Thursday, August 18, 2011


Number 344 is made up of the attributes and energies of number 3 and number 4, with number 4 appearing twice, amplifying its influences. Number 3 resonates with self-expression and communication, optimism and enthusiasm, skills and talents, friendliness and sociability, manifesting, growth, expansion and the principles of increase. Number 3 also carries the vibrations of the Ascended MastersNumber 4 relates to practicality and application, hard work and responsibility, traditional values, honesty and integrity, patience and inner-wisdom, and diligence and determination to achieve goals. Number 4 also relates to our drive, passion and purpose and resonates with the energies of the Archangels.

Angel Number 344 is a message from your angels that the creativity and joy you have to put into your work and daily life has brought about positive energies, making things run smoothly for you in your life. Your angels applaud your efforts and encourage you to continue on your current path. Know that the work you do is of great value and your determination and persistent efforts have manifested many blessings in your life.

Angel Number 344 asks that you acknowledge the determination, patience, discipline and hard work you have put into your endeavours in the past, and know that they will have long-term benefits and rewards for yourself and your loved ones. Take heart that your will and efforts have been well worth your while, and your angels encourage you to keep up the great work you have been doing. Give any concerns or worries to the angels for healing and transmutation, and trust that all is well in your world.

Develop a peaceful, loving relationship with yourself.

Number 344 relates to the karmic number 11 (3+4+4=11) and Angel Number 11.



Sacred Scribes

NUMEROLOGY - The Vibration and Energies of Numbers

Sacred Scribes Ceramics





  1. This post appeared as I was searching 344 because a weird number registered in my phone as a missed call - +34441269849872 The country of spain is +34 which leaves a 12 digit phone number which is uncommon. This is the second time that I got a call from a mysterious number. The first time was in 2011 when a number that I encoded in my phone, which is not a phone number but a set of 6 numbers separated by a asterisks, and i inputted it just to remember those 6 numbers, and then I was awakened in the morning of nov 24 2011 by a missed call from that 6-digit number I inputted. Would appreciate a feedback. Thank you.

    1. The number is supposed to be read as follows: "+3444 (126) 984-9872"

      The 3444 shows that it's a VoIP call (ex: a phone call make through Skype or through an app) made from within your country... I'm assuming you're in the USA...

      The code 126 is supposedly not in use, although it's obviously another one of those VoIP codes... And the "(126) 984-9872" has been reported to be used by telemarketers...

      Do there you go, mystery solved... Hope it helps...

    2. Hello i know this is 3 years later. I read your message and had to tell you what numbers stood out . (444)

  2. It was 3:44 when I decided to leave my twin flame a voice mail expressing myself to him lovingly. The tone in my voice brought tears to my own eyes, because all I heard was unconditional love. And of course me longing to be held by him.

    1. Are you and twin flame still together?

    2. She never said they were together. Soulmates and Twin flames are usually realized, not always able to be together... Most are doomed never to be together....
      ~gypsy in the city

  3. I chatted with a Friend until 3.44 this morning. Then when I set my Alarm Clock it showed I had 3 hours 44 minutes to go before it would wake me up. I was so taken by all of this that I had to message my Friend to tell her before I went to sleep. To now see this message is lovely :-) and feels so special. x <3 x

  4. Well I just saw 344 twice but I'm as depressed as I can remember in such a very long time!!!! It's a feeling that's close to painful for me! Idk what to do bc I well like giving up & want to run away!! I never share these feeling, esp here! Sorry to be a downer! Please pray hard HARD for me anyone, everyone! I need "intervention" & healing this moment... Kathy

    1. Stay positive ... sometimes even the slightest thought can make a turn of event more favorable to a person. Call on ur angels and ask for guidance. And good luck!! :)

    2. I know this is a yr old but please contact me

    3. You have to find peace and love and light in your heart to have clarity , in my our mind body and soul , God won't give you a challenge you can't bear.stay positive it is only through examining our thoughts is that we find our true answers to clarity*

