Friday, July 01, 2011


Number 34 is made up of the vibrations and attributes of the number 3 and number 4. Number 3 resonates with the energies of expansion and increase, charisma, optimism and joy, self-expression and creativity, communication and society, and manifesting your desires. Number 3 also relates to the Ascended Masters. Number 4 relates to hard work, establishing solid foundations, diligence and forethought, practicality and organization, determination and dependability, passion and drive. This makes the number 34 a number that combines creativity with thoughtful effort and hard work to manifest positive energies, opportunities and results.

Angel Number 34 is a message that the Ascended Masters and angels are around you, and you are able to communicate freely with them about your desires and wishes, your fears, feelings and foibles ... anything you wish. Their responses will be heard, felt and sensed on all levels. Pay particular attention to your intuition and inner-wisdom.

Angel Number 34 is a message from the angels to put some extra effort towards your creative endeavours to ensure that you will reap long-term rewards. Trust that the work you do today will bring benefits to your life in the future.

Number 34 also relates to the number 7 (3+4=7) and the Angel Number 7.

See also:  Repeating 3’s and 4’s  (334, 343, 344 etc)

Get a Psychic Reading … click here for further information.


  1. I want to thank you for allowing us access to this blog! I learn so much and am much closer to my angels, the masters and to my intuition due to your site. May God bless you!

    1. ME 2 ..!!... =D
      thanks from all of ME and YOU,ALL! =)) <3

      Tommy A. Pettersen

    2. Me 3, I am extremely grateful that rush-collection has created this blog and given full access to everyone.
      Thanks to this amazing blog,I am walking on the right devine path.
      Forever grateful.
      Best wishes to everyone ♡

  2. I really dont understand why I always see number 34 please send me information

    1. me too I see this number every day !! some times many times in the day

    2. Me too, my email is
      Feel free to send me a email, I'd like to see
      f any of us have any clear similarities. Perhaps we see similar messages/numbers based off our personality, background, etc?

  3. i m born on 3.4. and keep seeing that number everywhere. or 304 or 403. or 43. please tell me more about it.

    1. i was born on the 3.4 im 34 years old and i see the number 34 everywhere i go even when i look at the time

  4. I see everywhere number 34,always when i look at the watch,even when my daughter was born she was registreted as number 34 please i want to know what that means

  5. I see the number 34 a lot. Mostly when I am being reminded of some kind of 'personal responsibility' .... like I'm being called upon to do something (helping another person, chores I don't want to do, a 'push myself' to do something moment)
    Does this make sense?

  6. Hi Joeanne,
    Recently (in the last year) i've started noticing the 34 almost everyhwere. I usually don't pay attention but this is repeating too much not to notice.

    Any thoughts on that? Will be happy if you mail me.

  7. Hello there!

    It doesn't marter what hour of the day it is, it seems like whenever I look at the clock it seems like it is always something 34. I could go an hour without looking or wake up from a deep sleep and it has been something 34. Clearly there is a message for me...I just can not figure this one out!
    Any thoughs or insight you may have would be so helpful and much appreciated.

  8. Today is the last day of the 34th week of 2015. 34 days from today will be my 34th birthday. Seen 34 most of my life too. This has been the worst year of my life by far. Everything that can go wrong does. Losing all hope fast. Please help me.

    1. I feel ur pain. Been seeing 34 for a long time. I believe someone is telling me the path I'm walking isn't mine.. follow ur heart no matter what anyone says.

    2. Follow ur heart. I see 34 all the time and now believe someone is trying to tell me the path I'm walking isn't mine. All I can say is if all is going bad for u, the same for me, then Risk everything to pursue ur dreams.

    3. Follow ur heart. I see 34 all the time and now believe someone is trying to tell me the path I'm walking isn't mine. All I can say is if all is going bad for u, the same for me, then Risk everything to pursue ur dreams.

