Thursday, August 26, 2010

Angel Numbers - Number Sequences - Repeating 0's

0 00 000 0000

Attributes of the Number 0

The number 0 relates to meditation, prayer and Source.

Eternity, the beginning point, eternity, infinity, oneness, wholeness, continuing cycles, flow, the ‘God force’ and Universal energies. O is the Alpha and Omega.

The number 0 encompasses the attributes of all other numbers. 0 is Alpha (beginning) and Omega (the Highest), as there is no beginning and no end. All is infinite. The Ancients proclaimed that the ‘God force’ is a circle whose centre is everywhere and its circumference is nowhere. All numbers with the 0 puts one closer to the ‘God force’ or Universal energy.

The number 0 stands for potential and/or choice, and when this number sequence presents and recurs, it’s message is to do with developing one’s spiritual aspects as 0 is considered to represent the beginning of a spiritual journey and highlights the uncertainties that may entail.

When 0 recurs for you, you are asked to listen to your intuition and higher-self as that is where you’ll find your answers.

A recurring 00 sequences relates to prayer and/or meditation practices. It is a message to listen for guidance and watch out for signs. The Universe is emphasizing a message to you and asks that you pay attention and follow the guidance given without delay.

000 is a reminder that you are one with the Universe. You are a powerful being with the ability to manifest all that you desire into your life. All that you say and do has an impact and effect, be it positive or negative, so ensure that your thoughts, beliefs and desires are of a positive nature as this is what you will draw into your life.

0000 when appearing in a recurring number sequence is an indication to you that a situation or issue in your life has come full circle.

When combined with another number (or numbers) the potential of that number is magnified and enhanced by the presence of 0. 0 amplifies and encourages the energies and vibrations of the number it is combined with.

Sacred Scribes

NUMEROLOGY  -  The Vibration and Energy of Numbers

JoW Pottery



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  1. I have been seeing numbers for couple of years now. Strange combinations; mostly when I check my phone for time. Combinations like ' 11:11 , 12:34, 02:20 , 02:02, 2:22, 03:03, 03:30, 04:40...and so on.
    Mostly with zeros.
    I always thought of it as a bad sign. I am not sure what to make out of it. It just happens. There is always too much of chaos in my head and life that I don't understand whether to take it as a good sign or bad. Mostly I take it as a bad sign and choose to ignore.
    It stopped for a month or two last year but its happening again.
    Really need help with these I feel like I am getting obsessed.

    1. Ps. I am not a religious person! Live n Let Live is the only religious/? view I have.

    2. You do not have to be religious, it has nothing to do with spiritual nothing at all.

      God and the Angels may need you for some reason. If you walk in Gods will great,if not they may want you to as to be a lightworker. Here is part of what the numbers 1111 mean as I read them.

      However it is your life and you will know more of the meaning surrounding your own details. It definitively is a wake up call though to something. Pay attention here is part of your one's........

      Many people associate the repeating 1111 with a ‘wake-up call’, a ‘Code of Activation’ and/or an ‘Awakening Code’, or ‘Code of Consciousness’. It can also be seen as a key to unlock the subconscious mind, and reminds us that we are spiritual beings having a physical experience, rather than physical beings embarking upon spiritual experiences.

      Upon noticing a frequency of 1111’s appearing repeatedly, you may begin to see an increase in synchronicities and unlikely and miraculous coincidences appearing in your life.

      I am very close to the Angelic realm and I get messages from God on my pc, is very cool, and I will tell you this, my name is Laurie and it is now 8 am Wedmesday dec. 19,something is coming from God and sinners will be punished. I will say this also, I have no clue why I turned on my pc and came straight to this page, except that I was suppose to relate all this to you. Please use the numbers and you may be one to help change the world.

