Tuesday, October 11, 2011


Number 614 is a compilation of the energies and attributes of number 6 and number 1 and the vibrations of number 4. Number 6 brings its attributes of the monetary and financial aspects of life, expressing gratitude and grace, provision and providing, love of home and family, domesticity, nurturing and caring for others, compromise and finding solutions to problems. Number 1 lends its vibrations of fresh starts and new beginnings, positivity and open-mindedness, attainment, fulfilment and success. Number 1 tells us that we create our own realities with our thoughts, beliefs and action and encourages us to step in the direction of our desires with courage and conviction. Number 4 resonates with willpower and effort, traditional values, stability and ability, building solid foundations and working determinately and diligently towards achieving goals, patience, planning and persistence. Number 4 also resonates with the energies of the Archangels.

Angel Number 614 is a message that you are fully supported by the Universe and your material and personal needs will always be met. The work and effort you have put towards living your truths has ensured that solid foundations have been laid. Have faith in yourself, your ideas and your intuition, and stay focused upon your desired outcomes. Follow your intuition, maintain faith and trust and you can expect some well-earned rewards and blessings to enter your life. Give any fears, worries or concerns to your angels for healing and transmutation, and stay positive and maintain an optimistic outlook to manifest your highest good.

Angel Number 614 encourages you to see yourself in a higher light (as your true self), and the angels are helping to boost your self-esteem and self-belief as your Divine mission requires that you be your authentic self to continue working at your most brilliance. Keep a positive and optimistic attitude and outlook and be grateful and appreciative for all that you have and all you are yet to receive.

Positive energies and opportunities will just seem to flow naturally to you, so be on the lookout for chances to enhance your life in very positive ways.

Number 614 relates to Master Number 11 (6+1+4=11) and Angel Number 11.



  1. Every time i look at a clock its 6:14, morning, or evening.

  2. Every time i look at a clock its 6:14, morning, or evening.

  3. 614 has been stalking me.. I don't look for the number .. It just appears.. Whether it's 614 or 641, 164... Mostly 614... In transactions, license plates, time, am and pm, phone, etc. .. Weird cause my DOB is 6/14... My dads social begins 614, my parents addr 1614, every where it pops up .. Feel like it's a message that I can't translate or know what it means

    1. I have the same question birthday twin :)

    2. I too see 614 all the time, and its also my bday

    3. This is probably all a coincidence and this can happen k anyone, those can just be your lucky numbers, that is probably why you see it everywhere.

    4. My address as a girl was 614 and I weighed 6lb 14oz. at birth. I always found this number, 614, to mean something in my life, but nothing grand ever came my way. Be it the time or street address, 614 always seems to be following me!

    5. I also see 614 everywhere. It can be a phone number, amount of a purchase, length of video, etc. Also i was born on 6/14. Want to know what this means.

    6. Exaxt same thing for me! Born 6-14-76 and constantly see 6:14 on the clock, also my address at one house I lived the house number was 614..

    7. Exaxt same thing for me! Born 6-14-76 and constantly see 6:14 on the clock, also my address at one house I lived the house number was 614..

    8. 614 is also my birthday and I always see it, it was 614 am right now when I turned on my phone.

    9. I see the same number to and my birth date is 6/14. That's weird

  4. I have been facing tense times at work and before seeing 614 I was worrying over how I will handle the new phase I am in currently. As I am a believer in numerology when I saw my initials on a car's number plate together with the numbers ( ZGS 6216) something within me made me look up 614 and resonate with the energy I felt drawing me towards the understanding of its significance.

    Gratitude I feel blessed!

  5. I see 614 all the time and it happens to be my birthday so I wonder what that means?!

  6. I see 614 on the clock all the time and it also happens to be my birthday so if anyine has any insight as to why I keep seeing my bday then please share. Blessings


    1. When you see the numbers of your date of birth repeating to you, it is often an indication that you are to concentrate and focus upon your true life purpose ... your reason for being ... your soul mission. Seeing your own birthday is a reminder of why you were born and your reason for being on the Earthplane at this time.
      It may acts as a prompt and/or validation as to your path.
      It can also be validation that angels/spirit guides/passed over loved ones are with you.


  7. 923 has been stalking me as well. What in the world is going on. Its been quiet a while now. I played the number and never hit. Please help me to understand what I am suppose to be doing.

  8. I always see the number 923 on the clock and the radio for quiet some time now. I really think its trying to tell me something, but I just don't understand what it is. Please help me understand it and what I should be doing. Peace and Love.

  9. This is also my birth number and see it almost every day especially on clocks. I've always wondered want this means

  10. I am in depression and used to see 1111,111,1122,614,1000 1010
    Wat does it all mean ???? I have no power left to tackle my situation ????:(

    1. You most certainly DO have the power to tackle and overcome your situation ... and you have already started. Recognize that and keep striving.

    2. Wow!!!! I've been seeing those same numbers and my dob is 614.. and I've felt powerless but the spirit inside kept trying to talk me to let me it'll be okay but I had so much noise around I couldn't hear.. try decreasing the noise around you. And just listen. Listen.listen!

  11. My ex husband birthday is 416. Months before our separation id see this combination a lot. The day our separation came about suddenly was 614. And I continue to see this number all of the time still.. Also our oldest and youngest son birthdays are 1006 and 0106. We married 1106 our relationship headed south at an address of 1106 and after 12 years of marriage divorce papers were served on 1106.. Divorce was final 112 same as my deceased grandfathers birthday then ended up with an.apartment number of 211.. Any insight?? Do I just notice numbers too much?? Or should I take these numbers as very significant?? Thanks

  12. I saw 614 today at least 5 times so I looked it up and wow!! It makes sense, and I needed to hear this!! I see numbers ALLthe time but 614 is new to me. Excited to see what it will bring to me..

  13. Crazy cuz I see it on a daily no matter what 6:14 inda AM 6:14 inda PM and that’s also my birthday. Some days I do miss it but that’s very rare

  14. My life path is master number 11 and everytime I seem to pull my phone out of my pocket the digits add up to 11, it happens at least 5 times a day everyday which is prompting me to learn numerology and go to college and learn how to be a counsellor for people in need...

  15. I woke up to 614 this morning,Thank you Heavenly Father and Angels #1Fan

  16. I woke up to 614 this morning,Thank you Heavenly Father and Angels #1Fan

  17. Amen praise the Lord hallelujah

  18. My birth date is 6/14. I have been a eeing I alot,trying to understand the meaning. I just started paying attention to numbers..The more awareness the more I see. Seeing my bday pop up does create confusion of what is it I'm not getting,comprehending or understanding. Specially being very intuitive and a dreamer.

  19. Best way to enhance your life, stop buying into all this spirituality stuff and accept that the real world is imperfect and you probably won't ever achieve exactly what you hope to no matter how positive or how hard you try.

    Once you get okay with this and how messy life is then maybe you might be okay with what you end up with. No one wants to hear that though.

    Live in denial and self deception if it makes you happier tho.

  20. Wow back again... This Precious Gift of life is Amazing. #1Fan

  21. I see 614 so many times, my birthday 6/14, time on clock 614, time on the TV 614, and when riding in my vehicle I see 614
