Saturday, August 20, 2011


Number 361 is a blend of the energies of number 3, the vibrations of number 6 and the attributes of number 1. Number 3 resonates with the vibrations of self-expression and communication, support and encouragement, creativity, talents and skills, enthusiasm and joy, and manifesting your desires. Number 3 also resonates with the energies of the Ascended Masters. Number 6 resonates with providing and provision and the monetary and material aspects of life, love of home and family, nurturing and caring for others, grace and gratitude, simplicity, reliability and responsibility, and the ability to compromise and find solutions. Number 1 relates to showing initiative and tenacity, new beginnings and striving forward, pursuing goals, achievement and inspiration, self-reliance and personal strength. Number 1 tells us that we create our own realities with our beliefs, thoughts and intentions.

Angel Number 361 is a message from your angels that your prayers about your material aspects have been heard and are being answered. Listen to your intuition and angelic guidance and take up any new opportunities that are presenting right now as they are appearing for reasons you may not yet be aware of. Your angels ask you to be bold and courageous and look to new opportunities with enthusiasm. Trust that all will work out to your benefit and advantage, and have faith that your material needs will be taken care of in the process.

Angel Number 361 indicates that your positive affirmations about your financial position have manifested your desired outcome and your monetary needs will be met. Allow miracles to happen in your life and trust that the Universe provides all. Follow through with your ideas and believe that you will find success and positive outcomes. 

Every moment is a new beginning point. You have the power of your own mind to use in any way you choose. Choose wisely as you create your own reality.

Number 361 relates to number 1 (3+6+1=10, 1+0=1) and Angel Number 1.


  1. Thank you rush-collection. M seeing 361 everywhere, but did not know what it meant. rosy

  2. Thank you so much, I had a dream about hymm 361 but its not the same as in the hymm book so I decided to check this number, so spot on

  3. think big dont give up keep going dream big
