Thursday, July 14, 2011


Number 77 is made up of the vibrations and energies of the number 7, doubled and amplified. Number 7 relates to inner- wisdom and intuition, contemplation and discernment, understanding of others, inner-strength and tenacity, learning and education, empathic and psychic abilities, endurance and determination, spiritual enlightenment, development and spiritual awakening, and your Divine life purpose. Number 7 also relates to good fortune.

Angel Number 77 indicates that you have listened to Divine guidance and are now putting that wisdom to work in your day-to-day life. Your desires and wishes are coming to fruition in your life as a direct result of your actions and positive attitude to life, and the time has come to reap the rewards for your diligence and determined efforts. You are being commended by the angels as your successes are inspiring and uplifting. You are helping and teaching others by being a positive example for others to follow. 

Angel Number 77 indicates that you are being congratulated and your efforts have been well noted by the angelic and spiritual realms. You are on the right life path and are living and serving your Divine life purpose as guided. Due to your efforts, discernment and good choices, your just rewards are on the way into your life. Your angels ask you to ‘keep up the great work!’ 

Angel Number 77 is a very positive sign and tells you to expect miracles to occur in your life.

Number 77 also relates to number 5  (7+7=14, 1+4=5) and Angel Number 5.

Also see:
Repeating 7’s  (7, 77, 777, 7777 etc)
Angel Number 7
Angel Number 777

Sacred Scribes

NUMEROLOGY  - The Vibration and Energies of NUMBERS

JoW Pottery



Body And Soul~Mind And Spirit

Get a Psychic Reading … click here for further information.


  1. As soon as I woke up this morning I saw that my Ipad had charged to only 77 ( usually at 100% ) and then my phone was only charged at 77 too!!!

    1. total electronic "supernatural" communication. "Supernatural" is very natural, just goes beyond the establishmentarian flawed and largely unscientific field of science.

    2. Today I noticed for the first time that an area of spots on my leopard gecko looked just like the number 77, and soon after I wanted to see what the temperature was outside and it read 77 degrees. Which then made question the significance behind the number hence here I am on this forum.

    3. Today I noticed for the first time that an area of spots on my leopard gecko legitimately looked like the number 77. Few minutes later I checked the temperature outside to see if I should go swimming, and the temp was 77 degrees. Thats when I decided to find out the meaning behind the number and no joke lol but at this very moment my phone's battery percentage is at 77 percent. Lolol

    4. From last few days I see 77 on the charger mode, why I am saki g myself , thank you for explain , keep me going what I do ❤️

  2. I have been seeing this number everywhere lately. Glad it means something good!!

    1. Found 3 quarters and 2 pennies in the parking lot of L A fitness this morning.

    2. My speedometer said 77777

  3. I was sitting with a group of friends when I look down at my bicep and noticed that the number 77 was seemingly scarred into my arm, its slowly fading but is still visible. I am extremely excited about this message, and will work hard to find my path :D

  4. For many months I keep seeing 77 (mostly on car plates, but not only). It's weird.

    1. meeeee toooooo! And always followed by a 44!

    2. Me too! 44 for a year now and I began to see 77 about a week ago :)

    3. Same 144,44 and 77started one month ago non stop....we r in a sim

  5. being born in 77.... I wanted to know what was special about the number 7 so here I am.

  6. Once, a few months ago. The number 77 suddenly appeared on my skin. It was insane. and then today, I was googling the numerology for my name, and your page just popped up. I feel a deep connection to the number 77. Not that it appears all the time, but this is the 2nd time it's made an appearance in coloration with me.

  7. I goggled spirit guides, went to the bath room came back and it said spirit guides77 I then goggled the importance of the number 77 and it brought me to this page. This has happened to me in 2005 and a lot of miracles took place. I started an entire conversation on Tsunamis at a Christmas party that evolved into acknowledging our biggest fears, that week the Tsunami in Indonesia occurred. In the days after just before bed I would hear children's voices lost, distant and muffled voices asking me for guidance. ???

