Friday, July 01, 2011


Number 33 is made up of the vibrations of the number 3 appearing twice, amplifying and magnifying its influences. Number 3 relates to the attributes of expansion and the principles of increase, spontaneity, broad-minded thinking, encouragement, assistance, talent and skills, self-expression and communication, manifesting and manifestation. Number 3 also resonates with the energies of the Ascended Masters, and indicates that the Ascended Masters are around you, assisting when asked. They are helping you to find peace, clarity and love within. The Ascended Masters help you to focus on the Divine spark within yourself and others, and assist with manifesting your desires. Number 33 is a Master Number (Master Teacher) and resonates with the energies of compassion, blessings, inspiration, honesty, discipline, bravery and courage. Number 33 tells us that ‘all things are possible’. 33 is also the number that symbolizes ‘guidance’. The Master Number 33 is connected to the Ascended Masters, and the repeating Angel Number 33 is a message that many Ascended Masters surround you and are offering their assistance. All you need to do is ask, as the Ascended Masters are waiting to answer your prayers.

Angel Number 33 is a message from your angels that any positive changes or projects you are considering right now will be well worth your while, and you will be assisted in the undertaking.

Angel Number 33 gives you the courage to live your life with enthusiasm and optimism, safe in the knowledge that you are well blessed, loved and supported in all that you do. Live your life with joy, passion and purpose as this will manifest your true desires. Be prepared to expand and increase your spiritual development and awareness.

Number 33 also relates to the number 6 (3+3=6) and Angel Number 6.

See also:  Repeating 3’s  (33, 333, 3333 etc)
Angel Number 3
Angel Number 333



  1. 33. I have been seeing this number everywhere ALL the time. It is like this number is following me. Could there be a deeper meaning to this number, and I am just not connecting the message probably. Every time I see it, I don't feel peaceful I feel like it is an alert.

    1. Undertaking anything new will never feel peaceful. It feels like an alert because it is an alert to let you know that now is the right time to manifest... to enact what you've been planning, to bring to life what you've been dreaming. It's alerting you to pay attention and ask for help at that particular moment, pay attention to your surroundings and what is paralleling around you, as your guidance is found in those things. It's not a warning, it's an alert to take action. :)

    2. I've been seeing the same number alot and it too happens before or after I have a conflict or do something stupid but I actually think this could be right...I think I need to do something about the way i act or think and make changes...maybe then I'll stop seeing the number all the time (about 5-8 times a day)

    3. I as well see the number 33 EVERYWHERE! it's crazy... and I too feel like it's an alert.. not an angel. It seems to coincide with things that are not necessarily good in nature.

    4. Anonymous: Considering the fact that you say that you see this number everywhere, it feels like an alert, and it seems to coincide with things that are not necessarily good in nature. I think it would be safe to assume that this number is appearing for a reason. Reread what is written above. For example:
      "The Master Number 33 is connected to the Ascended Masters, and the repeating Angel Number 33 is a message that many Ascended Masters surround you and are offering their assistance. All you need to do is ask, as the Ascended Masters are waiting to answer your prayers."
      For me, that paragraph seems to allude to someone who is not living in an environment that is perfectly cohesive. The feeling of "alertness" that you spoke of is probably your angels trying to get your attention and let you know they are there to help you out of any negative situations that you may be involved in. Also, read the following:
      "Angel Number 33 is a message from your angels that any positive changes or projects you are considering right now will be well worth your while, and you will be assisted in the undertaking."
      If you are living in a world where things "are not necessarily good in nature," then the previous paragraph would make total sense. It sounds to me like they are trying to get your attention in these situations and let you know that things can and will turn around - if you want them to. All you need to do is ask them for guidance, and start living with a sense of joy and purpose. Also, the last paragraph adds to all that has been said before:
      "Angel Number 33 gives you the courage to live your life with enthusiasm and optimism, safe in the knowledge that you are well blessed, loved and supported in all that you do. Live your life with joy, passion and purpose as this will manifest your true desires. Be prepared to expand and increase your spiritual development and awareness."
      This is just an addition to the previous paragraphs written above. They seem to be trying to let you know that if you are willing to change whatever isn't right in your life and do it with courage and joy, you will be supported by them. It's as if they are offering you comfort and love in a time you may interpret as negative.
      These are all things that I read from the above paragraphs. I hope this helps you. Peace and Love.

    5. I would like to echo "Elementary's" comment. I think you are right on the money. Simply stated, it's an alert for change, and the ascended masters and angels are letting you know they are there to support you, you only need to ask. Nice explanation, Elementary. Your comment was very thoughtful and poignant. For complete stranger to speak with such eloquence and kindness is a blessing. Love and Light...

    6. I think that it maybe it feels like an alert but if it signifies change, growth and expansion; then I would take that as a reminder that your being shown the number because they are "training" you to be mindful and more aware of your surroundings because it's about seeing what has always been there(opportunities for growth)but we missed it because because we weren't looking for it. The alert feeling is probably your higher self making the connection to the ego! We need a nudge I would suppose.

    7. I'm glad you said this, how you don't really feel at peace, but that it's more of an alert. First of all, I've literally been seeing every double number set and more everyday for a month or so now. For a good while I legit shooed it off, I understand mere coincidences, but everyday, too much for that. So when I get to three, and see that a big thing that gets mentioned is "ascended masters", I feel alerted. The others lead to great things that march greatly with my stuff, and ik they do, ik a lot, but the "ascended masters", are fallen angels. Don't be deceived. So that's one thing I don't like to see being used so much in the numeroligical expression. Numerology isn't bad unless you use it with divination, but I still don't like how they talked about ascended masters, and even some of the other terms that get used, because fallen angels come to you in false light and righteousness, and man will they come after you if you are on your path and journey and you know it, because they know it too, and will do as much as possible to devlcieve you. So although you're on your path correctly so far, Satan will always try harder and harder the farther you get, so depending on how spiritually serious about it all you are, you have to be willingly ready for anything and everything that will get thrown at you, because let me tell you from first hand experience, it's not easy, and a lot of the time you'll feel like your brain is melting because of how much you have to come to understand, on top of the fact that Satan is constantly trying to deceive you you, and you have to look out for that. He will especially come at you in more vulnerable times, such as plenty of times following through a spiritual awakening and ect. So one thing to realize and look out for, is how Satan can deceive in many ways, and it's just basically a red flag to me when "ascended masters" is something that is used. Sometime during WWII times, some dude I forget his name, amazed many, Germans I think, by putting swords and other sharp objects through himself, without any physical damage or even much physical change. He told the crowd that he had learned to communicate with ascended masters, and that they were telling him what exactly do to, and when to do it, and that they were protecting him at all times. The truth is that they are demons, fallen angels, and these beings are mataphysical, and can arrange things on a molecular level, so they were in his mind and body ect., and they helped make sure that there was no damage when they told him to do specific things. One day, they were dome with what they needed, they told him to swallow a three inch, (I think three inches), steel needle, and so he did ofocurse. He then died because of it. He was no longer "protected". Why would ascended masters, or any form of "good angel" tell him to basically kill himself, or to do anything they knew would harm get the point. Just be careful, and don't get deviedved, it's very hard our personal journeys, but it's really easy to get mind fucked in this world, especially when we are as vulnerable as we are during these times. Hopefully I've helped some light to be shed, with love and light, god bless, and good luck on your journey.

    8. The Ascended Masters are not angels at all and therefore cannot be “fallen” angels, nor do they present themselves in a false light. They are souls that have reincarnated on the material plane, just like you and me. They have evolved and grown spiritually to a place where they are able to guide those who are still reincarnating on the material plane. They emanate pure love and light and are incapable of what man is capable. You are projecting human traits on purely spiritual beings that have been assigned and trusted by Divinity to guide the beautiful souls created by the Universe. As with humanity, I feel you are using fear as a tool to create doubt and insecurity. The Ascended Masters, Archangels, angels, guides use the energy projected in love and light to empower and strengthen humanity, Mother Earth and all her beautiful creatures. I am everything, everywhere and nowhere. I permeate all things. Unified always, never apart, I bring love and light to a world of discord. I will surround and protect those in need with love and light with the gift and support of Divinity. These are two of my daily affirmations, inspired through meditation by the Ascended Masters, Archangels, angels, guides and Divinity. Nothing of darkness comes from this Source. Please do not bring darkness to this beautiful community Rush Collection has created.

