Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Repeating Angel Numbers - 2's and 4's (24, 224, 242, 244 etc)

The 2 and 4 combination is a sign that you will have help from spirit and the angels in making your desired transitions.  They understand your position and stand behind you in your choices as they know you are trying to bring more positivity into your life. You may need to be reminded that you are never alone.

The 2 and 4 number sequence is a message from your angels that they are working very closely with you at the moment so you are able to relax and ease your mind knowing that all will be taken care of.  You are asked though, to pay attention to your intuition and keep an eye on the repeating 2 and 4 combination, as your angels will be communicating with you through these means.

Sacred Scribes

NUMEROLOGY  - The Vibration and Energies of NUMBERS

JoW Pottery



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  1. Replies
    1. good luck πŸ˜„πŸ˜„πŸ˜„

    2. Proud of you πŸ’―πŸ§ΏπŸ€

  2. I had 666 & 2424 keep popping up together..... Evil wants me to succeed? I won't do you wrong evil!

    1. 666 Reading: Angel Number 666 tells of the ability to use the imagination and the intellect combined to bring about positive outcomes. When 6’s appear repeatedly your angels are telling you to be aware to balance your thoughts, worries or concerns about material and financial issues, with a focus and faith in the spiritual. A positive vibration and focus will bring about positive results.

      Maybe a Complememtary message

  3. Thank you. I choose to be more positive

  4. Thank you. I choose to be more positive

  5. Thank you. I choose to be more positive

  6. Stumbled upon your comment after reading through numbers. 666: Your thoughts are out of balance right now, focused too much on the material world. This number sequence asks you to balance your thoughts between heaven and earth. Like the famous “Sermon on the Mount,” the angels ask you to focus on spirit and service, and know your material and emotional needs will automatically be met as a result.

    If it applies Maybe a Double mesage

  7. I've seen 9 24 and 924 thousands of times over the years. They pop up on the most random places and the isolation of the individual numbers has spoken to me. Friends and family have witnessed this phenomenon. This happens daily but some days are more recurring than others. Lately it's been just 24 and 9 has been separate but it's been going on since right after I turned 33, 7 years ago. The occurrences are out right unbelievable and mind blowing

    1. I though i was the only 924 person Steve. It all started at 19 when i created a poker account ending in 924. Tell me Steve how are your finances? Thank you

  8. I see 24 and 42 and it seems to tell me good is about to happen (24) or bad is about to happen (42).

  9. I've discovered the frequency for the ringing of my ears that occurs off and on and it is 8448hz. This is an octave above 4224hz. I usually only get ringing about 3-4 times a year but recently it's been happening twice a day and always the same pitch. I took the opportunity to figure out the Hz and thought it was worth mentioning. I wonder if ringing of the ears can occur because of interaction with angels.

    1. Yes it can ... and this is how it works for me. When I hear the ringing, the message start flowing.



  10. Thank you so much. This means so much to me..

  11. An ever present combination.
    I have tears in my eyes, from joy and immense gratitude.
    Feeling beyond blessed.
    Such a precise match to my intuitive thoughts. As always. ❤
    I love you Angels and you rush-collection, my Earth Angel.πŸ™❤🌟
    Endless love and ligh to all.

  12. If the angels are so good, why can't they just stop the world's problems?

    1. What a boring life one would experience if there was no effort involved on our part. Life is not meant to be a Utopia. Many people often think we are humans trying to reach the divine, but actually We are all spiritual beings who are currently experiencing a lifetime as a human being in a physical body here in the 3D, which offers unique situations that we can only learn here on Earth with the restrictions we face, and we must experience these challenges for spiritual Growth to occur here. The angels are only allowed to assist with your permission through prayer as long as their assistance doesn’t hinder your divine life purpose. Sometimes, we also need to remember we have a limited perspective of what’s best for us, and that UNanswered prayers are sometimes exactly what is needed to lead us in a positive direction. Wishing you all a prosperous Spring 2022. What a perfect day for NEW spiritual growth as well ;-)

  13. What a boring life one would experience if there was no effort involved on our part. Life is not meant to be a Utopia. Many people often think we are humans trying to reach the divine, but actually We are all spiritual beings who are currently experiencing a lifetime as a human being in a physical body here in the 3D, which offers unique situations that we can only learn here on Earth with the restrictions we face, and we must experience these challenges for spiritual Growth to occur here. The angels are only allowed to assist with your permission through prayer as long as their assistance doesn’t hinder your divine life purpose. Sometimes, we also need to remember we have a limited perspective of what’s best for us, and that UNanswered prayers are sometimes exactly what is needed to lead us in a positive direction. Wishing you all a prosperous Spring 2022. What a perfect day for NEW spiritual growth as well ;-)

  14. Ok my name is Anita and I'm getting married in September 17th and I booked an Airbnb the cost was 422.24 for 4 nights and the address of the place is 4002 Espanita Avenue. What do you all think that could mean.

  15. Divine timing... and right on point as always!!! Forever grateful for every timely reminder. πŸ™πŸ˜‡πŸ’–

  16. Thank you.... Exactly the reassurance that I needed right now!!! Always and forever grateful!!! πŸ™πŸ˜‡πŸ₯°πŸŽΆ❄️

  17. Sharon March 4,2024Monday, March 04, 2024

    Thank you divine timing