  8. 77 is a +ve sign.. its true. Thanks god

    1. (25 = 7) i like it. and my name = dorien aimy jansen = 77/14/5 Number 77 not reducing it is a master number = dubble digit, but is it working ? I love that number is also david bowie 's number what date he was born? david = 22

    2. 11 22 and 33 are the only master numbers. 44 and higher get reduced 💞✌

  9. in my date of birth i have double 7... it i as....12 13 1980: 1+2=3 and 1+3=4 , so 4+3=7 and then 1980 is 1+9+8+0= 18 that is 1+8=9 and then take that 9 from birth year add to 7 from months is 16 again 1+6 is 7 .so i am double 7 lol ..and boy i did developed psychic abillites over the past years.. and really did some spiritual teaching.

    1. I was born on Feb.21st. Roughly the seventh week in the year. I was born eight weeks premature, so my mother was pregnant for 7 months. My favorite music band is 7dust. My last three jobs lasted 7 years each. My wife tells me I'm psychic. Now I know why!

  10. I keep seeing 77 on my battery life percentage on my tablet and I'm so happy! :)

  11. I was born in 1977 so 77 has always been "my" number. I see it constantly as part of a license plate, phone number, receipt total, etc. I also always seem to have 77 friends on FB chat, battery charged to that %, etc. Even at the deli, I have pulled the #77 at least 2, maybe 3 times. It's become a thing to my friends too since I'm always posting about it so they've sent me pics when that number comes up to them and they think of me! :) I opened an online store last year and all my prices end in .77 (instead of the typical .99). This was interesting to read!

    1. What's the web address of your website? I would love to see it.

    2. I ham having a very similar experience like you about 77. I myself is in puzzled about 77. I never expected 77 purposfully, but my vehicle no. Mobile no.account no. House no.all is 77. You are also 77. Even many of my friends mobile no. Are 77!! Even my PAN no. is 77!!! I frequently travel alongwith vehicles having no. plates 77, and my vehicle no is also 77. All no. are never demanded by me,its all lucky. I am really surprised, to learn that you have got similar experience!!!

    3. I ham having a very similar experience like you about 77. I myself is in puzzled about 77. I never expected 77 purposfully, but my vehicle no. Mobile no.account no. House no.all is 77. You are also 77. Even many of my friends mobile no. Are 77!! Even my PAN no. is 77!!! I frequently travel alongwith vehicles having no. plates 77, and my vehicle no is also 77. All no. are never demanded by me,its all lucky. I am really surprised, to learn that you have got similar experience!!!

  12. I kept seeing the number 77 and I was able to manifest a miracle for my daughter's helath. I feel very blessed today. Thank you God and thank you my lovely Archangels. I love you

  13. My birthday is full of 77 7/25/77 2+5=7 also

    1. 77....It's taking me higher, higher, higher off the ground... I'm also very happy 😀

  14. This is perfect for me at the moment. All of this is what I have been experiencing. I have been working on being more positive. A little at a time and it's working. Thank you x

  15. I belong to Awakening From Within Meditation Group. We recently did a Meditation with Master Saint Germain channel through Ashamarae from AFW in ref. to 77. Saint Germain asked all of us who attended to share the broadcast ( which was recorded) with people we know and with those we don't know. If anyone hears his call and wants to receives the broadcast, please contact me at: Thank you.

    1. Yes please, i just emailed you :)

    2. For some reason, you email continues to bring me right back here. I'm not a computer person n have only a smart phone.

  16. I have been having a very interesting experience. I have been seeing the sequence 77, usually followed by 33, then 22, then 99. It is as if they are trying to have a conversation with me. My assigned angel at birth is Archangel Brachiel. In the morning when I say all of my morning prayers I end with a prayer to my main Guardian Angel. I'm not sure who my main angel is but suspect it is Yeyalel. Anyway, when I say my evening prayers I always end with a prayer specific to Brachiel. I have a separate altar for my angels and never realized it. Just a round table with angels and pictures of mostly departed loved ones. I also say a specific prayer to St. Michael everyday and his statue is located over the fireplace with Jesus and the other Saints. I was a police officer thus the dedication to St. Michael. I also have a separate altar for St. Expeditus. I also pray to him twice a day as well. Based on the numbers I describe what do you make of it? I asked the angels to talk directly to me but I got an answer in Latin which I don't understand. The voice was very quiet also.

