Thursday, October 20, 2011


Number 666 is a compilation of the energies attributes to the number 6, including honesty, justice, integrity, charity, faith, love, humanity, service, balance and peace, domesticity, responsibility, care, the teacher, convention, the provider, protection, idealism, selflessness, charity, faithfulness, the nurturer, truth, order, economy, emotional depth, curiosity, deep love of home and family, humanitarianism, service, unselfishness, balance, peace, self-sacrifice, empathy, sympathy, unconditional love, circulation, agriculture, grace, simplicity, compromise, reliability, social responsibility, compassion, beauty, the arts, generosity, concern, family, home, community service, self-harmony, nurturing, caring and harmony, the need for stability in all areas of life, society, possessions, planetary issues and concrete tangibles. Number 6 also symbolizes gratitude, responsibility and service which needs to be achieved through love and self-less service to humanity.

Angel Number 666 tells of the ability to use the imagination and the intellect combined to bring about positive outcomes. When 6’s appear repeatedly your angels are telling you to be aware to balance your thoughts, worries or concerns about material and financial issues, with a focus and faith in the spiritual. A positive vibration and focus will bring about positive results.

Angel Number 666 is a message to trust the Universe and your angels with supporting and assisting you in achieving your desires in regards to your home, family, social and personal life. Keep your thoughts and feelings focused on achieving your goals, and you will attain your desires with the help of your angels.

Angel Number 666 tells us that it is time to focus on your personal spirituality in order to balance and heal any issues in your life. Tell the angels about any fears you may have concerning your material supply or lack there of. They are listening and wanting to help you feel prosperous and abundant. Be open to receiving help, love and support from both humans and the angels as it is there for the offering. You need to be receptive in order to receive the help you need. 

Angel Number 666 may be indicating that your thoughts are out of balance at this time and you are asked to look to all aspects of your life making sure that all is as you feel it should be. Look to service and humanitarian aspects including volunteering your time, donating money to charity, doing conscious random acts of kindness and/or being of service to those in need in some way. The angels and Universe will reward you accordingly and your needs will always be met.

Angel Number 666 is an indication that your thoughts are out of balance and you are focused too much on the material aspects of your life. The energies of abundance and prosperity are being deflected and resisted as worry and anxiety cause a barrier to balance, spirit, harmony and receptivity on your behalf. Angel Number 666 asks you to balance your thoughts between the spiritual and the material aspects and to maintain faith and trust that your needs will always be met. The angels are asking you to focus on spirit and service, and to know that your material and emotional needs will automatically be met as a result.

Angel Number 666 suggests that you may be focusing on the material and monetary world, rather than your personal spirituality and family life. Your angels ask that you raise your vibration and maintain a positive attitude and mind-set in regards to all aspects of your life to ensure that all goes according to Divine plan. Trust that improvements are on the way into your life.

Angel Number 666 prompts you to focus upon your inner spirituality and Divine life purpose and soul mission, rather than on earthly, material concerns. Give any fears of loss or lack to the angels to heal and transmute, and be open to receiving and accepting help and assistance from your angels, spirit guides and other people in your life. All you need to do is ask.

Number 666 relates to number 9 (6+6+6=18, 1+8=9) and Angel Number 9.



  1. Your website if beautiful and gives great insight.

    1. I appreciate your site; it offers insight to the metaphysical side of numbers occurring in our lives. 665 in this case for me. A Giant Thank You!

  2. Thank you, this resonates true with me.

  3. Thank you, I have always avoided this number in the past. I appreciate the new positive outlook :-D

  4. I have been seeing 666 everywhere. I shop at store # 666, and my total will be something like 66.60 or my change will be 6.66. All the time. I just walked into my room to sit down to work and a cat had been on my computer. I know, that sounds common, but I always close the lap top so they can't walk on my keyboard and they are new, small kittens who rarely go on my little "rolling" desk. As I walked into the room I had made a decision to switch to some other work. The cat had deleted my current work (no big deal it was saved), and obviously just stood on the number 6. Lines and lines of 66666….. So yet again I searched 666 to find a meaning. Your page came up for the very first time, and it is exactly my situation. My focus is split and then in one direction I could and want to go it is split again. So if ever my guides were trying to get a message across, I would say I do not need to ask again! Thanks for this post! Lol.

