Tuesday, August 16, 2011


Number 333 resonates with the vibrations and energies of number 3, appearing three times, tripling its influences. Number 3 relates to encouragement,
assistance, communication, freedom, adventure, exuberance, inspiration, creativity, social, easy-going, the visionary, humour, energy, growth, expansion, the principles of increase, expression, openness, spontaneity, broadminded thinking, optimism, kindness, speech, faith, hope and charity, culture, wit, fun-loving, freedom-seeking, brave, adventurous, exuberant, brilliant, non-confrontational, an open-channel, free-form, rhythm, love of pleasure, joy, art, passion, surprise, intelligence, sensitivity, psychic ability, society and being socially conscious, self-expression, affability, enthusiasm, youthfulness, enlivening, imagination, manifestation and manifesting your desires. Number 3 is the essence of the Trinity  -  mind, body, spirit and is the threefold nature of Divinity. Number 3 symbolizes the principle of 'growth' and signifies that there is a synthesis present – that imagination and an outpouring of energy is in action. Number 3 represents the principle of increase, expansion, growth and abundance on the physical, emotional, mental, financial and spiritual levels. Number 3 also resonates with the Ascended Masters (great spiritual teachers who once walked upon the Earth, as well as various religions’ deities.)  Number 3 = the ‘Jesus connection’.  

Angel Number 333 tells you that the Ascended Masters are near you. They have responded to your prayers and wish to help and assist you in your endeavours and with serving your life purpose and soul mission.

Angel Number 333 encourages you to be creative, social and communicative and use your natural abilities and talents to empower yourself and uplift and enlighten others as your lightworking abilities and life mission are to be utilized for the good of all. Keep a positive attitude about yourself, others and the world in general in order to manifest peace, love and harmony. Have faith in humanity as a whole and the future of our world. Live your truths and express yourself with clarity, purpose and love, and be a positive light to others.

Use your natural communicative and lightworking skills to aid, assist and serve others in positive and uplifting ways.

Number 333 relates to number 9 (3+3+3=9) and Angel Number 9.


  1. your page is very good i own a site my self but been seeing somethings that are changing my life you guidance is welcome and helpful keep up the good work god sees you. i would not have been sent here if he did not thank you god bless you today you are my angel.

    1. I as well was brought to your web page. Seeing your interpretation of the 333 #, lifted my spirits. I was feeling a little lost, and confused earlier today, with troubles in my life. I took my daughter and her mother toget somthing to eat when she got out of school, after they had ordered there food, I ordered a drink and was printed a ticket with a bold 333 order #. I imidatly felt a cloud lifted off my shoulder. God is great. Thank you again. God bless

    2. 333 was my McDonald's receipt number on this wonderful Sunday morning. I posted a picture of the receipt on my Facebook wall.

      I googled the number 333 to see if it had a positive meaning, it's supposed to be Angelic.


    3. Thank you so much, I have always known 333 had some meaning and am so interested in it. This has been a rough few yrs for me so bad that some days I truly think of ending my time here I know that is crazy but it gets that bad at times. I am so glad to have found your page.

    4. Anonymous, I just felt compelled to tell you, there IS hope! Please don't give up. Ask for help, every moment of every day, when you need to. The angels/guides/masters want to help us to be happy and joyful and do what we came here for. I know it is not easy (and so do they). Let yourself receive kindness and compassion and support. Bless you, friend on the journey. I am simply a messenger. Peace!

    5. I thank you also! That made my day, and I truly needed that! You, my friend and messenger, are awesome!

    6. Original message sent on 14.11.14 as well, oh, the synchronicity ��

    7. Does anyone have a message for me? This life feels like hell. Anytime I reach out to people for any sort of guidance or spiritual reading other than the time I paid for it, It feels like I get attacked while other people receive support.

    8. I do have a message for you Kiana. Seek Jesus for guidance and pray for what you need/want. Jesus loves you and so do I. Never give up, there will always be the Devil's work which is no match to God's. Pray for forgiveness and be thankful. When I'm not feeling up to par, I listen to gospel music on Pandora. It always lifts my spirits and get me back on track. I've been listening for the last couple days with you in mind. My stations are: Kirk Franklin's Nu Nation Radio, Byron Cage Radio, and LaShun Pace Radio so far. Gospel Christmas Radio during the holidays. You are here for a purpose. Work for God with love and encourage YOURSELF. Pray for people and let Jesus be your companion. Peace and blessings my sister. -with love, Ebony (your sister in Christ).

    9. Hi Kiana. I habe an word for you: yahuasca. Google it.

    10. Hi Kiana, you said attack except when you you've paid for it. Energy exchange is important. Maybe do an altar, a prayer to the universe or do pay someone for a reading because what you put into it can be reflective of what comes back. Not the only way, just words to think on. Good luck in your journey

    11. Hi Kiana i'm gonna tell you what happened to me today : i was clearly adviced by my spirit guides to do something. I had a nightmare yesterday (i usually sleep like a baby), had a hell of a day and got tired and when i got where i was supposed to go it was impossible to find a parking spot.
      I eventually did what I had to and my spirit guides greet me and told me that I made a significant step in my life. I've never felt so clearly which embush could come my way...
      My message to you : the more you have to overcome the more the path you follow is hood for you. Don't give up, free your mind and ask your angels for help they'll answer for sure :)

    12. I feel the same way Kiana. Perhaps an over abundance of dark/negative energy still exists in the world and it attacks those whom mean well while promoting others that seemingly do not deserve what they have. Like you said, "It feels like I get attacked while other people receive support".

      Ignore all that and remain faithful; keep doing what good deeds you can (despite all that negativity and disappointments) and eventually you'll be given the opportunity to break through and realize your dreams.

      I'm still waiting for that moment in my own life but I believe it's coming as it will for you too. Best wishes :D.

    13. Hi Kiana. Your not alone in how you feel. I have no friends I'm not kidding. I'm a nice kind and very generous person. But people just run away from me. I don't belong here but yet here I am. I give free readings
      Machelle Robinson

    14. Machelle Robinson, what is it that you believe to be the cause of your lack of friends? Also what types of readings do you do?

    15. Machelle, I recently moved and also don't have any friends. While I can blame it on the move, I didn't have many friends in the state I lived in for 5 years either. In no way am I saying this is your situation but, for me, what I've realized is that I don't allow my true self to show through my shyness when meeting new people. I'm the problem for the most part, not them. As a kid it was so much easier, but as adults we have so many doubts, fears, and in some ways we are more insecure. We become jaded to an extent. Its something that I'm working on within myself. We have to put ourselves out there, be vulnerable and stop fearing rejection. I doubt people are running away from you, but I've felt the same way so I understand. What I realized is that I unintentionally pushed them away before they ever got close enough to truly care to begin with. As silly as it sounds, as shy as I was as a teenager, I never worried about being liked nearly as much as I have as an adult. Sometimes it feels like I have to prove myself now, it was so much simpler back then. But, the thing is, I was wrong. I don't have to prove anything, except to myself. I don't have to worry about anyone liking me, as long as I love myself. The right people will come into our lives at the right time. The only thing we have to do is be true to ourselves, find happiness within ONLY ourselves (it doesn't come from outside sources, so to speak) and try to exude positivity with every breath we take. If we can do that then we will be at peace. And then, as a side effect, people will be drawn to us rather than pushed away. Be happy in who you are, without friends. There is a reason that those who ran from you are not in your life. Instead of letting that hurt you, be grateful that God is only allowing the best to be a part of you.. even if said best is a bad experience, there is always something positive to learn. I know its lonely, trust me, I've been lonely for 6 years. But recently, I've found a peace and contentment that I haven't known in a long time just by spending time with God, nature and myself. We don't need friends to be happy. Happiness comes from being a friend to our self first. Once we do that, friends will come in droves. Lol Sorry for the novel. :)

    16. Anonymous 22.4.16,
      Thank YOU for your words.
      They are words I relate to & they are the words that I was needing to read today.
      I know that spirit brought me here to read about Angel #333 & also to read the vulnerable & true stories of what others are going through & feeling.
      I feel uplifted & inspired.
      Ask to be wrapped in wings of love by your ANGELS & they will wrap you in their wings of love.
      Look deep inside yourselves & figure out what you want most for your life & pray for what you need to be successful & be as specific as possible & they will answer you & help you. Always give thanks for the blessings that you currently have.
      Air, water, roof over head, food in your fridge, loyal pet, income source, clothes on your back & a bed & blankets..
      Many people in the world do not have those luxuries.
      Many blessings & may all your desires come to fruition.

