Tuesday, October 11, 2011


Number 613 is a compilation of the energies and attributes of number 6 and number 1, and the vibrations of number 3. Number 6 relates to the monetary and material aspects of life, providing and provision, love of home and family, nurturing and caring for others, expressing gratitude and grace, simplicity, problem-solving, reliability and responsibility, and the ability to compromise. Number 1 resonates with showing initiative and tenacity, new beginnings and striving forward, pursuing goals, achievement and inspiration, self-reliance and personal strength. Number 1 tells us that we create our own realities with our beliefs, thoughts and actions. Number 3 offers assistance and encouragement, communication and enthusiasm, growth, being brave, expansion and the principles of increase, manifesting, broad-minded thinking, self-expression, talents and skills, and the energies of the Ascended Masters.     

Angel Number 613 is a message that your angels are assisting you to view current situations and circumstances from a higher perspective so that you are able to overcome any doubts or fears you may be feeling. Your angels are working closely with you in regards to the material and financial aspects of your day-to-day life and are ensuring that all runs according to plan and that your material needs are met as you live and serve your life purpose. Give any concerns to your angels for healing, and trust that your inner-wisdom is leading you in the right direction.

Angel Number 613 encourages you to shift your focus from the material aspects of your life to what it is that you really want to do. It asks you to be true to yourself and not fear stepping out of your comfort zone to make full use of your natural skills and talents in positive and uplifting ways. Listen to your intuitive messages and take on new ventures and/or projects with enthusiasm and optimism.  

You have endless skills and talents at your disposal to be used to your advantage and for the benefit of others.

Number 613 relates to number 1 (6+1+3=10, 1+0=1) and Angel Number 1.



Sacred Scribes

NUMEROLOGY  - The Vibration and Energies of NUMBERS

Sacred Scribes Ceramics





  1. Thank you, 613 comes up a lot, I know I was born 6/13 but it seems I notice it on the clock, places.....now I know

    1. It happens to me a lot as well. I was also born on 6/13 in the year 1996. However, I see 613 everywhere. The license plate of cars, the time in youtube videos. Tragedies of 613 casualties in syria. Then one day my father told me something. He got his cellphone number in 1994, two years before I was born. Guess what his number is? (917)-613-???? Yeah, creepy right? But I accept it every time I see the number. For some reason I always say "thank you" Whether it's in my mind or aloud. I make it known that I see these numbers. I think it means that we have good luck honestly.

    2. I do not find it a coincidence that your last name is "Masters" as well. from what ive read you are also guided by the "Ascended Masters" Ken. Look them up it may answer many of your life's questions. i was also born 6/13/69. i was born in the 6 month, on the 6th day of the week, in the 6th decade. i used to believe i was evil until i realized it only accentuates my understanding of Yin and Yang. i could go either way. i was born in the middle of the Vietnam war amongst so much human suffering, people like you, me, and rush-collection are here to teach to bring humanity to a higher spiritual consciousness. take care and be well on your journey.

    3. I gave birth to a set of twins on 6-13-13 one came out black & the other white. I questioned this number because not only me but other people are amazed on how quick they move and the words that come out of there mouth at such a young age. At a few month old 1 of my twins was standing and walking up and down. The stairs and at the age of 1 he told my partner he had to use the bathroom. We thought it was just him talking but sure enough he took his had and walked him to the bathroom and so he did use it. Ill tell u what cought our eye the most, is when he finished he flushed. Can u tell me anything about this number.

    4. Haha you've got a couple geniuses in the making

  2. The first apartment I lived in, the room number was 613, and I have always seen in it everywhere. It's very strange.

  3. My date of birth, sixth month thirteenth day(friday) this explains a few things and sheds light on why i am who i am, interesting

  4. ILOVEYOU((((((((((Gg(22/7)x5)))))))))))

    1. Yea I Keep seeing 613 unexpectedly , I was born June 13 1993 ! I always feel happy when I ponder upon it , but when I watch scary movies it's always 613 on a Friday ! Like what's wrong w that date ??

  5. I was born June 13 1993 ! I always see it , on all types of clocks , or in movies! I see 613 at least 2x a day ! When I see it I smile , but why is 613 in every scary movie ? Why ?? I do hate being a Gemini ! I really do have 2 personalities ! Am I the only one ??

    1. same b-day, same exact feelings... worst b-date btw lol.. June has always been a good month for me except the 13th

  6. Thank you THANK YOU!!! The number 613 appeared to me in meditation, vibrantly as it highlighted itself, bolded itself and repeated itself until I got the clear message. I live in Costa Rica and am currently dealing with an infection. I have had a small amount of fear arise, however, I know I am being divinely guided and this message was a reiteration of that. There was a lot more I got out of this message too that helped put me in the heart space :) I use this website ALL THE TIME and it has helped guide me on my spiritual path. Many blessings to you all!

  7. Thank you THANK YOU! The number 613 appeared to me in my meditation. It became very clear this was a message from source by the way it bolded, highlighted, and repeated itself until I got the point. I live in Costa Rica and am currently dealing with an infection that came from one little cut. My mind has been feeling bombarded with the "what if" thoughts. This was the perfect message to receive that allowed me to give up my healing concerns to the higher powers and re-focus on what I really came here for :) I use this website ALL THE TIME on my path to awakening. I am very grateful for this site and everyone involved who made it possible for the people of the world to utilize. Many blessings to you all!

