Tuesday, October 11, 2011


Number 611 is a compilation of the energies of number 6 and the vibrations and attributes of number 1 appearing twice, amplifying its influences and resonating with the Master Number 11. Number 6 relates to home and family, domesticity, business and material aspects, service to others and selflessness, grace and gratitude, responsibility and reliability, providing for the self and others, care and nurturing, problem-solving and solution-finding. Number 1 resonates with creation and beginning new projects and ventures with a view to achieving success, strength, self-reliance and tenacity, inspiration and fulfilment. Number 1 also tells us that we create our realities with our thoughts, beliefs and actions and encourages us to step out of our comfort zones. The Master Number 11 tells us that to connect with our higher-selves is to know and live our soul mission and life purpose, and symbolizes the principles of spiritual awakening and enlightenment.

Angel Number 611 encourages you to engage in creative pursuits and projects, and concentrate and focus upon your personal spirituality and life purpose. Stay away from negative situations and keep a positive attitude and outlook in regards to your life and destiny. Trust that all you will ever need will be provided for you by the Universal Energies.

Angel Number 611 reminds you that your thoughts, beliefs and actions create your reality, and you are encouraged to make some upgrades to your home/family environment, both within your house/home and within your relationships with loved ones. Take the time to spruce up your living spaces with fresh colours and textures, plants, ornaments and flowers ... whatever you love to have around you. Use some basic Feng Shui principles and make your home reflect peace, harmony, comfort and your own inner-light and beauty. Tell family and friends how much you love and appreciate them being in your life as love fosters more love. 
Angel Number 611 is a message to listen to your intuition and the guidance from the angels in regards to your life purpose and soul mission. Live your truths and be willing to step out of your comfort zone in order to accomplish the goals you set yourself. Trust that the angels support, encourage and surround you along your path.

Number 611 relates to number 8 (6+1+1=8) and Angel Number 8.



Sacred Scribes

NUMEROLOGY  - The Vibration and Energies of NUMBERS

Sacred Scribes Ceramics





  1. starting last week I entered the 711/611 phase of my repeating number cycle. Ive been now seeing 611 1-5 times a day and 711-1-5 times a day.

    1. 711's a really good one to be seeing repeatedly, a very positive sign from the Universe. Shoot for the stars Shawn, 611's quite seemingly been an indication of encouragement to me in my own experiences to aim high in manifesting my heart's desires. Don't sell yourself short my friend, Set out for, and expect to fulfill beyond your wildest heart's desires, shoot for the stars my friend :)

    2. thanks, tbh this is very good to hear and yeah i don't really know what to say abt it, yk

  2. I have seen 611 a few times and I only realized it today that Ive seen that number a few times before. What's even more bizarre is that the date 6/11 is my birthday..

    1. The same for me, I have been seeing it a lot more than a few times over the past few months and 6/11 is also my birthday!

    2. When you see the numbers of your date of birth repeating to you, it is often an indication that you are to concentrate and focus upon your true life purpose ... your reason for being ... your soul mission. Seeing your own birthday is a reminder of why you were born and your reason for being on the Earthplane at this time

      Explanation Copied from rush-collection.

    3. Omg I see 6/11 all the time and it's also my birthday!!

    4. same here! :)

    5. I've been seeing 611 recently, within the past 2 or so weeks...My birthday is also 6/11

    6. Its my brothers birthday who passed last year

  3. I haven't payed attention to the last time, until I saw the number again 611 today.. Whats even more bizarre is that the date 6/11 is my birthdate..

  4. Whenever I feel bad mood....I always need to let it out.But what I thought or said at those times didn't really mean anything at that time because I know I'll feel better and rebuild my thoughts.Is it okay to ask Spirit to just give me a safe space to vent?

    1. Yes, of course. You could always write in your own personal journal all your most secret feelings for only your eyes to see.

  5. 611 i see everywhere.... started way back with my first gf ever her birthday was on 6/11.... my son's social has 611 in it.... my bank card expired on 6/11 i once took a flight to the east coast on 6/11.... i would notice license plates from anywhere with 611 in them..... i have captured pics of players in sports celebrating and the guys wearing the 6 and 11 jersey standing right next to each other multiple times

  6. OK, all you 611 fans. I just graduated from lots of 10:10s & 11:11s/combos. My birth number is 10, or 1, I always see 10s & 11s. Today I experienced some miracles (long story, I think I hit bottom today), and the number combos of the only times I looked at my phone/clock this afternoon were 3:33, 4:44, 5:55, & 6:11 (why I'm on this page). Look at the date it was written, 11.10.11. And before my comment makes it onto the page, I notice there are 11 comments.

    I can't tell you what a nightmare my life has been, then all these numbers, this site, I'm so grateful & blessed. I still have monumentous difficulties & many challenges ahead, and now I've been given strength. Thank you rush-collection!!