  17. i see the 77 every time i look at my mobile. i see the 1111, 333, 444 and 555 quite frequently as well. last year i had an angel reading and found out that my guardian angel is called fleur and was eager to help me but she cannot do it because i never asked for her help. since then i always ask her when in doubt or to control my emotions. shortly after i found your site. thank you very much for all your help explaining the meaning of the numbers. it really helps. x

  18. I was just beginning 6to listen to an audio clip on seeing auras. Looked at my tablet screen and saw charge was at 77% and time was 11:11. Double whoa!

  19. Hi...need yr interpretation as I had met my twin flame.

    We met on 22 Dec...and he declared his love to me on 29 Dec, being my birthday...I was 47 on that day. Our birth dates add to 77...his birthday being 11 Nov..our birthdates added together is 11..I hv started to see 11..My wedding anniversary is 11 late grams death anniversary is 11 April..I would like to know this significance...thk you ;)

  20. Thank you! This has lifted me up. :-)

  21. Yes same with me I keep seeing 77 literally everywhere and on everything constantly for many months or longer.street signs/address,routes or bus routes, battery %. It's literally slapping me in my face.

  22. Yes same with me I see 77 literally everywhere and on everything from signs/ address, routes or bus routes to battery % constantly it's like literally slapping me in the face.

  23. Yes same with me I keep seeing 77 literally everywhere and on everything constantly for many months or longer.street signs/address,routes or bus routes, battery %. It's literally slapping me in my face.

  24. Oh my gosh I'm so excited. I love getting messages with all numbers but especially with 7's. Third time today. I can see this happening in mine and my kids lives. We've gotten through so much with the help of God and our Angels. This is so exciting.♡

  25. For me it started with 66 years ago, I would see it EVERYWHERE, receipts,phone battery All the time, license plates,anything with numbers, I finally decided to look it up and let it guide me to finishing goals, then I started seeing 11s, EVERYWHERE, 1111,111,211,311,and so on,the 11s actually guided me to purchasing a home, something I NEVER saw coming, the street name had 2 LL's which looked like 1111,the phone number for the agent that someone gave me ended in 1111,I had chills,still seeing these numbers, then yesterday 88 jumped out at me twice I think, I can't remember , forgot to look it up, then saw it again on my phone this morning,so I looked it up, spot on!,then I remember thinking 77 stood out but I only saw it once and usually u see them several times, I said to myself I'll look anyway, look up and my phone was on 77%,I was shocked, my phone stayed on 77 the whole time I read this page, I have chills,I even screenshotted it, will find out how to upload it, moral of the story is please please no matter what is going on in your life please please stay positive please please stay thankful, staying thankful regardless is VERY important, more blessings are coming, if you are here reading this you are blessed, say thank you

    1. I love your response. I see 7's constantly as of late. I love it and am very grateful and blessed & need to remember and practice it more. Grateful I'm open to seeing and receiving this gift. My recognition of paternity of numbers began with 1's. Now, 7's & 4's . Typically following the other. Interesting. Cheers & Blessings.

  26. What if numbers the sequences my birthday the universe the letters in the clouds all keep saying to a person that they are someone VERY VERY important and have been for some time. Seventh sons? Seventh of seventh son? A person aquiring abilities to read letters symbols from rain or water on street drying visual pictures.The trees ans tge branches with letters names symbols. What if what the person doesn't want to believe they are being told is so AMAZING ITS TRULY SCARY and mainky because to believe or to even entertain the thought of what this person is being told who he is wiukd most certainly be the hhighest of insults to God and His Son himself especially if this person is wrong. Scares him to think such things but havent been able to leave the persons mind no matter how hard they try for years. Ability to trust in no one for multiple reasons ans being crazy or thought of least of them although relief would be to find out this was the case because then person would know they have had it all wrong and can figure out what they are realy supoosed to be doing or who they truly are. As i said hasnt let up or even feelings getting stronger. Being told the time is near or even now and others counting on and needing this person to ger ir difured out.when SO MANY OTHERS FROM HERE AND THERE HIGH AND LOW THEN AND NOW ITS SCARY TO CONTEMPLATE HOW CAN ONE BE SURE WHAT THEY ARE SAYING.

    1. Hey I think I am supposed to speak to you. You are not crazy call if u get this I can help... 8163775228

  27. When you see the numbers of your date of birth repeating to you, it is often an indication that you are to concentrate and focus upon your true life purpose ... your reason for being ... your soul mission. Seeing your own birthday is a reminder of why you were born and your reason for being on the Earthplane at this time.
    It may act as a prompt and/or validation as to your path.
    It can also be validation that angels/spirit guides/passed over loved ones are with you.