    17. I have had occuring dreams, visions of 333. This now my second time in life seeing these numbers.
      Im going through some life events & my mind is in a very deep spiritual mode the past few days.
      I've lost several friends lately and I've let go of some whom I thought were negative.
      Current events taking place have showed me a lot lately.
      I said something to a friend about the occuring numbers popping up then I decided to read up on it.
      There have been times as well that I felt like I didn't belong. There's a black cloud over my head lately that follows me, I've been told.
      Im trying to find a way to break it.
      I have understanding that it keeps me in a depressed mode.
      I can read people's ora tremendously.
      I think I met a soul of negative which shattered my spiritual being.
      I can feel what others are thinking when I'm not around them no matter the distance or how long it's been.
      But its until now that I notice this.
      I was at a very spiritual time when I saw these numbers before. After is when negative oras entered my circle and I lost my spirituality as it was but I would bring it up during them the negative is gone and I can feel my spirtuality better again. I plan to do more research and do my best to keep my three corners aligned.

    18. You are in a Spiritual Awakening and while most people are thrilled to go through such an enormous life change for some of us it is all about learning difficult life lessons first ... which is what causes the pain especially if u have experienced loss like me. My Awakening started in July 2015, But things became very intense around December and are still very intense. I have had days were Id say outloud please stop today please no more numbers I cant handle anymore lessons etc... I am learning sooo much and grateful for what I am experiencing. You are an empath and the more research you do the more awake you will become. I ask ArchAngel Michael to step into your life now as my itentions are pure to remove and cut any negative energies contracts low vibrations dark energie from you and wrap you in his purple cloak of protection I ask that ArchAngel Raphael step into your life as my intentions are pure to provide healing to you so u may begin to feel at peace in your heart and mind. Thank you ArchAngels so it is done.
      God AND Jesus AND the Angels are with you every step of the way .. you as a human being need to stand up and work HARD at finding you while seeking their help. The Angels will step in and the more you speak to them the more comfortable you become with them the more aware of their help you will become. Change your thought process and say Positive Affirmations DAILY 100 TIMES IF U MUST :) Best of Luck to you and God Bless you and keep you.

  2. Hello,
    Thank you for the valuable information you provide. I started seeing repeating numbers multiple times a couple months before my mother passed, who I had not seen in 25 years. I got the message that someone needed my help and that it was my choice whether to help or not. I then got a call about two weeks later that my mother was on life support in New Mexico. I went to New Mexico and said good-bye to her and brought along 2 of her grandchildren that she did not know. I also was able to get other siblings in contact with her before she passed.

    Thank you. Your site has given me so much encouragement and answers to my questions. I now know I can ask my angels and guides for help and get guidance when I need it.

    God Bless.


  3. Thanks so much for sharing your blessed gifts! I was seeing 333 around my exwife and the time often said 11:11. Many say the 1's represent a spiritual calling or warning. Needless to say, my *ngels tried to warn and I learned that my ex had/has serious mental issues. Anyway, I now have what I should've patiently waited for in a woman, and success is knocking at so many doors I can barely keep up! The best part, is that I have divine favor and my Angels just reminded me when I saw 333 again well browsing online for best international rates to call my lady overseas. Thanks for your website and gift!

  4. I got fired from a part-time minimum wage job at a grocery store full of anti-social workplace sociopath psychopaths on Monday, March 3, 2003; third day of the third month of the third year of the second a.d. millennium. On St. Patrick's Day of 2003, two weeks after I got fired a spiritual show of Celtic and Medieval Times history called Mystic Women of the Middle Ages had aired and was on every Monday and ended in the same year. It's interesting how this show appeared every Monday, weekly day I got fired.

    1. Wow. I didn't know 3-3-03 was st patty day. I was arrested that day in the morning. If the officer would of followed procedure I would have never went to jail that day. but that was the beginning of the numbers with me and since then I get many 1221 is the biggest one lately and then I moved to the state of Washington and they're all about 12 but yes but Ascended Masters, what is my life purpose & can you show it to me a way that I know exactly what you're talking about and What you're showing me?

    2. Tonia, I sense some level of sarcasm in the first line of your post. I hope I am correct. If I'm not, here is a little knowledge for you and everyone else: St. Patrick's Day falls on March 17th.

  5. I saw this number twice today and it made me smile because I already knew what it meant, because I've seen it before many times and looked up information about it, but I still wanted to return here to read about this number again. Makes me happy. :)

    I'm obsessed with learning about angel numbers and am constantly seeing numbers. I have certain numbers I've seen for years, and others I started to see more this past year when I began to recognize they had true meaning and through my soul searching.

  6. I just wanted to add that whenever I have a number to look up, your blog is one of my favorites. Along with 2 other sites that I like. But you have so many numbers, it's very informative and helpful, so thank you for helping people like me to understand these numbers. :)

    1. Very interesting, thanks for sharing such valuable and useful information with us. Numerology helps in revealing the strengths and weaknesses of your personality you can find your partner as per numerology how to find my lucky number in numerology

  7. Thank you very much for this post. It was very enlightening and encouraging.

  8. I awoke on 9 November 2012 at 3:33 a.m. I was wide awake and full of energy. I worked all day and traveled that night. Still full of energy and thinking very spiritually that night watching the stars and feeling the energy. I walked the dog very early in the morning on the 10th and finally went to bed. As I layed down, I turned to cut off the light and I glanced at the digital clock, it was 3:33 a.m. It shocked me so bad, that I did jump up a few inches. I think I am awake again.

    1. Oh also, I post many of the numbers I see with your website link attached on facebook. I have many friends that have been seeing 1111 and I always encourage them to post it. This year I've been getting 1221 and other combinations of numbers 1&2 and 441 411 114 (all combinations of 1&4 relentlessly. I'm not sure I'm catching the meaning or what they want from me to help me fill my life purpose. 1221 seem to be more of an message. (?) whereas 441 seems to be more of a suggestion or a request. Also I was getting 1001 a lot when I was fighting with my boyfriend. Many fights that we got into there was a 1001 somewhere and that is such a positive number (by your definition) that I was torn about the meaning of it and I've come to the conclusion that possibly that the ones are like two walls around two spears (us) and so I believe that fight between the two of us was just between the two of us and the walls were surrounding us. Closed off from the world. I've asked my angels to help me understand this but im not getting an answer clear enough foR me to tell it what it is. Is the change 441 suggests possibly financial or habitual? This number is soooooo frequent. One last thing, what is the numbers associated with the post next the persons name? My (accedental/planned public) facebook is Wonder Valley. I'm the the profile pic. Thank you so much for what you've done for my life by having this webpage. Tonia Feagle.

  9. all I know is that Good always wins over evil always.

    God wins over Satan always
    challenge him

    1. i am the 333. i will win the battle singlehandedly.i am not afraid.thank you for your comments god bless you forever.

  10. I just wanted to say that seeing the number 333 is really real..It has been following me for about 7 years while I was in an abusive relationship with my kids father. Soon as he went to jail I stopped seeing the number as much. Im more than sure that its angels protecting me because 3:33 would wake me up out of a hard sleep so much I started to get frightened by it, and I saw the number through the day all the time I started to think something was wrong with me, but then I started to google it and saw that so many others was experiencing the same thing that I began to get a since of comfort. I just want to thank this site and so many others who have the answers to why Im experiencing this and im so glad to see im not alone..I am a serious believer in God and Im sure that whom ever experience this number following them is very very fortunate..God bless everyone!!!