    1. yea me to imseingthisevery wherethanks for this post i know what to do nowthankyou so much god bless us all

    2. May I ask? Have you resolved your problem?

    3. I seen 666 every day for a week every time go in a store my total would come to 666 then the last time I saw it my mom had a Heart attack. So when that number talks listen

    4. I see 666 web Iam driving bike it shows like 6th gear speed will be constant 66 so in the display it's shows like 6-66 I thought I was a devil but now I know that I have a leadership qualities but never a devil

    5. the real devil is inside of us not outside of us. to find the truth we must question our mind until we find liberation. your are also god!

  5. This is uncanny... I have been seeing triple 666 everywhere. When I got to your page it was exactly the situation I find myself in. I work away from home and miss my wife and children terribly. The reason I work away is because I have been retrenched 4 times and where I live there is no work. So my career is not going well either. On top of that I am about to start a company that has never been done before. It has taken about 7 years of planning and where 1 year of development. I am so scared of failing. This site made me see why I am going through this.

    1. I hope you are doing well, that your business is running as you want to ☺

  6. There has been too many frequent repeating numbers in my life, such as 1's 4's 6's & 5's. I remember this new years that just past, I went to my best friends get together. She introduced me to two of her friends who had the same birthday as me which is June 5th. There was 3 of us total. 555 666 999 444. (month, date, year) Wich I found to be more than just a coincidence!

  7. This comment has been removed by the author.

    1. lie 666 is the number of satan and her angels

    2. lie 666 is the number of satan and her angels

    3. Satan is related for the material, lust for it what do we get?
      What happens when we lust and hold on to the material realm instead of letting go and asking for what we need to evolve and be harmonious.

    4. Satan is related for the material, lust for it what do we get?
      What happens when we lust and hold on to the material realm instead of letting go and asking for what we need to evolve and be harmonious.

  8. Thanks for this stupendous work which you realize

  9. But thats if they are even in tune to recognise that these numbers are a message. Many might just overlook it as the "bad number".
    Very insightful.

    1. i see number 666 every where i go and i try to avoid it because i thought it represent Satan's.......

  10. definitely agree with this posting!

    my whole life this number has "followed" me around, and it for me has always been about not fearing, for all Universally is taken care of; i just have to help, be helpful and the law of giving and receiving will work flawlessly for me..

    excellent post

    1. I was thinking about how i gave someone something and this number came up i always read the comments because they help to make sense of my numbers from what others are relating from there numbers i also now understand how a number can have two meanings and relates to different situations

  11. This brought me to my knees. I cant believe how accurate this is to my life. Im at a lost for words but at the same time awakened.

    1. me too anonymous.. me too

    2. That number is not an angel message. Don't be deceived so easily. Just do good believe in god and have faith in him and the rest takes care of itself. They're just numbers... You give them power by believing in them. I was always taught to believe in god not numbers.

    3. And that's why you're here reading about angel numbers, right? Because they're just numbers-- makes total sense!

  12. Very glad to find it's true spiritual meaning. Thank you for sharing this

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  13. My mobile number is 9633 167 666 if any problem ???

  14. So uplifting thank you

  15. Ha my bank account balance was 6.66 this morning. Coincidence? I think not!

    1. Same here. My balance was 666.83. That's why im here

    2. Me too. My bank acct balance was 666.23 this morning

    3. My bank account was 666.66 once and I remember the amount was available and the check what I dpeosited both couldent end up with this amount. And right after I have been seeing this number all over . Almost all cars passed has this pattern and merchandise bill.

    4. Same here, bank account 666.60, repeating numbers are hunting a few months ago in my life. I can assure you that it is a real phenomenon. I don't know what it means, but the best thing to do I guess is just follow your intuition and guts!

    5. OMG! Me to! 6,666,000.66!

    6. Me too this morning 6.66

  16. I fell to my knees and lost my breathe after reading this. Man, this hit the nail right on the head! I am at a lost for words. It spoke to me. Sticking this up on my wall to always remember!

    Thank you,

  17. What if your name (first middle last) are 666?

  18. Thank you to you rush-collection and to the angels, I have needed to hear this soo much, could not be a better timing.

  19. the last 3 digits of my ssn are 666 so ive always walked around w/ this sub-conscious burden of being evil.. even though i was fully aware i was a good person but this immediately help me overstand and innerstand.. thank you

  20. Thank you!! I am speechless as much as this is accurate with ehat is going on in my personal and career life. Woww

  21. In Rev. 1318 it says .. Here is wisdom. Let him who has understanding calculat the number of the beast, for it is the number of a man: his number is 666. from what I read her and feel in my heart 666 is not the number of the beast but the number of a man who has understanding. What are your thoughts on this ?