    4. Thank you for your kind words, they are really appreciated. I still don't understand what 34 means to me, if it's like you say that i'm on the wrong path or if it's supposed to reassure me that what i'm doing is right!? All I do know is that it was chasing dreams and following my heart that got me into this mess.

    5. I have seen 34 for over 20 years of my life. To me I know that when I see it it means I am on the right path.
      Sometimes I will not see it for months and then I could see it over 10 times in a day.
      I embrace it to the fullest ( even got it tattooed on my leg )

      Ask the spirits to show you what their meanings are for you and the number.

    6. Are you all still seeing this number

  9. I have the same with these nummbers for almost 10years now. They apear to me and i make pictures of the moment i see them.

  10. In my dream, I saw the number 17/34. Do I interpret the 17 and 34 separately or as .5??

  11. This comment has been removed by the author.

  12. Guys it is very simple. Our life is depended on our actions. What you sow you rip, starting from our previous past lives. Numbers are just signs of what is happening or what is going to happen. On earth a Great Teacher came and left in 2007. He created a system called pranic healing which included all the high teachings in simple form, and it is spread all over the world, in order to raise the vibrations of humanity. There you know what to do, and numbers will be of no importance to you.

  13. I see 34 as part of my institutional e-mail:"jzhong34" I've got to enter it everytime I log into my Georgia Tech websites. What does this mean? Is it a good sign?

  14. On June 18, 2006 my Mother passed away 12:34 and ever since I seem to look at the clock when the minutes are :34. I also started seeing the number 18 including day of birth of grandchildren, December 18, March 18, August 18. The others are 9/26 2+6=8, 4/9 9+9=18, 7/7 7+7=14+14=28. My children are 2/22 2+2=4+4=8, 11/9 9+9=18, 8/18. My birthday being the 3/28. Am I crazy or does this mean something? They all have an 8, or add up to a number 8, 18, 28.

  15. I've been seeing the number 34 for almost a year now. Everytime I look at the clock I feel like it's 34 after. When I watch tv an address has a 34. People send me text messages at 34 after. I will wake up in the middle of the night and it's 34 after. The other day I looked at my dad's phone to see how many steps he took while we were a out and what are the odds! It had 34 at the end. It's really starting to scare me! Like is something bad going to happen to me when I am 34? Am I going to die at 34? It is freaking me out! It used to be 1234 that I saw but now it's 34 EVERYWHERE! Please email me. I need to figure this out before u lose my mind.

    1. Hi - your experience sounds identical to mine... I started noticing 1234 about a year ago and since then it has progressed to seeing it ALL the time in many places, not just when looking at the time. Last night my dog woke me up barking so I checked the time on my phone and it was 03:40!! What are the chances of that?! I too wondered if it was a sign of death at that age first of all (I'm 30 at the moment) but now I am not convinced as it has shown up a lot when I have had important decisions to make etc!! Would yoh mind if I email you to talk more about this?!

    2. I have had the same thing happen to me! I turned 34 in February and I feel like 34 is some death of some sort. I dont kniw but I've seen it for 15 years now!

    3. Yes please please email me! I wrote this years ago in 2016, it's 2021 now and I'm still seeing the number everywhere! I'm going to be 34 in a couple months and freaking out about it like bad! My email is

  16. Thank you so much, rush-collection! Love to you! <3

  17. What does creative endeavours entail? I'm trying to get my life focused around becoming certified as an energy healer, but I have also been getting messages to "use my creativity", find a creative outlet/etc and I'm not sure what I'm looking for, for sure. Thanks.

  18. I think 34 means to understand your purpose in life, maybe try to pray to God, seeking the right path, the true faith, and God will guide us all.

    I have been seeing 34 on the clock a
    Few times now, and I trying to figure out what it means by prayer.