    3. Hi Baptized friend.
      I'm also discovering this new point of view, reading everything there is to be read about it so i can understand it... I used to ignore those kind of things in the beginning, but now i choose to think about it in a peacefull and meditative way. I mean, i don't follow orders, but when i feel like i receive a message i think if it aplies my life and make my choices acording to my personal beliefs (do good and trust intuition).
      There's this story that happened a long time ago that might help you. When i finished high school and applied for university, there was a lot of uncertainty... I didn't knew if i was going to make it the way i wanted. At that sumer during several nights i used to go to bed and when i got there before i turned the lights on i used to see the 00:00 on my alarm clock. I was young and that scared me a lot, so i started to manage to never go to bed at midnight... Everything went well back then and the sequence sight stoped. Now, bigger sincronicities are happening to me along with positive (by now...) changes in my life, so i don´t feel scared and started to investigate it and now i see that i was scared because of the reference of the horror movies i saw and the ghost stories i ear.
      So my advice is: give it a shot, don't be scared. You're in control of your life. Take it as an advice of a friend and then choose to take it or not...
      But i'm also available to hear other points of view.
      Best regards

    4. i also see this doublet 01::01, 02:02 ,03:03,.......for last five months but nothing happen interesting at this time

    5. Can someone tell me what 00:16 means, I see it alot when I think about a specific person..I can't find an answer anywhere

    6. Hi baptized fiend, please reply. I m also having same problem with the same symptoms since 1 and half years. I feel always tired and stress. Recently I m vomiting blood. I m afraid of life threat. Are you alive till. Are u in any disease .I m badly waiting for ur reply.

    7. Hi Baptized fiend, my situation now
      Is very bad and full of negative things happening to me in an unexpected ways. Please tell how u overcome for these... Thank you

    8. @jayaraj, hello Dear freind.

      I hope you are better now, if now all you have to do is speak to God (I am not Jocking) yes you can ask him to heal you and believe it you will be healed that is all it takes. Pray and ask the healing hand of God he always streach his hand to help us all.
      Good luck!
      please come back and tell us the miracles after you are healed!
      peace be up on you May Jesus keep you save

    9. i see often now 0711 and 0911

    10. For me, it is a wake up call to everyone of us that the creator of the Earth son of God "Jesus" is coming very soon! And you have to be aware of that repeated number you've been seeing because I experience it too. I am religious so that's why I can see it clearly what's God wants me to do. He wants you to red the whole chaters of the book of Revelation in the Bible so that you will know that all of this happening right now are written in the Bible. I need to tell you this because I think a lot of people right now don't have an idea about it. Some people are just twisting those meanings of that repeated numbers. That's all.

    11. OMG! Please don't take it as nas signs... The Angela, Archangels, well...The whole Universe is talking to you! That's the light do your chãos... Don't be arrais, embrace nas cherish this blessing... I am learning só much since I've started to see this synchronicyties three years ago. Take care

  2. NO read the numbers and follow what it tells you, it works, they are messages. If you choose to ignore, it is of your own free will and this is why the numbers have stopped.

    If you pay attention, the Angels may be telling you something, 1111 is a higher number,they want you to think your life so it will manifest. God is using you for something , not sure what but if you let it go, you will receive many more messages.

    1. What was your last message about, you said God will punish all sinners. Please explain more.

    2. Yes please explain more about your comment god will punish all sinners

    3. Please do not dwell on LaurieAnn S comment that "God will punish all sinners". Don't forget this is a positive page about guidance from your angel's.
      We should be trying to understand angel number 0000 and be positive. Negative comments are not welcome.

      Most people will have sinned however big or small but true love from above means forgiveness. Angel's are loving beings of light who never judge and will help and guide all believers.

      So please try to be positive and help shine your light to help others.

    4. Please do not dwell on LaurieAnn S comment that "God will punish all sinners". Don't forget this is a positive page about guidance from your angel's.
      We should be trying to understand angel number 0000 and be positive. Negative comments are not welcome.

      Most people will have sinned however big or small but true love from above means forgiveness. Angel's are loving beings of light who never judge and will help and guide all believers.

      So please try to be positive and help shine your light to help others.

    5. That's correct, it was very negative and random to read her comment. This isn't a place to express negativity and personal beliefs. Hope she found a way to express elsewhere than writing on a thread.

    6. @AnonymousSaturday, November 19, 2016, an awesome response !!!
      I absolutely agree with you and think in the same way !!!
      Faith,trust ,kindness,Love &positivity !!! Thats what we are surounded with!!!
      We,who receive messages are blessed trully!!!We are guided ,loved and healed !!! ♡♡♡
      Stay strong people and be patient with your self ,with time and patience ,you will begin to understand all the messages !!!
      Love,peace and Light to all!!!♡♡♡

    7. 真的嘛 我是佛教 。 車禍後。。。開使一連串不思議的事。 我不確定 。 那是我要的嗎?

