Friday, July 01, 2011


Number 32 is made up to the vibrations and energies of the number 3 and the number 2. Number 3 brings the attributes of self-expression and communication, optimism, creativity, expansion, sociability, compassion for others and manifesting. Number 3 also resonates with the energies of the Ascended Masters, and indicates that the Ascended Masters are around you, assisting when asked. The Ascended Masters help you to focus on the Divine spark within yourself and others, and assist with manifesting your desiresNumber 2 carries the qualities of balance and harmony, selflessness and service to others, diplomacy, mediation and co-operation, faith and trust and relates to your soul mission and life purpose. These energies and attributes combine to bring us the number 32 which represents society, communication, partnerships, duality and balance.

Angel Number 32 indicates that the angels and Ascended Masters are assisting you in your life and are promoting faith, love and trust within yourself and in your relationships with others.  

Angel Number 32 is a message from your angels that you are to keep your faith and connection with them strong and clear, as you progress along your current path.  

Angel Number 32 brings a message that your positive attitude, optimism and faith have attracted positive circumstances and energies into your life that will manifest opportunities for you to fulfill aspect of your Divine life purpose and soul mission. Trust that you are being supported and guided along the way and look upon these opportunities with enthusiasm as they are a positive step (or steps) in the right direction.

Angel Number 32 is a message that you are working in alignment with the energies of the Ascended Masters, and they are helping and guiding you through your next life steps and actions. Maintain a diplomatic, harmonious and caring attitude towards others and you will find that all you need will fall into place for you in Divine right time.

Angel Number 32 is a message to do with faith and trust in yourself, the angels and the Universal Energies.

Number 32 also relates to the number 5 (3+2=5) and Angel Number 5.

See also:  Repeating 3’s and 2’s  (322, 323, 332, etc)
Angel Number 322
Angel Number 323
Angel Number 332

Sacred Scribes

NUMEROLOGY  - The Vibration and Energies of NUMBERS

JoW Pottery



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  1. This number appears alot in my life. Its driving me nuts! ironcially i was born at 1:32 PM. What does this mean?

  2. my daughtr died at 32

    1. Thats so terrible. It sadens my heart that u & others family members had to go through that. In SO sorry. Im glad thogh that u at least got to have 32 yrs w/her that in itself is pretty cool & lucky too. My best friend just lost her 12 yr. Old son in a car crash. Thats not much time on earth & in our lives @ all.(dont get me wrong, 32yrs way young to go too! Im just glad that u had at least that much time with her is what i mean. I hope that made sence & i meant NO disrespect whatsoever. Im really sorry she had 2 go so soon & at all. Your a tough person 4 "surviving" through the loss of her, i really dont think i could do it, id be gone forever mentally, 4sure. I DONT EVER want 2 find out either, Never, ever. I just ....your ALOT stronger than you think. You are amazing. ☺

  3. daughterdied dec 11 at 8 15 am what dors this mean

  4. She is at peace. Love your life. In doing so you honour her life too. Big peace. Much love. x

  5. This number appears to me everyday

  6. This 32 number comes daily front of my eyes coincidentally. my bank's account & vehicle number also 5 if i make total of all numbers. My spiritual teacher (Guru) also born in 1932. What is the message behind this, what should i do to know. Kindly advice for the same. My email id :

  7. This number 32 started following me 1 year ago, now i see it everyday everywhere every hour.

  8. I saw number 32 in my dream with light,have been wondering what it means not until I read this article and find it helpful I was able to translate the meaning with my kind of person.

  9. A friend told me about it and I observing it too

  10. A friend told me about it and I started observing it 32

  11. Seen 32 three times 33 the same so far

  12. We are all connected and somehow its spiritually engendered.For a fact it's not coincidence and divinely orchestrated. I think it's the humanitarianism in us and the fact that we love to help.

  13. It's a invitation to Gods will and love. It's and invitation to allow God to use us.

    1. Do you really think so? 6023161682

      Id like to discuss this- or email.

  14. this morning I woke up and my mind was screaming 32 32 32... what does this mean??

  15. It wasn't per say the number. In a dream the Lord send me a picture of 3 black iron nails across the middle of 2 slices of bread. But, lately he is sending me numbers. Such as 1111, 1101 and 2. I am very gifted, de ja vu, and so on. And, most people stick their foot in their mouth when they try to lie to me. These gifts I know comes from God. I do believe I have a guardian angel.

  16. It's the truth he is leading you to universal laws kybalion you will understand. I know now and so will you we are all linked and you will understand

    1. How do you know that? Can you explain? I would appreciate it.

  17. I really thought i was going mad.. Im seeing the number 32 every waking moment, so much so i had to google it and arrived here..

    1. Me too I had to tell my best friend and I started taking pictures she witness it with me like every day

    2. I had a dream I was talking to someone and they told me someone we know was in a comma, and followed by that was the thought of 32 as if it was sitting right beside me in my dreams.32 would not go away. And the person that was in a comma was not 32. All I can remember when I woke up was 32 and Comma, and can't remember who I was talking to or who was in a comma but the dream felt so real even when I woke up I actually looked in my phone to see if I had spoken to someone but just didn't remember but I talked to no one.. Iam so lost,, if feels like someone may be in a comma foreal but haven't got any call from anyone with bad news like that. So I looked up the number 32 and ended up hear.. And its crazy because what the meaning of 32 on this site is saying Really applys and connects to my life 100%. Iam a little freaked out.. Is this really a invitation from god for some reason??

  18. Thank you so much! <3

  19. i dont no if my angels number is 32 or 33 but i think its 32

  20. Does 151,116 mean anything to you?

  21. I turn 33 this year on March 10th. So I wanted to know if 333 would have some symbolism? My age and the month of my birth?

  22. Number 32 has been followong me everyday everywhere a friend and I was lost in Nj my car started to shake as if I had a flat I couldn't control the steering wheel and out spike the navigator to take exit 32 the car stop shaking after I took the exit and we found our way.
    The next day I walked into a store I wanted to go in that store I don't know why nothing else had a price tag I walked over to it turned the tag around and there it was 32 on it I could go on and on I'm just trying to understand it all I feel blessed and overwhelmed all at once it's everything around me 32 is on it everyday allaroundme

  23. I'm 55 years and going very strong and I have been seeing this number since the late 70s.Besides seeing 111 222 444 1234 456 123 on a regular basis you start to realise your a good positive path.Numbers is the best way to communicate because it's universal.

  24. I always see 23:32 and wonder what that means..can't find any explanation :(

  25. I love this message! Thank you rush-collection, you are so divine,much love aND light, I see 32 after every number I see, thank you for helping me, such a beautiful message!!

  26. I dreamt when my husband was calling me his number 32(
    that where have you been my number 32)

  27. Praise the Lord Jesus amen hallelujah

  28. There is no any mission. We all are meaningless like dust. If there is, it is all roleplay. Because what everything would be needed for? Eons years ago there was no planet Earth and everything was ok.

  29. 32 comments before I post this :D

  30. Thank you so much guardian angels and to my fience saeed from irianian man he gives this meaningful number love you more babe 🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏💖💖💖👨‍❤️‍💋‍👨👨‍👩‍👧

  31. Hard to have faith in something thats both meaningless and doesnt ring true
