Saturday, September 10, 2011


Number 445 is made up of a blend of the energies and attributes of number 4 appearing twice, amplifying and magnifying its influences, and the vibrations of number 5. Number 4 resonates with support and stability, establishing solid foundations for the self and others, willpower and effort, ability and worthiness, hard work and achieving success, wholeness and inner-wisdom. Number 4 is associated with our passion and drive in life, and is related to the energies of the Archangels. Number 5 brings its powerful vibrations of personal freedom and individuality, major life changes, making important choices and decisions, opportunity, non-attachment, action and activity, promotion and advancements, adaptability and versatility, life lessons learned through experience and resourcefulness.  

Angel Number 445 indicates that you are being supported by the angels during the life changes you are contemplating or currently making. The angels have influenced these changes so that you can take full advantage of the opportunities that will present to you. You are encouraged to go along with your plans safe in the knowledge that you are being Divinely and intuitively guided through each and every step. The angels are working on making current life changes smooth in transition for you and are ensuring that all goes to Divine plan. Allow the angels to help and guide you along the way.

Angel Number 445 is a message from your angels to put your efforts towards the things in your life that embrace and enhance who you truly are, your lifestyle choices and your life in general. Be prepared to make necessary changes that will bring auspicious opportunities to advance you along your path. Trust that these changes will bring ‘better’ into your life in all aspects.

It is time to do things the way that you want them to be done, and have things the way you want them to be.

Number 445 relates to number 4 (4+4+5=13, 1+3=4) and Angel Number 4.

Also see:


  1. "It is time to do things the way that you want them to be done, and have things the way you want them to be."


  2. Amen... changes are good...

  3. rush-collection, what advice would you have for a empath, who lived with anxiety and doubt for 20 something years and now is in a rapid process of complete awakening. I see messages in numbers, texts, songs and through the mouths of people :-) I have a powerful purpose and I am trying to embrace it :-) 11111111

    1. I'm in the same boat, looking for a partner to take on life with. let me know if you want to work and walk to the ends of earth creating abundance. Namaste

    2. �� Thats Peaceful

    3. Hi everyone,I am new here and in the light work and I feel a little bit confused because I can't understand everything unfortunately :( also I am looking for new friends right now so if someone wants to make a new friend can write to me :) thank you

    4. Hi everyone,I am new here and in the light work and I feel a little bit confused because I can't understand everything unfortunately :( also I am looking for new friends right now so if someone wants to make a new friend can write to me :) thank you

    5. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. rush-collection, I want to seek your advice. I was born an Empath amongst having other gifts, that I was fearful of but I have been in the process of awakening for a while. My rapid awakening began only weeks ago with seeing numbers and the crown of my head began tingling. I have fasted, I have let go of attachment and understand now that the Universe speaks to me through my own spirit, music, the written word, of course numbers and the mouths of others. I believe I have a powerful purpose. At first I tried to fight it but now I am embracing it. I believe my purpose is to speak to individuals on a huge scale, and I want to send a message of love. I believe that I am being told the importiance of this day. Especially at the 1111 times. I am painting my own reality . It's a perfectly beautiful one of love, peace, prosperity, passion, art, and abundance on all levels. And globally or universally a message of love of a future of peace where we see the STARS as we were meant to. A seed must germinate in the darkness but plants naturally seek the light. May the Sun warm you so that your flowers will blossom and bring beauty to yourself and others :-) Any advice would be of great help.

    1. Peacelily... You are priceless to me. Thank you for sharing your experiences. It has just made as equal a difference, for me, as rush-collection's angel number meaning. Thank you!!

    2. Me too! I feel exactly the same. And there is getting to be soooo many others too!!

    3. Three O's Loving flowsTuesday, July 12, 2016

      Hey Peacelily, If you want me to make a video of you spreading your message I will do it for free, I am a videographer. Please write more because your words were describing my present day's awakening. I felt what you felt... we are connected by this same experience now but I had it 6 months later... diving timing. peace love and light

    4. I have noticed 444, since I was 4,I thought everyone was aware of this combination of numbers. I am 46 years of age now, I stil have no idea what the meaning, even after all the yearsof research, asking questions and talking to so very many people. No, answers

    5. ... "talking to so very many people ..."