    1. It's relates to a pythagorous universal mind triangle.
      Equalateral triangle 60 deg x3.
      The material triangle masculine pointing up to meet the spiritual feminine pointing down.
      Concentrate on them being fluid and interconnected,realizing the fleeting material needs to freely pass in and out of your life for your evolution.

  22. 666 is my karmic name number and when simply manipulated come in order, the exact age of my father, the day and month of his birth, the exact day and month and year of his death along with my birthday evenly spaced within. can you help me with this rush-collection

  23. Thank you for this interpretation. I am returning to work after many years of disability and starting a new business. Between fear of failure and learning so many new skills, I could feel panic growing. What a delight to find this focused guidance on our real purpose. Thank you.

  24. my whole life i always see 666 or 36 and 666 is in my social security I always thought it was bad and i jad some evil following me so I hope this is true because it really relates to my lifee right now Thank you

  25. mysticism 101
    left brain & right brain balance..... O:-)

  26. As great and helpfull as tht sounds i haw been seeing 666 a lot lately and only bad things seem to happen to me and they lead to more and more bad things i try to be nice but that never got me anywhere idk what to do anymore,everything new tht i try to do i just seem to fail at it...i mean how do u expect me to think tht angels are trying to help me when nothing good is happening :/

    1. You have to try real hard to not think negative. I know this can be hard but every time you start thinking negatively try to find something that is positive and focus On that until the negative is gone and have faith that everything will work out, really truly believe it. Remember, what you think you attract so start imagining the good that's going to happen in your life. Even though bad things keep happening keep your head up, keep doing good things and stay positive those bad things will soon be in the past. Everything will work out ��

    2. I am in the same boat.

      Years ago I had a dream for a business. Unfortunately, I allowed myself to be surround by people who wanted me to fail and did not know how to seek out support (financially or otherwise) for my endeavor. That was about 7 years ago.

      Now, I see a lot of 444s. I saw the numbers 33, 55 and 44 turn up a lot as well. One time I was going to a class in this large town. I see 1144 and 1133. I saw 33 in every other license plate.I thought : "this means nothing (just a coincidence), this is a big city, you are sure to find these numbers in many license plates".

      Then, I got to the school and turned into a parking space. There were 2 cars next to each other. The car on the left had "3355" in the license plate while the car on the right had "444" in the license plate. I was taken aback - it was like someone was screaming "WE ARE HERE!!!" It was kinda scary too LOL.

      Anyways, I have been laid off and have not had a steady job for about 4 years. It seems to be easier to get work in other towns and not in my own home town. I have 2 chances this week to end the financial misery (even though I need the money by Tuesday). But, I guess I have to believe that something will happen where by in the end, everything will be OK.

      Based on how long these jobs last, the way the job market seems to be now, and a dream I had, I wonder if I am being somehow pushed to do something other than be an employee. There are people with 1/3 of my background/experience with jobs. Also, when getting a positions, they never last. They exist just long enough to pay a few bills and put money in the bank. Months later, I am back in the same position again - having to ask for money, etc. This last time, I was able to take business classes (which helped). Because of the irregular work, the plan is to use the next income opportunity to push businesses out and not to depend upon income of an employer ...

    3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  27. Absolutely makes sense to me:) i have been seeing 666 everywhere, I knew it was some sort of message but did not know what it meant. Now it is clear to me. thank you.

  28. 666 is the carbon atom 6 protons 6 electrons 6 neutrons...makes up most life in the universe from you all to planets stars to galaxies ect...the number of life...

      Looks like he's using his ill begoton money paying unemployed people to protest Donald Trump

    2. Would Soros or the Koch Bros. know for sure if Donald Trump is the beast as stated in the Bible? The sign is somewhere on him, I'm sure of that. People don't come here to hear about politics mumbo jumbo, just enlightenment. Take such comments to somewhere like to people who'll best appreciate it!

  29. my birth date was 6-6-1996 .is there any problem with that.tell me may i become a jesus child or not help me

    1. No problem at all. Numbers belong to The Creator and so do you! 🙂

  30. I pray to meet you someday Rush Collection

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  31. Thank you. On a day where others told me to focus on my own wealth ( a very selfish thought in my opinion ) my angles stood up and reminded me why enabling others to achieve their goals is what truely makes me content. I was the 666th person to like a page that has been right under my nose for ages! Life is good again.

