Tuesday, July 19, 2011


Number 113 is made up of the attributes and energies of the numbers 1 and 3. Number 1 appears twice bringing it vibrations of new beginnings, striving forward, motivation and progress, self-leadership and assertiveness, attainment and fulfilment, uniqueness and individuality. Double 1’s also relates to the karmic Master Number 11 which tells us that to connect with our higher-selves is to know and live our soul mission and life purpose. It suggests that you pay special attention to your thoughts and ideas, as these are revealing the answers to your prayers. Number 3 relates to optimism and enthusiasm, communication and self-expression, inspiration and creativity, encouragement and assistance, talent and skills, expansion and growth. Number 3 also relates to the Ascended Masters. The Ascended Masters help you to focus on the Divine spark within yourself and others, and assist with manifesting your desires

Angel Number 113 indicates that some obstacles and/or upheaval may take place in your life and this is taking place for karmic reasons that will break new ground for you. This will bring about new opportunities for you to grow on all levels; emotionally, mentally and spiritually. The angels ask that you adapt to changes gracefully and be open to auspicious new opportunities arising in your life. Angel Number 113 may be a ‘blessing in disguise.

Angel Number 113 is a message from your angels that you are being guided and assisted with pursuing your life purpose and soul mission.Trust that the angels and Ascended Masters are by your side as you go through transitions that will bring you into perfect alignment with your Divine life purpose. If you are unsure of your next steps, ask your angels for guidance and assistance.

Angel Number 113 is a strong message to listen to your intuition and take action accordingly. Use your manifesting abilities to draw towards you the circumstances and situations that you want in your life. Do not be afraid to take on new ventures and/or projects as now is an auspicious time to take new directions in your life. The angels and Ascended Masters are with you, guiding and assisting when asked.  

Number 113 also relates to the number 5 (1+1+3=5) and Angel Number 5.

Also see:  
Repeating 1’s and 3’s  (13, 113, 131, 133 etc)
Angel Number 13
Angel Number 131
Angel Number 133

Sacred Scribes

NUMEROLOGY  - The Vibration and Energies of NUMBERS

JoW Pottery



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  1. I have been struggling for my life to survive after taking a prescription medication, Ativan, and getting bad advice from a general practitioner to stop it abruptly. Recently I have been seeing the number 13 a lot. I'd like to state my complaint about your interpretation of what this number means. The fact that 13, being associated with the female side of God, and also being the only bad number in your blog, associated with punishment and "upheaval/obstacles" is already a problem. And secondly, to say that this is karmically my fault is really depressing and awful. You need to change this because this is not helpful and very disturbing. Not cool. Thanks for letting the thought enter my head that something as earthshakingly difficult as this is actually my fault and throwing my already broken sense of reality just that much more into the dark abyss.

    1. UPHEAVAL and obstacles is a way to force change. Change is not bad. When change is forced it usually means the individual was stuck. Something needed to be placed in their path to force the change. Going forward do not take things said as negative, place your own spin on it to make it a positive. So yes this bad thing happened but it is going to force me to investigate alternatives to take care of the one I love, myself. This is a way to get you to think for yourself and not be so eager to listen to others. If your intuition is saying something is not right, learn to listen. I wish you the best!

    2. also, keep in mind that karma isn't always associated with bad karma, it can be good karma as well. Plus your karma can be from previous lifetimes you've had. That is why it is important to look at the good in EVERYTHING as hard as it may seem. stay with prayers, hope and faith that everything will turn out for your highest good and all parties involved.

    3. Alan watts explains the concept of karma perfectly as simply that which is “done” / it just is / it is what you actually / do / and bviously and perhaps almost too simply for some / the reaction that results from that action is , well, karma / YOU have a negative filter on preventing you from seeing it / but as for the Alan watts lecture I mentioned it’s a video called the mystery teachings of Jesus Christ and it has been helpful to me in understanding the number 13 ,

    4. We always try to comprehend the infinite with our little finite minds. Just know that whatever happens to you good or bad is for your spiritual growth. I'm so sorry to hear of your struggles but in the big picture your not having guns and bombs fired at you or starving to death so as bad as it seems to you at the time it's not as bad as some people have it. Karma is a bitch and it doesn't discriminate, stay positive, fast that crap out of your system, pray and be thankful for all the good in your life and things will only improve. Peace and love to you and I will pray for your healing🙏

  2. Also, when I started to see this number I things began to get better. Maybe this number means the end of a karmic cycle, that issues are manifesting and being cleared, and the person will become wiser, stronger and more harmonious because of it. Can you really say that the victim of violence or disease is in that state because of their bad karma? Or are they strong souls learning hard lessons to bring us into a deeper appreciation for peace and love? This world is full of injustice and wrongs and we're all in it. Going through a life without challenges does not necessarily make you better. That's what brings about compassion and awareness and a desire to do good in the world. I'm just saying these perspectives are more digestible and helpful for a person going through a hard time.