    1. I felt i needed to check this site tonight. I hope you can see the meteor shower tonight from where you are. Kind of cloudy where i am, but i was shown 3 bright ones when i went out. I'm glad you have recovered from your terrible situation. May the feeling be with you!

    2. Tanya, I cannot express how much comfort it gives me to hear that others have had the same experience as me. It was exactly the same for me. Woken up from a heavy sleep at exactly 3:33 am. I would immediately (as if not of my own will) look right at the clock. It's burned in my memory forever. It was the beginning a truly bizarre and wonderful awakening experience for me. This was about ten years ago. You're right, it's ALL God, and man is He good! Thank you for sharing and helping me not feel so alone. Love Peace and Faith.

  11. I'm so thankful for coming across your page. I just knew 333 was special! I've been experiencing the sighting of this number for many years and it has always made me feel happy and protected... I have now been enlightened and again joyous for having such a blessing occur in my life on such a regular basis. Much love, peace and happiness xx

  12. This morning while asleep I was having a dream of having my cards read, and the woman asked me a question "Do I have a daughter at home?" I said "Yes", she said she was talking about the deceased daughter, I nodded in agreement - she asked me "Why do I stare?" I thought a moment and then replied, "It may look like I'm staring but I actually see movements, twinkling lights, and I'm looking through my peripheral vision to SEE" at this time I woke up exactly at 3:33 and smiled...because I knew there was a message in there for me :)

  13. Hi,
    I ve been for the past 1 year very frequently getting up at 3.33 without knowing. I keep my cellphone to my pillows and i check time it is 3.33 AM. It has been happening and i really was a little scared or maybe i din know wat it was. Today i searched in google and landed here. Though i really dono y it is till nw, hope i will have any message for me soon... Cheers

    1. Today, being the 333rd day of the year, I believe Jesus(33) is speaking LOUD AND CLEAR.

  14. Choronzon, one of whose functions is to catalyze the inherent chaos within us.
    When Angel Number 333 appears consistently it implies that the Ascended Masters are near you. They have responded to your prayers and wish to help and assist you in your endeavours and with serving your Divine life purpose and soul mission.
    " Upon discovering your site and happy with my findings I decided to use the 333 to represent a spiritual institution I am currently founding. The House of Payne Church of God, 333 A Global Force for God 333. I have went as far as to get personlized plates for my vehicle reading: HOP333.
    Last week I began researching it further when I bought a new Nexus 7 tablet from Google and all the presets for the clocks were set at 3:33. I found that the M in Google mail is the eqivelent to Choronzon and I know am concerned of what I am really representing because the M is an evil demon also refered to as Choronzon and the Mystery Babylon Who B the M?

    Choronzon is the female half (333) of the Beast (616, 666) described in the Book of Revelation and goes, like so many demons and demonesses, by many different names. Because she is an associate aspect of the Beast, she is often described in male terms. She is known as the "Lord of Hallucinations" and is viewed by occultists as the chaos latent or manifest in the ego. Because she is a part of a group of demonesses she can either manifest as a single demon or group of demons. Her characteristics directly parallel those of the Ruach haQodesh (Holy Spirit) only Her diametric opposite. Thus she is known as the "demon child of wisdom and understanding", paralleling the Ruach’s (Spirit’) own title and function as Hochma (Wisdom). Choronzon is the supreme demon of Thelema (will), the occultic order founded by the late arch-satanist Aleister Crowley. Hence the occultic motto, "Love is the Law, Love under Will".

    My qustion is as an Atheist who suddenly began having dreams and vision and recieveing messeges from what for a lack of better word, "Other Side" saying, "HOME" It's ME Ho! GOD! Am I safe destine to lead the world into the Age of Aquarius as an accended master or cursed with an ancient Egyptian curse marked by the power of 3?

    1. There is really only 1.. unity.. everything else is but an illusion created to distract us from this truth.. if you read the bible our story is clearly written in Genesis.

      Read the flower of life, this will..explain Genesis better

      peace brother

  15. Weird thing is I saw 333 all the time and was freaking out about it...when I looked it up on this sight and read what it meant, it went away, now all I see is 33

  16. Even more strange is after I wrote this moment I picked my phone up to check a message and it was 3:33

  17. I had no idea what the number 333 meant till now. I see the number day in and day out, sometimes 3 or 4 times a day in the most oddest places, billboards, clocks, watches, gas price signs I mean EVERYWHERE everyday and still do. Now I know and I feel so blessed. Even my lucky number is 3, wow I just get so excited. I thought it was so funny one day when I saw it on a Mc Donalds sign. I just laughed and thanked my angels. Thank you

  18. Today is 03-13-2013 and today there is a new POPE!

  19. I am grateful for this is a very clarifying reading for me. It has been observed that I am in the company of inspired success for greater living when I happen to see the triple three.

    I move forward now with a renewed understanding and motivated passiom to work with these energies and Angels for the best served purposes. Thank you.

  20. The first day of cancer treatment I noticed the car infront of me had on its plates "333" right before that I was speaking with god. I was telling him how much I loved him and how thankful I was to have been blessed with all my family and friends. I turn around and on a billboard I see again "333" and then again and again every where. No one seemed to notice so I decided to ask my sister if she ever felt like angels or god can give signs of presence and right then and there a car pulls up in front of me with the license plate "333" I saw it everyday until I fell into a deep depression and lost some faith but just yesterday when I was on my way to pick up a donation, because we had no fridge for our food, I was listening to classical music and in the background I could hear a lady sobbing and I thought to myself God you make everything so much better I love you and right then and there again a car pulls infront of me with a "333" license plate. :) I am positive that I will beat cancer and that all of my worries will be taken from me. I will survive and I will accomplish my mission in life through my lord. He will guide me with this and remind me of his love everyday.

    1. Manifest the health you desire, feel healthy, be healthy, believe in your health. Prayers are when you speak to God, meditation is when you listen to God!

  21. Hi i have been seeing the time 3:33pm for two weeks now. It freaks me out because its really weird to look on the clock and see 3:33 pm for multiple times. I dont what does it mean. But every time i see it, i got scared because it makes me feel that its a bad luck. If the ascended masters are near me how can i communicate with them when i dont understand them?

    1. horonzon /ˌkoʊˌroʊnˈzoʊn/ is a demon or devil that originated in writing with .... an inspiration for modernised ritual effectuation based on the "333 Current

  22. i see 333 all the time i dont know for how long ? years etc... just started getting concerned seeing it so much??

  23. Hello, I was hoping for a little guidance. I was born on the third of March, 1996 at 3:00am. I was also born in the middle of the worst recorded storm in the history of our town. When I came into this world I refused to breath. They could not fly me to a hospital so we drove to the nearest town. Cars were being blown off the rode but I survived. I have always wondered about my birth as even from a young age I would experience and notice things others would not. I decided to do a bit of reading and I discovered that 3:00am is the hour of the devil. Please help me understand.

    Ps. I am also highly prone to experiencing paranormal activity.

  24. i asked the cashier at the public pool what time it was and she said 3:33, i said hmmm thats weird...........then i looked it up and voila led me here ! amazing ........i was at the pool alone....turns out someone was with me all along .

  25. Dear
    I am Heaven.
    I am typing by borrowing Mitsuki’s hands to tell message.
    We gods of heaven started project to soul of humankind from 12.2012.
    You have mission to be responsible to realize our project on ground.
    Read our message.


    Do your mission.
    Time has come you should do your mission in this life.

  26. Whenever I switched on my laptop and when the times stated '3:33' My laptop will stopped working for 1 minute I even see it on my watch or any possible places. It's 3:39 now, It happened awhile ago on my laptop

    I think it was some sort of message.