  32. I reached my turning point when my credit score was 666.

  33. triple 6 follows me daily. i am a person to help others well before anyone helps me and them helping me doesn't have any bearing on whether i help them. i also never worry about how things will be or if i have money or not. seems things in my life just work out when they need to.
    i am also born on the 18th. thats 6+6+6. karmic coincidence?

  34. ahh i see what's going on here :) apparently you people are being fooled even with the knowledge that you have you still deny. You know if you walk over a hole you fall in but She tells you that this hole has an invisible path over it when in fact it doesn't. I remind you my fellow brothers and sisters do not be alarmed of the truth but rejoice in it. Be glad that that you know the truth as Wolf hide in sheep's clothing so does the lies that hide in the truth.

    1. People has minds that are closed to the truth that resonates only the truth..Chrisitianity is a religion, Islam is a religion, Buddhism is a religion, Judism is a religion, Hinduism is a religion,,, and these religions speaks truths from their holy word, and what one person resonates with a particular holy book, I respect them because they have found their focus and mindset to be in the right place, so Follower of Yahsua dont judge people because something resonates with them, but very happy for them, dont say they are being fooled by someone...have a positive mindset and help them if needed to understand more.

    2. If one takes the one completely truthful story and mixes bits of it with a number of mostly false stories, does it make that story any less completely true? No, it just means that people will try to throw it in with all the others that they feel resonate with them. The bible prophesies continue to be proven time and again yet, people choose to follow deceptive feel good paths of destruction. You however cannot accept that fact so, no amount of proof will convince you. 666 will be embraced readily because people will feel good about the tyrant that with language that resonates with the sheep will offer them a "false hope" for a better world. Just remember that we Christians told you what he was before you saw the truth for yourselves. Maybe there will be room for you to accept salvation then.

    3. muhahaha then you might have some false hope too if you have not done your research properly :) 666 is in the bible for satan. But numbers are numbers, they have meanings. Both negative and positive. It is the number of a man also and it comes from god as he is a master infinity.

    4. ahh i see, you follow this :

      Luke 19:27
      But those enemies of mine who did not want me to be king over them--bring them here and kill them in front of me.'"

      Matthew 10:35
      For I have come to turn "'a man against his father, a daughter against her mother, a daughter-in-law against her mother-in-law

      Matthew 10:34
      Do not suppose that I have come to bring peace to the earth. I did not come to bring peace, but a sword

      Exodus 15:3
      The LORD is a man of war: the LORD is his name

      Isiah 45:7
      I form the light, and create darkness: I make peace, and create evil: I the Lord do all these things.

      now let me guess... 666 is evil right? Don't speak and attack other's real wisdom brother if you have not done your research well.

    5. @Eden. Hahaha congratulations on getting to the 2nd level of research and using it as an argument ender. Those are junior high verses to argue. Zero context for those statements, and I've delved 20 layers deeper into each of those statements through discussion and debate to find the true nature of them. Novice attempt.

  35. I used to see 666 everywhere. I was scared as idiots of modern stuff say it's satanic. But since my awakening, I love your website. It would be great if someone checked out mine, it's a bit strange and unexplained at the moment though.

  36. i will start getting in contact with my Guardian angel, and of course accepting all the help they can provide me with, thank you, this is awesome, names carlos

  37. Yes me too, ive found god through meditation and prayer and my bank account was 666$ and at the store 6.66 and other times as I've found the meaning, your reading fits and seems pretty accurate! Thank you

  38. Yes me too, ive found god through meditation and prayer and my bank account was 666$ and at the store 6.66 and other times as I've found the meaning, your reading fits and seems pretty accurate! Thank you

  39. Yes me too, ive found god through meditation and prayer and my bank account was 666$ and at the store 6.66 and other times as I've found the meaning, your reading fits and seems pretty accurate! Thank you

