collection wow!what a blessing to know that I have a angel around my birthday is on August 12th I have been seeing this number for about a year-and-a-half or more but now I'm getting a clear uunderstanding of what I'm supposed to be doing Thank you Jesus.

  7. rush-collection wow!what a blessing to know that I have a angel around my birthday is on August 12th I have been seeing this number for about a year-and-a-half or more but now I'm getting a clear uunderstanding of what I'm supposed to be doing Thank you Jesus.

  8. I was born on August 12th 1980. I weighed 8lbs and 12 oz. at 8:12am... the numbers 8 and 12 have shown up throughout my life. They have never shown to be lucky or unlucky, just accompanies me throughout my life. I always felt it had something to God letting me know he was there and to never lose faith. Kinda eerie to find this website and hear it all to be true. I would like to know more...

  9. My daughter and son birthdays is aug 12 my daughter aug 12 1998 and my son is aug 12 2000.we got on a bus to do our shopping trip on aug 12 2017
    It was shocking to me for some reason.8 12 17because it was my son 17th birthday..just yesterday the #2 kept coming in my spirit.frew hours later.i went to an corner store and the cashier for change handed me a one1 whole $2.00 bill..and one this 3rd day i stoped to get gas gave my son the cash i had in my hand of $12.00 while not even knowing till the last minet that the gas pump was #8.Please tell me what do this all mean.Barbara M.Prince Thank you😜

  10. Was also born 8/12 , sun in the 8th house and moon in the 12th. See 812 almost daily one way or another. What a beautiful message you have wrote here. Bless us all

  11. 😇💗⚡

  12. 💋💋💋

  13. Thanks be to God Lord Jesus i love you angels

  14. I don't have faith in the Divine therefore i reject this message. They are all the same anyway ...

  15. I welcome this message and look forward to receiving my 'good'.

  16. Matthew 28:19, Acts 2:38, 41, 4:12, 8:12, 16, 10:47-48, 19:2-5, 1st Peter 3:20-21, John 3:5, Acts 22:16, Isaiah 9:6, John 10:30, 14:9, Matthew 3:11, Acts 20:28.

  17. I was born on 8/12/1980 and I also get like a judge or something always makes me look at my clock or watch and it's always 8:12 or also expiration dates or building or license plate number even my licenSe plate number has it in that order and it was not custom made. I see everywhere.

  18. I've been seeing Angel number 812 for about a month now... Awesome . its also a dear friend birthday!! Thank you Angelic and spiritual Realm. #1 fan

  19. Our home is number 812. Lived here for 57 years. My son 26 years. We need guidance to keep our home and stay. I pray daily and try to follow what God tells me to do,the best I can. Some amazing spiritual supernatural stuff has been happening lately. I'm in awe and so grateful to God,Jesus angels, and the universe in helping us find our path and to help others. I see miracles daily. I'm praying to stay positive and to find the finances needed to keep our home and live out our dreams here. We love our home and each other and want to keep and make it ours permenetly until God tells us different. I have suffered a lot with chronic illness and believe God sent my son to help me get well. He is my miracle son, for I could not have a baby until I was blessed with him. I have suffered from chronical illness most of my life. God, Jesus,angels,people have helped me get on the right path to live the life I've dreamed about. Part of that dream is to keep our home and serve God. Please keep positive prayers, good positive thoughts and energy in all you do in life. And God will reward you of all good from the universe and heavens to rain over your life. Everyone and thing is connected. Infinity is constant. Change is for the better to make you stronger and learn. Keep believing in good. See the good in everything and one. Make your dreams come true by focusing on them in positive light. Ask and you shall receive. We are all in this together. God bless all whom read this. In Jesus name, amen and amen.

  20. I feel like I've been here before. Or these post were put here on purpose in the past for me to find one day. I'm waking up
