Thursday, July 14, 2011


Number 76 is a mix of the attributes and energies of number 7 and number 6. Number 7 resonates with the vibrations of spiritual awakening and development, mysticism, good fortune, inner-wisdom, peace, intuition and psychic abilities, study, learning and education, persistence of purpose and spiritual enlightenment. Number 6 adds its attributes of the material and monetary aspects of life, love of home family and domesticity, responsibility and reliability, service to others and selflessness, compromise, truth and order, providing and provision.  

Angel Number 76 brings a message from your angels that you are to be commended for the actions you have taken and the work you have been doing in your day to day life. You have successfully balanced your spirituality with your material world, and in turn you are reaping benefits and taking care of your mind, body and soul. This will be positively reflected in all areas of your life.  

Angel Number 76 relates to your spiritual path and the monetary and financial aspects of your life. Trust that all will be taken care of and your needs will be met as you continue serving your Divine life mission with passion and purpose.

Angel Number 76 also suggests that you work towards gaining more spiritual knowledge and wisdom and incorporating it into your daily life. Trust that you and your family will be provided for and your needs will be met as you focus on your life mission and soul promptings.
Number 76 also relates to number 4 (7+6=13, 1+3=4) and Angel Number 4.

Also see:
Repeating 7’s and 6’s  (766, 767, 776 etc)
Angel Number 766
Angel Number 767
Angel Number 776

Sacred Scribes

NUMEROLOGY  - The Vibration and Energies of NUMBERS

JoW Pottery



Body And Soul~Mind And Spirit

Get a Psychic Reading … click here for further information.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. This number came to me 3x's in a half hours time. First was a radio commercial for the 76's basketball team. 2nd was pulling up to park with another car having the teams license plate. 3rd was ordering 3/4 lb if cheese and the total coming to .76 lbs. If not for the 2nd and 3rd short occurrences I would have missed my messages.

  3. I looked this up because my air conditioner controller on the wall keeps getting changed to 76 and its neither myself or my husband. I had a strong impression that it was my grandfather trying to get a message to me. He is one of my spiritual guides. So I googled the numerology significance of this number and I got this. Everything is right on the money. Like wow, awesome. Thank you.

  4. I had a dream that my boyfriend bought a scratch off from the store to win money and he had me pick the box of which area the 3 lucky repeating numbers would be in. 76 appeared 3 times in the box and we won a lot of money and paid for both of our families to go to Barbados . now that I look at the symbolism behind this everything matches up perfectly.

  5. My mother departed 4 yrs ago. Had a famous medium that booked an evening where I live. I bought tickets to the event that was scheduled on a Wednesday on Monday of that week had 3 occurrences of the number 76 didn't think much of it. The following day Tuesday went to the groceries total balance was $76.76 now I thought that was very odd. The day of the event I bought breakfast cost $5.76 I was short a penny fortunately the cashier notice a penny on the floor right next to feet "ohh lucky penny" and was able to pay my breakfast I was happy ...but that 76 number kept appearing on me 3 different days numerous of times so I had that in the back of my head. So the day of the event right before the medium wrapped up asked and or said "Why is the number 76 keep on appearing" I yelled "I think it's for me"!! Well yes it was it was a validation of my deceased mother her soul was with me every time I saw that number I than realized the wonders of that number she was trying to tell me she was going to be there. Got my reading and more than what I expected thank you "Theresa" :) ♡

    1. Thank you so much for sharing your beautiful story Marlyn.

      Love and Light

    2. Your story is beautiful Marlyn.
      Grateful to you for sharing.🙏❤
      Endless love your way.🕉

  6. I have dream of 767 .... and more # I can't remember upside down

  7. I looked this up because today I got a shop docket with 76 on it , then in the next shop my bill was 16:76 and I was born in 76, my life is all over the place at the moment was curious if It mwnt anything

  8. I looked this up because today I got a shop docket with 76 on it , then in the next shop my bill was 16:76 and I was born in 76, my life is all over the place at the moment was curious if It mwnt anything

  9. I really don't know why I love ths number since I am a kid...
    I wantedly purchased my vehicle number as 0076 my mobile number as 00076 my land number as 0076 it always gives me some happiness relating everything with number 76...
    It looks confusing but things I am going to write down are some crazy facts related to 76 & my life
    If you add 7+6 u get 13 & if you add 13 to 76 u get 89 i was born in the year 1989.
    I was born on 8th May which is 8&5 if you add both thn 13.
    My name is of 13 letters
    So both 76 & 13 are always with me & there are a lot more things which are happening in my life relating to the numbers....
    Can't ignore but don't know how to react. J is my initial P is the first letter in my name if you reverse those letters J looks like 7 in digitals & P as 6.....