  27. three days ago I looked at my clock and it was 4:44, yesterday and today I looked and it was 3:33 AND today at my job I charged somebody $11:11 which is very unusual for where I work. I have never been interested in numbers and their meanings but these feel meaningful to me so i've looked them up and have brought me here.. strangely enough I have a blog with this same background colour scheme.. coincidences?

  28. I'm seeing that number like very day past 3-4 months. What could that all mean, can some1 answer me? I see on cloack every day or even on my classes in school. Something just happend so I could see that number :O
    Its weird coz its happening every day if not every day, than every second.

  29. starting 1-11-11 I became bombarded with the numbers 11-11 it was on the clock at home, it woke me up at night, I would go to work and it would be on my cash receipts . in billing I would go to jack in the box and my receipt would have that number on it, I would open a book and that would be the page..it was frightening.. Finally, I got the hint and looked up the numbers.. and found omg@@ I knew it !! I was so unhappy, so miserable at this horrible job where people were mean and doing illegal things, and I was in a nasty relationship.. anyway.. one day after I had been seeing the other numbers especially the 555, I just got up , got my car and left. Left everything with the monster I was living with and drove away and made a new life for myself.. It has not been easy ...but it has been WORTH IT>. if you need to escape, break free, change radically, if you feel the call to do and or be something else and you kee seeing these numbers.. BABY DO IT >..NOW>. i am smiling YOU know what I mean...
    LOVE and blessings to you all

  30. by the way check out the time I posted this comment... and the preceding one...it is a trip... thank you angels..

  31. thank you more than words could ever be decribed... THANK YOU!!!

  32. It's a strange... every where I go, I see in three, as if number three is following me for the past 31 years.

    I am also searching for my angel (number 9) for the past 31 years.

    Any type of feedback will be highly appreciated. Thank you!!!

  33. I see various angel numbers all the time. Last night 333 appeared to me in a dream

    1. First chronicles 21:12 read it king James version carefully

  34. I've been seeing 333 everywhere! TV, clock, microwave etc....I could be asleep and turn and catch a glimpse of my alarm clock and there it is....333.

    This piece was amazing tho! Thank you so much. Great insight!

  35. today is november 29th the 333rd day of the year i just happen to be showing my boyfriend why i always see 333 and what it meat and was blown away that today was the 333rd day of the year. i LOVE IT!!!!!!!!

  36. Thank you for this wonderful website,,Like my Spirit Guides, your website is also here for me when I need. I have learnt alot and I am very greatful for you being here, you really have helped me alot.

  37. My husband was 37 when he died in my arms. After that day I have seen 333 all the time. I would wake up in the middle of the night and it would be 333. I would get a receipt for 333. I see it constantly. I always thought it was a sign but I didn't know what they were trying to say to me. What is this number and what do I say to get an answer to why I am being shown these numbers? Please respond.

  38. I have been seeing the number 333 for nearly 3 years now. Ever since my fiancee and I started our relationship. Since the new year started I have been seeing more of 11:11 or 1:11, sometimes it's 2:22. Twice at the store recently I had either a total amount of 7.77 or change due was 7.77. Went grocery shopping tonight and flipped out when the total was 222.22. It led me here to try to figure it all out. Anyone have any answers for me? 3:33 still is the biggest one though!

  39. Wow!!..I've been seeing the number 333 everywhere that it just seems like "Oh there goes another one" I tried looking it up but couldn't understands what they where trying to say…I just want to say thank you for making it easy for me to comprehend,you are amazing!!!

  40. This past year 2013 has been a very challenging year for me, but for the past couple of months I have been seeing repeating numbers, it all started out with 818, every time I saw that number multiple times a day it freaked me out, so I researched it and felt calm but as soon as I found out what it represented it started changing drastically. It's now 212, 222, 333, 444, 555. I have been feeling very strong presence surrounding me lately and I know God is communicating with me but I just don't know exactly where to begin with serving my life purpose. I know some changes are being made in my life, mind, body and soul, keeping faith that it's all going to turn out for the best!!!

  41. This comment has been removed by the author.

  42. Very interesting post, thanks for sharing such valuable and useful information with us
    find your partner as per numerology. I would like to share it with my friends.

  43. This is amazing! Just like so many others, I have also been seeing the no. 333 Everywhere.This has been going on for at least 15-20 yrs. I am serving the Lord and prayer has helped me through SO MANY trials and tribulations. I have had a lot of loss of loved ones, leaving me at age 39 "head of the family". God has been so good to me, blessing me beyond my prayers. I always felt this was a Good number to see. Thank You God for sending me 333. You are amazing and I give You praise for ALL I have become!!!

  44. This just popped up! Thank you again rush-collection. To everyone out there reading she is a true angel in her own right!!! :) Much, much gratitude!!!

  45. In 2006 on our 20th anniversary, my mother-in-law passed. Three years later on 6-9-2009 we opened a sandwich shop, which we named after her .The random phone number assigned to us was 819-4133. Her birth date was 8-5-1933. I noticed a couple of years later after I kept thinking of that phone number that those numbers are her birthdate ( after realizing the 5 was just the 4+1). I was amazed. Ever since we have owned the store, I see multiples of 3's mostly 333 's all over the place and I smile. After 3 years of owning the store, we decided to move on to another business. During that year my husband was supposed to be partners in another franchise. One day we drove by to see how the construction was going. The drive through sign was up but they obviously hadn't changed the prices for the items on it and every item price was 333 , must come from the manufacturer like that. I was blown away and thought, this is it this business is going to be exactly what we need. Unfortunately there were some issues and the partnership didn't work out for us and I kept wondering why those hundreds of 333's were there . About 3 months later he was approached by an investor who hired him to run that same franchise at a different location. I just realized the other day that this must be what the 333's were for !

  46. I have been seeing 333. For many years now. I have always wondered why. I have told my family about it. But they thought I was a little crazy . So yesterday. I typed in 333 into Google search. Just to see if I could find an answer. And it bought me to your site. And I find im not alone. Thank you

  47. in my personal experience is what is cool about this, if you see a repetition like this *after* an experience of a 'comforting' feeling,

    which involves, to me, alot.

    it's pretty cool!


    thomas :)

  48. Yo tambien veo ese numero 333 por donde quiera, me despierto a esa hora etc... y nose pensaran que estoy loco pero aveces siento que puede adivinar cosas (futuro) entre ellas 2 que aun no caben en mi mente, no se como puede suceder...adivine 2 temblores :/ .quisiera ponerme en contacto con mas personas asi como yo,para saber mas del tema saludos amigos!

  49. My brother was murdered recently and right after, I kept seeing random numbers like 333, 1111, 999, 777, and 997. Now I'm seeing things like 711, 311, 911, 717, 414, 313. Also, this Iis weird....my brother's birthday, death date and age at the time of death all come out to 3. 333.

  50. 333 is the number of a very powerful demon

  51. I have seen 333 for about a year now. I believe somehow a guide is trying to lead you down the path you were meant for. My heart has a desire for so much in life and seeing 333 is sort of to me like hope when i feel hopeless and feel as though no one is listening or I lose faith. The devine shows faith by presenting the 333 number to you. It shows you there is always a will and a way in your life no matter what troubles you are going through. Take it all in..Breath it out. Tell god your thankful and listen by seeing the signs point you to what you were always meant to do. I hope to see you all on the other side one day when we are all gone but hopefully we leave a legacy of whatever it is that we do. :)

  52. I love these numbers and as always when I am at another stage in my journey, the right combinations, and messages appear ...

  53. It was 3:5 when my daughter called me, we shared the 3:33 time together, as it always happens in our lives. It has started since meeting my current boyfriend 7 years ago, now is also appearing in my close friends and family lives. It is amazing how it seemed to enhance our lives, and listening to the Angles send us these symbolic message of love, peace, and joy. Thank you to all of you for sharing your stories, they were very awe inspiring.

