Wednesday, October 12, 2011


Number 622 is a combination of the attributes of number 6 and the vibrations of number 2, with number 2 appearing twice, making its influences more powerful. Number 6 is the number of domesticity and love of home and family, service to others and selflessness, responsibility and reliability, providing for the self and others, personal willpower, grace, initiative, action, showing gratitude, problem-solving and overcoming obstacles. Number 2 encourages finding balance and harmony, faith and trust, understanding, service to others, diplomacy and mediation, selflessness, love and happiness. Number 2 also relates to serving your soul mission and life purpose.

Angel Number 622 is an important message to do with your personal spirituality and life purpose. The angels encourage you to maintain faith and trust in yourself and the Universal Energies, and trust that all of your monetary and material needs will be met. Give any fears of lack or loss to the angels for healing and trust that all you need will be provided. Your angels and spirit guides are helping you to recognize and acknowledge the Divine light within yourself and others.

Angel Number 622 is a powerful message of belief, faith and trust. Your prayers, positive attitudevisualizations and positive affirmations have been acknowledged. Trust that your desired results will manifest in your life. 

Stay focused, balanced and at peace and know that all is going to Divine right order and in Divine right time.

Number 622 relates to number 1 (6+2+2=10, 1+0=1) and Angel Number 1.



Sacred Scribes

NUMEROLOGY  - The Vibration and Energies of NUMBERS

Sacred Scribes Ceramics





  1. Thank you rush-collection! And I feel that all is coming together for me, and the world this Christmas!!

  2. I was just feeling lonely and missing someone, I sort of lost. Then I saw 622, Perfect reminder to stay positive and on track.

  3. I was asking for a sign, and saw this number. Thank you.

  4. Hi rush-collection! I keep seeing this number and it is also my birthday and month. Does it have a specific meaning if it is?

    1. Me too! For years now I see it everywhere all the time and I never celebrated my birthday.

  5. Sean Tiwanak it is remarkable that everytime I research a number on this site that you are there commenting on it........I have logged all of the number patterns I have been messaged on (body, telepathically and environmentally) and you have been a parallel match on everyone.....Given that I now have over 1500 pages of notes taken over the past 5 years, means that I may have to wait a long time to see if you return the rest of them.......

  6. My little brother passed on this date (6/22) and I happen to see it a lot on clocks or license plates even tv shows. I don't understand what the meaning is since it is such a tragic date. I love what the angel numbers mean but is there other reasons I see it so much now?

    1. This might be a message that your little brother is still with you and watching over you :)

  7. I was made aware of 622 yesterday (time and date). My first time here so this message is very much appreciated and well accepted. Love, light and blessings for you :-)

  8. I was made aware of 622 yesterday (time and date). My first time here so this message is very much appreciated and well accepted. Love, light and blessings for you :-)

  9. 622 happens to be my birthday, I'm seeing it more and more and really became curious to why I keep seeing it everywhere

  10. thankyou god.i believe i will see him love me the way i wish he would,

  11. This is how 622 is in my life.... I was born on June 22,1970, On 2/14/18 the NYC lotto number for NY was 622(evening num)... I work at 262 1st Ave in the City, My wife's .birthday is on 2/26/18, in a couple of days.. My Driver License has the last 3number 226. I work 22hrs during the week and 6 on saturday.. I wish this wasnt true, but I've been feeling like there's something I'm not seeing... Ooh I thing I didn't mention.. I wake up most night/early morning 1min to 2:26AM.. I wish this was a joke...but it's not... Can someone help me find answers? I feel I'm going to die on my birthday... So another one is on its way... It comes once a year...(birthday) try to make a joke of it but I'm very scared. And you dont know the pics I have taken everytime this number appears to me. I take a pic.. Since I began seeing it.. And It's been years now... My email is please help me find what I'm to do? Would you believe my IP address starts with 226....I didnt at first! I cant believe this connection I have with number... i wish this was a please help

    1. 26 is the number of God. God is with you

  12. This comment has been removed by the author.

  13. Thank you Jesus and to my Angels

  14. Amen praise God and to my Angels thank you for my financial breakthrough that is coming anen hallelujah

  15. Thank you Jesus and to my spirit guide and loving angels

  16. It's amazing how many people believe that a random number pattern is somehow significant.

  17. Is this why I was dreaming and that I had to clock in this number so I jus woke up to look what this number ment...and figure why this number came to me for me to start working .

  18. Is this why I was dreaming and that I had to clock in this number so I jus woke up to look what this number ment...and figure why this number came to me for me to start working .thanks for this insight and f the meaning.

  19. Always and forever grateful!!! 🥰😇💗🙏

  20. 😇🙏🥰 Thank you!!! 🌻

  21. God doesn't answer prayers like the internet says he does.

  22. Always and forever grateful for every timely reminder!!! Thank you...🙏🙏😇🥰🌈😜😊😇🙏

  23. Wow thank you Angels/Universe! I feel protected and trust that the Universe has my back, thank you, grateful
