Tuesday, June 28, 2011


Number 24 is a blend of the vibrations of the number 2 and number 4. Number 2 relates to duality and balance, insight, partnerships and relationships, co-operation and diplomacy, and your Divine life purpose and soul mission. Number 4 carries the attributes of hard work towards building solid foundations, practicality and organisation, honesty and integrity, dependability, responsibility and inner-wisdom. Number 4 also relates to your passion and drive and the energies of the Archangels.

Angel Number 24 is a message from your angels to continue on your present path with passion and enthusiasm. Believe in yourself and your inner talents and abilities in order to find success and achieve your desires and aspirations. Trust that achieving your goals is within sight.

Angel Number 24 is a message to listen to your intuition and inner-wisdom and trust that the angels are ensuring that your needs are met as you toil towards success and achievement. Have faith and trust in your angels and surrender your worries and fears to them for transmutation and healing. Ask for angelic guidance and assistance whenever you feel the need and know that they are encouraging and supporting you.

Angel Number 24 indicates that your angels are sending you positive energies to boost your self-belief, self-esteem and confidence. The work, will and effort you have contributed in the past has lead to building solid foundations and stability, and you are asked to trust yourself and your intuition. Know that you are on the right life path.

Number 24 relates to the Number 6 (2+4=6) and the Angel Number 6.

See also:  Repeating 2’s and 4’s  (224242 etc)
Angel Number 224
Angel Number 242

Sacred Scribes

NUMEROLOGY  - The Vibration and Energies of NUMBERS

JoW Pottery



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  1. Abundance and love to everyone !

    1. Thank you and the same goes back to you Abundance and love to you and yours

  2. Love to all, so thankful you have these numbers here, and thank you to the Angels for giving us all signs and help in life. :)

  3. thanks to my ancestors

  4. thanks to my ancestors

    1. Earthly Ancestors duty,Role ,Powers are limited to Earth.
      1. Duty - to Pass-on the Family Blessings from the deceased Family tree .Ref.-go to the Bible and view Jacobs(ISRAELS)

      Blessings to his 12 Sons who were as Destined by God would form the 12 Tribes of Israel.
      2.Role -Our Grandfathers looked after us ,gave Birth to our Mothers and Fathers ( their Role is Parental in nature ,hence Jesus Christ son of Man ,had an Earthly Father and Mother ,forv the very same purpose achieved by Joseph and Marry .so we Honor our Parents /Grand parents we do not mistakenly Worship them ,but we do Worship God Almighty and the Spiritual Head of the Church Jesus Christ .
      3.Powers- Remember one of the ten commandments ie respect your Father and your Mother so that your days may be long ,no one can take away the place of our parents ,thanking them is a good thing to do .

      Amen .

      ps - Angels :-

      Definition- Angels are Messengers of God ,Created in Heaven . How they look like depends on the Mission at hand they are engaging you with ,for instance if they came to intervene on your behalf with regard to the nightmare that is suffocating you at night ,Arch Angel of Warfare or under the command of the Archangel would b dispatched to assist in that regard in a manner relevant to the occasion .
      So in a nutshell ,there is no equality netween Earthly Ancestors and God's Created Angels ,They are frm Above and they are Above ,7 of them are next to God in Heaven ,this is an Area of Revelation and Prophesy .
      Thank you .

      Vuyani VIMBELA


  5. I am a firm believer #24 ๐Ÿ‘ผ๐Ÿ’ฏ

  6. Thank you very much :)

  7. Thanks to Him and His Legion of Angels for my daily #24 messages

  8. Thanks to Him and His Legion of Angels for my daily #24 messages <3 ♥

  9. Glad to know im not in this alone god bless

  10. My dob is 22.11.1988 my destiny no. Is either 32 or 41.

    1. Its 41, which is 5, lol I don't know how you got 32, but your date of birth adds up to 41, which reduces to 5.

  11. It has been a struggle to get through the torment of loving a dark soul. I continuiously try to head towards the light and he seems to pull me towards the dark and the only way i have stayed stable on my path is through numerology a journal and meditation.

