Sunday, October 09, 2011


Number 606 is made up of the energies and attributes of number 6 appearing twice, amplifying its vibrations, and the energies of the powerful number 0. Number 6 carries the vibrations of love of home and family and domesticity, service to others and selflessness, responsibility and reliability, providing for the self and others, caring and nurturing others. Number 6 also resonates with personal willpower, independence, initiative, problem-solving and overcoming obstacles, expressing grace and gratitude. Number 0 represents the Universal Energies, the beginning of a spiritual journey and stands for potential and/or choice, developing spiritual aspects, eternity and infinity, oneness and wholeness, continuing cycles and flow, and the beginning point. Number 0 powerfully amplifies the energies of the number/s it appears with. 

Angel Number 606 asks that you focus less on the material aspects and financial issues of life, and look to a more spiritual approach to having your wants and needs met. Simply hold faith, trust and gratitude, as gratitude lifts your sense of what is enhancing, uplifting and positive. Trust yourself to make the best decisions for you and your life and be open to ideas, signs and new opportunities that will bring your material needs to you.

Angel Number 606 encourages you to keep your focus on love, light and the spiritual aspects of life, and give any fears or concerns about your material and/or financial situation to the angels for healing and transmutation. Trust that all you need will be supplied by the Universe in Divine right time.

Angel Number 606 may also suggest that issues to do with family and loved ones will be sorted and resolved to the advantage of all involved. Love comes to life when we both give and receive with grace and gratitude. Recognize your capacity to affect other people’s lives in positive ways. Enjoy your relationships and the companionship of those close to you and give love freely and unconditionally.

Number 606 relates to number 3 (6+0+6=12, 1+2=3) and Angel Number 3.



Sacred Scribes

NUMEROLOGY  - The Vibration and Energies of NUMBERS

Sacred Scribes Ceramics





  1. Thanks for all your wonderful Angel Numbers pages. I use them all the time. I really appreciate your divine service to humanity in posting this stuff.

    1. The number 606 continually shows up everywhere I was my mother's address, and seems that daily whenews I happen to glance at the clock..there it is! Now I know what it means, and is right on time with what is going on in my life. Crazy ..thanks for the knowledge

    2. I finally had to look 606 up as it has been going on for yeeeeaaaarrrssss. I asked my son this evening what time is it and he said 6:06. When I purposely check the time it is always 6:06 - not sometimes 6:05 or 6:07. I feel a sense of relief of the meaning and love that I can share with complete strangers who have similar occurrences.

    3. Thank you for this wonderful page. It really is a true blessing.... I use it regularly xxx

  2. You are most welcome Alexander ... but I am simply doing my 'job' :)

    I'm pleased to know that you have found the information to be of use to you.

    I wish you blessings along your path Alexander,


  3. Here Here to comment above from Alexander
    I use the numbers all the time too
    Thank you very much rush-collection, I admire your work greatly and also appreciate it greatly thanku
    Peace and unconditional love blessings to you both

  4. I love all the sharing, appreciation, relief and openness in the comments on this site. I love numbers and the way certain combinations feel. I moved to Maui on 11.11, my dog of 15 years passed away peacefully under a full moon on her favorite beach, 3 years later, on 11.11. My beloved of 11 years loved to take a personal day of reflection and solitude on 11.11. He'd take a road trip and come back all refreshed and fully loving on 11.12. I was born at 6:06pm, and thank you for this first time I've ever seen an explanation of its significance. Feels true to me. Spirit, Love & focusing in this depth of truth within is the only choice that serves my heart and life. Aloha, Claire

  5. OK, I understand. Thank you :).

  6. New Numbers keep revealing themselves and I am ever so grateful for you rush-collection. Your site is the first place myself and other lightkeepers come to for clarity on this beautiful journey...may the UNIverse continue to cradle you and carry you through love and light.

    Thank You,

  7. Bless you for this work! I've referred LOTS of people to your blog, I'm frequently posting links to it on Facebook. I see these numbers so often, it really helps me to have some insight about what it all could mean.