      Stop talking and start listening to your intuition and your own inner-knowing. The messages are directed towards you at that particular time in your life, so stop, listen, feel, think and know for yourself.

    6. How beautifully described,as if reading my own feelings and happenings! @Peacelily #LightworkersOfTheWorldUnite #OurMission #LoveWins #TogetherAForce
      Sending blessings ,love and Light to you and all. 🙌❤

  5. Amen.. To new beginnings I strongly believe in this and for once in my life I'm doing thing's my way and it feel's good I'm glad the signs are around now I truly feel that I'm in the right path������

  6. rush-collection,
    I am a lightworker (lightmaster) I was born with aknowing that something just wasn't right about the way humans live their lives, what they've been taught to believe. My soul is pleidian which is a place of pure love n light 5th dimension. I am a healer and an empathy. My journey is quite the story. I began waking up more and more about 9 yrs ago. As a child I talked a lot to angels and they are talking to me daily all day. I know I am destined to do great work on this planet. TO help spread the message of pure love n light and help awaken as many people as possible.. I'm so grateful for your sight. It has really helped me communicate more with my angels and guides. There has to be something more to people seeing the numbers and the driving force behind it. It does seem like more and more people are seeing the numbers which means more souls are awakening.. much love n light thanks wendy

    1. Hi Wendy,
      I just wanted to confirm with you that i feel the same way and i have really noticed a lot of people waking up and seeking out the truth to what is going on and why and who is behind it all,because that is the most important part.Keep spreading the love and light.

  7. in the name of jesus Amen

  8. I have not long been made aware of my psychic abilities by a medium who I was having a reading done by and was told that I am an Empathy/Medium and that my chakras were opening 1 by 1 it is a little bit scary when you are told this and I have been looking for answers to a lot of strange happenings that has been happening in my home like the flashing of a bright light was told that was my guardian angel letting me know that they were there to protect me and I was being tapped on my head by a spirit of someone who had passed away but they hadn't been able to cross over and the medium was able to help them cross over I have such weird experiences happen to me and I know now that I am an empathy/medium and am looking forward to joining a spiritual church to learn how to develop my phchic abilities �� peace,love, and light..

  9. Hello dear.
    I lost my husband of almost 54 years (short three months) 3 weeks ago I was awaken 3 days at 4:45 and yesterday I saw a young man telling in youtube watch the numbers in your life, the angels are trying to tell you something. They were message on point. Thanks for being here. Grateful!! Blessings

  10. Holy moly. I woke up this morning at 4:45 and I had a feeling it means something. I asked my spirit guides and God to send me a sign that’ll I make new friends or get a boyfriend. And they answered quickly.

  11. Bless your heart. Thank you, love&Light.

  12. Thank you rush-collection, when ever I see a number message, I open this webpage to read the complete meaning. I have been doing this since eight years. I am so grateful.

  13. Thank you rush-collection, when ever I see a number message, I open this webpage to read the complete meaning. I have been doing this since eight years. I am so grateful.


  14. "It is time to do things the way that you want them to be done, and have things the way you want them to be." It is time indeed. Grateful for every reminder.AMEN. 🙌❤

  15. "It is time to do things the way that you want them to be done, and have things the way you want them to be." Indeed! It is time.Amen.🙏
    Faith,Self belief & trust are my keys!!!❤❤❤Grateful and blessed.❤

  16. In your life you do by example to others so they also do good. Keep going and it catches on.

  17. Hi everyone, I don't know anything about numbers but after the dream I had last night that had number 445 given to me to send my CV it got me interested to wake up and search the meaning and I found this site, please if anyone is willing to guide me email me on thank you in advance.

  18. I'm so grateful, and feeling immensely blessed. Love and light to all of us. 🥰 Thank you rush-collection for being a guiding light, and for being the voice of angels. 🙏😇💖😜🥰

  19. Thank you Angels, message is on point.

  20. 44 comments, now making the 45th. What a strong message of faith. Thank you Universal energies. So much love, light and peace all around us if we’re open to it.
    ”It’s time” makes my heart sing. Been some really tough years, so much has left, without much coming in. But now, almost six years later I realize that much has transformed inside.Blessed be, all out there, on your paths.