  40. I have been seeing 666 everywhere for a few years now, and just today reading this I also realized i was born on 6/24/51...666...just last night i mentioned this seeing the numbers to a friend and told them that I have been scared by this for a long time, but that I kinda felt like it was a reminder, cause my life is so so messed up right now, in all areas,I dont know which way to turn, I can only pray you are right, but I have all my life been told this was the mark of the beast (satan) and for many years of my life I have felt like I actually was marked by the devil, like I couldnt get the evil out of me and just live as the lord wants me to live. It seems life just keeps pushing me back and holding me down in all the ways it posibly can. I want to scream, i want to run, but dont know where to run or turn and when this number keeps coming up it just tells me that satan has a hold on me and wont let go no matter how I plead and pray to the lord, he has my soul in his hands and wont turn loose of me. Everything in my life is falling apart and I see no escape from it. If this is angel numbers then I ask them please to take this fear from me, let me believe that things will get better, but I see no way, unless its a miracle. and I know God does perform miracles, but I feel he has cast me aside and this is where I will remain, in my own hell with the number 666 reminding me daily of where I am and will remain. So i truly pray that you are right, but in reading further, i have found....
    "No one is certain about this but the number is of human origin. The main thing is that the number 666 is anti-Christ or anti-God and is supremely carnal and sinful. The source of this number and all evil in the world is Satan or the Devil (Rev 12:9)."

    Read more:

    1. Just because your birthday comes out as 666 has nothing to do with anything. It is given to the antichrist, some people will use this number in hand signals to worship Satan, but has nothing to do with your birthday. I'm a born again Christian, and can assure you that it will only influence your life if you let it. Satan will let you think this to destroy you, but God knows how much he loves you and wants to hang out with you. He only sees it as the day that someone precious to him was born.

    2. Even the date of your post becomes that nr... 26.01.2016, 2+1+2+1 6 6
      I also see it often.. I hate it, freaks me out. But I've always had an vivid imagination..
      Trish, give yourself time. Try not to be too hard on yourself.. Listen to MATT KAHN, he's in Youtube. He's a lightworker and the words from him can help you, if you let him.
      Some of us are more "drawn" to the darker aspects of life, this has to do with unworthiness and low self esteem.
      For a change to happen in your life, you must really want it to happen.
      God has not cast you aside, but you choose to see it like that.
      And you are not marked by anything.
      You need to find things in life that makes you feel safe and grounded.
      And most important: IT IS OK FOR YOU TO FEEL WHAT YOU FEEL.
      There is love and light for you sister.

  41. The Lord Who is the Living God with us shows up to me even thru this number in my finances or lack there concurrently as I am amazed by the Providence of such Divine and precise Provisions instead. ABUNDANCE worthy of a bun dance. :)

  42. My wife and I started seeing 666 for the last couple of days. We just found out that my wife's friend died. She was in her 30s. I don't know if it is related.

  43. 666 is the mark of the Beast anyone who accepts it will not be long to heaven and their name will not be found in the Book of Life that number does not mean any of those things it means death don't believe me look it up yourself Revelations 13:8 anybody who accepts that number will spend eternity in the Lake of Fire the Lord Jesus Christ is the only way so this message about that number is good is a lie from the father of liars this number does not bring any good of anything to anybody anywhere if you don't believe me do the research yourself it's all in the Bible Jesus tells us all about it

  44. 616 is the actual number.

  45. To say satan is to blame when something goes wrong or to believe 666 is a Evil aspect makes me giggle for fear tactics and inbedded thoughts programmed into humans are apparent.Life is beautiful stop letting these silly things steal your joy and happiness...LIVE..LOVE...LAUGH...and most of all be accountable for your own actions..The so called Devil isnt your SCAPEGOAT for everything������������

    1. Using Satan to abdicate your responsibility for your life and the lives of others is as big a mistake as denying his existence and his efforts. Yes, mock the devil and he will flee from thee, but laughing off his existence is foolish and dangerous.

  46. This is so true in my life at the moment... I saw the number and couldn't make it go away, so I decided to look it up and found this link....

  47. while I was working on my maxscript - a script which can get whether a dot is appearing behind a line or above it, so i tested it and it worked so I put the dot(object) on different places to see if the number it gave me was making sense...and in one of the completely random locations ive put it on I suddenly saw the number 666.666
    wow like what are the odds for that number to appear..very slim chances there are so many different float point numbers that could appear instead and this came so I searched about the meaning of that number and ended up on this site, thanks.


  49. I see every triple number sequence anywhere and every where. Every day of my life in the most common to most unexpected of places. I can predict their arrival, but also catch me off gaurd. Its been 5 years of non-stop never ending synchronicities. Ive seen so much that i can not even comprehend how i could possibly unravel decode or translate what has been given to me in this life. My life will never again be the same as it once was. Not now not ever. I owe my existance to God. And I will not stop. No. I am unable to stop Until i have realized the grandest most Magnificent truth in the entire universe. Until that happens. Im afraid i can not stop.