  8. Woke up at 0606 today
    Hoping this is a message about a familiar issue resolving.
    Thank you
    Wish you Peace beyond all understanding

    1. I wake up everyday at the same time with no alarm its crazy to me.

  9. Thank you I see this number everywhere and I was beginning to think some thing bad was going to happen I mean I wake up 606 am I look up on car ride I pass house 606 my friend sent me a pic of her newborn son and he was born at 606 am. It really stands out to me and I worry I'm going crazy

  10. I see the number 606 every single day. Mostly more than once per day. I see it on licence plates of cars, trucks, busses. I see it on store receipts. As I'm driving I see the time on my car radio time 6:06, time on my cell phone, # on a buliding 606. I just saw it on my computer, # of messages. I used to think, is that the time I will die. I know that sounds strange but not sure what to think except how strange it is to see the same number throughout the day, every day for many years now.

  11. Thank you for help me find out the meaning of number 606

  12. I started seeing 606 4 years ago. It has been a daily occurrence for me, sometimes 4 to 7 times per day. I never understood why.

  13. Thank you so much for your angel numbers. This number really spoke the message out to me. This is exactly what I needed to hear.

  14. I think you should publish a book joanee as your number meanings resonate a lot more with me than the ones doreen virtues do.. thank you for your work im truly grateful. namaste

  15. rush-collection, thank you for helping God's birth incarnation in this lifetime. Much love and blessings are headed your way, dear. Keep up the good work. May Zeus, Ra, Enki, Prometheus, Hercules, Neptune, Metatron, Michael, Raphael, and all the dragons bless you at the same time!

  16. Saw this right after catching someone in the act of stealing my car.

  17. really appreciate you doing this to let us be aware of what these numbers mean. it's really been of great use. thank you

  18. Thank-you so so soon much for your angel numbers....I can't tell you how much you have helped me in changing my life ....God bless you Joenne...May all the love and happiness that you are bringing into others lives come back to you multiplied...Thank-you once again

  19. Thank-you so so soon much for your angel numbers....I can't tell you how much you have helped me in changing my life ....God bless you Joenne...May all the love and happiness that you are bringing into others lives come back to you multiplied...Thank-you once again

  20. Dear rush-collection, thank you very much for sharing your gift. It has made my life make more sense, AND each number goes right along with what I'm feeling and thinking. Blessings sent to you dear one. My kritters and I love you. I'm an animal right activist and and advocate against domestic violence.

  21. Thank you so much for the guidance and strength your interpretation of the angel numbers provide. I have been noticing recurring numbers since 2011. I have been going through huge negative cycles in my personal relationship since some time before that. Thanks for encouraging me that all is well in my life and will continue to be so. I am deeply grateful.

  22. This comment has been removed by the author.

  23. For a long time now over a year every time I look at the clock it's 606 I started to tell my boyfriend look this is always what time it is when I glance at the clock also it is my grandsons beginingredients of social security card

  24. For a long time now over a year every time I look at the clock it's 606 I started to tell my boyfriend look this is always what time it is when I glance at the clock also it is my grandsons beginingredients of social security card

  25. Weird, I see all number patterns indiscriminately everyday. They seem to possess no meaning based on which number it is. I have tried for years to make sense of it but...

    1. When you notice the numbers and know that they are of significance, stop and listen to your own intuition at that moment. Don't think, don't question .. just listen with all of your senses.


    2. Hmmm will try that next time.

    3. Thank you we are very blessed to be able to
      be connected to you. You really have given us
      a gift with all the information being offered here.
      Assistng us on our Journey....It took me a while to relate the reoccurring numbers I was seeing to any deep meaning..I am grateful for your I formative website.
      Thank you rush-collection so very much appreciated.
      Rosalind (Ros for short)

  26. How do you stop n listen to your intuition without being distracted by questions and thoughts

  27. I saw this number today and used to see it all the time.I always thought it meant something bad it used to and still does give me negative emotions.

  28. I saw this number today and used to see it all the time.I always thought it meant something bad it used to and still does give me negative emotions.

  29. Seeing the number 606 started im high school for me , about 6 years ago. At first i would only look at the clock at 6:06 . After a few times I thought " hmm that's weird, I'm always catching it at that time" then I started seeing 606 right before I had to make a decision about something or before something impactful was about to happen. We moved into a house with the number 3606, my school bus number was #606 , my best friend's house number was 606. I was given a free camera with the number 606 on it. By that time I'd come to recognize the number to be a sign that I was on the right track. I just saw it in a Mission impossible movie which made me finally search it up. This article lines up with my personality to the very last word! Whenever I see 606 I feel reassured. Thank you.