  8. Wow does everyone see their birth date everywhere??? Ive always been infatuated with my birthdate. I see it everywhere!! There was a time I did not see but lately it's come up again, 613 on the clock in the news emails... I want to understand what this means

    1. When you see the numbers of your date of birth repeating to you, it is often an indication that you are to concentrate and focus upon your true life purpose ... your reason for being ... your soul mission. Seeing your own birthday is a reminder of why you were born and your reason for being on the Earthplane at this time.
      It may acts as a prompt and/or validation as to your path.
      It can also be validation that angels/spirit guides/passed over loved ones are with you.

  9. Hello. Most of the comments in here say they were born on 6.13. But it is different for me, it is my father who was born in that date and a dance group I really support debuted on that date, and I keep on seeing 613, does it have any meaning to me.?

    1. Absolutely. If the number resonates with you it relates to you in some way. It is up to you to find out how by listening to your intuition.


  10. Are any of u guys RH NEGATIVE

  11. In judaism 613 is the number of different mitzvot in the torah

    1. That is what it always meant to me when I've seen it. But this also makes sense.

  12. I heard it from Still Cold by Night Lovell... :o

    He says "613 that's the greatest"

  13. My anniversary date is 06/13/2009... I notice in times of difficulty with my partner or the happiest of times when we are together as a family, we both (he and I) will see this number. we will drive behind licence plates with 0613... Or arrive at buildings with the 0613, I will look for a gift for fathers day or holidays and the type of merchandise is 613 or I will have to make a call to a company and it reads 702(***)-0613.... Very weird and in difficult times.. I whisper to myself "I know" as of to say I see the date, I recognize that someone is trying to convey me a message. It is difficult sometimes though. I struggle in trying to make sense of it. God bless.

  14. For the past 20 some years the number 613 has repeatedly come to my attention, whether it was on the clock, or repeatedly in one day seeing this number on the license plates of the cars, or on the cashiers receipts for the amount I either had to pay or receive.
    So now listen to this, in the past summer my license plate was somehow gone from my car. Called DMV for an appointment to get one. While driving to DMV, I thought to myself, It would have been good if I could get a license plate number with 613.
    When it was my turn to at DMV desk, I asked the teller if I could choose the number I wanted(knowing the answer is NO), and sure enough, with a very sarcastic attitude she told me, "hell, no, what we give you is what you get, Mam"....
    and then she opened the small cabinet behind her, pulled out the top envelope and she opened it....
    As in my heart I was sure I will have that number, the license plate number was 613.
    I told the teller, this is the number I wanted to have, at first she did not believe me. "honestly, Mam, this is the number I was hoping I will get", I told her.
    And that is when she was shocked, "that is really amazing", she said.

  15. I was born on 6/13 andi see it constantly , I am healing wiccan and im starting to explore the world of shamnism, whenever I see 613 it is iailly after I am having spiritual doubts, or losing faith in a possible endeavor of mine. 613 reminds me who I am, and that my thoughts are being heard

  16. I am seeing 613 for past 7-8 years now. Whenever I look at the clock or any numerological stuff I find it as 613. This number has impact on me because my Birthday is on 6th of August and a guy whom once I liked has his Birthday on 13th of December and we kept 613 as our tag. We are not even in touch now but I still find this number.

  17. after reading all these experiences of seeing 613, I felt I was seeing it often as well making no association to it. I’m going through unfortunate times & have just miscarriage trying for baby #2. While finding out all the sad info & news, I see the baby’s due date would have been June 13. So knowing I’ve seen it somewhere the street address to the hospital where we found out was indeed 6130 (I know there’s a 0 af the end but, still).

  18. after reading all these experiences of seeing 613, I felt I was seeing it often as well making no association to it. I’m going through unfortunate times & have just miscarriage trying for baby #2. While finding out all the sad info & news, I see the baby’s due date would have been June 13. So knowing I’ve seen it somewhere the street address to the hospital where we found out was indeed 6130 (I know there’s a 0 af the end but, still).

  19. We r lightworkers. To love all is our mission.

  20. I was born 6/13 ND everytime I look at the clock at night it's 6:13

  21. 613! Thank you Angels Thank you rush-collection!🙏🙏🤲🤲💓💓🕯☝️

  22. I was born 6/13/66 and I was the 13th kid born in the family.
    I got the devil 666. And lucky 13

  23. I was born 6/13/66 and I was the 13th kid born in the family.
    I got the devil 666. And lucky 13
    I also see 613 all the time

  24. I find these angel numbers accurate it makes sense with what's going on in my life I truly believe and angels and the power of numbers

  25. I believe these numbers are absolutely On Target they're very accurate and makes sense with what's going on in my life

  26. I believe in the accuracy of these numbers they are very powerful tool in directing 1 and guarding me on a journey to understand the meaning of these numbers

  27. Thank you Amen 🙏

  28. Happy Birthday Ciera... I love you and miss you so very much 💗 .. Thank you Heaven for Angel's number 613

  29. Thank you ANGELS and rush-collection!💜🌙