  10. I really don't know why I love ths number since I am a kid...
    I wantedly purchased my vehicle number as 0076 my mobile number as 00076 my land number as 0076 it always gives me some happiness relating everything with number 76...
    It looks confusing but things I am going to write down are some crazy facts related to 76 & my life
    If you add 7+6 u get 13 & if you add 13 to 76 u get 89 i was born in the year 1989.
    I was born on 8th May which is 8&5 if you add both thn 13.
    My name is of 13 letters
    So both 76 & 13 are always with me & there are a lot more things which are happening in my life relating to the numbers....
    Can't ignore but don't know how to react. J is my initial P is the first letter in my name if you reverse those letters J looks like 7 in digitals & P as 6.....

  11. Well, i see that number everywhere. I was born in 1976.I read that the number 76 resembles to the symbol used for the representation of the zodiac sign of the Capricorn.And i am Capricorn too!

  12. This comment has been removed by the author.

  13. Wait a minute, the number 76 is EVERYWHERE in my life. I mean everywhere! dollar amounts, purchases, invoices numbers, jerseys, buiding numbers, addresses, phone numbers, youtube views (1,207,654) it was my GF birthyear. I was in a terrible car accident in 1976, nearly died too. I can go on and on about that crazy number 76. I have googled it, searched high and low but at the end of the day I dont know anything more than a hunch or faith! Ive been told its my own porjection that causes it to come up so often. Ya right, like 3 times a day! every day! I dont think so. Whenever I have a aha moment, yup there the number 76 reminding me someone up there is watching over me, making sure Im where Im suppost to be. I suppose, I have to have a little faith here, I mean if its going to make sense, right? I was watching a football game last year, and the camera was passing by a player with the number 76, but as it passed the number 76 filled the tv, like some crazy close up shot. I looked around the room at that moment, asking 'did you guys see that!!?? Everyone said what? lol seriously the number 76 is everywhere. When Im least expecting it too.
    O ya I can crunch numbers all day with anyone about the number 76. However, at the end of the day I havent found anything remotely satisfing except this web page, that helps somewhat. In advance, Im sorry about my grammer, and spelling errors. (I need grammarly to write- lol)
    I hope everyone continues to post about my fabulous number 76, I just love them! Figured it was my turn now.
    Hope you enjoyed my story! Its all true!!
    Love you guys,

  14. I don't know why I feel good, each time I see 76

  15. 12(111376)9(23)5
    If anyone has insight on this tell me

  16. Forgot all about this webpage. Thanks for the reminder..

  17. I love your website and check it often. I was born in 1976. I’m 1.76 m tall. My oldest one was born with the weight of 6.7 pounds. It was 76 F outside. Lots of my phone numbers have 7’s and 6’s in them. And my sign in for gmail is 11376 lol.. . I love reading up on your numbers. I see 11:11, 11:33, 11:55 all the time. God bless you and thank you for your advice !! 😘

  18. So I had a dream I was at work selling some items and made a mistake so corrected the transaction and after they left over charged a Customer and the total was £76.

  19. Grateful for each and every reminder. It is in complete resonance to my own inner feelings and fully matching the voice of my intuition. I see this combo every single day, without a miss, along 77(my year of birth).
    Blessed us all be.🙏🕉❤

  20. Its awesome...i really like the way u explain the angelic numbers...proper use of exact needed words...

  21. I was doing some EFT when I looked at my phone & the charge was 76% & the time was 7:15 (76)

  22. I see this # every 10 min or so I can’t get away from angel #s they are everywhere and every month or so it’s a different #firts it was 1111 for a year then 2222 3333 4444 24 42 37 12 777 666 13 26 now 76 they speak with me frequently but not just with numbers and not with words rather interpretation of your everyday life everything has a way of being at a place the exact moment it’s supposed to be there just for you to look directly at it though destiny had nothing to do with it rather your own free will for destiny is in your own hands they just show you the way
