Monday, June 27, 2011


Number 20 is a blend of the energies and attributes of the number 2 and Number 0.  Number 2 resonates with the vibrations of duality, service and duty, balance and harmony, adaptability, diplomacy and co-operation, relationships and partnerships, consideration, receptivity and love. Number 2 also relates to your Divine life purpose and soul mission. Number 0 carries the energies of the ‘God’ force and Universal Energies and reinforces, amplifies and magnifies the vibrations of the numbers it appears with. Number 0 resonates with developing one’s spiritual aspects and is considered to represent the beginning of a spiritual journey and highlights the uncertainties that may entail. It suggests that you listen to your intuition and higher-self as this is where you will find all of your answers.

Angel Number 20 is a message of love, support and encouragement from the angels and Universal Energies. Know that you are well-blessed in your life. The angels give you guidance and energy that enables you to live your life with love, harmony, compassion and balance in order to serve your life purpose and soul mission with enthusiasm and optimism.

Angel Number 20 is a message from your angels that things are happening behind the scenes that will be of great benefit to you in the near future. Even though you may not be experiencing these opportunities just yet, believe that they are on their way to you right now. Have faith and trust in the Divine.

Angel Number 20 is a message from your angels to have faith and trust that due to your positive affirmations and optimistic attitude towards your life and soul mission your desires are manifesting into your life.

Number 20 relates to Number 2 (2+0=2) and Angel Number 2.

See also:  Repeating 2’s and 0’s  (200, 202, 220, etc)
Angel Number 2
Angel Number 200
Angel Number 202
Angel Number 220

Sacred Scribes

NUMEROLOGY  - The Vibration and Energies of NUMBERS

JoW Pottery



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  1. For several months now, several times everyday, when I look at my phone to check the time, it is something :20. I have grown more curious as it keeps happening everyday! Several times a day!

    1. Hi, for some reason its happening to me the same, for months its being like this. I just started to do some reaserch and found this page with your post and now im more curious about this.

    2. Hellow, same here and finally found this page also but the difference is that i am blessed by a sufi saint "AZIZ SAI". If you guys haven't get yet your "ONE - here is mentioned by angel" then be sure "HE" is very near about you. Just try to smell, try to fell from your heart. "HE" will knock you soon i believe.

    3. Hellow, same here and finally found this page also but the difference is that i am blessed by a sufi saint "AZIZ SAI". If you guys haven't get yet your "ONE - here is mentioned by angel" then be sure "HE" is very near about you. Just try to smell, try to fell from your heart. "HE" will knock you soon i believe.

    4. Me too the last three day's

  2. yes O:) :) i believe in my faith and positive always thank-you to all and my unconditional <3 to all... one love /|\

  3. I was just wondering about my soul purpose and saw 2020.
    Thanks angels, i know i must have faith.

  4. Great comfort is seeing what my double digits mean.
    Thank you for this beautiful website.

  5. my partner passed away at 20:20 in the evening of the 2oth. its comforting to read what these digits mean. xx

  6. I keep seeing 20s as well and I'm in the bible a lot what do it mean

  7. Happening to me at the moment thank you Angels xoxox😇😇😇

  8. I can't stop seeing 20 there anyone this happened to

  9. Jewish Year 5780 5+7+8+0=20 5+7=12+8+0=20
    Yom Kippur Wed. 8 October, 2019 8+2+0+1+9=20
    Year 2020 arrives and we will still be in 5780
    Thought that was interesting

  10. Yes me too! This is why I looked this up and came accord this website! Has anything happened in ur life recently ?

  11. This comment has been removed by the author.

  12. This comment has been removed by the author.

  13. My license plate has numbers 8237, 8+2+3+7 = 20 and I am seeing the sum of the digits of the time to be 20. Thanks, I do believe things are happening behind the scenes for the good.

