Tuesday, October 11, 2011


Number 615 is a blend of the energies and attributes of number 6 and number 1, and the vibrations of number 5. Number 6 relates to love of home and family and domesticity, service to others and selflessness, responsibility and reliability, grace and gratitude, providing for the self and others, and nurturing. Number 6 also resonates with personal willpower, initiative, finding solutions and overcoming obstacles. Number 1 instills the attributes of creation, fresh starts and new beginnings, attainment and inspiration, self-leadership and assertiveness, initiative, instinct and intuition. It also relates to creating our own realities with our thoughts, beliefs and actions and encourages us to extend ourselves beyond our comfort zones. Number 5 resonates with the attributes of making positive life choices and important changes, adaptability and versatility, resourcefulness, motivation and idealism. Number 5 also relates to doing things your unique own way and learning life lessons through experience.

Angel Number 615 is a message that the angels are assisting you with current important changes taking place in your life and are making sure that all goes according to Divine plan. The choices you have made and the actions you have taken will lead to ‘better’ in your life and you are encouraged to stay brave, courageous and optimistic as you will soon see these positive changes take effect. Trust that these changes are for your highest good and will usher wonderful new opportunities and auspicious circumstances into your life.

Angel Number 615 is a message from your angels that they fully support you as you take the opportunity to make positive changes to your career, employment, home/residence or relationship issues. You know which changes need to be made, and it is up to you to make them as only you can. Do not to allow any negative or fearful thoughts to deter you from making the changes you desire. Trust in your intuitive messages, take action as guided and you will be most pleased with the end results as these changes will prove to be most beneficial in the long-term and will allow you to manifest your desires for the next step or stage in your life.

Trust that any obstacles are shifting from your life and the path ahead is clear. Pursue your soul’s calling and urges and trust the guidance from your angels and your intuition. You are set to do great things; and only you can do them.

Number 615 relates to number 3 (6+1+5=12, 1+2=3) and Angel Number 3.



Sacred Scribes

NUMEROLOGY  - The Vibration and Energies of NUMBERS

Sacred Scribes Ceramics





  1. Ive been seeing these numbers for a couple months now. I am from Nasvhille, TN and that is the area code, so I have been wondering if it had anything to do with something important from home. However, tonight, I thought to check the angel numbers and this is just the guidance I needed! Took me long enough lol No wonder I kept seeing it all the time!

    1. I m also from Nashville, TN and I've been seeing 615 randomly and not so random. For example, I made a deposit of 615 (i didn't know how much i really had until i counted it), my bank account including my deposit and a few transactions +/- lead me to 1615....etc. So I myself decided to look this up. This is very interesting to say the least, but what really struck a chord is when I read your comment!

    2. hi Linda k okay I was born on 615 but I always see 615 + 1615. When I used to live in Hawaii he tried to find the first apartment we could afford and the numbers for apartment was 1615! But I see them a lot.

  2. Replies
    1. Couldn't help but notice because of a prior comment. The date you wrote this 5.11.14 or 5+1=6 and 1 and then 1+4= 5 =615

    2. Couldn't help but notice because of a prior comment. The date you wrote this 2+2+2=6 then 1 and then 5 =615

    3. Couldn't help but notice because of a prior comment. The date you wrote this 2.22.15 or 2+2+2=6 then 1 and 5 =615

    4. Wow I just read what you wrote makes sense I just came to the 222 site and then to come to the 6:15 one!

    5. Pollo that is so funny mining is less than Jupiter my birthday is June 15th I just came from knowing the meeting on the angel sites what is 222 mean because I've been seeing it a lot and when I went to 7-Eleven the guy got carded in front of me his birthday was 2. 22. 78 I just saw I like to play with 2 2 2 too.

  3. I have been seeing this number in all things I have been doing. Like calling my mom I check the time & it is most times 6:15 or when I just check the time whether it is when I wake or after dinner it will be 6:15, The best thing is it is also my birthday. This number has guided me in many of life's changes which have been to better my life.

    1. Did you mean to writ this on 6/6/15??

    2. My birthday is also 615 and I see this number all the time! Mostly when I will check my watch or wake up. license plates I see often too, with the number 615, 516, 165, etc. I do believe it's a message from angels, letting me know, I'm right here!

    3. it's also my birthday and like I was telling on a previous message see it often and 1615

  4. Did you mean to write this on 6/6/15??

  5. I just woke up and in my dream , I was given a paper with the number 615 on it . I tried finding a room with that number but kept going in circles. I notice this beautiful brunette looking at me and asked for help. She smiled and said , Were going to the same place and walked over to an open area. There was this tall man with curly hair saying that we are early. He was happy to see us. I felt this strong attraction to the girl in my dream. That's my dream.

  6. I see this number all the time and at first I thought it was a sign that I am supposed to be with the guy I was dating because he was from Nashville however he ended up being a big douche but I kept seeing them. I knew that it wasn't meant for he and I (oh LAWD no) so I looked it up and I'm so pleased!

  7. I am in the process if making some significant life choices/changes and had just decided the night before to make my next move toward moving forward......I wake up and realize I am wrapped in my own arms like a big hug (never remember sleeping that way or waking up that way!) Look at the time....6:15....angel numbers come to me all the time so I came to the site and received this powerful message....I cried, it moved me to tears. Thank you angels for your guidance, love, and light and thank you for helping me be in tune to your messages. I am humbled and grateful. ��

  8. Awesome message & so on point !!!
    Thank you rush-collection & thank you Angels!!!
    I am in the process of making huge and significant life changes!!!
    I feel immensely blessed and grateful to have my army of loving Angels ,including rush-collection(You are an Angel!!!),to support,guide,direct and watch out for me!!!
    Thank you!!! Thank you!!! Thank you!!!
    Love,peace and Light to all!!! ♡♡♡

  9. The central message of these 'angel numbers' is basically, only you can make a difference to your own life. There is no higher power. So stop reading the messages and simply do what you know you need to do. Stop thanking the Universe and the angels, YOU are the only power at play in your life

  10. I was given this number the day my brother died January 23 2003 along with a cross my zodiac and the pain of loss and it is constant! It truly is a Devine Path! Truly a blessing to walk the Divine path!

  11. Thank you for this message ๐Ÿ˜Œ I trust my angels guidances and my own intuition and I completely trust that any obstacles are shifting from my life so that my path ahead is clear. It’s going amazing and the path to my spiritual career is going wonderful and full with love, support, abundance, and prosperity ❤️ I thank you for your hard work and may love and light be with you ๐Ÿ’ก

  12. Thank you Lord Jesus and to my loving angels

  13. Thanks be to God Lord Jesus amen

  14. Just moved into apartment 615 after living in an apartment number 111. Looking forward to better things for my daughter and I.

  15. I'm brave enough to believe I will receive what I'm working towards. And if I'm in doubt nor just confused I come here, :)

  16. This all is all beautiful and magical. The divine is real. I believe it all. Miracles happen in my mind and heart I know it to be true.i will do GREAT AND POWERFUL THINGS FOR HUMANITY! LET THEIR BE LIGHT AND LOVE WHEREVER YOU GO,GOD BLESS THE WORLD. HAVE MERCY. GOD BLESS Rush Collection you are a light from god thank you so much. You have helped the whole way back home ๐Ÿ’š

  17. Thank you so much๐Ÿ’™๐Ÿงก

  18. I’d love to do a podcast on a weekend but working sucks my soul dry. After i get home I have 0 motivation because all my creative energy is hoovered up by a thankless job.

  19. I could really use some prayers, the job I have is overwhelmingly negative and I’m finding it extremely difficult to keep positive. Please help