    9. PYSTRO69. Knows what he is talking about. I have had first had experience of what he is describing. Unclean spirits are able and will emulate any Ascended Master, even Archangels. Please do not take it as read that when you feel an Ascended Masters power that it is indeed an Ascended Master. ALWAYS, ALWAYS question the spirit.m by asking it a question and keep the answer locked away in your self conscious. Ask it by saying “By the power of Almighty God are you...l and do fit three tones. If it answers your question the way you want it to do then it is indeed who it says it is. It will save you from a lot of heartache and harm in the long run, I promise you.
      I am not trying to put a dampener on the beautiful message above Laurene, I promise you with all of my heart and soul just mearly want you to protect yourself at every turn. Not everything from the spirit world world is pure and divine and wants to do everything for the greater good and the higher power. You need to know that once something malicious and evil gets into your very spirit
      and soul, it’s the hardest thing to get rid of. Believe me I know. I’ve been trying since November 2017 to fight off an a demon and this thing has been doing unimaginable things to me. Raping me, playing games, torturing me with me pain. It has even managed to turn my family against me. It has been the fight of my life. If I could stop this happening to at least one person, then that at least would be one positive thing that I have been able to do. Always be on your guard and my best advice would be to stay away from these sites. Pray to God and stay on the path of the Almighty God Jehova. I know a lot of people don’t believe in Him and Jesus Christ our Saviour, but He and God believe in us. Stay safe and all the very best to you. Amen x

    10. Hello Zesty Zirlonia,
      Dark energy will always try to manipulate, but a strong energy can deflect the darkness and dark energy. Anything affecting your consciousness, anything mind altering, i.e. drugs (prescription and non-prescription). alcohol, even caffeine weakens the aura, the soul and body's protection. Being clear and clean, mind, body and spirit is the your greatest defense against dark energy. In addition, PYSTRO69 states, "... the "ascended masters", are fallen angels. Don't be deceived." PYSTRO69 does not state that dark energy can try to mask themselves as Ascended Masters. The implication is that the Ascended Masters are dark energy. That is completely false. If PYSTRO69 is in fact stating your interpretation of his/her words then he/she needs to clarify that, because that is not what is stated. I feel it is unnecessary for me to refute point-by-point PYSTRO69 claims. I will restate this, "Nothing of darkness comes from this Source." Darkness is a product of man not Divinity, the Ascended Masters or Archangels.

    11. can you explain why all my life since birth 33 is around me in all starting from the certificate to house number

  2. I too have 33 all my I was born in 67 and a few years ago I kept seeing and I knew I was going to die and I did twice one year then twice the next and now I dont see it. strange.

    1. was it a near death experience? .. because you must still be alive if you're able to type this hahaha.

    2. I keep seeing 33 everywhere i dont know if its a good or bad thing , isnt it related to lucifer ?

    3. Keep your friends close, but your enemies closer...

    4. Keep your friends close, but your enemies closer...

    5. Answer us Lisa! We need to know if you're still alive!!!

    6. What did you actually experience when you died several times. Can you write the 4 experiences. Glad to see your still alive xx Thankyou.

  3. I see this number all the time! but I have a foreboding about it only because a documentary on Free Masons described that the 33rd level was when they found out their 'god' was Lucifer. Also, Jesus was supposedly crucified when he was 33. am I misinterpreting this? I also see 44 a lot! Thanks!

    1. So weird! The number 33 has been following for I don't know how long, but I only started paying attention last year, when it was associated with someone I was in love with, then I couldn't stop seeing it! Addresses, time, phone was everywhere. And now, I'm starting to see 44 just as often, which is why I looked this up, today... when you posted it too.

    2. when Jesus died in physical form it was a positive change because even though at the time it was sad it was to (for christ followers) forgive people of their sins. also there were probably many ascending masters around him (being the fact that he was Jesus and all) therefore i don't believe the number 33 is being misinterpreted. since you see both numbers 33 and 44 at the same time it may mean there is a positive change coming and there are ascending masters there to help you and during this change it is important to trust your instincts.

    3. well i c 11,21,22,33,44,55,111,711,911,what does that mean

    4. well i see the following numbers 11,21,22,33,44,55,111,711,911 i need ur help

    5. I see all of those same numbers all the time. In the past few weeks 47 has been popping up everywhere!Crazy we see the same things!

    6. i think it was only me who was seeing these numbers everywhere,but after you people,i get couraged that some more people see these numbers. mohit sharma (india)

    7. xD you've got to be kidding me!
      I'm always seeing 11 21 22 33 34 911

    8. I see 111,222,333,444,555,666,777,888,999..11 after the hour, 11:22..4:16 & 16 after the hour. These numbers are everywhere for me...recently finally started to see 11:11, as I began to pray to Jesus again. Anyone else? I live in apartment 333 and that is when the 333 started...I began a career change and am now positive it is my life purpose but now I saw 5353 the other day and believen I am guided to heal and help others.

    9. Yes your angels are probably trying to guide you to the truth. Which is that "God" is not real. Talk to them and be open to this information, and they'll know the best way of going on from there.

    10. I am really curious what path you are on now, after 4 yeara
      .. Because I am going through same number patterns and same story about reviwing my faith.. What have you figure out?

  4. I asked for conformation on my book because someone planted a doubt seed on facebook about publishing. etc.. All day this number popped up. Thank you for my guidance. I'm grateful :)

  5. I have been seeing the number 33 like crazy since my Fiance died last February. I will also see 333. But the 33 is EVERYWHERE! Clocks, license plates you name it. I must see it some days at least a dozen times or more. The 333 I see maybe once a day. I am going through a lot of changes in the very nar future and now know that all will be ok. To just keep the faith that my angels are with me. <3

    1. I keep seeing 333 since my sister died after a car accident... Whenever I think if her I keep seeing this number... I truly believe its a good sign and it really helps me keeping my faith exactly as you said! Take care and have a wonderful day Theresa 💗

  6. I see it all day everyday non stop. And im just really confused on what I need to learn from it.. is this a bad thing or good? I've been seeing and noticing it for about 2-3 years now..

  7. First off let me say to you all, that God is good and Jesus is Lord. Confusion is nothing but the devil, so don't let other interpretations interrupt what you believe it means. To those of us who are Christians, I believe 33 has a special meaning to it. Jesus Christ died for our sins around the age of 33, their were also 33 miracles recorded in the bible. Considering that the Lord is STILL ALIVE and wants people to still have faith in him even in this time period. He shows his people this beautiful number only to remind us that EVERYTHING IS GOING TO BE ALRIGHT NO MATTER WHAT HAPPENS ON THIS EARTH, BECAUSE HE STILL LOVES US..ALWAYS HAVE AND ALWAYS WILL.
    Be Blessed My Brothers and Sisters of Christ!

    1. I understand your frustration George. But those of us that have lived several human lives should be better at giving out love and be more optimistic. When confronted with negativity, do not allow that bad energy to grow and be given off by you. It is our responsibility as light workers to keep the dark at bay and shine only our light.

      There is only one Earth but so many different tomato plants grow on it.., thie earth is God and the tomato plants are all the different religions he has to nurture and grow in each of us... So many different personalities in my family, let alone the entire world. So God has many ways of reaching the children of the earth. Live an Aloha spirit, and namaste to all! NEeSeeDO!

    2. To put down anyone who has a positive light and is trying to share it with others is a sign of weakness within itself. For all those who do good unto the world will recieve the blessings of what ever higher power they may or may not believe in. Be respectful to others. The golden rule is a wise rule. To help not only others, but yourself as well. When we open ourselves to what others have, we open up to ourselves and allow more light and goodness into our soul.

      Even for those who don't have as much light in them as we see in ourselves. We must always pray for them, in a humbling manner. -What you put out into the world will always find itself back to you. And always when you least expect it. Good or Bad.

    3. Greg, you hit the nail right on the head, my friend!!!!!
      Well done.

    4. Pay attention to the insightful messages the Angels send out. Prayers sent, stay positive. Love and Light's Energy

    5. i dont feel safe seeing 33 non stop everyday isnt it like a threat code in masonry witchcraft?

    6. I don't see 33 as negative, I have been praying a lot, I am needing help bad, then I have been seeing repeating numbers a lot, so much I decided to look up to see what it meant because this has never happened to me before, then I learned they are angel numbers, The past couple of weeks I have been at a breaking point where I just can't take life anymore, I ask the Angels to please help, and they do, it gives me the strength to keep fighting, when I read this it made me happy, I found the meaning of 33 to be very positive, I asked the Angels to help me notice other signs, and to hear them in other ways, this week I saw a grasshopper in back yard, have not seen one in years, I said if this is a sign, please let me see it again, the next day, I saw one on my screen right in the middle of window on my front porch, WOW ! Today I walked in garage and saw a cricket, have not seen that in a long while, asked the same question, then I saw a post my brother sent to his wife on Facebook, it said honey can you make this for dinner, I looked at the video it was showing how to make cricket for dinner. Then it hit me, there is my conformation, so I still have to look up the meaning, I do not look at any help as a negative, because if it was all roses how am I suppose to learn and grow and change my thinking and my life around for the better.

  8. Thank you for this. I've been seeing the number 33 for a few years now but it has become more intense in the last couple of months or so. I see it ALL THE TIME. Last night while sleeping I was woken up by the sound of my TV someone bumped it. The back light on my mobile was turned on and when I got up to check it - it was 2:33am. The back light on my phone stayed on, by itself until I fell asleep from exhaustion. Does this mean there was an angel in my room?