  50. I just started this new Job. I've been seeing this number at work everyday, This explains a lot about how I've been feeling, stress and worrying about my finance and every little thing in my life. Thank you for the insight

  51. I am so appreciative of your website. I have seen 666 everywhere, since I was a little girl. I usually see it on the license plate of the car in front of me. I will see it as my total, when I'm ordering food, or as my change, when I am shopping. I will be eating, with friends or family, and I will look up and see it on a sticker on a pole, or anywhere you can think of. I was beginning to think that I was doomed, as my family is very superstitious. Thanks for giving me hope again!

  52. I'm a cashier so seeing numbers is a usual thing for me. But yesterday after I left church, I went in to work and three times that day three different people had three 6's in their totals. Which I thought was kind of funny at first until that night I went to bed and had a dream. I was at my moms house and I was standing in the foyer to hear a man call my name. When I responded he said to me. "Turn off the light no one needs to know." So I did and saw him standing there and I started screaming in my dream until my two sisters and my friend walked into the foyer to get me to stop screaming. After I stopped we walked into my kitchen and saw my dog and some animal (I have no idea what it was) standing at the backdoor. The animal was growling and showing its teeth it was hidden in the dark. When my sister opened the door to let the dog in I woke up hearing a door open and something crawling towards my bed. I've had two dreams previous where I was paralyzed and a man showed up in each one. What does this mean?

  53. nobody wants to know the real meaning of 666

  54. My birth date is 09/06/66. I was born at 6.06am

  55. This is very interesting to me. I went to type in another number 555 but this number popped up. so I retype the number 555 and 666 came up so I had to read it because i equally felt that for the 1st I had to listen to what the meaning. I have been taught that the 666 number was bad. But after reading your definition of 666 I come to realize that everything as a message good and bad. Your thoughts will manifest the good one or the negative one. The positive one wins my vote every time. Thanks so much.

  56. I once had a terrifying experience when I had done drugs with two people whom I should have not been associating with, and I had lost consciousness for a while. I vaguely remember saying the number 6 over and over. A couple weeks later, I had pulled up a note on my phone and the screen was full of 6's that I had drawn. I was terrified. I never knew what to make of that experience. From my understanding, there isn't a devil out there so much as negative energies/entities who have lost their way and need rescuing. I thought 666 was the work of demons, but now I see that it was my guardian angels saying, "DANGER DANGER HEY GET OUT OF THERE." God saved me, and now I live to glorify Him and help the rest of my brothers and sisters. God Bless you for sharing this wisdom. This is exactly what I needed to read. God bless.

    1. Wow, that was a powerful story & even better that you lived to be able to share it!
      Bless you!

    2. I agree! It’s a warning from the angels that you are going down the wrong path.

  57. I look to this website often for assistance. Thank you <3

  58. As I looked up this angel number meaning, as I have seen it repeatability the past week. My phone is at 66% and 6:06 in the evening. Answered and accurate to my life as of now. Angels thank you for giving me this message, and helping me along the path to my greater service to others and myself. Feeling relieved. ✌❤��

  59. I have been seeing triple numbers all week and yesterday as I left my house I saw the numbers 111 on a neighbours numberplate, then on the way to my destinations I saw the numbers 888, my first stop the persons number plate is 333. After I left there, during the drive I saw 555 twice in a row. Last night when I arrived home and there was a car parked in the driveway with the numbers 666 in the number plate. I just laughed as they are now following me home.

  60. I been seeing this number alot..i thought 666 ment something bad..until i read this..i feel much better now..knowing that other people see it too

  61. My son's birthday is 6-6-12 he is the 6th child. And he weighed 6 lbs 6 ounces when he was born. He is super gifted. I'm glad I looked this up long ago and was shown that it is not in fact an evil number.♡

  62. Since my son was born the 6 follows me. He was born 06/06/06. He was the 6th child. My height is 66 inchesand so on.

  63. My son was born 6-6-12. This morning it was the first sequence that I saw at the start of my day. This resonates well for me. It is all true♡ loves to you rush-collection♡ thank you!!!

  64. Thanks a mill. I saw 911 then 1111 now 666.

    First 911 so I asked my reiki master and she explained I did some research and I was happy I trusted the universe to do what must be done, then I saw 1111 I read and I trusted.