  28. I have seen a lot of number sequences in the last 1 year, 55 or 555 were everywhere since then, sometimes more than 10 times a day. 2 days ago I got a job offer in another country, and now I see 77 a couple times a day, in every really fascinating ways (end of the receipts, house numbers and plates, and even saw it on 2 different t-shirts). I have some concerns about this new position because I was unemployed for the last couple of months, and I will move alone to a country I barely know, but the sevens definitely help me that I am making the right choice right now.

  29. The reason why I'm here is because I heard God telling me this morning I sent you 77 angels

  30. 911 and 77 in the same moment! What a start to a great day. As always rush-collection I love this site. Much love and light my dear♡

    7's are my number. I just looked at all the comments and I am on this one a lot♡

  31. Normally when I'm playing Bioshock Infinite I always get number 75 on the raffle. In this play through, the number was instead 77. :) A good sign indeed.

  32. Hello rush-collection,
    Thanks a lot for all your work. I have one question please:
    Good fortune as an auspicious state resulting from favorable outcomes?

  33. I frequently look up at this number(77 minutes) when playing pes

  34. I frequently look up at this number(77 minutes) when playing pes

  35. It's been a few months since I received any Angel Numbers in my life, but last night through a dream I was given the #77 and after yesterday's kind of day i had...this was an immense blessing receiving this number.

  36. How soon should I expect miracles to occur in my life? I've been seeing 77 for a while ready. Along with 66, 222, 333, etc. All at one time, one day I had 11, 111 and 1111.

    1. Me too, and one miracle has happened already.
      Just be patient and aware, positive:)

  37. I see 77 amnd 777 every where andusually when im happy and moving

  38. Huge thank you rush-collection,Love & light your way!!!♡♡♡

  39. I have always loved the number 7. I'm pretty sure it's because I am the seventh child of a seventh of child. : )

  40. I have always loved the number 7 I'm pretty sure it's because I am the seventh child of the seventh child. : )

  41. Omg my bday is 2777 and I'm viking rh negative and this so fit me it really opened my eyes thank you sincerely Aquarius

  42. Love this message and website. Thanks, rush-collection for all that you do!!!

  43. Well this might sound a bit odd...this new combination of 3 and 7 started appearing after i learn about a new spirit following me. i find out she died when her kids were 3 and 7. i have been seeing these numbers for several months now. sometimes i see a double 7. also.

  44. I looked up at the bank sign that said 1:11p and 77 degrees.

  45. Hi rush-collection

    I want to thank youu thank youu thank youuuuu for your page. It has been an immense light in the unfolding of my spiritual awakening. You are blessed with a true gift and I hope that through the support of your page & beautiful insight that I can assist others in inspiration, as you have me.

    Now to the good stuff. My testimony to the angel numbers. I have been experiencing angel numbers long before my understanding came into play. (I used to always see 810 aka my birthday on the clock and swore it would be my time to leave this physical realm, Idk why ? I've since stopped seeing that number) But as of the last month I have had a myriad of experiences with other angel numbers. Specifically with 2's, 3's, 4's, 5's and 1's mainly double repetitive #s literally 20 or 30 times a day also triple numbers or even quadruples on different things too. So to say the least I'm on your page 10s of times a day, to learn reaffirm and get better clarity to what these mean. & you have so much accuracy. So this is my second time checking my bank account & the first time is what lead me here! The first time I was so worried I didn't want to check it but when I did I notice $23.23 in my account. Came here & instantly dropped the worries. Now things are picking up but I did some extreme spending yesterday & wasn't necessarily worried as I've felt exponential money expansions coming into my presence but just to be safe I had to check today before I go to the crystal shop to get some Selenite (please look it up everyone if you don't know about it) it will be my first crystal purchase & im very excited but back to the story.. my account just now said $250.77. Maybe the 50th time I've seen double same numbers today. Definitely not a coincidence. So again thank you rush-collection and thank you to my lovely angel supporters. I love you all. & A big love you to my Grandmother (Allie) Lorraine ❤️����

  46. I been seeing this number everywhere for the last 4 years since i graduated high school. But this only happpens when i go through deja Vu or when i day dream about something my words cant describe.