  54. I also have been seeing the #333 on time and on many different places and objects my wife Calls me after work most of the time at 3:33 pm she's one of my angels I also have friends that call me at that time 3:33 just to check up me I believe in God and his angels even tho i am going through so much pain and sorrow with no help I believe in angels and god may all the 333 angels and all others be blessed

  55. Everybody.. please understand.. when you focus on something YOU ARE CREATING IT.. period. So please focus on loving one another and helping each other! Not just on 333 XXX

  56. My very first experience with 333 was when I woke up at exactly 3:33am for about 3 nights in a row. There was two massive coincidences that occurred at that very same time. First our family dog whom we loved more than any human passed away. Second my wife got pregnant with our third child after 10 years of deliberate unprotected sex.

    I know people will find this extremely disgusting but I'd like to note that I was obsessed with Nazi history at the time. For your sake I am sorry to say; I still am and always have been in love with the Nazi idea. I guess evil people like me can also experience angel numbers.

    1. Please read my post, Do not spread idea of hate as if you think God likes Nazi and what they did to his people, you are so wrong.
      You are not blessed. You are being cursed to have these feelings. A baby was born to be good and knows evil even as a small baby due to the knowledge imprinted into their souls.

    2. LOL Lashkermid Mid
      I rest my case.

    3. I guess this is a bad time to tell you my new born(at that time) daughter has blond hair and blue eyes. Interesting because neither me nor my wife has. lmao

      Don't be so angry and hateful Lashkermid, I am free to admire WWII Nazi history if I like.

      Mr. Anderson

  57. This comment has been removed by the author.

  58. Book of Numbers 13:33 ( Nephilim).

    Fallen Angels.

    Solution I know to get rid of them is : GET baptized.

    GOD is the one who choses not angels.
    Be aware 133,306,668 (the tabulation of Cardinal Bishop of Tusculum) fallen angels. They are no different than the Holy ones just that they have free will.
    New age thinking is nice and forward thinking, but this website is perpetuating a problem and a lie.
    Holy Angels only communicate with you when there a need and ordered by GOD.

    A prayer for all ( Pope Leo XIII)
    St. Micheal the Arc Angel, defend us in battle, be our protection against the wickedness and ensnares of the devil. Do thou prince of the heavenly host, by the divine power of GOD send back to Hell Satan and all the evil spirits who roam the earth seeking the ruin of Souls. Amen

  59. This comment has been removed by the author.

  60. This comment has been removed by the author.

  61. For many many years now I have been seeing the number 333 everywhere!! Everytime I look at the time its 333! while I am shopping and I look at a the price tag, somewhere on it's is 333 and so on... Just now I turned on my tablet and in nice bold letters was 333.all these years I never Google it.It was like I was not in my own body! and before I knew it I was on this page! my angels are trying to tell me something? But I guess it's up to me to figure it out.thank you for this website!!

  62. I have been seeing this number (333) for a while but because of this article I have a clear understanding and I know your always watching over me.... Lord, thank you!!!!!

  63. Tonight I shook up with a very loud one time banging noise like cimbals coming from the inside and looked at my alarm clock and it was 3:33 am.

  64. Wow rush-collection, there seems to be Way more comments on this blog 333 more so than any other blog I've seen yet.

  65. I am looking for a new home and I received a phone call today at 3:33 pm to look at a new home that has everything I need. I am truly being guided and I believe I am being shown the way......assistance, communication, and Jesus is with me always...Number 3 represents the principle of increase, expansion, growth and abundance on the physical, emotional, mental, financial and spiritual levels. I am so happy and pleased, I also see 5:55, 4:44 etc. and all numbers ending in 11 as in 11:11 etc., as well. Can anyone let me know why I am seeing all of these numbers all the time?? especially 11. Thank you for this. Absolutely wonderful site and will always come back to visit.

  66. For the past couple if months I have woke up and looked at the clock at it read 3:33am. At first I thought how funny. Then it happened at least 4 more times. This morning I actually took a picture I couldn't believe it. I started to wonder if this had a meaning. Thank God it is a positive sign from above. I pray a lot and especially at night. This is a conformation to me that God hears me and his Angels are around me. Thank you.

  67. A funny thing happened to me today...after my mile and a half jog, I looked over at my garmin watch to see how many miles I walked and ran all together..and it read 333. I see 333 a lot, usually when I drive. I immediately began to think about my writing and all of the other things I have to do while dragging my feet as I walk real slow with a tired sluggish feeling deep inside of me.-as I usually do while doing my cool down walk. All of a sudden my droopy eyes began to widen and then this gust of energy rushed through my body, making me walk at a speed walker's speed! I know this wasn't a coincidence, especially since I still felt sluggish deep down inside, even though I was all of a sudden,moving fast..I know the angels we're there trying to give me a push....interesting :-)

  68. I BEING SEEING THIS NUMBER 333 FOR ABOUT 4 MONTHS NOW! I am now scared but just wonder ..who is here with me ? Why these numbers? After reading everyone s messages I began to cry.. I am not crazy..and its ok to see them ! I feel ok now

    Thank you

  69. I've seen the number 333 for years I remember in 2006 I repeatedly would wake up at 3:33 a.m I was pregnant..on March 25 2007 my daughter gracie was born at 3:33...i alwas new that 333 was good in dome way..thanks for sharing your blog. It's good to know even if something bad is taking place that God's angles are among us ..aamen

  70. i have seen 333 for years in my life, at first i thought it to be a sign for a purpose/mission , then i went to logic as to seeing patterns, then it just became part of life. the message was either forewarning or enlightenment. to me, it became how the numbers were being presented. now the numbers are switching to 222 idk why, that is what lead me here.
    best to all and your journeys!

  71. Today I saw 222 333 555 1010 1212 444. I've been assuming something about the one who is supposedly my twin flame that is very bad, the assumption came from how one reader intepreted a reading I got. Her interpretation was quite negative and different from the original readers interpretation. Of course I automatically assume the worst and then I lash out because of fear. It seems the days I'm assuming the worst and trying to write a letter to him that is very ugly and mean the repeat numbers come in big time.

  72. Thanks for this beautiful page. A good friend of mine has just passed, and I was chatting with a mutual friend on FB, and I went to scroll up the messages I had had with this good friend of mine. I got to the top, and the top read "You have 333 message" with this person. I thought, hmmm, I've heard 333 before... and immediately googled it. and found this page. How wonderful. The first part of the page, actually describes his personality, and who he had been for me, and many others. Thank you for the beautiful massage, and the meaning it brings. In Memory of Alex.

  73. I've been waking up at 3:33am over and over again. Once I woke up looked at the clock and it was 3:33, I went back to sleep and felt as if I had been out for at least twenty minutes. I looked over at the clock and it was still 3:33am. So I looked it up and found this sight. I felt a little better.

  74. Love this website, thank you for the work you put into this website

  75. Use this website daily, thank you! - Shaun, South Africa

  76. Today I was beckoned to look at the clock at 2:22, 3:33, and 5:55.
    The, my friend posted a video that was 3:33 min in length

  77. Today I was beckoned to look at the clock at 2:22, 3:33, and 5:55.
    The, my friend posted a video that was 3:33 min in length

  78. Thank you! I am only 12 years old but last night, I had an out of body experience, and could see myself dreaming. I was in a dark room and could see a dark figure in front of me with a gold aura for its outline. I have sleep paralysis but I know that my guardian angles were with me through this process. In sleep paralysis, you are paralyzed and you are not able to move or speak. So when I felt the covers lift and someone rub me in a gentle way, I thought in my head: "Mom? Mom?" Then I was released. I truly think the guardian angels freed me from my horrifying sleep state. In sleep paralysis, you are seeing yourself dreaming, conscious and unconscious, but they are always nightmares. I always talk to my angels and they are always talking to me through NUMBERS. I have been seeing the numbers 111, 333, 444, and 555. This morning, I was texting my friend and she said, "I know! I woke up at 5:55 this morning!" Then when I looked at the clock it said 6:33. On my Instagram, I saw that I had 111 followers, and the next day had 111 posts. I clicked on a picture that had 11 likes, then saw another picture trying to promote another Instagram with 111 followers. I am always seeing numbers in multiples, and wanted to let you know I am constantly using this website to find the meanings of these numbers.