    I've been jobless for over a month I am behind on rent and and and. I started seeing 666 once or twice, stress has caught up and I've seen it more and more I read 666 is an angelic number and seeing it 3 times today just on my mobile games made feel its a proper message so google gave me this page and I've not been all trusting of the universes divine plan. I am rereading this blog again and I'll go meditate in the garden at 23:00 and speak to the angels.

    Thank you so much for the time you spent on this website.

  65. Identification of the apocalyptic beast

    Says the Apocalypse that the beast could say greatness and blasphemies by 42 months, adding that their number was 666. We can take each month as being 30 years, obtaining, a period of 1260 years, precisely the period between 610 and 1870 A.D., when the Papacy was consolidated, after his birth, with the emperor Phocas, in 607, and the decree of papal infallibility with Pius IX, in 1870, which noted the decadence and absence of authority of the Vatican, in face of evolution scientific, philosophical and religious of Humanity.

    The number 666. We must to search to roman numerals, explaining that is the Supreme Pontiff of the roman church who uses the titles of VICARIVS GENERALIS DEI IN TERRIS, VICARIVS FILII DEI and DVX CLERI meaning Vicar General of God on Earth, Vicar of the Son of God and Prince of the Clergy. It will suffice for the scholar a little game of patience, adding the roman numerals found in each papal title to find the same equation of 666, in each one of them.

  66. Hey ive Been seeding 666 111 and 000 more and more times and am only 12

  67. what does it mean when you see four sixes

  68. I am currently getting ready to get serious about running my own business, and a financial services company recently made a 1 cent deposit to verify my bank account, bringing the total to $6.66! I really appreciate the positive spin presented here on this number right I was wondering if this was bad (or good)

  69. thank you thank you thank you..i've got the message my dear angels ♡.. thank you rush-collection

  70. Well either way this is part of me, in my sin#
    I will absorb this paper, because it is all right about my values.

  71. According to the last book in the Bible, 666 is the number, or name, of the wild beast with seven heads and ten horns that comes out of the sea. (Revelation 13:1, 17, 18) This beast is a symbol of the worldwide political system, which rules over “every tribe and people and tongue and nation.” (Revelation 13:7) The name 666 identifies the political system as a gross failure in God’s sight. How?

    More than a label. Names given by God have meaning. For example, God gave the man Abram, which means “Father Is High (Exalted),” the name Abraham, which means “Father of a Crowd (Multitude),” when God promised that He would make Abraham “a father of many nations.” (Genesis 17:5, footnotes) Likewise, God named the beast 666 as a symbol of its defining attributes.

    The number six implies imperfection. Often, numbers are used as symbols in the Bible. Seven typically represents completeness or perfection. Six, being one short of seven, can denote something incomplete or flawed in God’s eyes, and it can be associated with God’s enemies.—1 Chronicles 20:6; Daniel 3:1.

    Three times for emphasis. The Bible sometimes stresses a matter by stating it three times. (Revelation 4:8; 8:13) So the name 666 powerfully emphasizes that God views human political systems as gross failures. They have been unable to bring lasting peace and security—things that only God’s Kingdom will achieve.

    The mark of the beast
    The Bible says that people receive “the mark of the wild beast” because they follow it “with admiration,” to the point of worshipping it. (Revelation 13:3, 4; 16:2) They do this by giving worshipful honor to their country, its symbols, or its military might. As The Encyclopedia of Religion states: “Nationalism has become a dominant form of religion in the modern world.” *

    How is the mark of the beast placed on someone’s right hand or forehead? (Revelation 13:16) Regarding his commands to the nation of Israel, God said: “Bind them as a reminder on your hand, and they should be like a headband on your forehead.” (Deuteronomy 11:18) This meant, not that the Israelites were to mark their literal hands and foreheads, but that God’s words would guide all their actions and thoughts. Likewise, rather than being something literal such as a 666 tattoo, the mark of the beast symbolically identifies those who let the political system rule their lives. Those with the mark of the beast place themselves in opposition to God.—Revelation 14:9, 10; 19:19-21.

  72. “Instead of worrying about what you cannot control, focus your energy on what you can create.”― Roy Bennett Positive Quotes

  73. Yesterday I was gifted by the universe with being able to stay at a hotel on the 6th floor in room #660 I knew instantly that a message was being sent to me.

