Wednesday, October 12, 2011


Number 623 is a blend of the attributes and vibrations of number 6 and number 2, and the energies of number 3. Number 6 relates to providing and provision, possessions, status and the monetary aspects, service and domesticity, love of home and family, caring and nurturing, the ability to compromise, being grateful, responsibility and reliability, honesty and integrity. Number 2 resonates with service to others, diplomacy and compromise, balance, flexibility and adaptability, duality, encouragement and kindness. Number 2 also relates to faith and trust and serving your life purpose and soul mission. Number 3 brings self-expression and communication, optimism and enthusiasm, natural skills and talents, friendliness and sociability, manifesting, growth, expansion and the principles of increase. Number 3 also resonates with the Ascended Masters

Angel Number 623 encourages you to find a balance between your work life, leisure and rest times. Relaxing and making time to meditate and connect and communicate with the angels assists with manifesting your desired results and outcomes. Stay focused upon your life purpose and trust that the angels surround, encourage and support you. Stay open to angelic guidance.

Angel Number 623 is a message that your mind-set and efforts in regards to your life purpose will reap many long-term benefits and rewards. Trust that you are on the right path and your angels encourage and support you in every way. Keep up the good work and continue to manifest your ‘good’. Know that all you need will be supplied.

Angel Number 623 is a message to use positive affirmations and maintain a positive attitude as these energies attract abundance and will manifest favourable results into your life. Have faith and trust in your ‘Self’ - your skills, talents and natural abilities, and employ them upon your life path. You have been given certain natural skills, talents and abilities so that you can share the highest and truest parts of yourself with others. Have confidence in your abilities and choices.

Number 623 relates to Master Number 11 (6+2+3=11, 1+1=2) and Angel Number 11 on the higher plane, and number 2 and Angel Number 2 on the lower plane.



Sacred Scribes

NUMEROLOGY  - The Vibration and Energies of NUMBERS

Sacred Scribes Ceramics





  1. Happy Birthday my LOVE! You were born today, 6/23 and obviously you are a beautiful, wonderful spirit. I love you so much!

    1. Awww you guys are Awesome, how TRULY Romantic God Bless you both XOXO

  2. Thank YOU <3

  3. 6/23 is my birthday also....and I'm always seeing it pop up. Always wondered what it meant!

  4. 6/23 is my birthday also....and I'm always seeing it pop up. Always wondered what it meant!

    1. When you see the numbers of your date of birth repeating to you, it is often an indication that you are to concentrate and focus upon your true life purpose ... your reason for being ... your soul mission. Seeing your own birthday is a reminder of why you were born and your reason for being on the Earthplane at this time.
      It may acts as a prompt and/or validation as to your path.
      It can also be validation that angels/spirit guides/passed over loved ones are with you.


    2. Im always seeing 623 which happend to be mu BDAY everyday more than once a day. Noy just on clock but all over. Never understood so igoogled it ab and found your sur Zo site wish i could understand more mu life purpose my soul purposr. Alwsys new n felt i wsd here life earth for a reason something big it feels like but what it is i wish i knew..i needyo find out
      How? ??

    3. What if 6/23 is my siblings Bday, and I see it everyday, everywhere I go... Should I be worried

    4. Another 6/23 here! I used to play basketball and I was never a clock watcher during games. The rare moments I would take a breath and look up - I'd say 85% of the time the clock was stopped at 6:23. I mean it's not just the clock on the stove! Your definitions really resonate - thank you - and my name is rush-collection as well!

  5. Thanks - Ever since I was 6 or 7, I started noticing the number 623 everywhere. I figured it was just me being more observant of it as it is my birth date, but now I'm older and have a better grasp on numbers and signs. I recently began seeing 37 everywhere as well. This website is phenomenal.

  6. This is not my birth date, but I have several messages with the numbers 623. There is always an overwhelming sense that I should be doing more with my life around this date, and that my purpose is beginning to manifest, but I become fearful and feel the need to retreat. Thank Heaven for angels..

  7. This is not my birth date, yet I see these numbers A LOT! not always in the exact order but those three numbers, OFTEN! I always wondered what it means because I see it so often, I assume it MUST mean something significant. I'm glad to come across this sight, I appreciate the insight.

  8. Thank you so much for this information, 623 is in my head since years I open my phone and evertime I stuck at the t8me 623 or am somewhere 623 is the number that comes out.
    Feeling relax and positive thank you

  9. Thank you so much for this information, 623 is in my head since years I open my phone and evertime I stuck at the t8me 623 or am somewhere 623 is the number that comes out.
    Feeling relax and positive thank you

  10. I was born at 6:23 am & im always seeing these numbers...

  11. I proclaim myself the Royal Diadem in the hand of the true Lord Yahweh, No perverse act shall come from me from this time forth and forevermore. The Revelation has come to Fruition. AUM.

  12. Thank you Jesus and to my angels

  13. NAMASTE... rush-collection 😀

  14. Thanks be to God for the reminder

  15. Thank you so much. I've always felt like i was here for a reason and I've gotten so many signs and now i know that its not all coincidence. For all the other 623 connected people out there,good luck on your journeys and be assured we are here for a reason

  16. Thanks & gratitude for your blessed message!

  17. 623 is my mother’s birthday. She passed 5 years ago and I’m always seeing the number popping up numerous of times.
