Saturday, August 13, 2011


Number 299 is a combination of the energies of number 2 and the vibrations of number 9, with the number 9 appearing twice, magnifying its influences. Number 2 brings balance and harmony, duality and diplomacy, insight and intuition, duty and service, adaptability and co-operation. Number 2 also relates to faith and trust and serving your soul mission. Number 9 resonates with leadership and leading others by positive example, selflessness, seeing things from a higher perspective, intuition and inner-wisdom, humanitarianism and altruism, serving others and lightworking. Number 9 also relates to endings and conclusions.

Angel Number 299 is a message from your angels that your lightworking skills, talents and abilities are greatly needed by the world, and your angels encourage you to shine your light brightly to illuminate the way for others. Trust that you will be able to find a comfortable balance between your material, family and spiritual worlds.

Angel Number 299 tells you to have faith and trust in regards to the Divine plan of your life. You have all that you need to fulfill your lightworking duties and destiny, and the time is right for you to work on your soul mission without delay. You are a powerful and talented lightworker, and the angels encourage you to accept and develop your spiritual gifts and use them for the benefit of yourself and others. You are encouraged to shine your light for the world to see.

Angel Number 299 can also suggest that if you have been considering beginning or expanding a spiritually-based practice, career and/or profession, or taking on a leadership role in a service-based project or venture, now may be a most auspicious time to put a plan into action. Trust that you have all that you will need as you progress along your path, and most importantly, have faith and trust in yourself and your angels.  

Number 299 relates to number 2 (2+9+9=20, 2+0=2) and Angel Number 2.



Sacred Scribes

Sacred Scribes Ceramics





  1. Thank you, Thank you, I had these numbers come to me about a month ago, repeatedly, put didn't know what was going on, So again Thank You for explaining it to me! May the Creater, Divine Source, Bless you and Your Family!

  2. Immensely blessed and grateful always and forever!!!Love peace and Light to all!!!♡♡♡♡

  3. These numbers came to me in lottery.I quick pick from two different store,at two different times.

  4. Amen thank you Lord Jesus and to my angels

  5. I am struggling between believing and giving up. 299 came up on of all things a car commercial and something inside me told me to look it up. I'm still afraid, but it gave me hope. HOPE! I believe! Thank you God.

  6. This number is in my birthdate 2/27/72...299

  7. Don't give up !! This is what I'm taking from this Compelling text . I'm praying for a Tremendous Recovery. Thank you Angels