    I have heard that when you are in sleep paralysis, from a spiritual standpoint, you should imagine yourself walking down a long hallway and when you reach the end, open a door. Does this door really tell you your future?

    1. you are 12 years old and you write like that? You definitely have guiding angels with you then :-)

  79. Thank you! I am only 12 years old but last night, I had an out of body experience, and could see myself dreaming. I was in a dark room and could see a dark figure in front of me with a gold aura for its outline. I have sleep paralysis but I know that my guardian angles were with me through this process. In sleep paralysis, you are paralyzed and you are not able to move or speak. So when I felt the covers lift and someone rub me in a gentle way, I thought in my head: "Mom? Mom?" Then I was released. I truly think the guardian angels freed me from my horrifying sleep state. In sleep paralysis, you are seeing yourself dreaming, conscious and unconscious, but they are always nightmares. I always talk to my angels and they are always talking to me through NUMBERS. I have been seeing the numbers 111, 333, 444, and 555. This morning, I was texting my friend and she said, "I know! I woke up at 5:55 this morning!" Then when I looked at the clock it said 6:33. On my Instagram, I saw that I had 111 followers, and the next day had 111 posts. I clicked on a picture that had 11 likes, then saw another picture trying to promote another Instagram with 111 followers. I am always seeing numbers in multiples, and wanted to let you know I am constantly using this website to find the meanings of these numbers.


    I have heard that when you are in sleep paralysis, from a spiritual standpoint, you should imagine yourself walking down a long hallway and when you reach the end, open a door. Does this door really tell you your future?

  80. Thanks a lot for this posts! It's really helpfull and clear my path when the numbers appears! Love and a blessed life to you!

  81. I as well as all these people have been consistently seeing images of the #333, for example in my dreams where I saw three moons,3 horses, 3 dogs, and blood smeared on the floor and in it the #333 and much more leading up the that #. Recently I've been seeing it again especially on clocks,watches,and Tvs. Now I more or less know what these messages mean in my life since I'm currently having family problems and the desire of being in a relationship but too scared to live it. Hope and faith are my companions at the time.

  82. Thank you very much rush-collection! I was scared before when I always see 3:33 every time I finosh doing my web watch. Now, gladly I can now breathe calmly when I saw your site. Thank you very much! I hope I could find my real purpose in life. Actually, I'm a scholar confused with the world. I hope to find answer. May God help me in this journey which ill embark.

  83. In the early hours of this morning, I was drawn here with 333.

    I have opened my mind to the prospect of asking for help at a difficult time (my life love is dealing with some very deep and personal issues and has withdrawn from everything around them). I know it's difficult to actually ask things for ourselves but I want and need this person so very much. Please guide this person back to me - this person is my life.

    I am hoping that what I read above is the answer that things will be ok.
    I just need some peace in my life right now and this is the one thing that will provide it.

  84. ... I have a beloved friend who made me a short and sweet video. At exactly 3:33 on the video he says, have FAITH.

    He says the word Faith at exactly 3:33.

    After several month - I just noticed this tonight. :)

    So, I come here, and what a beautiful synchronicity that the 333 number means ... to have faith.

    "The message of Angel Number 333 is to have faith in humanity and the Universal Energies."


  85. This number is parked outside my bathroom window. In the city I live in, there is a cab company with the last 4 digits that are 3333. I see these cabs everyday and probably about 10-15 times driving around. I feel it is Jesus when I see 333.

  86. I was born at 3:33 PM on 12/28/71.

    1. I was born at 03.33 AM on 12/10/72

  87. When Angel Number 333 appears consistently it implies that the Ascended Masters are near you. They have responded to your prayers and wish to help and assist you in your endeavours and with serving your Divine life purpose and soul mission.

    " does it mean my prayer is answered by yes you will have it or NO"??!!!

  88. My son died on July 27, 2015 from suicide. The next day I was sound asleep and I woke up instantly and my digital alarm clock read 3:33, I knew right then and there that the angels were sending me a message. It gives me great comfort to know that the angels have taken my son under their wings. What a great great feeling. My son's twin who is my daughter saw a cardinal which is another spiritual message that same day too. What a great feeling !!

  89. My son died from suicide on 7/27/15. The next night I suddenly awoke and my eyes went straight to my digital alarm clock. It read 3:33. I knew the angels were there to comfort me and let me know that my son was ok. They want me to take care of myself and be strong, what a great feeling.

  90. Thanks to God's gift to Ms. rush-collection for this website. These angelic messages are true and for real personally. Anyone who has other opinions not of a positive or Godly nature should pray and seek God. Do not respond to anything on this website in a negative manner. Light & Love

  91. Sunday May 5, 2014 I was the 333rd Customer at McDonald's. I uploaded a picture of the receipt to my Facebook picture album.

    Wensday June 4 2014 exactly 30 days later, I was the 333rd Customer once at McDonald's.

    I've uploaded a picture of both reciepts to my Facebook picture album.


  92. I've seen 333 multiple times through out the month.
    I've been the 333rd costumer at the same establishment twice 30 days apart.
    I've been touched by an Angel that sent me a message that no other human has in my entire 48 years on earth.
    She said God Bless You, Jesus Loves You.
    I could have died and gone to Heaven that very moment because she was the most beautiful women I've ever seen in my life.
    I had to stop her in her tracks to make sure I wasn't dreaming.
    What she said next made me know that it was no dream.
    I will pray for you.
    I'm about to cry right now because not even my own partner had ever said those most beautiful words.

    God sent me a Real Angel who isn't scared to confess her love for Jesus Christ.

    I prayed that I'd meet a truly saved Women.
    I know that she is mi special Angel of Amor sent from the Heaven above Amen.

    Thank you!

  93. I found a photo while randomly surfing google..
    I showed the photo to my boyfriend and said "This is what I imagine out future daughter to look like."
    he said "She just might. And at 3:33 no less."

    I thought it was really kewl how psychic ability was in the description for meaning, along with all the traits a psychic once told me my daughter would have. Bless be.

  94. I was born 03.33 am.

  95. I see the number 333 often,but i don't always feel it is good,i watch a tv show called Ghost Adventures and they visit a place called Bobby mackeys in kentucky and they say it's the portal too Hell and i have noticed a sign above the door way with the clubs phone number on it and the last three digits are 333 so this is why i don't think they are always Angels calling.

  96. i saw 333 when i was worried to message my friend i feel deeply connected/ i think we are soulmate...
    then i prayed ask for guidance .. i feel positive and trust angels ..
    i messaged him 1200 pm and he responded positively ..

    since i met this friend of mine i always been seing 111 222 333 444 555...

  97. Recently I've noticed starting seeing repeating number sequence frequently, such as 111, 222, 333, 444, etc. Today I saw 333 on the clock and prompted me to looking up this page. I am glad to see that the ascended masters have answered my call (especially Jesus) in regards in my life purpose and service as a holistic healer. It happens that I just had lunch with another holistic healer who also started her practice recently, and we've discussed collaborating various events to bring light and healing to the community.

  98. "333" is appearing on consecutive days for me now and this has been a great encouragement. I am more and more confident that I can call upon the universal principle of abundance, and not to think small as to what I can accomplish as regards to my soul mission. Thank you, rush-collection, for this blog, as I refer to it frequently.

  99. I woke up and it was 3:33 a.m. I have seen the time before but my alarm clock is set for 4:00am.
    I am a volunteer of God, and nothing can stop me now. Its my duty to help others.

  100. anybody want to share their stories to my blog for my book? the link adress is: captdizzy.thoughts.com/

  101. Is 3.33 connected with things (i.e caps and brushes used in an electromechanical device) disappearing and appearing. Last night this pattern repeated itself for quite a while, slept well only to find something (a small black cap) had disappeared again. I wonder.
    but the reason i came here is because a friend sent me a message from Aussie at 03.33 a.m. I hope i did not confuse you.