    4. Same with me. I feel the depression settling in my body again. Pray for me.

    5. WE will lose ourselves to Darkness when we deny ourselves JOY..... FIND YOUR JOYS BELOVEDS... Happiness is within all of us, but it needs work and cultivatingand reaping like a garden...
      ~ gypsy in the city

    6. Sending HEALING RAYS around the world to thosee who need it. HE WHO HAS FAITH IN THE LORD, FEARS THE LORD , HE IS MY HELP AND MY SHIELD. AMEN. May the Lord Shine his ever lovimg light on you so you find your way back up, may the angels and spirits stay with you and shower you with white light and guidance. May the Universe bless and protect you in your daily travels. May PEACE surround you, May your Mind be full of encouranging thoughts. May your hearts be faith filled and overflowimg with hope. #HANGON #BESTRONG #BRIGHTERDAYSAHEAD
      ~gypsy in the city

  5. 344 & 999 appeared on my dream and it's raining hard ...

  6. My ascendant is at 3 degrees and 44 minutes Capricorn. Idk how it ties with this message particularly.

    1. Capricorn is all about hard work that evwntueven pays off :)

  7. Something knocked on my bedroom door at 344am, nobody here but me. Looked all thru the house, nothing. Went outside and looked around, nothing. My mother passed away recently, maybe it was her letting me know? Scared the crap out of me.

  8. I usually wake up suddenly and straight away turn my head to the clock, almost feels like command :), just to see 3:33 or 4:44 or 1:23:)! I know why and whom;) and so grateful for their support and love! And it turned to 3:44)) ignored first and then decided to check!

  9. I trust me my family and the whole of humanity is washed in the blood of Yahweh for we are now the Blue Blooded Race. The Revelation has come to Fruition. Hallelujah. AUM. AMEN

  10. Immensely blessed and grateful always and forever!!! Love,peace and Light to all!!!♡♡♡

  11. Develop a peaceful, loving relationship with yourself.
    This statement was meant
    for me. Thank you.
    Please send love, health,
    and happinest always to
    me please.

  12. I have been feelingfso isolated and alone lately. Applied to nursing school and I know its my lifes purpose. I know God is keeping me alone so that I can focus on my lifes purpose

  13. I am so grateful to see this encouragement, as the healing journey for my twin and I has been most intense. His earthly life has been nothing but suffering, yet his soul is luminuous, far more than my own. I had been seeing 11:11 day and night for the longest but in the last few days I'm getting 11:13 just as often. It's because of shifting consciousness for us, I'm sure, but here is assurance that we are headed where we need to go.

  14. Amen thank you Jesus and to my loving angels

  15. Thank you! For everything 🙏

  16. I am constantly seeing angel numbers everyday, as well as always asking my angels to be with me. Basically 24/7! I truly believe they are when I feel as if someone is with me or if I see different sets of angel numbers throughout. (i believe they are either way) I am so grateful to be aware of this. Thank You, Thank You, Thank You. The secret to it is, there is no secret at all! You create the life you want to live, no one else. Thank You universe!

  17. I kid you not, I scrolled down and the number of comments was 33 😂 and right now for me it's 3:10am and I can't sleep ❤ take care everyone ❤

  18. Thank you... Love and light always!!! 😇💗😜🥰💖

  19. Another message 4 days in a row ...Feel so loved and tears eveytime i read the new message. Blessings and love to ALL. Thank you all!!

  20. So divinely timed once again. I've just finished a work-based conversation on the telephone after days of tension leading up to how it would go and then my eyes were guided to number 15:44pm (3:44). It all fits with this description. I'm now going to read 1544 to compare 💓✨

    1. And here I am again but with a user name. I've been reading about Spiritual things and then as I was about to switch off my eyes were on 3:44. It's certainly a powerfully-energetic day today. The Lionsgate days. This Angel meaning is on point but I don't have to tell you that 😌 They always are. Many thanks to lovely rush-collection 🌹♾️🌌🙏🏽😌👌🏽❤️🌈🌟✨💫

  21. You are great Sir, thank you very much.