  47. Beyond grateful & happy. Thankyou dearest angels x

  48. In the evening, I am seeing 77 from two days. And I came here again to read the interpretation by you. Thank you for helping us. This helps us build confidence whenever we feel low and motivate us to hope.
    Thank you so much !

    Thank you Angels !
    I really need your help and guidance..

  49. Where I'm at I'm always hearing tapping. Toning and loud banging that at times scare the creeps outta me a little. Anyways right just recently heard tapping. I did not know how manny but I remade the tapping by typing same letters, I end up separating 2 by 2 until I end seeing 7 two times. At some point means number but Al's means number 77. I mainly get more contacted by tapping.

  50. Amen. Endless Love and Divine Light to all of humanity.🙏💓✌️💓🙏

  51. Thank you so much for your site. It is a godsent. I have been seeing 11, 1111, 22,222, 33, 333, 44, 444, 55, 555 all the way up to the 999's all the time for the past several weeks. Today its 77 everywhere. Then out of nowhere I turn on phone and my battery is at 77 and my browser opens all by itself with a white dove. What does this mean?

  52. Grateful for every reminder!!!
    My year of birth is 1977 ! ♡♡♡
    I love number 7!!!♡♡♡
    Blessings and light to all!!!♡♡♡

  53. Thank you Angels!
    Thank you rush-collection!

  54. Its 77 degrees right now where i am.

  55. Its 77 degrees right now where i am.

  56. I am seeing this angel number 77 daily and expecting miracles..
    Thank you Angels !
    Thank you rush-collection!

  57. Keep seeing 77% as the charge on my phone & see 77 all the time on car plates.
    Cheers rush-collection

  58. Craziest thing. Been on a spiritual journey for the last 8 months. Went from seeing 11:11 to 4:44 to 5:55. Something that could’ve have and would normally be devastating to me recently happened to me. To the point that I was waking up differently and skipping meditation and not feeling positive. Was laying there thinking about that this morning and grabbed my phone to see 77% and then looked up and saw it on the tv. Googled it to find this :D

  59. I see 77 every single day since synchronities have started couple of years ago!!!
    Grateful for every reminder!!!🙏♥️🧘‍♀️🎈🍀

  60. I see 77 every single day without a miss.
    More often than not I see it more than once per day.
    With endless miracles occuring daily!!!🎈❤
    Grateful immensly.🎈

  61. My story with this particular number came in a receipt as the amount of the shoppings I had paid for. 7.70€  How I got this number?
    I was looking at my phone looking a bit lost in the middle of a wide open market square. Then
    There came a young beggar girl asking me for money in a broad daylight. She said she was hungry and her stomach was hurting, and hadn't eaten all day (neither had I, but breakfast) . She said it in a way trying to make herself look more pitiful and I know in a way She was lying or trying to lie. The fakeness made me ache inside.

    People believe they lie as their job, and that pretty much is the case. I took a notice They all were looking quite well and had pretty good clothes and all. They were collecting bottles to get money as usual. She really tried to make me give her money so that she could buy things to eat but as I myself was a tourist in the city, I didn't have much money with me either. But only on my card. 10€. And I told her that...And well, it is not possible to withdraw only 10€ because minimum is 20€ bill to get cash to give.

    I told her that too but she insisted I'd go check it in the nearest shop. As she obviously thought I was lying. A lier can spot a lier right, haha? But I wasn't, my budjet had already gone. And I had 10€ left. Ofc I had gas money and such for myself to get out of the city though ��

    Anyway, I offered to buy her something to eat instead of just giving the last of money. We went walking to find such store or a food place.

    Then there came another beggar friend of hers. And she wanted coffee. Well, We entered into the nearest Shop. When we were in line, the sales clerk came up to me and said kindly that she has to interrupt here. They have been instructed by the shopping mall that they are not allowed to help them beggars in any way and wanted to make sure there comes no harm to the shop. So I thanked and told her I am aware now, but the beggars are not the customers this time, I am. Because I am paying for those things, so there should not be any responsibility or bad blood coming at the shop. She asked smiling if I was sure I wanted to pay for them? And calm and determinated I told her "yes, I am sure."

    So I bought her friend a cup of coffee and the younger beggar girl an energy drink and some chocolate. All cost that magical 7,70.
    The girl thanked, Saying she'll pray for me. "God bless ya" and such.