  3. What does it mean by an issue has come full circle?

    1. Would love to know the answer aswell

    2. I think it has something to do with a certain aspect of general completion and a new beginning. I saw the 4 zero's while discovering or actually uncovering something else which had a big impact and has now come to an end.

    3. Amen to that! Thank you JESUS!!!

    4. Amen to that! Thank you JESUS!!!

  4. Yesterday my cell started pressing 000777, then 777000, repeatedly, all by itself. I had to take the battery out to make it stop. Shortly after, about 15 minutes later, my clock turned 11:11pm. I made a wish for something positive. Is this what I was suppose to do?

    1. Janet, What were you thinking when that happened? When I'm in doubt and think of a certain situation, when I find the right answer I get the 1111 prompt. Or 1234...which for me means everything is going to be very well. Just pay attention to your thoughts all the time and you'll get to know the answer. 😊

  5. My grandfather past away while I was with him in the hospital and my phone rang only with the number zero what does this mean thanks...

  6. 0 stands for God/prayer/meditation, I think. Maybe it was a sign for you not to worry and that he passed safely to the other side..

  7. I been seeing tons of numbers as within the past year last night was 100,000. that was with money they gave me a police officer gave me. Than the number 771 one time that number was being tattooed in my back the july 10 2013 someone was going to die in my dream. turns out my grandpa died on july 18,2013.then buried him on july 20,2013. then it was 8:20,30, 5, etc

  8. I promise, im like the girl Carey with my Power of strong my thoughts i can Control the weather...i even slow down traffic on the freeway thanks to the angels working through me to make this possible :) <3

  9. My phone keeps displaying number sequences without me touching it .. 000 was displayed today.. I looked it up and it was exactly what I needed to hear today
    , thank u

    1. Hi yes last night I was on fb my news feed page and my 📱froze for 3 mins and I was bout to re boot my phone but something said no wait see what's gonna happen it had to be some kind of message out of this well idk what it means still all I know is I just lost my mom to blood clats and bleeding on her Brian and a stroke and my brother is in denial about it she isn't responding today made a month she's been like this and I miss her so much.

  10. whenever i look at time i find numbers like 01:01,02:02,03:03,04:04,....12:12 approx 8/10 times and this is going on from past a year..does it mean anything to me..if yes..then what..?

    1. I see this sequence as well and am curious to know.

      101 202 303 404 505 606 707 808 909

      I look up each individual meaning but can't help but feel that OVERALL there exists a different interpretation/meaning.

  11. whenever i look at time i find numbers like 01:01,02:02,03:03,04:04,....12:12 approx 8/10 times and this is going on from past a year..does it mean anything to me..if yes..then what..?

  12. meditation seek and you will find

  13. meditation seek and you will find im going through same thing see and number nearly ten times per hour and im going through my spiritual awakening happy as can be life has changed for the better

  14. i always see 444 and 000 on license plates on my way to work. I always seem then in route to work. 1 time I saw a license plate cut in front of me on the freeway and the plate was 444...I would like to kow your thoughts on these accurances. is it just a coincidence because I travel the same route to work and see the same license plates?

    1. rush-collection can you please help answer my question above? Anonymous 28.5.15

  15. Hello Ive got repeting 0000000000 and many other signs. Wanna talk to me? I can give my email if you answer. Regards//Swede

  16. Hi everyone, I've seen the 00:00 and it is true, my life has come to a full circle and I have to think positive because my thoughts are becoming my reality. I served in the military for 12 years and it was great but it had also very difficult moments. My soul was not free I was a prisoner of my own device, however but I was proud of serving my country. Fate made a choice, I want to think it was God, and I am no longer in the military. The circumstances were all very strange but here I am starting from square 0. I've seen other sequence of numbers recently like 1111, 999, 1414, and all the messages were right on the money. I have connected with my spiritual guides and angels and they are helping me. This is very real but I just have to keep the faith. Examples of how they help: a person out of nowhere starts talking to me at the VA and offers me a job, and explains how to start the gi bill. I've been thinking about these two things for quite sometime s I nce I got out 2 weeks ago, and here a stranger comes and gives me the answers. I always find parking even in the most difficult times or locations, I've had dreams. I was able to buy a place after the visit of an angel, all my illnesses are gone ever since St Michael liberated me from negative entities. The list of miracles is quite long in my case but I can say: God, Jesus, his Angels and the Saints do hear our prayers and come in our assistance if we ask for their help. :)

    1. I have a photo of my grandson on my lake and in the clouds this number 014491 showed very beautiful. I am very blessed most all my life from a little girl and close to God and angels

    2. Hello annoymous, i have been seeing lots of numbers,just recently 00:00, 11:11 again, 33:33..this i believe is a direct link to GOD..I also see 17:17, 20:20, 02:02 and so on..if you can help..please do..thank you..

