Saturday, August 13, 2011


Number 300 is a combination of the vibrations of numbers 3 and the energies of number 0, with number 0 appearing twice, amplifying and magnifying its own energies as well as those of the number 3. Number 3 relates to optimism and enthusiasm, communication and self-expression, inspiration and creativity, expansion and growth, manifesting and manifestation. Number 3 also relates to the Ascended Masters, who help you to focus on the Divine spark within yourself and others, and assist with manifesting your desires. Number 0 brings a message to do with developing one’s spiritual aspects and is considered to represent the beginning of a spiritual journey and highlights the uncertainties that may entail. It suggests that you listen to your intuition and higher-self as this is where you will find your answers. Number 0 carries the ‘God force’/Universal Energies and relates to eternity, infinity, oneness, wholeness, continuing cycles and flow, and the beginning point, making 300 an important and powerful number.

Angel Number 300 is a signal to get your attention and make you take notice. It is time to listen to and follow your intuitive messages and angelic guidance and take appropriate action in the direction of your life purpose. It is time for you to realize the magnificent gifts and abilities that you possess and share those treasures with the world around you.

Angel Number 300 brings a message from your angels and the Ascended Masters that they are with you, assisting and supporting you. The strong and clear connection you have with the spiritual realm allows for communication, assistance and guidance from the angels whenever you need it.   Angel Number 300 encourages you to accept and develop your spiritual gifts and abilities and use them to enhance your own life as well as the lives of many others. 

Sing the song of your soul and use your natural creativity and communication skills to teach,uplift and enlighten others.

Number 300 also relates to number 3 (3+0+0=3) and Angel Number 3.


  1. İ need to start doing my work....

  2. I keep getting messages of 'it is time to live your divine life purpose..follow your intuition...serving as a light worker...use your creativity and skills...accept abundance entering your life' stuff on those lines...and im confused as ever...up until now...i just broke up with bf...went to a city 14 hrs away...and am now living with a family whose partners are similar to what mine and ex was...i wanted a new start...but these messages confuse intuition is failing me cus my soul is drawing a blank...up until this move i jad been seeing 55 and different variations...55 signalled change and i premontioned if thats a word that he and i were gunna break...and due to circumstances and other factors we did...i miss him but knowing now or maybe never jts not good but i still have hope and i think about him more than necessary...i cant focus on this supposed divine life purpose..i dont even know what my purpose

    1. Life will never throw anything you don't deserve at you. -111

    2. Sometimes it's as simple as helping others that are going through the relationship problems that you were going through to realize when they should walk away. Everyone isn't strong enough.

    3. I had similar feelings of not knowing what my call is.. Not knowing what God wanted me to do.. Getting all these dream but could not comprehend.. This site helps me alot but when I started to seek God things become Clair talk with God learn to listen to his voice he will give you all the answers you seek. He has done it for me he will do it for you.

    4. Unfortunately it is hard for some people to understand what they should do, especially when you break up with someone you loved and still love,I beleve in a change if it dont work out with THE one your with, we all go through it in our lives, all you can do is take a chance in life , you will know soon enough if you have met the right one..angels are there to help us all and ask them for help and when things work out you can thank them..good luck and hope you find happiness in your life, Love, peace and god bless you ..Xxx

    5. I hope you are better now, it hurt my heart seeing the change you experienced, it's crazy how we never know what can change in our lives. stay blessed x

  3. I must do the same as well...Was gifted a way to sing by my beautiful angels...I feel it is sound healing...Could heal a whole room of people at once...Just don't know where to go with it..It's to beautiful not to share..I ask for guidance...

    1. Barbara, I am most certainly not an angel of guidance by any stretch, but I am a woman of experience, and there are few things I can guarantee anyone in life, at least few POSITIVE things, but if you have a healing gift of music, you cannot do better than to offer your talents to any and all local assisted living/care homes/nursing homes. Definitely charge the for-profit ones, but do it for free to the non-profit ones. I can't find the words to tell you what music means to the people living there, what it does for them, especially if you have them sing along on some numbers. It is a pure spiritual experience, especially for those locked in the prison of dementia and heavy medication, and it has healing powers that are almost frightening to consider. My two cents.