    1. Karma just really means pattern it can be perceived as "good" or "bad" :) and yes we are Alchemist we choose to choose and transmute energy assisting the collective by being conscious of our own participation and connection with "victim" consciousnesses for example and choose to choose to acknowledge and actualize our Sovereignty and our participation as cocreators, forgiving and being present in the Now with clear eyes we see and know all is Perfect and in Divine Order we know all works together for the highest good of all always. Life is an Adventure Now is what matters <3 the past is one second ago . . .

    2. Babble Dom, you haven't done anything wrong at all! Besides, your questions are a sign of strength. Recently Jen Hatmaker posted something on her Instagram about the beauty being in the try. You're in the try, my friend, and I wish you so many beautiful things! Life is so good, congrats on seeing that after all you're been through!
      (And rush-collection- you're such a beautiful person to post everyone's comments so we can respond!)

    3. Babble...here is an example of rush-collection's teachings on the subject: look up angel number 521.. 'doubt= don't' she says.
      (If you can't tell, I LOVE your work, rush-collection!)

    4. To Babble: Everything is Karma and it can't be valued such as good or bad, fair or unfair. It is the natural regulation of energy. This is probably too big to comprehend with our small human minds so I'll leave it there. We will probably see the bigger picture when we enter to the other side. So till then, remember to take things with a pinch of salt and take yourself easily.

  3. I love this number and very much signifies the shifting of our planet and therefore are able to manifest out thoughts more than ever before!

    Peace on earth to all :)

  4. I was born on 1 13 and what this descibes is basicly my life

    1. I agree Acu. I was born Friday 3/13 @ 3:13pm. This meaning definitely puts my mind at ease. I always thought I was cursed. Now I know all these changes and obstacles are important for my spiritual path. Lol with all the crap I have endured this life I KNOW there is something wonderful waiting when I pass these tests. Lol

    2. What a wonderful date and time! I too am born on 3/13. Be well my fellow Pisces.

    3. I was born on 1-13-61 and I see this number all the time.
      I'm trying to figure this out so I know what this all means.
      Stuck in Colorado

  5. In response to the above comments, I believe that when a person is facing challenges and "karmically it is of our own doing" then the blessing is rising above these challenges AND then to directly find and help others who are entering or exiting similar paths to ours. The challenges that I personally face, I know that they are 100% of my own doing, which is a tough bridge to cross, the guilt, the regret and the "problems" combined are very tough to overcome, my hope is that I can help others who are on this same road and with that goal in mind, I can see the blessings that are to come from all of this in my life.

  6. Totally feeling this at the moment and willling to take the challenges :) love and light

  7. Whatever changes happen for our own good. The 13 aspect to this directly relates to something that creates both my greatest joy and my greatest misery...to me, seeing the number 113 everywhere (and I mean everywhere!) means that this thing will only bring me joy if I CHANGE my attitude and allow it. It's all a matter of your own personal perspective, but I know that out of my positivity will come the fruition of my greatest desire :) Seeing 113 gives me comfort, not panic, and you should only think of it as a good thing too!

    1. that brought comfort

    2. I'm giving thanks to you all, this is like my confirmation. I really didn't fully understand, until I started reading these comments. Thank you all, for sharing, because now, while on this journey, I was at a stand still, but, because of you all, and what you've given me to read. No matter where this journey take me, I want be taking it alone. Thank you

    3. I would like to Thank you all, I didn't fully understand, until after reading these comments. It was like many, written confirmations, letting me know, I'm doing okay and while on this journey no matter where it may take me. I'll never alone. It's as if, I finally found what I was looking for. Someone that could help me fill in the blanks. Thank you all so very much.

  8. Those who have eyes to see, see - and those with ears to hear, hear. Do not lose faith or inject doubt into your initial intuition to give attention to these numbers. You were right in employing your senses to detect the swirls and mystic connections of the world surrounding you. 113 and 408 have both moved my attention to strange, powerful messages, revelations, realizations, and life direction.

    The resources on this site have been indispensable in the advancement of my spiritual cunning and well-being. Thank you, thank you. As above, so below. Be Well.

  9. I had a dream last night. I normally dream of things I need or that others around me need. Which is nothing out of the ordinary. But last night I dreamed that I found some money. One of the dollar bills was 113 dollar bill. I thought that was odd because there's no such thing. I'm glad I searched for the meaning. I know God is always looking out for me. My depression will soon end. Thank God.