  17. i just had a dream with the number 0003

    1. Hi, if u saw it on a clock, the probably u were lucid dreaming coz u can't see clocks in it dream. Look for more signs.

  18. I have been seeing this numbers on my phone all the time,, all day long..I want to ask how can I speak with my angels.. thanks.. and by awakening you mean what?

  19. I've been seeing 001 002 007 a lot recently. Does anyone know what this means?

  20. Twice in the past month, I looked at the clock on my smartphone and it sais 00:00. I posted 00:00 on my Facebook timeline.

    1. I'm interested in how a clock can show 0000... military time? Can you please help me understand? Thank you.

  21. Twice in the past month, I looked at the clock on my smartphone and it sais 00:00. I posted 00:00 on my Facebook timeline.

  22. For the first time I saw 00:00 on 31 of December 2015 and now I see 00:00 on my phone every night What does that mean?

  23. I've come to look at recurring numbers as messages. 1:11 feel like blessings and 11:11 feel like warnings in my life. I think they can represent different things for different people, but they most definitely are messages for whatever is going on in your life. Sometimes I look at music videos in different languages at the 1:11 mark and it forms a message; feels like that's saying no matter what language we speak, we all have a universal language of God and the Spirit that guides us. The book, "The Alchemist" by Paulo Coelho really helped me understand the universal language of omens/signs/messages, and finding your purpose or 'Personal Legend'.

    Sometimes I'll take the numbers 1:11 and 11:11 and match them up with scripture verses and see which one most directly answers what I'm dealing with at that given moment.

    What helps the most is daily conversations with God, Jesus, Spirit, guardians, passed loved ones and mentors. I'll pray to one and to all at the same time or different times and listen to the voice to help guide me, teach me, strengthen my intuition, give me clarity of mind, knowledge, wisdom, heal my physical body and spirit, help me to rely on your sight, to lean not on my own understanding but yours. Feels like the connection with the spiritual becomes closer and strength builds more and more daily, like a slow, growing fire that spreads within you and out to those all around you.

    I've been writing down the messages and signs I see, hear, think, and feel for about 3 years now in notebooks, journals, scraps of paper. I've also been logging down research and learning that I'm interested in, as well as information that I come upon from following where the messages lead. I've realized that I'll be headed out on a wild goose chase or get lost if I forget to include God in it or pray for his strength, protection, and guidance. Sometimes that happens; you'll get so excited about a message and immerse yourself immediately in the search with your books, that you'll forget where the message came from and remember you can't do it without him. It's like you get zeroed in on the puzzle and then have to take a step back to see the big picture. God helps you see the big picture in the journey of your life; all you have to do is ask.

    In the past year, I've built up some courage to start sharing the messages with some people outside of my family and closest friends. I've been scared to do that and how it will be received, but I've been praying for courage. I guess it's time to start venturing out of my comfort zone. To keep the messages and word to myself does no good. Sharing the word and the journey is the whole point.

    P.S. The next number sequence I'll be working on is 10:10. I've been seeing that for a couple of days this week, so I guess I'll need to follow up on that and see where it leads. I love this mystery and adventure God gifts us with in our search of the unknown; makes life exciting and new.

    1. So crazy. My oldest child's birthday is 10-10-00. He has always said things and then they manifest. He was 2 or 3 and we were in the car driving from Daly city to San Francisco and out of no where he says oh mama its a big truck in a accident. Like any mom I say is that right? I hope everyone is ok. I turn forward and just as we go up and turn the bend not 2 minutes later immediate brake lights. Directly ahead of us was a big rig on its side and 4 or 5 cars completely mangled. His dad was driving and we looked at eachother and from the back we hear see papa I tells you that! As hes pointing at the big truck. Fast forward to this year, when he turns 18 in October, he called me maybe 2 weeks ago because he was bothered and was having a hard time sleeping. This is not unusual at all in fact he has always had a difficult time sleeping. I feel spirits can sense he is a lightworker probably much stronger than I am. And I feel they are the reason for his insomnia. I personally don't believe that there is any negative tones or meanings in any of the numbers and their vibrations. These are messages that we ourselves have to figure out how they relate individually. I don't think anyone should just brush them off. I'm recently immersed in my angels and spirits but this is the only "religion" for lack of better words that I have ever felt "one" with ❤ By the way, As I was writing this he called me.