    2. I think that’s worth way more than 2 cents. Thank you. God bless. I’d like to get some information on this if you have any to lend. It’s amazing that I backed out of this and decided to check out the comments and found this gem. This was much needed. Thank you very much.

  4. I am having a similar experience, Someone. I see repeating 5s, 3s, 9s, 7s, etc...all these messages that do nothing but further confuse me and make me feel like more of a failure. I'm getting buzzing in my ears and random pains and I never know if they are good or bad. All these vague messages that once comforted me and helped me maintain a positive mind frame do nothing more than aggravate me, befuddle me and leave me feeling more lost than ever. What is the point really.

    1. It is YOUR choice entirely as to whether you wallow and whine or stand in your own power, know yourself and choose to thrive. It is within you and is your choice.

    2. Kate, I'm not crazy about any of the numbers that speak of "upheaval," because I'd like a break from being heaved, if you will, but that's my weakness talking -- I acknowledge it, and I understand it, but I don't let it call the shots. There isn't any such thing as a bad number, every number is a gift. It sounds to me like you're basically pooped, physically, intellectually, spiritually, emotionally. It might be because you are not only trying to get your own self together, but are carrying a lot of other people's baggage, and it's weighing you down. If you feel like a failure, I'll bet you a lobster lunch it's because you are trying to live up to someone else's idea of what a success is. And there are A LOT of definitions of success out there that are as popular as they are bogus. rush-collection, of course, is right -- you have all the power. Use it. Start chipping away all the nonsense that doesn't have any real relation to your life, and don't be afraid to cut the people who drain your energy and goodness, and who give you anxiety or assault your self-esteem and peace of mind out of your life. I'm speaking from experience. Go for it. And let us know here how you're doing.

  5. 'Upheaval' is not necessarily a 'negative' thing.

    1. General early-morning musings here… surgery isn't necessarily negative in the sense that it is supposed to repair and heal, but anyone who welcomes the actual experience needs counseling! In Gethsemane, even Jesus said, Father, if there's some other way around this …in my experience, true wisdom is hard-won and a burden, make no mistake, doesn't mean you don't pursue it, or that it is a bad thing, or that you beat your breast and pose for a stained-glass window, but banging on about it and its acquisition as if it’s a no-cal hot fudge sundae isn’t helpful; we lose folks that way. (you can see I’ve just come off an infuriating experience with an egomaniacal demagogue trying to take advantage of people having a bad time.) We’re too programmed by marketing and advertising to abandon everything that isn't easy and pleasant, and that nothing is more important than our comfort. The palette of human experience and emotion is much more broad than generally thought, hence the danger of people reaching for broad terms that ultimately only serve to alienate and confuse people who are already in a great deal of pain. I'm grateful for surviving my upheavals, and I'm grateful for lessons learned, and for the opportunities to serve that they provided, but for the actual upheavals? Nah. I don’t welcome them, either. I accept them as a necessary evil, but I don’t welcome them, and I think it’s disingenuous when people say they do. There’s a terrible lot to learn from having your child die in your arms, and God willing you are not destroyed by the experience, and come out a stronger person. Want to do it again? Don’t think so. Grateful for the experience? Oh, come on! Grateful for your survival? Yeah. But for me, taking pride in surviving adversity is absurd, an ego anchor. I could never have come out of the other side of anything without grace and assistance from those seen and unseen, and I’m glad I had what it took, but viewing it as a source of pride? People confuse narcissism with self-esteem.

      Yes, I know, shut up and go put the kettle on, dearie! Seriously, thanks for the space and the opportunity, rush-collection!

  6. The most negative, frightening and seemingly overwhelming experiences in my life gave been my greatest lessons. The sadness I feel in recalling those experiences is overshadowed by the overwhelming pride in overcoming the adversity as well as the love and gratitude for those experiences as they have taught me and reinforced unconditional love, compassion, empathy and kindness in a world of discord where many of these emotions have been buried in the darkness.