  10. I had a dream last night. I normally dream of things I need or that others around me need. Which is nothing out of the ordinary. But last night I dreamed that I found some money. One of the dollar bills was 113 dollar bill. I thought that was odd because there's no such thing. I'm glad I searched for the meaning. I know God is always looking out for me. My depression will soon end. Thank God.

    1. Hi I describe my association with the #113, do to my mother. This because of her date of birth. She passed 2013, December, 7, around 6 in the morning at hospice dew to heart disease in an area code of 513, I see the # when looking up at a television, every time I get my look at a clock, even on dollar bills. I can catch the right moment to glimpse a microwave countdown to see it backwards 3:11 an down to it 1:13. I've done my own sleeve tattoo without realizing I put my mothers birthdate in a triangle on my hand, it also has our galaxy with our sun lined up, an the 3 of the gas giants,an only 2 have rings. There's a tombstone for my mother. Under this is where I spent my childhood an address 2112, a family that became more than an aunt an cousins. A second home, where I still fill the present of 113.

  11. For me, 13 is my lucky number. Always life becomes right again when our desire is abundant. Through the years, when I see 13, it means life changes that from the other side, where absolutely for the best. Don't loose faith or hope, because without them the heartbreak die. Best of blessings sent your way

  12. Hi everyone- my name is Kim and I have been going through a spiritual awakening for 3 yrs but has intensified immensely in the past 6 mths- I found out I am an empath/lightworker and I have been getting angel messages every day- I was drawn to this page and now I know why- I have gotten the 13 many times but most recently a few minutes ago- I do look at the 13 as a positive thing because I have major things going on in my life right now ( major financial issues, health issues, my partner has early onset alzheimers and is only 56-he is my soulmate and things have been tough- I believe the 13 signifies change and better times ahead- I have been told great changes are coming and they are for karmic reasons- we must remember that karma is only a bitch if you are-you know what I mean lol- this page and its' messages has been such a blessing to me and I am happy to see how many other people it helps- love and light to you all

    1. I am a light worker/empath too...love and light to you as well thank you

  13. I have been on spiritual journey now going on 3 years... I am a light-worker and have been constantly been receiving messages through numbers numerous times throughout the day to where it has become almost second nature now. I normally see the triple digits being 333, 111,222, 999,888,777,555 and so on but every now and then I receive messages from other numbers like tonight I have seen 113. Im currently contemplating if I should relocate back to Az or remain in Ga....Im so scared of returning to AZ as there were so many painful memories when I last lived there....could this number be referring to my fear of change and the obstacles I will face if I leave??? Karma has been so good to me and I don't want to make the wrong choice.

    1. You can't make a wrong choice.. There's one that feels warmer to you, right? That's your answer. �� There's nothing wrong with protecting yourself nor is anything wrong with going home.
      I hope this helps. God bless.

  14. I had a paralyzed dream and a lady was on top of me and was holding me down and said remember 113 can u please tell me what this means 2

  15. Was the lady beautiful or ugly?

  16. One amazing astrologer once said that "When we aim too low, universe will not give it to us, instead when we aim higher enough, universe will give it to us" ...or something like that. I want to believe in this and it´s so positive thing and it makes me feel the power of love universe has in for us all. Im trying this new thing I have in my mind and I hope you too have great dreams. !

  17. Hi i see combinations of 13 1133 113 131 everytime i think of someone.. I see allot of repeting numbers.. But this pattern is relayed to this person just yesterday i sae this parson and the same numbers in his license plates.
    Anyone with a similar experience what does it mean

  18. I was born on Friday 1/13 and if a car with 113 on the plate ( NOT 311 OR 131 BUT 113 ) passes me I'm compelled to look at the plate.
    It's weird it's like someone grabs my head and makes me look at the plate.
    Sometimes when I leave a message on someone's voice mail it'll be 1:13 long.
    But I can tell you this, this number has haunted me all my life.
    I don't really know what this number means for my life but I do think that some dead relative or friend is messing with me and having a good laugh :)

    1. You keep seeing the # because you aren't listening to something...

  19. The past 24 hours, the #13 kept appearing...and then 113...once THAT number came up, I listened more attentively and yes, trust I will!

  20. Facing challenging times right now. My grams in home hospice. Stress affecting my health. Difficulties w loved ones...

    Today I saw 113 when my TV froze on it. I was struggling thinking about what I can do to detatch a bit from hospice care. I'm secondary caregiver. I was hoping to visit my bf in CO but doesn't seem possible and it frustrates me. So started looking into places I can go alone to for a couple days...was thinking about all this and my frustration and how to handle and my TV froze on 113

    What could 113 mean? I too see 111, 1111, 222, 333, 444 a lot too for past year.

  21. Thank you so much for your healing words.

  22. People need to stop with all the toxic positivity. Change is not always good, its simply change and inevitable. Life is a series of stages until death (even if you did nothing and remained in isolation).