  30. I absolutely love what you do for humanity. I live by the numbers and messages I receive. Thank you for the explanation of these signs.

  31. Thank you. I live by this page and the messages I receive. It has changed my life.

  32. Its my birthdate.. 6 june, whats the meaning of that? A reminder of my mission on earth? Anyone?

    1. When you see the numbers of your date of birth repeating to you, it is often an indication that you are to concentrate and focus upon your true life purpose

      ... your reason for being ... your soul mission. Seeing your own birthday is a reminder of why you were born and your reason for being on the Earthplane at

      this time.

      It may act as a prompt and/or validation as to your path.

      It can also be validation that angels/spirit guides/passed over loved ones are with you.


  33. Thank you a lot rush-collection, for taking your time for me.. thanks a lot and may God's love continue to be upon you:)

  34. thanks,
    love and blessings

  35. Thank You rush-collection forsharing i just saw 606 and checked what it means now sitting here with tears rolling down my cheeks feeling a calming feeling. Have hade a lot of worries but now my feeling of relief.. Thank you and blessings to you for your wonderful work..

  36. Thank You rush-collection for sharing i just saw 606 and checked what it means now sitting here with tears rolling down my cheeks feeling a calming feeling. Have hade a lot of worries but now my feeling are of relief.. Thank you and blessings to you for your wonderful work..

  37. For the past two days I keep seeing the numbers 303 404 505 606 707 and 1010 is there something more to this than just their separate individual meanings? Why does it keep happening?

    1. Hi Janet, any luck on meaning also going through the same at the moment

  38. I've been seeing numbers for a while, but the pattern has now changed to 606, 707, 808, 909,404, 717, 616, 111

    Not sure what the pattern of these numbers mean? Anytime suggestions

    1. Hi Aleks, did you eventually find out what this pattern means. I’m going through the same thing

  39. I've been receiving multi numbers since I started working more with my angel cards . I feel that the more u explore these signs the louder U will here their message!!! God bless and good luck in your new adventure.

  40. What about 0606 ?
    It Cant be the same as 606?

  41. Not slept al night. Looked at clock - time, 06:06. Looked on your website and found the answer to the question I asked the angels 5 minutes before!!! Thank-you a million, billion times rush-collection, this has been causing me much distress for some time now. I feel such peace within after reading your message as I so often do. No words can express my sincere gratitude for all you do. My vibration has raised and I am working hard at raising others too. That's just me - so many others on this site are doing the same. Your site is bringing change and hope to many like me. A million blessings to you rush-collection. Namaste 💜💜💜 xxx.

  42. I've seen the number 606 for over 20 years. I've drawn it into pictures years ago but never asked, why do I keep seeing this number. I thought of recently maybe it was the day I'd die. I'm happy I finally looked it up and found this site. Angels are with me. Michael Martin

  43. Over the last few weeks, on numerous occasions when I glance at the clock (on my phone, pc or wall) I see a number that is the same minutes as past the hour so 2:02, 5:05, 7:07. It isn't the same number every time but a random collection with no defined gap between these incidences that I can see.
    Any ideas what it means?

  44. I was just in my head worrying bout financial issues and when u looked up it said 606. And lead me here. Thank u for all ur information. I release all my fear over Diana dial issues to be handled and transmitted by my angels above with LOVE AND GRATITDE and in faith KNOWING it will come.

  45. Seen after a petty argument with fiancé. Wondering if we can learn to communicate again.

  46. My birthday is 6/6 and i see it on the clock all the time its scary.. so im guessing this is a goid thing?

    1. When you see the numbers of your date of birth repeating to you, it is often an indication that you are to concentrate and focus upon your true life purpose ... your reason for being ... your soul mission. Seeing your own birthday is a reminder of why you were born and your reason for being on the Earthplane at this time.
      It may act as a prompt and/or validation as to your path.
      It can also be validation that angels/spirit guides/passed over loved ones are with you.


  47. Thank you so much
    2 in a half years ago I lost my dad and I do dream about it a lot. Well tonight I had a dream about him and others and a flight he was suppose to take and label all his stuff with 606. So tonight I went on Google and was going to type what is the meaning of 606 and Google ask me spiritually so I thought ok why not and this page popped up with this very good information. Thank you again

  48. Hate to see my love one suffering ! I see my niece having one of anxiety attack becoz she got OCD ! I look up at the clock I see 606!