    The only thing hurting me was all those lies I heard. But Instead of turning my back, I faced them. It doesn't really cost much to be a friend or do a friendly gesture to even the most socially abandoned and most likely a lying person.

    There's so many ways to be a human being to another person who is just doing what they are told to do or have chose that way of life because of the circumstances whatever they may really be.

    The point of the story?
    Be a human, not a jerk.

  62. I thank God for You. Love&Light.

  63. Thank you so much angels <3

  64. I just got this number after creating a self-forgiveness exercise. I am so grateful for the confirmation this message gives. ❤️

  65. I must say that 77 plays a huge part in my life...I'm definitely on a spiritual journey finding my life purpose and working on raising my vibrations...I do security and my badge number is 5077,the last 7 numbers of my phone number is 477 9779, my phone charges to 77% a lot, there has been countless times when I have gotten in my car and it was 77 degrees, I see 77 on license plates,buildings,highway billboards, as a matter of fact I am riding in the car with my boyfriend and his odometer just turnwd to 77000 miles and at the same time it was 11:11 on the all I can say is thank you heavenly divine and spirit guides!

  66. I started to look up meanings to repeating numbers started a few years ago when I started to see 44, 44 likes ,44 temperature,44 battery charge and always looking at the time being :44 , the news 44 ppl quote , 44 graffiti driving on highways , 4444 address at work codes 444 /44/4444 the list of ways goes on . Then became the same with 22 then 33 then 55 , 88 now 77 . I hVe to laugh and say wow angels are real I started to pay close attention and I feel like each significance for each number has played a part for me currently . It amazes me.

  67. I see 77 on my phone charge level every day sometime two or three times

  68. Every time I glance at my computer power these days it says 77% charged, I also keep seeing license plates with 777 on them. Now I was typing away on my spiritual work and Grammarly said my overall score was 77! Had to look it up and happy to read these positive signs - thank you <3

  69. This is completely true, numbers speak to us, mine started with 5, then 44 and now its lots of 777. these numbers are everywhere mainly when im driving on the highway. just a few minutes ago i grabbed a matchbox and i accidentally dropped some matches something told to count the sticks and they were a total of 14 ( 7+7). yay thank you spirits for the messages and guidance. i love you all if you read this i wish you love and peace.

  70. Wow! when i clicked to read, the comments added to 108 - what a blessing..I started seeing 44 then 5 and ow its lots of 777 or 77. just a few minutes ago i accidentally dropped a matchbox and something told me to count the sticks. they added up to 14(7+7) yay thankyou spirits and angels for the guides. if you read this I wish you love and peace and I love you all.

  71. Wow! I'm constantly seeing 77 everywhere! It's taken a lot of hard work to get here where I am today. I'm looking forward to 777 with lots of faith and gratitude. Gratzi Mille

  72. I had a weird dream where something was 77% complete. This morning i spent 7.75 dollars on gasoline and 7.77 on advil and a drink. Ones coinsidence , twos pushing it, but three times in i see this. It looks as though the angels are talking to me and am very eternally grateful for their communication. I just wish I could understand them better.

  73. Pffft.....I have been seeing this number constantly for 2 years, everywhere, everywhere, everyday and also in triple's.
    I can tell you it means absolutely nothing, nothing. It is just a number. There will be no miraculous anything and that is coming from personal experience.

  74. Whenever I see my phn my charge is always 77 that's why I'm really curious about that and searched for what's the reason ..and now I'm really happy..and thank God for giving this life to me.. 💕

  75. Bump for 2022...been seeing 77, and 777 this week

  76. I saw this number a little while ago on the bottom left corner of the laptop. 77°F ...

  77. Thank you 🙏 Amen. ❤️❤️❤️

  78. Adam Sattar : I always look to the clouds, ask your questions from within: believe and you will receive: in the form of cloud numbers, the amazing thing is, take many pictures with your iPhone, when you edit, that’s when you see hidden miracles,

  79. 🙏☮️♥️☀️🌬

  80. Wow thank you Angels, been getting 77 a lot lately

  81. 77 likes, $77 on the bill, 77 comments, 77 miles on the GPS, 77 is literally everywhere I look! I am going through a tough time and this number gives me hope ✨ Amen! 💗