  102. I usually see the number 911 but just now I glanced and saw 333.I am In need of guidance. The past two years have been full of drastic changes, however I always try to see the glass half full. Twice my home has been flooded, one caused by natural disaster and other by a neighbor. We've been thinking about just selling our place and starting fresh in a new home. However been that I am currently unemployed and my husband is the only one working, I fear that we might be out of our comfort zone financially . There is a home been offered to us for purchase right now and I really can't make a decision on wether I should stay at my place or sell and buy this other home which is more expensive.I need guidance ! Anyone ?

  103. Thank you! This website helps me make sense of a lot of things. I see number sequences daily. I see so many number sequences on a daily basis and it is insane. I just got the feeling that something bad is going to happen and got a number. The meaning was to listen to your intuition. I think something bad is going to happpen with ISIS. I predicted the last two times something bad happened with them. Ugh. I don't know what to do or how I can help people with this! I want to save people.

  104. 333 is a lie Just cause numbers show up dose not mean anything it happens twice a day and once during a frequent time of when people look at the clock. Numbers are random in life and follow a unknown sequence. If your saving your life because this long list of adjectives it means your problems were not that bad to begin with. People try to put meaning into everything when it simply is a random event sometimes a rock is just a rock not a metaphor for how strong you are in life and how solid you hold your thoughts. This page tells nothing if this where a report in school it would be an F no supporting facts no reasons just words, meaningless words, which sometimes repeat themselves. Waist of time just like religion.

  105. You do not believe in miracles you do not believe in angels the divine is here and your you have actually just put down God in writing on a public website you should really be ashamed of yourself for being so negative in your Life you just basically explained your whole existence read it again and think of yourself and your life then you can change it and maybe you two will start seeing angel numbers in your Life obviously you're on the wrong path.

  106. I love your website, I have started seeing angel numbers almost everyday and I just know when they mean something because my intuition is kicking in :) your website helps me understand all the signs! Thank you!

  107. I am a courier driver & I drive heaps. And I would see 3 or 4 cars with the same numbers or combos all the time. It's great to know that the Angels r with me & their meanings ! Tkns

  108. I am asking the ascended masters and angels to show me and assist me in my true life path. feeling perplexed and confused as to my life purpose, so I call upon the angels and Ascended Masters to assist. I pray they are waiting for my call. What is my lifes true path and please assist me to succeed in that . Born at 3:33am. 333 shows up quite a bit. peace

  109. Hi I study depply numbers and letters and words everything gives me 9 all the words in any language of the holle world no matter what gives =9, and studying 9 it comes all ways with 6and 3 I love numbers they'r everywhere.....

  110. Since I met my husband we have both been seeing 11:11 almost on a daily basis. Then my first born daughter was born on 11.11.2011. We always had a feeling somthing big was going to happen to us. Then we found out I was pregnant with twins the due date was 05.05.15. Then they were diagnosed with a very rare and devo stating disorder/disease. I have just received news today that my twin son has brain damage I keep seeing 3:33 and the date is the 3rd. I hope this means that the angels are hearing my prayers for a miracle.

  111. 1-11-2016 1:49pm
    If these three numbers 333 are indeed truly connected to ascended Angels that are now around me, please help me win the biggest jackpot in Powerball History on 1-13-2016. When I win I promise that I will use 90% of all the money to help people around the world that are in legitimate crisis. I will not film my journey but I will travel wherever the need leads me. I will not use it to promote politics or religions. I hope to inspire hardened hearts in a positive manner. I hope to leave a lasting impression that will cause others to do the same, in Jesus's name I pray, Amen.

  112. this has really enlightened me thank you, i always knew my numbers must mean something in connection with my psychic abilities and clairaudience & visions. i was told i am a medium and the lady reading me said she could see 3peaks above my head. my d.o.b is 30/03/1983,I'll be 33 on 30/03/2016!!! now more than ever i can feel my ascension into the 5th dimension and it's just beautiful ��

  113. i was born on 30/03/1983 life path 9.I'll be 33 on 30/03/2016. i always knew my numbers meant something so this has really helped,thank you :) i feel like my ascension into the 5th dimension has begun i have lots of gifts including clairaudience,psychic ability,prophetic visions and dreams and was told i am a medium,the lady reading my aura said she could see 3peaks above my head! i also have beauty spots in the shape of the holy cross on my right forearm 😇

  114. Woke up at 3:33 a.m this morning. Was driving to school and seen the license plate 333MAT haha funny because my nickname is Matt. Thank you so much for this website!

  115. I would like to thank you for the meaning of the 333....i woke up and looked at my watch and it had 3:33 which was quite alarming...I went to bed a bit restless as I have embarked on part time studies in the legal field and attended lectures for 2 days, was exhausted after a long days work and came home to a husband complaining about the kids. I was upset when my family knows that I am doing this for myself and got all of their buy in before embarking on these studies. I am not a selfish person but for once I am putting myself first before everyone else. The numbers just indicated that I must continue and gave me positive assusrance

  116. The planet beats at 8 cycles per second (8 Hz, Schumann resonance). 432Hz (divisible by 8 & 3) is what the Egyptians and Romans tuned their instruments to (not 440Hx today) and the number 432 is represented throughout the pyramids. Speed of light, is 144,000 nautical miles (144,000 minutes of arc per Earth grid second) in the vacuum of space. The speed of light divides by 432(Hz) = 333.333 reoccurring. As beings made of molecules we resonate / reverberate and unless we have re-tuned to a universal frequency we will be working against ourselves (in constant duality) and against nature / the universe. Once we are correctly tuned & resonate with nature I believe their is a unification of mind, body and spirit within and beyond and I believe it is this trinity that exists throughout the universe. I've had a brief experience with a change of consciousness / enlightenment many years ago and this is as close to encapsulating things as I can get. Overall there is something real and truly wondrous that connects us - unfortunately we have lost sight of this... light is something that I can remember as being quite 'different'!!

  117. How strange that the most popular number posts are the ones I've been seeing a lot of recently. I'm recovering from a psychosis and once out of it, I was seeing repeating 2's, 3's and 4's (sometimes 1's). I'm still seeing these numbers, and it's usually when I'm in the middle of thought about my stories, or doing something and maybe need reminding of what projects I need to finish. I believe the six saints are with me (I'm an Irisite) and guiding me to tell this universal story, as I've been planning since I can remember.

  118. I was born on the 3rd of March. I always loved the number 3. In 2003, my birthday date was 03.03.03. I was so proud and still am. I just Googled 333 because I've noticed that very frequently when I look at the time, it's 3.33 am or pm on either my computer clock or phone clock. And here we go, angelic numbers. I'm not that surprised. I once woke up and saw an angel light form on the ceiling. It happened by the sun rays through my curtains. I have the photo. It feels really good to know all of what's written in this article. I hope that what I've just shared is useful. Thanks :)

  119. I was into my second day of doing a prayer novena. I happened to look up at the clock. The time read 3:33. Knowing about master numbers, I immediately looked up 333 and read this from you site; "Angel Number 333 tells you that the Ascended Masters are near you. They have responded to your prayers and wish to help and assist you in your endeavours and with serving your life purpose and soul mission." This is EXACTLY what a big part of my novena was about. I immediately thanked the Ascended Masters and Angels from God, for answering my prayers. Bless you for this website.

  120. I usually wake up at this hour in the early morning... and Have an affinity towards the deeper meaning to what most would think is small. Thank you for teaching me something that is invaluable.

  121. Thank you so much!

  122. The 333 just came up on the clock so I looked here and saw all this neat stuff. I have been following www.thomastwin.com so it looks like I'm on the right path.