    1. Yes, I personally believe there was an Angel in your room at that time. I sometimes wake up in the middle of the night for the strangest reasons...but the moment I check the clock, the last digits will either show 22, 33, or 44.
      Somone is clearly watching over you :-)

    2. I'm very sorry to break the news for everyone but seeing specific numbers all the time means you are mind controlled. Especially 33 and 13. You people need to try to get away from all this angel and ascended master nonsense. Especially archangels. Never trust any voice in your head or so called signs from god. The god of this universe seems to be a trickster of sorts, and there is no good and bad or light and dark. Its just set up that way so we are in constant conflict and never wake up to our true nature hence the light and the dark in freemasonry, and its not a mystery that the masons control this planet and they do it through keeping the population in conflict. Hence why all of you are seeing 33 all the time and many here saying that they don't trust it is because you are having thoughts of helping this world, and the craft of freemasonry and witchcraft saw the need to control you. When you stop thinking about all of this non-sense and stop thinking you are a mystical soul on a journey for lessons of knowledge and advancement and start using your senses within 3rd dimensional REALity again you will stop seeing these numbers all the time and be able to find your true self again.

    3. Well said anonymous. But there is more than the 3rd dimensional ;)

    4. That is simply an opinion. In fact you do "know" what you are saying. It is not for me about acended masters, I am soul and I do not need to be taught, it is only remembering. But for you to tell people they are mind controlled is pointing to your own mind control. You actually do not understand where this 33 comes from and what it means to those who see it. I see it all the time, not just clocks, I start a new business the registration number is 3399666633 this kind of thing occurs all my life. I lived at 33 twice my daughter lived at 33, my mum and dad 33, it goes on and on. But it has nothing to do with mind control by some "hidden" group. You might want to stop with the advice.

    5. We live in 3D, yet there are 15 dementions unseen with the physical eye. After death, your human body drops, and you are over the veil living parallel,with another demention. Google SPIRITUAL REALM .

  9. The universe is under direct command of God nothing happens nothing moves without his will. All the angels keep their duties to Allah the all mighty God (one God not two or three).
    On the day of resurrection, everything will become perfectly clear, no more misinformation about him no more lies about him. He has always been one eternal being and all the creation are subservient to him. He is not born of anyone and does not have children or any partners. He is the sublime tremendous. And beneficent ever merciful. Praise be to Him Lord of the worlds.

  10. Hi everytime i see clock it shows 133 233 333 and on, is it means that the angel number 33 is telling me? Thank you :D

  11. I see 333 and 33 all the time. Also 11:11, I recently ventured out on my own at the age of 51. Always been married or had children living at home so needless to say I was quite nervous about this move. That is until I rented my apartment and the # is 33!!! I know all is well now! Blessed be the Almighty Divine and his beloved Archangels<3

    1. Me too! I live ar 33 Oslo. Amazing

  12. Every time I see this number I feel supported.. No matter what is going on in my life good or bad it is a reminder that the Angels are there for guidens and streangth.

  13. First let me tell you I have had an gaurdian angel in my life that I have been aware of since I was 18 when I first heard his voice in my right ear and this is the side I always hear him speak in. A few years back I was going thru a difficult time in my life and I was asking the Archangel Michael to let me know he was there. I would be driving down the road and there would be a real estate sign with the name michael on it or I would find feathers everywhere and the sign would always be on the right side of the road. so I asked Michael to physically show himself to me. I was driving a friend around who could not drive for various reasons and he went to a meeting on this particular day. So i went to a Borders book store while he was in the meeting and looked in my favorite area for some books one of the booksI grabbed was "Conversations With God". I really didn't feel like reading so I went and put the books back and I was on my knees, as I was putting back Conversations With God a mans hand from behind me on the right side put a book back on the shelf and commented on how much he like Conversations With God. He said I Have Read It 33 Times. So i stood up and commented on how much I enjoyed as well, we discussed some other spiritual philosophies and all while this was happening I could hear a voice in my right ear ask him his name. So I asked What is your name Michael He Said! Every cell in my body vibrated! I truned to place the last book on the shelf and turned around again and he was gone. I asked the woman standing near me excuse me did you see where that man I was talking to went. She looked me with a puzzeled look and said nothing and there was no way she could've missed our conversation we were standing right next to her.I walked around the store , he was gone poof! There was no way he could've made it to the front of the store in that short of time. I was in the back of a large book store.It was less than 30 seconds.

    1. Your story/testimony gave me chills! Quite a breathtaking beautiful story! The God force is real and the Universe supports everything God allows. Wonderful story once again, thank you for sharing!

    2. Powerful.... Made me tear up.. God is great all the time!

    3. Powerful.. Made me tear up.. God is great all the time!

    4. SHALOM


  14. The number 33 has been most prominent day to day....Always seen on clocks or door numbers...It has been my own door number twice, I have gone to a restaurant and the lady has said she'll seat me at table 33, I put some of my furniture in storage and the man walked me to storage unit 33, and then when I started a new job, the locker they gave me was 33, I recently went to a celebrity restaurant in New York and walked into the toilet and the cubicle had 33 painted on the wall....I checked the other toilets and they had different numbers...I also see 55 44 22 13
    I'm on a spiritual journey and an internal shift that I can feel for sure....Where it's leading I don't know. I'm sensing a Re-Birth around me, a chance to shed the old and grow and transform into the person I was born to be....Thats the feeling I'm getting....
    I'm slightly psychic and remember my dreams on a regular basis.
    I noticed when I started to burn different coloured candles the numbers on the clock started to appear as if responding to my wishes...Although they appear all the time anyway...
    I have worked in the music industry for over 20 yrs and 33 covers talent inspiration and manifestation, so maybe something big may happen there.
    At the moment tho the shift has been an internal one...A feeling that I really want to change and grow....ReBirth.

    1. Lat Mitch I was randomly sent to this website today because my buddy knows I also see 33 everywhere. And I also in the music business and I feel like it isn't a coincidence we are both on this site. I have some big projects coming up in 2015. Let's chat my email is

    2. Hey i am happy has written aboutr this....i m so confsued this is happening to me so often at the moment....itscares me off and i dont really know what to do about it despite wrote this 3 years ago i wanted ask you how you feel today and if anything has changed for u in understand these patte in advancerns...thanks a lot

  15. How funny! The verification number I had to type to get my previous post approved was 4334! :-)

  16. The second verification code I had to type was 144!

  17. I've been seeing 33 for half a year now. I really want to know more about this

  18. I believe that there is absolutely nothing negative about number 33. For those of you who are questioning the meaning of this number, think about what it is that you are trying to do, or what have you been wanting to do (projects or otherwise). The angels are there to guide you with whatever it is that you want to do...I for one have been noticing the angel numbers: 111; 222; 333; 444; 555, last Oct after I had gotten my heart broken and it was also around the time I started writing again. I didn't know why I was always noticing these numbers until a FB friend of mine told me that these are angel numbers. Now I see these numbers all of the time throughout the day as well as these other numbers: 808; 909; 1010; 1111; 1212; 11; 22; 33; 44; 55; 66; 77; 88; 99. But the numbers I see more often are: 1111; 444; 33; 22; 44; 55. I've been feeling more and more at ease every day and I always feel in my heart that everything is going to be alright.-And I've been working hard on my writing without any doubts or fears..I am more hopeful and optimistic about everything going on in my life in general :-)

    1. Definitely same here and most of our # sequences are the same! Getting your heart broken isn't fun but writing is haha! Glad we are using the trauma to better ourselves and others positively! Keep the optimistic views && continue to watch greatness happen!

    2. Thx Jhazy Munni...many blessings to you.

  19. every time I look at my watch it is always something:33. I wake in the morning and I look at me watch. 5:33. Then I notice the hand-made cross my mother gave me when I was young(which I rarely ever notice).

  20. Number 33 comment, feeling honoured!! Take care everyone, Namaste!

  21. There are 33 comments.

    If I affix a number in a base 10 numbering system to each letter of our alphabet (i.e. A =1, B =2 etc.) my first name's sum is a two digit number whose digital root is 3. If I do the same to my last name, the digital root is 3.

  22. WOW! I was just reading about this when I looked at the time on my cell phone and i see my battery life is 33%!!!

  23. Ive only just recently come to realise Ive been given the number 33 twice in my life... My ex partner was 33 when we met and my current partner was also 33 when we met... just trying to figure out the meaning of it...

    1. Number 33 is a Master Number in Numerology, and is a number of 'karma' ... and there are karmic links between you and these two people. They came into your life for a 'reason'. It is up to you to figure out what that is ...


  24. I've been going through a very intense spiritual journey that is too lengthy for me to explain. Today i was reading some very eye opening things and kept seeing the numbers 11 and it's mutiples. I've been catching 111 1111 and 11, way more than what I used to for these past few weeks. Today in the 6 o clock hour, i kept catching 11, 22, 33, etc. When i saw 633 on my phone, i was amused and turn the screen on, but a few seconds turned it back on and it said 634, and it changed right back to 633, i was shook. That's never happened before. I could talk more but it's a lot to explain, and i will say that this 3rd wave of awakening I'm going through now didn't start until i took an intense notice of a coworker i used to have and i feel like we are apart of the same soul group. Thanks very much for all your knowledge and input, because i feel like all the prayer, and experiences, and whatever else I've had had up to these moments I've been going through for this month. Thank you.

  25. I have read all your posts. I am a 33 by birth. As Adding all the numbers together. Untill 7 years ago i did not understand the signifigance of what numbers mean. Happiness is as happiness does. Life takes on resonance when we accept the gifts we are given .God bless us all.

  26. I was (am still) seeing 33 and 333 so regularly that it started to freak me out. Decided to take a photo each time I saw the number and have amassed quite a nice album....

