Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Repeating Angel Numbers - 3's and 0's (30, 300, 303 etc)

When the 3 and 0 combination presents, your angels are trying to get your attention.  

The 3 and 0 combination is the Universe's way of alerting you to take notice. The message is to listen to and follow your Divine guidance in order to take the most appropriate actions at this time.  Remember that everything happens for a reason and within its Divine right time.

Sacred Scribes

NUMEROLOGY  - The Vibration and Energies of NUMBERS

JoW Pottery



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  1. What about combination of 0 and 3, I mean if it something as 0033. Is it the same as 3300?
    I am just wondering because I can not find on your web site (which I like were much) the combination starting with 0.

  2. The number 0 amplifies and magnifies the vibrations and energies of the numbers it appears with ... in the case of 0033 etc, the 0 amplifies the energies of the number 3, making them more powerful and pronounced.

  3. thanks, the number 0 is also a transition number as I understand it.
    My mother died a couple days ago and when I went back into her room later, I realized that the clock was standing still at 303... this is a very nice message and thanks for the number confirmation!

  4. My birthday is 3-3-00 everything in my life has the numbers 3 and 7 my address my cell number my home phone it doesnt have to be the number it could 3 words such as "love faith and hope" right in my face or a word like "now" me and my mom were looking at homes online and I still have the tab open the address is 10333 normanwood the only thing that stands out is if you take the w from wood and put it with norman thats 7 when you took the w from wood it leaves ood which is 3 letters on your blogg right now as im writing this theres 3 pieces of furniture and my dad has a shirt on that says lake lakotah 7 letters again my dad always tells me to have courage that 7 letters but thank you anyways I just had to get that out :)

  5. When you see the numbers of your date of birth repeating to you, it is often an indication that you are to concentrate and focus upon your true life purpose ... your reason for being ... your soul mission. Seeing your own birthday is a reminder of why you were born and what you are to do and achieve in your lifetime.

  6. I'm moving into an apartment # 303 I'm hoping this is a good thing

  7. Good morning I keep seeing 3030 and 0303 EVERYWHERE and was just trying to figure what it could represent

  8. Good morning I keep seeing 3030 & 0303 EVERYWHERE and was just wondering what it could represent.

  9. I just reopened a word document that had 03030 for about one page at the end of the document. I just received a new license plate with 333 at the end. I'm at a turning point in my life and have just moved cities and looking for work. What does this mean?

    1. Follow them signs, where your intuition takes you and you will know its right for you or what you manifested when you see the numbers

  10. So many times grateful! 💜

  11. Just moved into YMCA, been waking at 3.03am everynight since I moved in. After suffering domestic violence for 12 years. My Angels have my attention and I'm gratful that I now know I am on the right path. Thank you. X

  12. So what does 0303 really mean? We juz lost our beloved dog & family member of 12 years who was closest to my eldest who is inconsolable. She just received a missed call from +0303 just these four numbers. At once she felt it was our dominic trying to reach her as we always called him our little angel

  13. The battery shows on my phone 12%, trying to make some very big decision, the clock shows 03:30.

  14. Litery my ex is only after ringn 5 taxis and none can bring him here.. he had a couple of drinks in him and im iffy about letting him down.. i went to look for another taxi number and i seen the time was 03.03.. clearly there is a reason taxis cant bring him down.. its not menta be .. and im kinda glad now tbh.. thank u so much xx

  15. Litery my ex is only after ringn 5 taxis and none can bring him here.. he had a couple of drinks in him and im iffy about letting him down.. i went to look for another taxi number and i seen the time was 03.03.. clearly there is a reason taxis cant bring him down.. its not menta be .. and im kinda glad now tbh.. thank u so much xx

  16. You mention a special significance when it comes to date of birth. I am wondering if there's any meaning behind me seeing my police badge number 1249 on the clock. Any thoughts on what the message is there?

  17. Bonjour, cette nuit du 04/09/2018 au 05/092018 j'ai été réveillée à 0:03 - quel en est la signification ?
    Par avance merci,
    Salutations respectueuse,

  18. My mother past away on the 10th October on the 25th she rang me at 3.03am from a mobile which hasn't been used in over a year the network provider couldn't shed light on this so thinking of it as a sign

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  20. How come every time I see this number, someone does something that reminds me of something traumatic so I can't listen to divine guidance.