  24. i broke up yesterday with my fiance in a cab under her house,and while she walked to the door she sent me a message saying 0000000 cuz it was exactly 00:00 a.m.. i wish i could tell her now that it was a divine break-up, and the cycle ended again

  25. I see 11:11 everytime on my mobile clock? its hapenning for last 2 - 3 months.

  26. I've been focusing my life around 7's lately because I had a few days with that number sequence. My husband and I are really hurting for money "Broke" and I didn't even think I had my doctors copay money. This past saturday we received a check in the mail from our health insurance saying that we had over payed on some testing I had done. The check was for $70.76... not only was it 7 related and received from my medical insurance, it came at the time we needed it the most. I'm definitely a believer and when I see any double number sequence I always think positive and how I want my life to be. Not material things just happiness and peaceful things. Try it once with an open mind and if it doesn't work for you then you don't have to do it again. You don't have to do it at all but I encourage at least one try.

  27. Hi i have had the 000000 times in a row anybody know what this means thanks

  28. HI have seen 00:00 on railway timing clock. what it means situation or issue in life has come full circle ? help please

  29. I am so honored and humbled. I feel so much love. And I give the love in return. Thank you so much.

  30. I want to thank in writing i usely do it it in saying , but sometimes words written are also very powerfull , while typing it reminds me of how powerfull , written words can be , finally also it is a sequel of energy that can be transformed in numbers , i want to thank for the strong guideness threw out the years i have been following chyncronity and beyond , it's helpfull and it just keeps my hope , faith and believe higher then before , it's recalls me to stay positive and not to let go of this believe , Rush Collection thank you very much , wich i normally send you in a way of speaking :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :)

  31. Hi... whenever I see the time it's always contain 0 like 15:00 2:00 else and I always see 00:00 at night each and almost every day...what does it mean please help me...

  32. Hi... whenever I see the time it's always contain 0 like 15:00 2:00 else and I always see 00:00 at night each and almost every day...what does it mean please help me...

  33. I saw 777 and 2222222222 and 0000 and 11.

  34. Hello
    I always notice 3, 0, or 7. Our previous addresses have been 1337, 3047, 3077, & now pur new
    House address will be 703.
    We also just got married on 1018. Not intentional. Please

    1. Please see:

      In regards to your address numbers, please see:

      What Your House Number Means

  35. I have been trying to lift my own life up to the maximum extent in order that my twin flame can be lifted from the oppression he suffers as caregiver to a cruel mother. I am seeing 9:00, 10:00 12:00 and 11:00 (as well as 11:11) very frequently. I've read up on all of it but uncertain if I'm seeing everything I am being shown. :)

  36. Never thought much of numerology until I was practically being smacked upside the head with numbers. 1111 sequences appear all the time... and probably began on 11/11/2011, but at the time I was too dense to get the message, other than a voice in my head that told me to get an office and start a clinical practice. I transformed from a career in teaching and research to one of healing. Ironically, my office address was at 1110, and across the street was 1111, which I saw almost every day leaving my office. I have had a profound sense that God has something in mind for me, and I have endeavored to stay on a spiritual path since. My life has become a series of miracles, i.e. I am the recipient and conduit for many. When I have brief moments of comprehending who exactly I am and who I have been in past lives, it is mind-blowing, and not something that I share with everyone. Please understand this: We are both in the last days, and the first days. Our beautiful planet is about to end as we know it, but begin anew for the meek who inherit it. Please love your families, put forward positive energy, and change your own corner of the word for the better. Fear not: This too shall pass, and life will continue to unfold in wondrous ways.

  37. So my story started like this, on 01.11.2015 I met my exfirstboyfriend. I moved to another country for studying and we broke up, but I accidentaly forgot my watch at his place and I didnt take it back before moving. I almost lost this watch before a lot of times. When I was abroad I still had a hope to go back together and I saw this similar numbers everywhere. I came back on 22.06.2016 and we ran into each other exactly in the same day. For almost one year and half I've been seeing numbers like 01:01, 22:22, 11:11 everywhere when staring to the clock. I tryed to contact him to take back the watch and talk to end properly, he said okay and then changed his mind and said he didnt find it, he just didnt want to give it to me. I still think about him and dont understand all this signs.