  19. Hi all.i see 34 alot now as of last week .On clocks on my phone microwave .I don't purposely look at the time nd I see 34 in it somtimess tget34 is back the front like 143 pm .iIwoke up tthismorning and my tablet suddenly came onto the screen and it said iIkid u not...3:43 am omg omg thats 34 twice .so 34 is a urgent sign for those who see 34 yrs old to.make it more weird 5/7/83

  20. Can someone please tell me what the number 34 represents, I did acid and after that I’ve been so much more content, but not only that the number 34 has just been abundantly shown to me. I had a spiritual experience during my trip and I’d just like someone else’s input. Thank you (

    1. Hi Rachel have you experience confusion or somehow doesn't have clarity of what you really want in your life lately or are you trying to seek peace Jesus with the loving angels are close by Jesus loves you and he want to give you peace and guidance

  21. Thank you very much for the help. Wonderful site!

  22. I just prayed for myself to have more charisma, better communication, and organization and for my coworkers to have more optimism about an hour ago. Thank you so much ❤️

  23. Muchisimos gracias porque yo necesito las datas de mi vida sana y para la direccion antes del futuro para mi. Puis, me encanta de Senor Dios y sus hermanos de la angels, los maestros primreros y la gente que describe el sitio de www., etc.

  24. Are you all still seeing this number? I am and I'm going to be 34 in a couple months. It'd freaking me out

    1. Yes, still seeing it and going to be 34 very soon too. May good things come your way.

  25. I am a psychic who practices with many things. I've used the number 34 because it's the numbers of my birthday. 0+7+2+8+1+9+7+0=34. I've been seeing the numbers 56,17, 27 and 34 I'm not sure what that means or why I see them. I rarely leave my home because I don't know how to channel the emotions and thoughts of people around me so I've been staying in my home for years now. I practice with everything you can imagine, I'm about l able to feel others pain, see their foreseeable future, know and read them as well as leave my body to help calm those in trouble of having a heart attach or just bring there with them if they need me. I know some of my spirit guides and am a wiccan as I chose the Lord, his son Jesus and the holy ghost. I just don't know how to lower the volume or stop feeling the people that I encounter when I'm in public. Is there any help for me? I want to start living again. Is there any way to get help with that. I rea d people and feel their energy, hear their thoughts, and just fine myself living in a bubble. I need to learn how to turn down others volume when I go out. I don't know how though. I'm very good at what I do but I'm a self learned wiccan so I know that's a lot to learn and reading all the books and doing all the work plus starting me own company has been hard and I've put my company on hold until I can learn how to tune negative energy and thoughts down. Do you have any suggestions? Thank you, sweets

  26. Hi Sweets,
    I'm not,sure if you are still going through what you stated here. But if you are, I just wanted to inerject; that perhaps channeling your spirit guides and higher self can better help you to navigate through the situation.
    I have found myself in similar situations within my past that you describe.
    Having heightened awareness and senses can at times be overwhelming. How I've coped in the past is by first accepting my natural capabilities without judgement or deflection. Then as a ritual I do a lot of visualization practices. Enveloping my entire body and energetic space in a bright light with the intention of protection, purification, and cleansing. I also recite and intentionalize affirmations out into the universe before I embark on my day in the outside world. Focusing my intentions on what I want to imbibe from the day. I also commune with my spirit guides and higher self. I may ask for protection or strength etc in order to navigate through and remain in alignment. And then I will trust in the process and have knowing that all will be well and for my highest good. And whatever unpleasantness I experience or the times that I lose focus I remain aware and observant and do my best to become solely present in my body once again. Sometimes we can feel what doesn't belong to us and we get overwhelmed by it. But as long as we don't identify with everything we pick up, it becomes easier to let it go and the sooner it passes. It takes practice and consistent awareness without judgement in order to navigate through other people's emotions. Identifying with them in any way allows them to stay stuck in our energetic field longer. You can be empathetic, observant and compassionate to others emotions while not identifying with what doesn't belong to you.
    If you haven't started already, creating a protective barrier surrounding you,as a ritual, can help with your process. Also building a stronger connection with your higher self and guides. You have all the capability in the world to navigate through what you're experiencing!
    Hope this helps!