  14. 20:20...feel great after reading it..😄

  15. 20:20...feel great after reading it..😄

  16. it seems to come in a message via money, i kept finding lots of 5ps one day, i mean alot, even in my housemates room, and asi was walking alog thinking how this was strange, i looked up and caught the number 5 on a post to my left in the distance, also today I have been finding 20ps, at home and at work, also alot of the change I was giving was something 20, it seems as though once i recognise this as a message, it stops xx beautiful read xx

  17. 20 has always been associated in my life as well. My birth year adds up to 20, I rode the school bus #20 my whole life, I lost my dad when I was 20. List goes on. During early 20s I remember seeing 20 on the clock. Then recently picked back up over a year least 5 times a day/middle of night. Then coming across this site, I was like let me check the clock just to see how legit...2:20!!! It's always when I don't expect it that I see 20, this was my first "ok, let's test that theory." Amazing!!

  18. I have been seeing XX for a few years. It feels like a positive sign. Can you help with interpretation?

  19. I work with patients any I've seen these numbers 02-02 03-03 06-06 04-04 09-09 just this week

  20. Okay so for some years now ive notice that i catch the clock at 11:20 morning and night. Without trying too. The creepy thing about it is i was born November 20th (11/20) weird i know. Idk
    What it means but i have to do a happy dance and kiss the nnumber on my phone. I get a really happy energy thru my body when i see my lucky numbers !!! I wish i knew the meaning

  21. HEAVENLY BLESSINGS TO YOU MISS SCRIBES, you are truly gifted.

  22. Thank you My Angels for leading me to this I am starting to understand things more better and my faith is very strong on another level..knowing what is in store for me is amazing..and always had this strong feeling and manefisting and believing in receiving my blessing...I had a feeling always when I prayed I must clap 20times...I have been doing this with no reason of knowing what it means...know I got a big picture..Thank you I am over the moon.

  23. How about my birthdate february 20th,year 1983.

  24. I'm constantly finding 2 dimes in my presence..

  25. God is good all the time & all the time God is good. Call upon the powerful One with good motive and the way u live will be the right way. How Divine!

  26. God is good all the time & all the time God is good. Call upon the powerful One with good motive and the way u live will be the right way. How Divine!

  27. I have been seeing repetition of time for years now,recently I had to make research on it 12:12 4:04 10:10 2:02 8:08 mostly

    1. same what does it mean ???

  28. Every time I look at my phone the time is always like 20:20 or 14:14 and so on... its been like that for months now. What does it mean ??

  29. I keep finding 20$ bills at the gas station counter.. Im the type who never wins or fund things..I just lost my kids father so i wondered if he was letting me know he ok

  30. Immensely blessed and grateful!!!Amen!!!
    Thank you rush-collection, you are our Angel on Earth and I love you !!!❤🧘‍♀️🙏🎈
    Sending much love,light and peace to all!!! ❤

  31. The war economy. War brings income, sadly income or should I say money.... "Paper" is why PF's are needed or international military branches are needed.

  32. For months and months now I have been reading :20 several times per day whenever I look at the time. Funny as I have been through and am going through a transition in my life, I've noticed it very strongly for a long time and remember mentioning it to my family months ago... yet it is still happening.

    Thank you for the great message, it is comforting to know.

  33. Carry on and live your life. What life has installed for you will be infront of you. You cant avoild it, if it is ment to be there. Dont sweat the small things. Just be happy :)

  34. More than 100% true, wish i could tell you.

  35. Angel numbers - the path to self deception and delusion

  36. I always see 11 :11 & 111
    What dose it mean

  37. Same 204 used to be alot not so much now

  38. Couldnt be more perfect, just a day late

  39. So good... finally�� thanks

  40. this really made me feel a lot better.
    Slowly giving up. The situation is broken.  There is probably no chance in turning back from here?
    loosing faith in something youu have believed in forever, is excruciating.
    Wishing for answers from the other side, not even a simple sign.
    Its not like it was, and wont be the same not this time. We all know where we should be we just need to believe and get there.
    will keep doing what I have been doing here. waiting... hoping

  41. i had a dream that one of my family members were dropping me off at my friends house with my other friend and the number 20 was on the house. it was bold and i was looking at it and my grandfather waved me goodbye and drove away. after my friend moved into the same house in the dream i had and it was number 20

  42. my girlfriend passed away about five years ago and on her face of a picture I took of her I see the numbers 20 wow that's awesome

  43. Before I went jogging this morning, I always stretch by this Small monument in front a jogging trail and there atop the brass plate of written words sat 20cents in Penny's. Took that as a sign definitely because lately I've been working so mf hard. Much love to all.