  27. I've been seeing this number 33 since I was 30th.

    I didn't celebrate my 33 b-day because I was scare as hell.
    I was afraid that I was going to die on my 33 like Jesus did.
    But ....... On Sept 11,2014 my sis call me, and tell me that my father was not responding well. I felt in my heart that it was time for me to go to PR my island and see my father... I flew to PR on Sept, 13,2014

    The next day that I got there, and this is the crazy part .... I took my father to the ER. The paramedic arrived to the hospital at 17:33pm ... on Sept 14, 2014
    I expand the beautiful hardest time with my father. Then I came back to USA On Sept 24,2014 and Friday Sept 27, 2014 (3 days me been away from my dad) I received a phone call telling me that my dad pass away ..... this is what is crazy to me and why to me ?
    My father died on Sept 27, 14 this is also my boyfriend and I anniversary of six years been together .... my father die 3 days after me leaving his side, in my anniversary day, on my 33 years old and he die at 9:33 am so what's good of this number 33 ? NOTHING, nothing good to my eyes ..... Ive been in pain since seeing this number, Ive been more worry then ever and it suck .... so good luck with your angels cause mines are suck

  28. Hi, in the last 2 years I been seeing 3:33 in clocks, I have to take my digital clock from my bedroom because I wake up every night @ 3:33am, in my office I check the clock and 3:03 or 3:33, my house number have 3373!!!, I been reading about the meaning and also talk about the masters ASCENDED ... well my last name is Ascencio, I really feel overwhelm rush-collection can you help me figure it out?

  29. I heard a voice in my dream last night " follow the number 33 rule".. help me understand the message..

  30. It means your second chance has begun. The true trinity is God always was, always is, and always will be. Remember, if you keep believing someone died for your sins you will not change. Have you ever wondered why Gas prices have 9/10. You cannot pay with 1/10 of a penny. Whatever you do, do not knock yourself out. You can think I am nuts if you like but God has led me to believe I am Adam. That's all I can say. Take a look at the ten commandments. At the end of the day just make sure you are good. Remember, don't look because it may lead to coveting. The greatest trick the devil ever pulled off was telling people look but don't touch and that she was a man. I'll even tell you where trick or treat came from. Eve tricked Adam into eating the forbidden fruit by not telling what it was. She asked him to try think. Thus trick or treat. Get it Hallows Eve. Adam didn't know what he was eating until after he ate it he noticed something was wrong. Sickness comes from sin. Have you noticed ambulances and hospitals have snakes on them. The word hospital has the word spit in it. There are things going on right now I am not sure the world would understand. God is not a villain. He is merciful and his name has been tainted. When God said we could build temples in his honor and sacrifice it wasn't blood sacrifices he wanted. It was people sacrificing time to build them. The story of Abraham where his wife told him she couldn't bare a child but it was ok for him to have one with the servant girl was a message gone wrong. Abraham assumed God asked him to sacrifice his son at the top of the mountain. He went to the top of the mountain to sacrifice his son and at the last minute told God he could not do it. A goat then appeared on the mountain and he thought God provided the goat for sacrifice instead of his son. He misinterpreted the message again. God was trying to tell him that even though it was his wife's idea one sin led to to a son he wanted. Then he was willing to murder. He was only trying to tell him he was no better than the goat that would go sleep with any goat. If you were sick before consider yourself healed now. Remember, if you get sick it's because you broke a rule. We are our own worst enemies. We live and die by the law. Now reverse live. We evil and die by the law. Now you understand when people saw our days are numbered. 1-10

  31. I was born on 25 august 1971,when I reduce them I end up with number 33.
    I am confused...

    1. That is okay if I add up the digits on my cell phone I get 33. Notice a phone number is ten digits. God can see the future and already knows who's going to need help. Those numbers aren't as random as we think. We believe it's a computer but I believe God has something to do with it. He just needs us to believe. If we look at science then we fail our test of faith in him. Remember only God can see the future but evil will give you the illusion they can. Because God can and they can't evil will not win.

  32. In addition to written above. You must repent and truly feel sorry for what you have done in the past. That is what I believe. There is a reason serpent and repents have the same letters. Think about it. The sun in the sky burns us. We are similar to serpents. We shed skin. I believe the sun in the sky burns us according to how good or bad we are. That's why there is pain that come from healing. They also say no pain no gain. In order to move forward you have to seek forgiveness. The best way to stop thinking about previous sins is to fix the ones you still can. I believe as long as God saw you try to fix what you can it's never too late for you. It's not who you were. It's who you will be remembered as. Giving a stranger money and saying it's a gift goes along way. The best charity is anonymous. You're not asking for anything in return. Whether you have that person who asked you for some change a dollar or bought them a slice of pizza. I donated a car to charity and had it wrote it off on taxes. Now I see the flaw in that. True charity is helping not looking for the write off.

  33. Well said anonymous. If you want to learn even more, read the book of Enoch and you will understand how evil knowledge was passed down to humans.

  34. The question is why is reading backwards evil. What if the devil convinced mankind that those that read backwards were evil so that nobody would do it. Because if you look at it you see that God is real. It is pure genius. Look at the word Elohim. Mihole. Someone can think My hole. A hole can be considered a zero. Further proof that God does not lie. He breaks none of the rules. Look at the word knowledge. K now ledge. All these religious books speak of the same God. To say there is more than one is treason. Look at treason and tree son. The difference between reason and treason is a t. T stands for ten thus begotten. My mission is to show the world there is only one God his name is God. Allah translates in Spanish to a similar pronunciation if wing. Elohim if you combine Spanish and English it's He zero him. Nothing is a coincidence. We are all good for something. We are all good for sum T (crossing) hing. Notice the silent killer is the h for hell. Even silent has three letters that spell out ten. Thus criminals have the right to remain silent. Imagine a world without no division by religion. There would be no fighting. Just believe in God and the ten commandments. Command men Ten saved. Don't freak out if you keep seeing the same numbers just know it's a divine intervention telling hey wake up and get your life together. There is more to life than you think. If your honest you will have a good life and even if you were not so honest in the past it is never too late to get it right thus your divine intervention.

  35. Ummm a little off topic from the comments so far but I keep seeing numbers in pairs or mirrored for instance in 33 is a pair of 3s but it could also be a two digit number like 5454 no more than two in a pair though. Then I also see mirrored patterns for instance in the date up top 171 or 454 these have been as big as 5 digits so 39993 so the number can be anywhere from 3-5 digits and will mirror itself. Man I wish I could post screenshots. Right as I typed I looked up at the time it's 9:09 and I have 22% battery life.sometimes I wil see the pairs Lin those numbers too. Like it will be 7:24 with 24% battery life. Happening a LOT with most numbers what's that about?

    1. Look in "The Index" under "Number Sequences" and "Number Sequence Combinations."

  36. now I knew that I was not the only person experiencing this :)

  37. I was always hearing the number 33 with a strong powerful sort of connection in my head for a couple of years. it just felt like a positive number and would come and go in my thoughts. I dont hear it any more although it has stopped since I experienced a positive financial link in my life that was related to that number

  38. The other night I heard a soft feminine almost childlike voice in my dreams saying "wake up, wake up, you don't want to miss this" and looked at my phone and the time was "333" I believe it was my guardian angel ♡

    1. Yes your guardian angel. Do you realy need a guardian angel. I don't think so. You are a strong and intelligent and capable entity. Everything outside of this world communicating with you is the work of the devil. Stay away from this pagan crap. Thinking about a guardian angel with only attract more entities to you for the purpose of stealing your power.

  39. I have been seeing 33 everywhere and just wondered if it was a coincidence or i just that was more aware of it.As I was driving home i said to myself, if its an angel please let me see a 33 now...immediately i saw a car pass-by with 33 on the plates.So i told my mother that i have an angel i am aware of and his 'name' is 33.Since then i look for sign everywhere and just as i think to myself oh 33 is not with me today, it appears in the most random ways.
    I came across this page last night and i am so happy that i am not alone in this experience.
    This morning, a guy i sort of have a crush for( i barely know him) came by my home and as were talking i asked how old he was.Guess what his reply was?!! He is 33 yrs old.I almost lost it :-)
    I am so excited about my awareness & connection to Angel 33.

  40. I've always been drawn to the number 3 since I was a young girl. I have always used it for my jersey number in sports and also apart of different usernames and emails. pulling up to gas stations constantly at the 3rd pump.. it's been around me all my life guiding me to where I am now and it's making more and more sense!

  41. Well I have a virgen de Guadalupe statue in my house and the roses we had there were dried and I did something and the petals of the dried roses fell and they were all over and some of them made the number 33. Now I know

  42. I have a virgen de Guadalupe statue in my house and the roses there dried and somehow I moved the roses and the dried petals fell and many of the petals formed into the number 33

  43. Its ENKI watchin over you 33 is his sign for intertwined snakes or the double helix dna its his message that you found the real gods of humans.