  49. My birthday is 0606 to :) and i bless you all

  50. My birthday is 0606 to :) and i bless you all

  51. For the past year I have been seeing 6:06 p.m. every single day no matter what I am doing I look at the clock and it is 6:06 p.m. I was wondering if it was bad but now I know that it is actually okay

  52. 606 appeared in my friends dream and when she wokeup , also as she is telling me this my address is 606 . My friend and i had a event and when we were done the clock said 606 and neither of us looked at the clock before that , on monday i checked my weather bug and it said lightening had struck 606 miles,away . Wow 5xs seeibg 606 in 3 days .

  53. This is so funny because I glanced at the clock while working on my memoir, precisely when I was describing numerous financial setbacks that kind of crumbled my world at the time. I love that this was seen in the higher realms. No worries. Spiritual focus is strong. but my story had some rocky moments for sure.

  54. I was eating and dropped my mac n cheese and i looked over at the clock and it was 6:06 love the numbers

  55. Thank you Abba Father Lord Jesus and to my angels

  56. Que grande es que nuestros angeles nos den sabiduría y las armaduras para concluir una estampa estoy muy agradecida por esta enseñanza me encantó tu post ahy momentos en mi vida que estoy un poco perdida molesta queriendo recibir sin pensar en dar y sinceramente este número siempre me recuerda que nuestro creador es amor y que solo tenemos la felicidad que emos dado amar a Dios y al prójimo este número es un llamo de atención o almenos siempre lo e visto de esa manera asta que no podamos superar o cambiar un aspecto de nosotros este número no desaparecerá de su camino

  57. How great it is that our angels give us wisdom and armor to finish a picture I am very grateful for this teaching I loved your post ahy moments in my life I'm a little lost annoying wanting to receive without thinking of giving and honestly this number always reminds me that our creator is love and that we only happiness e have given love God and neighbor this number is a call of attention or at least always and seen that way till we can not overcome or change an aspect of us this number will disappear from your path

  58. God knows what is the meaning of these numbers in my case. If I dont work and simply sit and meditate how will that materialize. Just thinking about that my class assignment is completed or meditate and visualize about it wont materialize it.

    1. I have the experience it helps trusting in the Divine and letting go of your worries! I also believe Spirit wants us to actively do our part too, it is just not mentioned in this post as letting go is accentuated here.
      My concern is - what about all those third world people suffering, doing what they can to survive? Would quit worrying do the job? To me it seems to be the other way around, most trust in Spirit but suffer all the same? Or do they not get this number, maybe it is not ment for them?
      Really believe in you and Spirit rush-collection, asking only to deepen my knowledge.

  59. Its amazing to look at the earlier comments of those that also found solace and confirmation here. To share those sentiments; 8 or so years later is a true gift. The message resonates and I am so grateful to find this blog

  60. Thanking you in Love and Light...I've just finished my morning meditation and when I opened my eyes my clock read 6:06...and now my Angel 060 meaning has confirmed that everything!I've quietly requested with gratitude is coming to light and manifesting while writing this message of thanxx

  61. Thanks you.... this is all the conformation I need

  62. Love it! Great guide on what 606 means

  63. Thankyou for this comprehensive description...This entirely resonated with me...I always look up to your descriptions whenever I get an angelic message in the form of numbers...Your description resonates the most...Thankyou for your kind service...I am truly grateful����

  64. Wonderful message... Thank you!!! 🙏😇🥰💖😜

  65. תודה על המסר שהגיע אלי בדיוק כשחשבתי על בריאות ושגשוג🙏

  66. Thank you for being such a helpful resource to my journey and the work you put in xx

  67. Thank you for the amazing resource which I keep coming back to at various points and number patterns. I am also not an empty knowledge seeker for the sake of it. I just get drawn here and am very grateful for the simple and easy to understand messages 🙏✨

  68. lightworker724@gmail.comWednesday, January 24, 2024

    Thank you.. you have no idea how much these help me... I have been single for over 2 years now after a 13 year relationship and the breakup was so rough it almost took my life from the stress, but I found comfort, peace, relaxation and self love in ALL YOUR WORDS... After this comment maybe il get lucky enough to find the bride I've been dreaming of one-day somehow finding me 💯🤵💐🍀