    1. Thank you so much for sharing Laurene ... I resonate and can relate to your words in relation to my own life.

    2. Well put Laurene. I completely agree and relate as well. Many blessings

  7. Amen. My girlfriend is going through a lot and is attacking me all the time. Nothing new because I was abused my whole life... but I know couples fight but it's a two way street... if the other person never sees "their wrong doings" then it makes it hard to appreciate the present. When my Grammy passed away 11/23/16 I found a new love with the spiritual realm and I meditate 2 times a day roughly 30 mins.... I am a sinnner who's probably going to sin again... lord forgive me... but I never lived a life for myself and thanks to these messages and self love... I am on my path of divine intervention. rush-collection I'm a 25 year old male and your messages have changed my life for the better. God bless you

    1. Keep thinking in that frame of mind my friend because life isn’t easy at times and yes we all have struggles no two the same . We will figure out different ways or solutions to solving even the hardest things but it begins with you and it should end with you not someone else’s solution of how it’s dealt with. Sorry y’all that may not even be related to your story but I couldn’t not say it. Please forgive my cutting in I just got chills when I read what you wrote and I just want to say I think I was intended to read all of the story hear to know I’m so not alone. To each I offer my hugs and send out love we are not alone so fight fight fight you each have a mission and we need not stress over tiny details we don’t right now understand but one day we will understand ♌️✝️✡️💟☯️🕎🕉⚛️♐️☮️

  8. Maybe someone here might have a refreshing perspective about this;

    In short, being shown a lot of numbers regarding endings and changes etc. I'm not against the changes and yadda yadda blah.

    Some of these messages state "doing something" yet I haven't felt, or rather, in being told, to wait and have faith in the process.

    I'm no "angel centric" person, so please spare me that, yet I am being shown the numbers, that is a fact.

    Faith and I have a very difficult and harrowsome relationship. Make no misunderstanding that I try and the numbers shown say it as well; knowing that I have toiled hard and it has/is successfully manifesting abundance and prosperity into my life as I chose my life purpose.

    Right now, not a lot is going on and I'm just told to relax or wait, rest and receive.

    It just isn't very evident most times and the messages sound "contraire" in certain moments.

    "Rest and relax, but do this though for humanity."

    Like what?

    While I have done this countless times in millennial lives, I realize there's a high purpose for why I came back here. I'm not against these things, i suppose it would be nice to witness the Providence on some level. (Not as if I haven't made that known)

    I follow the guidance, to the letter, surprising everyone with how clearly I execute the advice.
    Then, returning to a place and environment that never really suited me and doesn't suit me now either.

    I feel that many that come across this would pass vague judgement, as none of you know me and I don't know you either, at least on a personal level.

    "It's easy to judge from the outside, looking in" and all that jazz.

    I only make reference to this, because I cannot napalm this section with my whole lifetime's story.

    Enjoy the Eventide. May your Morrows be wondrous.

    1. Well said. I would like to second this notion, if you wouldn’t mind?!

    2. this, 'I follow the guidance, to the letter, surprising everyone with how clearly I execute the advice.
      Then, returning to a place and environment that never really suited me and doesn't suit me now either". I get it. I'm here too.

  9. So beautiful. Praying for my beloved twin to see this. He psychically picks up on things, so he may.

  10. rush-collection, thank you and bless you for all the effort you have put in to provide this information to us. Saving my life this year!

  11. Thank you for the beautiful amazing messages and for always encouraging, supporting and loving me when i forget and feel hopeless. Perfect divine right time.

  12. Thanks a million rush-collection praise God

  13. Happy Mother's day today... Thank you Universe/God (source) for this Heavenly text...Lord God I please pray you continue to uplift me and keep me in your righteous hand ,In Jesus name Amen☆

  14. The ads are in the way if the article. Thank you. I love the writing. Nicely done.

  15. I have been receiving so much guidance from my guardian angels through angel numbers. I would wake up at 3:00 every other night. This was before I knew about angel numbers. Now I know what they were trying to tell me..

  16. Lord, grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, to change the things I can and the wisdom to know the difference .. Namaste

  17. I have been getting signs steady for last few days from song lyrics to radio announcements and what made me look this number up was I was on a web page reading about spirituality and there was a ad with the number 300 and a guy pointing at it with both hands, and I have had a reading done just 2 days ago and all these things that I'm experiencing are coronation to whT she said and what I feel in my heart, I believe that I am going to do great things someday