  44. Please understand that every being is born in the image of Christ (or your preferred deity) for we are the Body of Christ, a body that suffers till death through enslavement which is represented and portrayed through the crucifixion of Jesus on the cross. The Spirit, The Power and The Glory of Jesus (or your preferred deity) resides in Every-Body of Christ therefore YOU are the SECOND COMING...through the power of faith, Jesus Christ (or your preferred deity) a living breathing human being (same to you and I) rose in mind (god consciousness) giving him the power of God Almighty for Christ is the Son of God and God is the Father in Heaven who through the Holy Spirit (the power of belief) assists 'Every-Body of Christ' on its soul journey...the keyword being BELIEF... We all fly as one for if you understand the theory you will understand that it only takes ONE (you) to complete the Holy Trinity! The Father, The Son and the Holy Spirit. That is who we are. Spread the word for no man/women can be blessed unless they understand why they are being blessed in glory... All documentation showing proof that the kingdom has come will be viewable in one PDF at

  45. It seems to be absolutely proper that this is the year that I turn 33. This is my year & only fitting that I was born on the 11th day of the month. Everything has been aligning me to be fortunate enough to have made it where I am today <3 Hope everyone has a wonderful & blessed day! <3 =^-^=

  46. Hi,
    I started to see 33 from last February. When Im in doubt,or under stress, or concerned about my kids, number 33 just appears, license plates, taxi number, battery level on mobile phone, clocks... And then Im feel positive, I know angels are with me and they tell me everything will be ok :)

    Btw, my birth number is 33/6, also, my wife birth number is 33/6. When convert my name in numbers is 3 3 6, and my wife also is 3 3 6. What is odds for this?

    1. When you see the numbers of your date of birth repeating to you, it is often an indication that you are to concentrate and focus upon your true life purpose ... your reason for being ... your soul mission. Seeing your own birthday is a reminder of why you were born and your reason for being on the Earthplane at this time.
      It may act as a prompt and/or validation as to your path.
      It can also be validation that angels/spirit guides/passed over loved ones are with you.


    2. Your birth time is an extension of your birthdate. They are synonymous, not mutually exclusive.

  47. Thank you so much!

  48. I saw it in my dream with the dark angel, and i wouke up at 03:33! Some advices plz! Ty nice post! Blessings:)

    1. It means stop thinking about spirituality and start thinking like a human and ground yourself here on earth. Just be nice to people and nice to yourself that is it.

  49. My birthday is a 33,(9-1-1958) i was born almost on top of 33rd parallel in Arlington, Texas, my birth certificate states i was born at exactly 3:30 AM, whats going on?

  50. I've been seeing these numbers but in both negative and positive contexts--though I think more on the negative.

  51. I see 33 a lot too. Interesting.

  52. So seen this number a lot on clocks phones for about 5 years now I honestly decided to Google this and find some information about why this is the case I'm seen this 33 everywhere I red a lot of people comments and was really intrigued in all the comments I experiencing and can relate to some people.. I just wanna know if it's a message that something bars gonna happen or it's a good thing I still can't figure it out cause I see this number like 2-3 times a day or more it's scary.. the scary thing was I red everyone's comment went to the toilet and check my phone had my phone on charge and the screen had 33% charged I was like wtf I got goose pumps instantly .. can someone give me a little bit info is this a message or is there a angel that around me these last couple years..

  53. So seen this 33 for about 5 years no I been seen it a lot lately every second day I'll see this 33 on my phone clocks signs and not sure what kind of message it's trying to send me.. after reading everyone's comment's I can relate to these people's's this a bad or good sign it's frustrating what it's trying to tell me. I had the shock my life after reading everyone's comments I went to the toilet came back to my phone to check it, it had 33% on my screen as it was on charge I instantly had goose bumps and I hate to make a comment to share this story with U guys. I just wonder is there a gurdian angel around me sending me messages?

  54. I started seeing this # everywhere almost a decade ago, and has continued since, it has been a journey leading me to great things, what it lead me to did not all manifest at once , it came in bits and pieces and has lead me to a destination where I am now able to have an impact on thousands of lives, which multiply to their family's,what I have found with this# has allowed me to reach others around the world, yet in the view of the world is small #s but still word has traveled, I have found love which has led to blood and family, I encourage u , that if u really do see and feel this # to pay attention and go where it leads , it's probably not gonna be what u expect, but much greater , don't expect the answers all at once, it's like a puzzle, you don't see the whole picture until u put all the pieces together

  55. I always see certain numbers, but since last fall when my life was first thrown into total chaos, I started noticing new ones. And for 2 months 33 has been EVERYWHERE, and it's my age. It's a number I don't particularly like (I have a number thing), and when I was given mailbox _33 I was a little annoyed. Then, I moved into an apartment, and directly across from me is 133, so every time I go out my door I see it. These are the very significant ones, but I see 33 on every hour, phone numbers-my new banks's number ends in 6933 (69,969 are numbers I have seen for a year, and very relevant), addresses, license plates, account numbers, and more. It seems to be more prevalent each day. I am going through a lot right now, and believe whole heatedly in this, but it's so much, I do start to feel a little crazy! Anyway, thought I'd share for anyone else going through such an experience.

  56. Anonymous,
    I would like to say to the previous anonymous on June 25, 2016.
    Yes! 🙋🏼😊👍😇 33 is a good number!
    and a constant reminder that we are being watched and cared for 😇
    And remember...that you are what you say keep a positive thinking to get positive results!

  57. Mappy Champin
    I would like to say to the previous anonymous on June 25, 2016.
    Yes! 🙋🏼😊👍😇 33 is a good number!
    and a constant reminder that we are being watched and cared for 😇
    And remember...that you are what you say keep a positive thinking to get and to attract positive results!

  58. 03-17-1975
    11. 22. 33.
    That means nothing unless you are of the 4th density. The only way to true enlightenment is to be willing to sacrifice EVERYTHING.( WILLING TO GIVE UP EVERYTHING EVEN THE ONES YOU LOVE MOST) If you are WILLING to do that and are not manipulated by man's devices then the creator will show you the path and the answers to all your questions. Information is not the same as knowledge. You have to seek the knowledge (experience). I have only ever read one book "The five people you meet in Heaven. Although I know the Masonic "G" stands for Gatekeeper of the Welkin. How I opened the dictionary to the page and word. I don't want believers I want followers because to become a believer can be done in the most simple of actions as in the book of John when Jesus's dicipals finally truely believed. Does anyone know what miracle made them truely believe?

    1. Hello Truth Is, I feel it's important to understand that everyone has a difference of opinion based on their personal experiences. The bible is not the only way, God, The Source, Love and Light, The Universe, communicates to its "inhabitants." You are by all means entitled to your opinion, but it is of my belief that prophets do not solely exist in the bible, they walk the earth today, doing their best to exact change in this world for the positive, speaking love and light to all, articulating and representing God's words in human form. For me, one does not need to quote the bible to prove they are Godly. Living by example, with honesty, integrity, respect, kindness, diligence, commitment, a true desire to do no harm, and the faith to believe and spread love and light, are just a few of the things that make our lights shine brighter in this world. Angel numbers are a wonderful tool to help guide us in our physical world. Even when we fall the words expressed are words of encouragement. I feel the people who come to rush-collection's blog(s) are "true believers" otherwise they wouldn't be here. These words are not meant to hurt or judge you, but it is important to understand that not everyone has the same spiritual foundation and be respectful of that.

    2. TBH I come here when I have nothing better to do. I never got any clarity from her writings, they are general and vague so the reader feel like they can relate to them - it's an editorial trick. Also, you are correct Christianity is not the only culture, religion or belief systems, there are way more and they are very different to Christianity. She favours Christianity as she is probably Christian herself.

  59. I don't understand what the 33 really means... I'm just here looking for information because of something that intrigued me... I started reading this page and then decided to see what sort of 33's are in my life... oddly I just realized that 33 is in my home number, cell and also my address, etc... coincidence I guess. What does 33 mean in layman terms please :)

    1. 33 is a Master Number a Master Teacher.. if you always saw 33 Maybe there;s a person close to you that need your guidance/advice perhaps your the person really need the answer.. Just listen to music my friend and observe what songs touch your heart the most.. search the lyrics then you will get the answers :) try it..

  60. I would like to type this in all number sections but I can't. I've seen repeating numbers. Then after finding their meaning, I began to get gut reactions to various numbers; all of which have a similar message. I pieced them together and got my clarity. Give it a shot.

  61. I would like to type this in all number sections but I can't. I've seen repeating numbers. Then after finding their meaning, I began to get gut reactions to various numbers; all of which have a similar message. I pieced them together and got my clarity. Give it a shot.