  123. been struggling with a long time guy friend and he randomly put out there he wants to remain friends and wants me to get a boyfriend, as he may someday want a girlfriend and wants me to be happy for him. He leads on subtly and flirts, but doesnt mean any of it. Known him for along time and very sad over this. Any of you 'seers' see anything in this about him and I, I feel like Im losing a good friend. Now to see what the 1111 means

  124. Goodnight my husband and I just buy a car today and the lisince plate with 333 and I am very happy

  125. My husband and I just buy a car and on it with 333 on the linscine plate I am happy

  126. Imy husband and I buy a new car today on the plate 333

  127. I see the numbers 111, 1010, 1111, 222, 333, 444, 555 and several other repeating number sequences ...very very frequently. I am going through a rough time trying to heal from a car accident - I have whiplash level 3. Needless to say life has changed and I keep praying and asking for healing and guidance to my future. I always wanted to write children's books and have started several before accident and now I am not able to finish or proceed at this time. I pray that I can move forward with this plan soon as I feel this is my life purpose.

  128. rush-collection- you have been guiding me for a long time now, and I am so grateful. Here is one of my youtube videos that I think you can appreciate- just know you've put so much influence into my life that I may not have made it if now for you<3 https://youtu.be/eVm5yVUkPh8

  129. Thanks so much for this uplifting information. Several weeks ago I started seeing 111, 222, 333, 444 and 555 over and over again on my computer, receipts, signs and everywhere. the angels are definitely communicating with me. Not sure what it all means but based on your info here it looks like it's all positive. Today I got a 333 again.

  130. I see the number, 333, everyday. Sometimes more then once, and some steant things have been happening. This has been going on for a little more then a year. One instance, my angel picture fell down for no apparent reason in the morning and awoke me. When I checked the time, it was 3:33 am.

    1. I have always been seeing double numbers. 44 66 77 88 99 00 33 333 666 777
      all those numbers. But i have seen 33&333 the most. I have been double checking with this cite to confirm what the angels have been trying to tell me, not consistent with it but i have been trying to be. I am just wondering how exactly is the numbers relevant to my life. I am a college graduate and now going to professionally play basketball overseas. I have been seeing these double numbers since highschool. Im not THAT confused, I just would like some reassurance from those that see the same things.

  131. In response to Kiana, the correct spelling and what has helped me tremendously is called: ayahuasca.

  132. I love your site. I started off seeing all 1's like 11:11 or 1:11 for the past 10 years. It use to scare me until I paid attention and noticed that great things, blessings happened to me at those times, dates or anything that had to do with 1's. Recently in this past year I've been seeing 1234 or 234 then it grew to 333, 444, and 555 oh and 1212. Every time I have doubt, I get clarity by seeing these numbers at the exact moment I need to see them. A lot of changes have been happening in my life, for the better of course. I feel as if my eyes, ears, heart and soul are finally open and accepting of my angels and God's guidance. I've been sent a few spiritual advisors that read my life like they knew me. The way we crossed paths wasn't a coincidence. They've all said the same things. These are ppl who don't know anything about my personal life at all. The angels and God have been trying to get my attention for some time now. I am happy that I am finally accepting of their help and guidance. Thank you again for giving meaning to these numbers that I am seeing and assisting me with my life journey.

  133. Hi, To whom it may concern: I tattooed 33.3 on my ankle along with all my deceased dogs names, Gator, Sam, Argus and Apollo. It's designed so it looks wings. I'd like to copy your definition and print it into a framed wall piece for my office/study. Do you object me using your information? I will credit you as author at bottom of art work.

  134. Bless you...


  135. I've been seeing the number 333 everyday for the past five to six years at least twice a day...if it's on a license plate or the time or even an address on a show I'm watching on tv. Every time I see it it makes me smile from ear to ear and I know God is with me:) God is Love!! And God is Amazing! I feel so blessed everyday:) ❤️

  136. Hi MillPro. That's the angels trying to tell you to smarten the f--- up and love life itself and yourself, things will turn around for you if you stay positive. It happened to me. Please believe hugs

  137. I was in bed and my laptop came on by itself at 3:33 am. I'm a little scared but hoping it's a sign of angels and not the opposite

  138. For anyone intrested, while searching through hillary clintons emails, I found one where she tells someone suppose to be getting an interview by an oprah correspondent, asks if she can get her to see the number 333


    It seems as though the number might be known about by people of high power but is only spoken openly about in code. Even drake states it in one of his songs. "One of my closest dawgs got 3 kids and they all three" -3-3-3-

  139. I am an artist and today is my birthday. For the past few weeks, I have been seeing the numbers 33 and 333 daily with surprising frequency and in various 'forms'. I have decided to interpret these numbers as a positive sign that I am moving in the right direction in accordance with my life's purpose. My greatest wish is to be able to set up a mobile art studio on wheels that I can use to bring creativity, inspiration and encouragement to people who have been affected by traumatic experiences. I would like to help them return to their families, lives and careers, which can often be a challenge. My dream vehicle for this project would be a used transportation shuttle van that I would name the Transformation Shuttle. Recently, I found a church van that is perfect for this venture, and the seller is asking $3300 for it. I really want and need this van but can't yet afford it, but because of the overwhelming manifestation of 33's and 333's, I am hopeful and encouraged that I will soon have my Transformation Shuttle mobile Art studio. Positive energy to all!

  140. Thank you rush-collection I have seeing lots of number signs lately and using your website to get answers. I trust in your knowledge of numerology and am grateful you kindly share with humanity!! If anyone knows about Name numbers my sons number is 111 or 3 and I haven't found this 111 in books or anywhere. His life path is a number 9 Aquarius. I would be so happy to learn about this 111 as I think it is rare and special. Many thanks😀😀😀



  141. I WAS BORN IN 1947-12-21-AT-12:00 DOES THAT MEAN ANYTHING?

  142. Thanks Ebony, the gospel tunes on pandora are great, i wake up numerous times in the middle of intense dreams and drawn to the clock which reads 3:33...

  143. Thank you for this article. I constantly see the number 333 everyday. No matter if I look at the clock , it's 333. Or if I'm driving and I look up at the gas price as I drive by , or an address on a house. I always thought it was weird but now I have a good feeling about it .

  144. I see the number 333 in everyday life from when I look at the clock to tell the time , to driving down the road and looking up at billboard and seeing it or just anywhere . It's like saying here iam 333. I was thinking it was weird until I read this article . I don't know if it has anything to do with some dreams I have had , a few months ago I had a dream . There were people fighting with destruction weapons, it was me and one of my son's and I was holding him close crouched in a corner and then there was an angel , whom I would call jesus and he had a shinny sword and in my dream I heard something maybe a trumpet then all the violence was gone . Another dream I have had more recently was there was the sun in the sky but it was red and had the markings of an ying and yang sign just sitting there but the sky was pale golden then idk who the people were but everyone started floating to the sky like there was no gravity . I don't know if you can make any sense of the dreams . But with reading this and my dreams I have a sense of a safe feeling but at the same time I don't know what to make of it .

  145. May God bless you more for the understanding you have and for sharing of this great wisedom he gave you.
    In Jesus name.

  146. Love your blog! Thanks for sharing


  147. rush-collection and others PLEASE HELP

    …is there any way that 333 is a bad number, or a warning sign? I am bombarded with it at the moment and it's not going well. I wonder if I misunderstood it and took it as a 'go ahead, you are safe' instead of 'no, stop now.' Is there anybody there who had a bad experience with 333 and 33? I am haunted by it to the point that I will wake up in the middle of the night and it will be 3:33 on the clock. I had a tarot reading and 3 times I got the Empress III card!

    A while ago I went through a stage like this with 444s and 44s but for me 44 and 444 were definitely a positive sign. It lasted few weeks I achieved several things and then it ended.

    With the 333 I really don't know… I also had a dream few days ago about a pink sparkling rotating/spinning rose that I was just looking at from a bird’s view for what felt like hours. I definitely feel like the universe is saying something but I have no idea what.

  148. Today I looked at the time and it was 3:33:33 It was astonishing to me!! I've been on a roll with 11:11 and I've been practicing the law of attraction and other related things. Does the series of 5 3's mean anything MORE than just 333?