  38. Immensely blessed and grateful,now and always !!! Love,peace and Light to All!!! ♡♡♡

  39. Often I keep on seeing 00:00 along with other angel numbers. Thanks for bringing light to us.Thank you so much.

    Thank you Angels !

  40. Hi , Ive been seeing 0008 a lot specially from the phone lately! 00:08 ive seen 000 -0000’s meanings and 8-88-888-8888 as well but cant find anything thats 0008? Any one with any answers? Thanks in advance!

  41. Hi..these days I mostly see 00 or 000 on the vehicle's number board. Most of the times l look at the digital watch on my mobile or laptop, I see 7:00, 8:00, 9:00.. etc.

    I am happy to know that the Angels are around ne.

    I am so grateful to this website for connecting me to my dear Angels. Thank you Sacred scribes.

  42. Hello. A while back when I started my journey of thy self, I had a dream, of which only I remember something which got deeply imprinted in my mind.
    The only thing I remember is the image of an analog clock, red digits over black background.
    On it, the clock showed 00:00 00:00:00.
    How would you interpret that?
    Thank you

  43. SE NUMBERS ALL THE TIME HEI222.333.1515.4444.5555.0000 i feel crazy someyimes

  44. I was seeing the pattern 1111 for at least 2+ years. Recently (2 weeks) I began to see 00 quite often in terms of the clock. The 1111 stopped for now I watched a video regarding double zeros and the person conveyed a not so good overall perception of it Any idea why? It was concerning negative which kinda dropped my jaw.

    1. I saw his video too! Don’t believe him though....

  45. I keep seeing 00 on my new phone and all digital clocks. At first I just thought it was coincidence. After 4 months of this every day, I’m convinced it is not. Can anyone on this thread give me an answer to this phenomenon?

  46. Love your website and for the last few years have often referred to it for reference to tarot readings and observations throughout my life. I love that the angels communicate daily with me. At first I thought hippy Christian sillyness around numbers but soon realised it was my misjudgement of the word angel from being brought up within a strict religious setting I thought why would I be important enough to have been spoken to by an angel. I now spread the angels love and messages to others and take note of all the small signs of wonder I am blessed with every day it can sometimes feel like you are just obsessing over numerology or mathematics but from sharing my knowledge with others and hearing there feedback several month later they to notice the numbers that the angels wish to share with them. May more lightworkers be awoken and revolutionise the thought on spiritual belief systems merging with science to create a unified future !!! Love to all !

  47. What does 00000 mean?
    I see sequences with the numbers repeating 5 times occasionally. They're harder to find meanings for.

  48. I am living testimony of gods grace and healing!! I believe it’s part of the process you have to die from your old self life!! I’ve been working on myself for a year now and I can finally be positive n happy even in the middle of confusion n chaos!! It takes a lot of training ur mind to keep them negative thoughts out of your head as they well manifest in your life! Keep your thoughts positive n you will get positive results!! I believe in my creator n I worship him but also believe in the universe numerology astrology and prophecy!! Speak what you want to see into your atmosphere and declare n decree over every situation!!! I was never a Jesus freak but we do not choose him he chooses us! And when he chooses you pay attention cuz if your not life can seem very confusing and can be hard n rough ask for guidance and support from the universe,,angels,,Holy Spirit,,and our creator and sustainer!! Peace be still. It’s all about love joy happiness n always keeping it positive once you learn to do this the universe will send you everything you need!! Peace and Love to All!!!

    1. Religion is man made to divide the peoples up. Love and everything falls in line. We are all the fathers creation. There is no religion.

  49. Same here keep seeing 1111 1000 111 1204 000 911 is very interesting

  50. I feel blessed guided and protected Amen x

  51. I had a dream about a close friend. In that dream, over her name suddenly appeared the number 0000. What does this mean? Is her marriage in trouble?

  52. Thanks be to God Lord Jesus i love you my loving angels

  53. is er nou niemand opgevallen dat dit bericht is geplaatst om 11.33, dank je rush-collection.

  54. Hi I have been seeing 00:00 repeatedly specially in the night time.. What does it signify?

  55. Had a voice moments ago say 0000