  62. I find all this very interesting?! My life path is 33, as well as my address where I grew up.. lol. I see this number all of the time! Multiple times throughout each and everyday. Anyways, I wanted to share a story from my past. Long story short..(meaning, I'm leaving some info out) I thought that I was going to die, (SERIOUSLY) so I started to pray to GOD! This might've went on for maybe 5 mins. guessing; for this was almost 20 yrs. ago. As I was praying (As one would imagine just how sincere and honest you would be in this time/crisis, especially wanting to live!!) Something started happening inside of me, and all around me. It took me a moment to really embrace this.. because I was wondering what was happening to me, etc. All's I'm gonna say, "Is that it was the most beautiful/peaceful loving feeling that I've EVER experienced to this day!" It seemed as if it was all through me, and yet surrounding me simultaneously. While at the same time this was occurring, I felt inside something telling me, " Not to worry" and "that I was truly loved!!" It was too "AMAZING" really, for me to put into words! As soon as it dissipated.. I was totally 100% fine! I'll never forget this!! Things have happened since, but not to this degree! A couple years later, and negative thoughts, possibly that there were some other logical explanation for this?? I was watching tv with a girlfriend, and suddenly I caught a glimpse of something as she was flipping through the channels, that compelled me to have her try to go back and find. And yet there was an elderly lady speaking of a time in her life when she experienced this same feeling/experience, etc. as she was in an" emergency type situation!" You know in your core/heart when you hear this kind of truth?! Reality is; that there are "NO" words to explain such would have to experience this for themselves to completely understand. It was at least a thousand more times AMAZING then I just quickly tried to explain! GOD is EVERWHERE!!! In ALL of US! I'm not special because this happened to me?? WE ALL ARE... Each and everyone of us. WE just need to wake up and realize it!! LOVE is the ANSWER....... Seek the TRUTH and you shall find it! The answers are within... People pray and are waiting on GOD, but I feel that GOD is waiting on Us?! To open our heart's and minds to seek Truth etc. May you all be blessed!

  63. 33 has been following me around for a while now. It's pretty amazing as I'm connecting with spirit asking for signs if I'm on the rite path. They reassure me every time. I'm only at the beginning of my spiritual journey becoming more alert to the things around me. Go within seek you're truth and live your life to the highest good. Love and light

    1. You have wonderful energy, Gary! Love & light.

  64. I recently use the number 3333 and it seem ad if someone told me that number at the time,csn that be true,and what does those number have to do with Me,never have I use them before.was it a spiritual message for me.

    1. I am uncertain what you are asking. Normally, and angel number will resonate with you in some way, which indicates for me to delve further and look for the message(s) that those numbers may convey and determine how they apply to my current place in life, or situation. If you took notice of those numbers, I would say, yes, that is a message for you. I would look up angel numbers, repeating 3's. rush-collection also gives suggestions on additional meanings or interpretations of number combinations on the "How to Read Angel Numbers" and "Mixed Number Sequences" tabs, but I would say that's a straight forward, repeating 3's message.

  65. I've been continuously seeing the number 22,33 & 44 whats the meaning behind it all ?? I am currently on a journey orlf being self employed and changing my life for the better. NY birth date is also 22/96/1985 adding up to life path 33.

  66. Hi I keep seeing the number 22,33 & 44 what is the meaning behind the numbers I keep seeing. Also I am on a journey of being self employed and changing my life for the better so could it be that I am heading in the right direction?? My birth date is 22/06/1985 which makes my life path number 33.

  67. I've been continuously seeing the number 22,33 & 44 whats the meaning behind it all ?? I am currently on a journey orlf being self employed and changing my life for the better. NY birth date is also 22/96/1985 adding up to life path 33.

  68. I've also been seeing the number 33 for years now I started noticing it like a year after I got a different dirt bike with the number 33 on it. I just decided to look it up for the first time after hearing about numerology, it's not just 33 but also just 3 it seems I see them a lot. I know about the 33rd degree free masons so have always questioned if that's why it seems like it's following me and I see now a lot of people are saying the same on these comments at least. If I could give any of you advice I would say research numerology, vibrations, and frequencies. I believe we live multiple lives on this Earth until we accomplish what we need to do which is raising our vibrations, positive, loving thoughts to possibly ascend to the 5th dimension

  69. I've been seeing this number for about a year. I probably saw it 20 times today. I also bought a bike when I moved to down to my shore house and it had the letters ggg written across the back. I learned a lot about masonry this last year and knowing g=7 or 33 it seems like a lot of weird coincidences are coming together. I'm not sure what to think. I'm leaning towards it being a sign from God and not Lucifer.

  70. I really need your help guys, I am pursuing something important 'for the good of all' but risky to me as an individual (lets call it a whistle blowing) and I am seeing this number all the time since I started this cause few months ago - I wish to know if 33 is telling me to stop or keep going.

    1. Listen to your heart. You already know the answer to your question ...

    2. rush-collection, I really don't, I am 50/50 on it. I am social justice driven but I am also stubborn so I get difficulties in seeing the difference between pursuing big causes and my own ego - if that makes sense. 33 suppose to lack personal ambition, well, I do not think I would be putting myself at risk without some level of ego, it would just not be worth the stress.

      I am also getting like little things happen as well that I am suspecting are showing me to continue - for instance, I was thinking about this issue over night (I don't sleep due to stress over it) and in the morning I got an email that I won $33 in a lottery, so that kind of symbolises goodluck, right?

      One big thing that occurred and maybe you can help me with interpreting it - I have been stressing about what I am doing and if I should just pull out and let other people fight this, not me, as I am just a small person, without legal knowledge etc. You know, I do feel 'I was communicated to' before in life so I do ask for signs. Few days ago I have received a phone call from my mother in law advising me that she found a gold ring with a dedication and it seems like it may be mine. First, I did not know what she is talking about then I realized that about 13 years ago I lost a ring that my mother gave me, and my mom actually passed away 7 years ago. I thought it was maybe stolen as I lost it during a party and there were few characters at that party - I remember taking it off and showing it to some girl. So here I am thinking that a small item like this got found after 13 years and I get surprised with a phone call just when I need reassurance that I am being protected? Do you think this makes sense?

  71. Replies
    1. I was born 4-12-1988 at 8:42@m on a Tuesday everything in my life is even numbers that i see everything is perfect time.Everything is just perfect what i see and i tend to give alot to people without expectations.

  72. In my life this number means 'danger' and it's a negative omen. Also, In some cultures like Japanese it symbolises an extreme bad luck, the type that you cannot hide from and it's too late to fix it.

  73. Energy is universal, like math. We have the power to manifest our heart and souls desires. We also have the power to manifest our fears, anxieties, and nightmares. The Spiritual Laws are very powerful, just like knowledge. Responsibility and accountability are necessary for understanding how to manifest positive energy into our lives.

  74. hello! i keep seeing the number 33 and 77 quite often too. its good to hear that im not the only one seeing these numbers. and that im not going crazy or anything. I do believe in angels and i feel like i am being watched by them all the time.☺️

  75. Thanks Jesus for appearing number 5,3 and 33 in my dream and thank those who interpreted.God bless you

  76. 33 has been following me for at least 2 years now. I haven't got an easy life. Maybe I'm about to have a BIG break.

  77. I have been followed by 33 for nearly 2 years and it feels very peaceful, helping to approve my decissions and really guiding me. Feel very blessed :-) I feel like there is no need to stress out because I am being protected and directed by Universum ❤

  78. Thank you so much rush-collection. Today whatever I do I see 33 everywhere.

  79. Turning 33 soon and decided to look this up as I have been visiting this site for the past several months .This message is very relevant to what I've been praying and meditating upon beginning of last month. More specifically during that period was when that powerful phrase mentioned in 33 'all things are possible' and 'guidance' was close to me ever since Ive been hearing Dan Peek's Gospel song 'All things are possible - with you by my side'. Humbled and Grateful that there is a real force operating within me to get me to excel regardless of the pitfalls life contains.

  80. I was feeling unhappy at work and generally feeling won out. I kept seeing the number 33 everywhere. I decided to retire early and the number 33 disappeared. When I handed my notice in I immediately felt like a great big boulder had been lifted from my back. When I do retire in November I will have been in the same job for 33 years. I definitely believe I was getting a message from someone.

  81. by now, did anybody figure out if it's blessing or not? I am doing something brave atm and I am seeing it a lot.

    1. I am uncertain what you are asking. Whether repeating 3's are a blessing or not? Angel numbers are messages to help you move forward towards fulfilling your soul purpose. I am uncertain if you can categorize such a message as "a blessing or not." Only you know where you are in your life and what is going on. The most important thing is to be able to view where you are in your life with unbiased perspective. Then read the message and determine how it can help you move forward towards your soul purpose. That is simply divine guidance.

    2. I am asking if the 33 means I should continue on the current path or change direction - a pretty simple reasonable question, don't you think?

    3. What resonates with you when you read the Angel Number 33 blog. This is all about intuition. "Number 3 relates to the attributes of expansion and the principles of increase, spontaneity, broad-minded thinking, encouragement, assistance, talent and skills, self-expression and communication, manifesting and manifestation." Does this path inspire broad-minded thinking or self expression? This is about what this number represents and how it relates to your current path. Only you can answer this question, and only you can make the final decision. This is your life and only you can walk your path.