    1. Stay strong, and don't let the labors of love douse your spark. Be cunning, like the Fox, to protect it! However, do not forget to also share it, as your soul-spark has the power to re-ignite others. Spread love.

    2. Normally i do not get any response and this morning something was telling me look. Your words anonymous are true and bring comfort because i completely agree and i try extremely hard and i shall remember to be cunning in a loving way because i have so much to give still inspite of it all.
      To spreading love

    3. You know deep down you want better, crave it but don't want to try. This will continue if you keep making excuses... You have potential, just fight through the chaos. It isnt easy but it also isnt impossible.

  12. thank you very much I am 24 years old and I keep seeing the number 24 everywhere somuch spiritual stuff happening to me is unbelievable I know its a god and I believe angels are some higher spiritual being but god is everywhere I love this site for the ulift ment please send good thoughts my way .need to get my life in order to take my daughter on shopping spree and be in her life I just don't want to be in jail or dead so young ..thanks to whoever sends universal blessing towards this message love all..

    1. I'm 24 and a few years ago I kept seeing 24 alot. I thought I was going to die at the age 24 it kept creeping me out

  13. Thank you so much!

  14. Creappy i just dream of number 24 and number 777

  15. A few years ago I kept seeing the number 24, like everytime I checked the time it would be something 24, not 23 or 25 and it happened for a long time. I don't know if it's the same or not

    1. Tell what happened? Did you manage to figure it out what it meant? It happens to me now all the time. Everytime I check the clock it’s 11:24, 19:24 and etc.

  16. Live 2 love, love 2 live. Share and care 2 everyone!!!!!!

  17. 24 is my birthdate and I see it everywhere! Blessings!

    1. 24 is also my birthday and I see it everywhere too. Haunts me daily lol. sometimes Good, sometimes bad, but mostly good.

  18. I have been seeing the numbers 444 Alot and also I just moved and my apt number is 24 and there are 24 steps, one way to get to my apt. Any words of wisdom on the 444 and now 24

  19. I have been seeing the numbers 444 Alot-and also I just moved and my apt number is 24 and there are 24 steps, one way- to get to my apt. Any words of wisdom on what this may mean

    1. 444 is a message all is well, so if you're going through a lot of chaos or upheaval just know that all will turn out as planned. you're safe & watched over by God. <3

  20. As always , love and light to you rush-collection!!!Thank you so so much!!! ♡♡♡

  21. During meditation I was told to "trust yourself, trust myself" repeating times and then I looked at the clock and the time was 22.24,here it says again to "trust yourself",thank you!

  22. I seen the number 24 in the clouds. What does it mean?

  23. I tank you my angels and im a firm believer in the post about unknown Friday December 23, i have footage of my angel coming to say hi on his 91 birthday and I want him to know that i love him so so so much and i will always continue to grow in Christ the Father and always be there for Aunt, Mom, Grandma, uncle John, Eileen, and i will honor my mother and dad, and follow the Ten Commandments. Continue to read my bible every day and have faith that can move a mountains, I love you Sam Scarcelli my dearest dearest Friend (Grandpa) (my Angel)

  24. Amen!!!๐ŸŽˆ๐Ÿ•Š♥️
    Grateful for every reminder!!!♥️

  25. Thank you for that :) I really need this. I definitely am on the right path and I’m so thankful ❤️

  26. Ummm, how is this the meaning because, the 24th of a certain month is my anniversary with my bf. But when I hit my 6 month anniversary last year... I cheated... I don't think I deserve this definition. In fact i don't deserve anything after doing what I did.

    1. Honestly, you do... You wouldn't have if he'd treated you better. What I got is that you're better off without him. He was keeping you from rising. Forgive yourself and rise <3

  27. What does 2 2 2 4 have a meaning of

    1. Repeating 2’s and 4’s


  28. I had a reading and he said to tell me 24 24 24 24?

  29. What's the reason behind 24 for Dimasa Ning? I don't understand why Dimasa King use specially 24 number?

  30. I just dont believe the words.

  31. Thank you Amen ๐Ÿ™

  32. Thank you ๐Ÿ™ Amen ๐Ÿ™