  74. This is crazy...I've been on a mission to make a LOT of money. I am currently investing in cryptocurrency and as I was using my calculator to see how much more money I needed to invest...the number ended up being $666.00

  75. I have 666 in my social insurance number, always with me.

  76. I saw the number 666 in my dream last night and oh my GOD I WAS SCARED WHEN I WOKE UP

  77. I sold some stuff on eBay and I earn £666 but after 3 day seller call me that no received his parcel this was stolen by courier

  78. i want to share my testimony of how i become rich and famous today… i was deeply strangled up by poverty and i had no body to help me, and also i search for help from different corners but to no avail… i see people around me getting rich but to me i was so ashamed of my self so i met a man on my way he was very rich and he was a doctor so he told me something and i think over it though out the day so the next day i looked up and i keep repeating what he said to me. ” if you want to get rich quick and be famous” you need to cross your heart and do what is in your mind so i tried all i could in other for me to do as he said so later on i told my fellow friend about this same thing then my friend was interested in my suggestions so i decided to look in the internet and i found their number so we decided to contact them and unfortunately we did as they instruct us to do and later they told us to get some requirements and all the rest… so this initiation took us just a week and later on the great fraternity gave us $1,200,000 to start up our lives…. and now am testifying that if in any case you want to join any great fraternity all you need to do is for you to contact them because they are legitimate and they do as what they instructed them to do, so you can as well WhatsApp me +2348106618681 or for more information +1(705)8062021 you can Email: illuminatipowerful666@gmail. com...

  79. It's very difficult when you are in a financial emergency to try not to focus on material things, when that is most needed at that time. Any advice?


  80. Grateful🧚🏻‍♀️🤗


  82. Got paid today Wed Mar 20 2019
    Total amount : 666.75

  83. I had subscribed to the one day 800 MB data on my mobile phone and wanted to see how much data I had left, and was stunned to see the numbers 666.66 MB remaining. I know it’s not the mark of the beast because it wasn’t 666. I simply took it as a direct message from God that I am indeed very unique in His eyes. I say it is a direct message from God because I see His footprints everywhere along the path that I walk on my personal journey back to Him. In time, He will let me know in the way that only He can whether I am putting words into His mouth. I trust Him completely!

  84. I have been seeing the number 666 for quite some time.
    I started seeing it around the time that I woke up one day with this overwhelming feeling of change in the world. Something big was happening and I couldn't place it. Whether it was good or bad, something major was about to take place. That was about a year ago.
    Since then, I have met countless women who have become awoken, and realized that they were not happy in their lives. So many are getting divorced now. Many shocking ones, as well.
    Including myself. I never saw that one coming. But I woke up, and realized that my life was meant for more.
    Every time I tried to talk myself out of this path that I was seemingly pushed down, the number reappeared. To the point that my son even started noticing it and would comment about it to me.

    To me, the number represents change. The death of something and the birth of something new. A phoenix, if you will.
    Rebirth. Feelings of being reborn.
    I am completely a different person than I was a year ago.
    And everytime I start to doubt myself now, I see that number reappear.
    My "angel" number that has shown me my path to happiness and greatness.
    It has come with great loss, however, the future looks so much brighter!

  85. Thank you for sharing a great artical, keep doing a good work.

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  87. God is inside us, what need do we have of angels or spirit guides?
    666 is the number of antichrist, being the Christ number 999

  88. I was assigned the number 666 it was good to read about the number being associated with good and not being bad karma , so many of the good characteristics are similar to mine. People all my life seemed to not want to type my number even when medical procedures would be nesecarry . Very glad I came across websight when inquiring about the number 666. My life's journey I have always valued humanity over materialistic , choosing to forgive, be thankful, be humble and kind. To stand up when needed not to be complicent but to stand up against injustice. Try to be selfless' empathetic, helpful , compationate, in my life's journey, to value the good and bad that comes into my life's journey and path, always see the good in people from that innocent cry when born, to sometimes the agonizing cry of passing to the other side. We are in the winter of our lives now, thankful everyday to wake up and have one more sunrise and and sunset to be thankful. Always be humble and kind.

  89. I can't stop seeing 666. I saw it 3 times today alone and see it almost every day. It's been happening over a year now. I have a photo album of pics I've taken. I don't know what to focus on or change in my life. I don't know what to do. I'm a grown man and break down and cry now when I see it cause I don't know what to do. No one can help me either I can't find any real answers anywhere. I don't know what to do