  82. Like all the others, here the #33 is drawn to me as well. I see it in many form from randomness, art, social events, dreams, meditations, nature, strangers, communications etc., After a while with seeing it so much and asking myself “ why am I seeing this number everywhere and so much” I had to begin an investigation into the #33.
    Notable 33 “events for me:
    • I have had messages and conversations with a being from another planet who told me as a kid, “your first half your life will be trials and will be difficult, if you make it through it when you reach your 30’s life will begin the opposite and you will live in happiness.” I remember asking the I cold “old man” if I could just skip it all and start having a good life now. He replied back laughing telling me it does not work that way and that I had to be patient.
    • Awhile going to a restaurant, I stopped at one of those teddy bear claw games for kids. First try I was able to get a bear, I did not see the back until I had it in my hands, in the back was the #33 and my last name.
    • I was 33 when I bought my first house. The address is 33.
    I have a very strong attraction towards the Knight Templar. I love learning about them. I have a knights Templar cross. “Anunnaki home planet was a cross, planet of the crossing”. 33 is the highest degree for a freemason.
    There has been many many other 33 “events” no need to go on about them.
    It is worthy to note I have had several extraterrestrial encounters and consider myself a Contactee.
    We the awakened ones MUST do things on our own. In order to learn and grow. You will learn NOTHING if someone else is doing it for you. We MUST go through troublesome times to grow stronger, (go through the dark to get to the light)
    Food for the Soul - Soulful Thoughts:
    • Love Life Live Laughter
    • Be in the Light
    • The Love you withhold IS the pain you carry.
    • Tell everyone even strangers they are a Wonderful person

    1. All of your comment resonates very strongly with me, but especially your conversation with the being from another planet. I feel like you've shared past lives. You're the first person I've communicated with who has an individual from their soul group who is currently an incarnate on another planet. You carry a lot of wisdom and have a benevolent energy, that's why you are a "contactee."
      Love and light,

    2. " I remember asking the I cold “old man” if I could just skip it all and start having a good life now. He replied back laughing telling me it does not work that way and that I had to be patient. "

      ...funny how patriarchy is visible even here... if it doesn't work this way then how does it work...and your question was a valid question - why to break somebody first, plenty of people commit suicides, also we know for a fact that people learn better when they feel safe through positive learning. This spiritual system seems rather cruel.

    3. This is not about a patriarchy, this is about perception. rush-collection has a multitude of information in her blogs and on her webpages that explains exactly how "it" works. The response to Anunnaki Alliance's question, " does not work that way and that (she) had to be patient," is absolutely appropriate. Life can be cruel, difficult and overwhelming, but it can also be full of love, joy and happiness. You get out what you put in, but you must be able to see with clarity. When we blind ourselves to the truth, we run the risk of feeling slighted, robbed or wronged, unjustifiably.

    4. You obviously never worked in child protective services where infants are being killed by domestic violence - tell me, how did they put in what they got? WAKE UP, you are supporting and spreading damaging ignorance.

  83. Anonymous, I was a CASA (Court Appointed Special Advocate) I worked one-on-one with children who were in foster care, taken out of their homes because of numerous forms of abuse and neglect. I am also psychic with one of my strongest senses being empathy. The Universal Energy, God, The Source, however you choose to refer to the creator, is benevolent. This energy is of pure love and expresses this love through light and vibrational energy. It is incapable of cruelty, ostracism and prejudice. It does not judge, condemn, nor punish. These are all creations of man. I will not get into my personal traumas. Suffice is to say, your comments come from a place of anger, frustration and a feeling of powerlessness. I understand that, please do not project these emotions onto me. Love conquers all.

    1. How is it that people who believe this stuff never answer actual questions? It is virtually impossible to have a valid conversation with you. If you claim that like attract alike and individuals have the ability to project their energy to get it back so does that infant that got killed by domestic violence? Obviously your theory is flowed before it even starts. We (all of us) either have this power or we don’t.

      Powerlessness is the condition of your ‘higher power’ if it allows for situations like that. This part is crystal clear. I am a rational person and I understand that disadvantage is often random and socially constructed but it has nothing to do with one’s intentions, energy, mind or anything else. It never had. I hope you are not allowed to practice anymore with such would not be a safe practice as you are likely to blame the victim.

    2. Anonymous,

      We, as humans are so steadfast in our belief system, in the rigidity of what constitutes good, bad, right or wrong. Humanity has dug in like a tick on this concept of evil and punishment. There is large amounts of research on the effects of corporal punishment. Humans become desensitized to physical abuse and therefore the abuser must inflict greater suffering in order to obtain the same result, i.e. maintaining a dominant position. This is part of the cycle of violence. You implied you were a social worker, so I would assume you know this. I live my life from a place of love and light. I choose to create change by leading by example from love and light, just as my grandmother and father have done before me. When making a comment like, “…people who believe this stuff…” one makes a generalization, thus stereotyping and categorizing a group of people who are trying to create change from a positive place, with love, compassion, empathy and understanding. The goodness we carry is not ignorant, weak or passive. We do not choose to segregate, ostracize, belittle or insult. We work towards unifying all living things on earth from a place of love.

    3. You just confirmed what I said. You are so desperate to keep your airy fairy belief system going that you don't understand that killing an infant is pure wrong. This is not about stereotyping or any other excuses, this is about acknowledging that the world is fundamentally cruel, infants are born because their parents have sex, the infant has no say in it, no bs choosing of next life new age stories, human beings are fundamentally primitive aggressive animals and there is no such thing as higher power or love that can safe anyone. Life is purposeless and natural selection prevails. That is the actual truth, that is why humans do the cruel things they do in the first place.

    4. One final clarification, it is you who have affirmed my statements. I feel your anger and need for retribution are stifling your ability to see with clarity. In addition, you have misconstrued my message. I never said, we as individuals are not accountable for our decisions and actions. What you fail to note is that without freewill, we are mere puppets. As puppets what is the purpose of life? This existence would be a mere puppet show, a facade. As previously stated, regarding "...corporal punishment. Humans become desensitized to physical abuse and therefore the abuser must inflict greater suffering in order to obtain the same result, i.e. maintaining a dominant position. This is part of the (reason for the) cycle of violence."


      Research suggests that adults, particularly women, who were victimised as children are at risk of re-victimisation in later life (Cannon, Bonomi, Anderson, Rivara, & Thompson 2010; Mouzos & Makkai, 2004; Whiting, Simmons, Havens, Smith, & Oka, 2009; Widom, Czaja, & Dutton, 2008).

      1. 5 million children witness domestic violence each year in the US

      2. 40 million adult Americans grew up living with domestic violence

      3. Children from homes with violence are much more likely to experience significant psychological problems short- and long-term

      4. Children who’ve experienced domestic violence often meet the diagnostic criteria for Post Traumatic Stress Disorder(PTSD) and the effects on their brain are similarly to those experienced by combat veterans

      5. Domestic violence in childhood is directly correlated with difficulties learning, lower IQ scores, deficiencies in visual-motor skills and problems with attention and memory.

      6. Living with domestic violence significantly alters a child’s DNA, aging them prematurely 7-10 years

      7. Children in homes with violence are physically abused or seriously neglected at a rate 1500% higher than the national average

      8. Those who grow up with domestic violence are 6 times more likely to commit suicide and 50% more likely to abuse drugs and alcohol

      9. If you grow up with domestic violence, you’re 74% more likely to commit a violent crime against someone else

      10. Children of domestic violence are 3 times more likely to repeat the cycle in adulthood, as growing up with domestic violence is the most significant predictor of whether or not someone will be engaged in domestic violence later in life.

      It is highly likely that the person who killed that infant was a victim him/herself of some form of abuse. So aren't you, for all intense purposes punishing, the victim? This goes back to the old adage, what came first, the chicken or the egg?

      Reprisal will not come in the form of fire and brimstone. Significant change will only come from love and light. That's what I do, that's what we do. Create change from unconditional love, compassion, understanding, while living by example. Again, as previously stated, "The goodness we carry is not ignorant, weak or passive. We do not choose to segregate, ostracize, belittle or insult. We work towards unifying all living things on earth from a place of love."

      Be aware, the anger, resentment, frustration, fear, bitterness, etc. we carry in our hearts and minds can become metaphorical and/or physical cancer. There is nothing more I can say to help you see with clarity.

    5. It sounds like your 'training' comes from a 'churchy' era. I have news for you, it has been years now that helping professions are evidence based. Your theory of violence is typical and gullible, not to mention wrong. Is this why you have been telling yourself your entire life to feel love for the 'universe'? Violence and cruelty always existed it was just covered up very much by churches and so called ethical people. It's actually amazing how much damage has been done by workers from those days. The only way to change things is to face the reality of human nature - and that is not pretty, including yourself my dear.

  84. You must realize that all things happen for a reason. The event that took place may seem like it is of nothing good. However, there is always a lesson to be learned. It really does come down to perception. When you are awakened, you see the reasons, when you aren't, you do not. Hence your point of view. Maybe those situations had to happen, in order to change the viewpoint of the parents, maybe they took place to change the person who committed the crime. There is always a reason. The Universe does not operate on a human level, or on human emotions. This is where people like this person, seem to blame God, or Religion, for their mishappenings. Or blame the lack of a God, etc. Certain things have to happen in order for other things to happen. It is quite literally a chain of events. Do not get mad at what you claim to not be real, or not there, for your own foolish mistakes. Or for your inability to see the reasoning behind both horrible and blessed events. We will never truly understand why the world, universe, all that is, operates the way it/they do. We aren't meant to understand, as we (even in a higher sense of awakening) are still limited by our biological vessel (which in itself is an experience/lesson). Now we are not to change your opinion, but we are able to show you why our point of view is better, for the overall love of all that is. If you spend life focusing on the negatives in life and let yourself succumb to hatred, regret, dismay, indignation, etc. Then you will not be spreading love and light. We are no saying what happens in this world is ok, we are merely stating we accept it for what it is and we understand that the motives for such happeneings are not of our understanding. However, that everything does, in fact, happen for a reason. Big or small. Happy or sad.

  85. I feel so bad...I don't know what to do, I've been seeing 33, 44, 22, 25, 111, 55/555 and 50 when ever I look at the clock. I believe they are all good but my anxiety is so bad right now. I'm only 18 and I'm a hypochondriac (illness anxiety) I feel like I'm going crazy because it's gotten so bad. I drove my self into a panic attack because of a color. A COLOR! I was working on a project for my college art class, which was a self-portrait, and I decided to draw flowers around me. I painted them yellow because I wanted to do contrast. I got curious so I looked up what yellow flowers meant and it said Happiness and Joy I was like oh yay! And so I looked up what color represented healing and it's green so I added green. It made the flowers look green-yellow. So on and so forth I looked up other color meaning and the color of sickness is a dirty yellow. I panicked because I thought it was that color. My art friend who looked at it said that a dirty yellow is much dark and it's just painted so I shouldn't worry because it's just a coincident. I think all this panic started when my dad passed away in June and I broke up with my boyfriend. I had a dream about a month ago I had breast cancer and since then I've been constantly checking and I'm so worried. My breast also stared growing a while after the dream. I've been telling myself constantly that I am fine and giving myself affirmations that what my body is doing is normal and that I am physically healthy and okay but honestly I feel like I was reborn ever since my dad and boyfriend I just can't seem to remember any normal body things (like what's normal for aches and pain)...I'm scared and my mom said she's gonna try to get me to the doctors and see a psychiatrist soon...It's like I know I am physically healthy but this part of my brain is just like "what if you're not" and it scares me so much. I'm trying so hard to be positive. Sometimes I feel my entire body relax and a wave of peace over me and I believe that maybe it's an angle. I just feel so bad I feel like they're sending me messages to keep my thoughts positive but with my anxiety recently I'm having so much trouble and I feel like I'm letting them down. I'm sorry if this is not the right place to put this I finally got enough courage to type it out....I just want to be okay. I need a straight forward answer that I truly have nothing to fear or worry about in my life. I feel like that's what they're telling me like whenever I see 25 I calm down but then later on my anxiety back. I don't know what to do...

    1. Hello Zai,
      I know what you are going through. I've been through it myself. The wave of calm that comes over you is love and light. Your angels or guides are clearing your energy, trying to help you find balance. I wouldn't normally do this, but if your interested in looking, on the "About Me" section of my webpage I talk about my struggles with depression and anxiety. (You can click on my name and it will take you to my google page which has my site on it) Being empathic and not knowing that you're empathic can create an incredible amount of confusion and discord for a person. You need to learn how to protect your energy. When you are empathic, you not only feel your feelings, but those of the people around you and not just merely in your immediate vicinity. If you have family that are hundreds or even thousands of miles away, you can unwittingly channel their energy. Therapy can help give you perspective of what is going on in your life right now, and medication can help calm your energy so you can maintain perspective, but you really need to learn how to protect your energy. This involves grounding and surrounding yourself with love and light. This will help assure that your worries are your own and does not include those around you. I'm not a doctor, I am speaking from personal experience. Antidepressants never really worked on me. I later realized that they didn't work because my depression was not a function of a chemical imbalance, but reading other peoples energy. That knowledge liberated me and empowered me to control and protect my energy. Sending you healing energy, hoping that you will find joy, peace and understanding.

    2. Dear Zai,

      I think it is really important that you listen to your mom and see a professional. Please stop googling sites like this one and listening to advice from people who are not qualified or properly registered and can put your health at further risk (this should not be legal at all and it's a matter of time it won't be). Your mom is the one who knows you, not some person at the internet who never met you. Think about it.

  86. Immensely blessed and grateful,now and always !!! ♡♡♡ Love,peace and Light to all !!!♡♡♡

  87. I have been receiving lots of messages from numbers. the latest one was being told that number 35 was sufficient. I was actually see number 34 as a reduced number when I got this message. The following day I was told that I was number 33. What does that mean

  88. I think this is a weird coincidence. I payed for concessions at today’s game and I haven’t checked my wallet until after my best friends wreck tonight wreck. His number for both basketball, baseball, and football is 33 and I have exactly $33 dollars in my wallet. I continue to see 33 everywhere. What does this mean??

  89. Here is a fact about 33 thet may help you.
    1.Jesus Christ was crucified at age 33.
    2.Saint Joseph was 33 when he married Mary Jesus Mother or as we call her Blessed Mother Mary.
    3.Anti Christ come into power in the century year ending in 33.
    4.Mother Mary look never changes from age 33.
    5.Angels come in packs of 3 + 3=33
    6.The Bacillica in Rome has 33 Chapels
    7. 33 is a special number for those who see it all the time god is communicating with you open your mind heart and energy to him and you will receive wonderful gifts here on earth go forward and be blessed.

  90. Thank you Jesus!
    Thank you Angels!
    Thank you rush-collection!

  91. Please let me share my experience. My lover misunderstand me that I am cheating. Actually, I didn't cheat. I got this message "33" after that event. I really am honest with my lover. I still don't re unite with my lover yet. I got the very first message at "8:33 AM". Then I got that message from other places like digital clocks, Facebook posting time, messenger timeout duration, my PC clocks and even in games. I don't know what is the meaning of this. I also get other double message massively like 02:02, 03:03, 06:06,11:11 and so on. It is very confusing. I don't get the message "33" before we got problem but double numbers. After our problem, I still get this message. I will come and share my experience again.

  92. “All is possible” thank you so much 🙏

  93. Thank you Abba Father Lord Jesus and thanks to my loving angels and rush-collection

  94. Thank you Abba Father Lord Jesus and thanks to my loving angels and rush-collection

  95. I Don't look for this number but the number 33 follows me EVERYWHERE.

    I.E: toy claw machine with toys in it, I pull out a toy with my last name on back with #33

    I.E: My House address is 33

    I was at B.A.M one day and say a book about Numerology. I decided to pick it up and to read about the #33. The page I was reading was as if I was reading about myself. It gave me goose bumps creeped me out so much I had to put the book down. haha

  96. I keep seeing different numbers ending with 33 like 1233 133 533 733 etc. What does this mean , it happens several times a day

  97. I look after my mum 24/7. She has dementia. I can be guaranteed that if, at any point, I loose it the number 33 will pop up at that point or shortly afterwards on my computer or on my phone etc. I've come to believe that my angels are telling me that they are there and it helps me to calm down. Although I don't feel judged I take it as a message to pull back and move on in a calmer more loving manner. The number 33 is everywhere around me since looking after my mum and also comes up at lots of calm moments too. I'm sure that the angels/ascended masters are aware that this is a difficult time for me and they are letting me know that they are around me and looking out for me. I find it very reassuring. So with all beliefs I feel you can take a sign and use it as a positive comfort for yourself in times of need. People say I'm angel for looking after my mum and I think to myself I couldn't do it without the angels looking out for me. ;}}}

  98. I have 33 3x in my numerology report .... I am going crazy tryna figure out wtf to do wit it...also my lifepath number is 9, any advice would be useful

  99. This Friday is January 10th, which is a Full "Wolf" Moon, (the wolf is my designated spirit familiar) lunar eclipse, and my 33rd birthday.
    What does all this synchronicity mean?

    1. It means to pay attention, be more aware, if you have plans or dreams, simply ask for help from the Ascended Masters and your Guides. Ask and it will be given, through faith, all things are possible. Also, you are most likely coming out of your 1st Saturn Return which is when we humans progress from childhood fully into adulthood. You're on the cusp of the next level of your human life. Welcome to the tangible world of adulthood! Everything you manifest for the next 25 - 30 years is very important as this is when you will sew the seeds for your 2nd Saturn return...when you begin the twilight of your life. Go forward with faith , work hard to prepare yourself for later in life, ask for guidance and wisdom. You'll find challenges and make mistakes along the way, that's part of the human process, but you'll learn and evolve. Your soul will guide you, listen to your "gut", your ancestors will support you. The Masters and Angels will help if you ask. If you want to know more about the Wolf Moon check out Cherokee Billie's page. Namaste!

  100. Seeing angel number 33? Lucky you! Get ready to experience some real pain in your life! There are no help from angles I've been experiencing it for a long time ;) just suffer for no reason haha! Angles also need entertainment, don't they?

  101. The last three generations of women in my family family…my great grandmother…my grandmother…and my mother have all died on same day, different years. Nov. 30. IM NEXT in line. What could all this mean?

    1. Bring light and love to yourself and the world. We need your light and joy!

  102. Wow, I just looked at my mobile for the time, and it was 03.30, and then I noticed that the battery level was 33% remaining...message.
    Thank you.🙏

  103. I see 33 everyday for the last 1.5 months but nothing great happens for me. I pray, manifest, meditate, even became vegetarian to try to receive more information but nothing great happens. Still can’t find a job after months, no money, can’t fix my car, depressed, suicidal half the time. Tired of wasting energy doing all of this and nothing ever changes.

  104. I never knew this website before a friend recommended after I told her, I been seeing 33 or 333 for so long now and every day, maybe 5 times a day. Reading this gives me a lot of understanding and peace of mind. Thank you! now I understand why I seeing this number always wondering why.