    1. I went throug the same exact kind of sequence of numbers you did. Especially 1010 and 1111 now 611. Funny thing is I had such a taugh life too. I stopped using drugs and alcool a few years ago, bought a condo, found out I had adhd, started taking meds for this, then started taking vitamins and supplement then doing exercise now looking for a house. I am getting better and better then started seing 611. I am curious to know what happenned to you after all these years, could you share ? Thanks

  7. Have been seeing this number. The last time was today on a license plate on a hurst.

  8. I've been seeing all the numbers from 9\11 to 7\11 to 11:23, 456,345,123, 1010, I see them all or mostly all the repeating number sequences daily, for the exception of 420, been seeing that a lot lately, I'm so grateful for my angels and spirit guides, I must be doing something right

  9. I've been seeing all the numbers from 9\11 to 7\11 to 11:23, 456,345,123, 1010, I see them all or mostly all the repeating number sequences daily, for the exception of 420, been seeing that a lot lately, I'm so grateful for my angels and spirit guides, I must be doing something right

  10. I keep seeing 9:11,11:11,6:11,7:11 on watch and last 1 weeks it's been very frequent. Atleast 6 times a day

    1. Does they brought any change to your life?

  11. Hi, my sister heard me sleep talking a few days ago. She said that I screamed "I have a dream, 611". And that last paragraph made me understand :)

  12. I see 611 all the time and it's my burthdate

  13. I've been seeing 611 or 116 a lot lately and this description along with the number 8 makes sense, and it seems to fit along with my life at the moment. So awesome! :)

  14. Hi I wrote a London detailed comment with questions and when I clicked on submit it vanished. I cannot find it in comments. Did I in fact lose it or is it being evaluated for approval before posting? Just wanted to check so I know if I should write it again.

    Thank you,

    1. This is the only comment that came through from you at my end ...


    2. Hi! To all of you who keep seeing your birthdate over and over this is a wake up call of sorts it means to wake up to your true potential your true reason for being on earth ! Find out what work you are meant to do to be a light worker teacher healer whatever it is and begin now!!! Also every year has a specific number as a repeating 9 cycle. You may be seeing this number to remind you to take advantage of the current year for each year has something different to offer. Good will ❤️ Brooke

  15. Encouraging you along your journey to Europe.

  16. Many are curious why J.A. posted 611 on his social media page and I believe it was a reference to H.R.C. and the seizure of her assets in violation of the new human trafficking E.O. created by the President. June 11 is the day it will be announced.

  17. 611 has come to me often and unbelievable ours my birthday like many of the replies wow 😁

  18. Thank you Jesus and to my Angels

  19. Thank you Lord and to my guardian angel

  20. I began seeing angel numbers last year. Then I began a relationship and they stopped about the time it was falling apart. My numbers at first were triples of numbers or 11:11. I ended the relationship, which was a huge step of growth for me personally. I started working with a fellow empath. She is a lightworker and now as I thanked my body for alerting me in my illnesses, rather than allowing them to bring me into despair I have begun seeing new patterns of 711, 811, 611, and yesterday the only triple was 555. However just as I had begun to accept and want to see my gift of being an empath I saw 6666 and 777. It is an encouraging time for me but I do notice I'm feeling emotionally attacked in odd ways. Not sure if this is my way of letting rid of negativity and I just need to let it clear or if as I'm finding these positive affirmations I'm being attacked to side track me from following my path.

  21. Uplifting moods and this site are my happy place inside the web thankyou rush-collection!

  22. I have an interesting relation with number 11. I was born in 11 Avenue according to my birth certificate and I lived at the 4205 building where i was assaulted 4+2+0+5=11 and I was the 11 student of the school I meet the father of my baby also my mailbox was number 11. Reply if you have something interesting to add. I'd love to know more.

  23. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  24. Wow I just saw 6:11 twice within one minute on two different electron devices. One was my phone timer timing something in the over then I turned around to see the usual incorrect time on the microwave was 6:11. I'd screenshot the phone timer just for noting the 6:11 but wow I just as quickly opened my phone camera to snap the picnic the microwave lol. So perfect for what's happening right this very moment in time and most of the time. Acutlet specific synchronicity πŸ˜ŠπŸ‘ŒπŸΌπŸŒŸπŸ’«✨

    Thank you and much gratitude to my Guardian Angels and Spirit Guides πŸ™πŸΌπŸ˜Œ♥️πŸŒŸπŸ’«✨

  25. O.M.G. I took the first food out of the oven to put the next item in and set the timer again. I took my eyes off the timer then dashed to see how many minutes were left and it went onto 6:11 at. that. VERY. moment. Awwwwwwesome Angels πŸ˜ŒπŸ‘ŒπŸΌ♥️πŸŒŸπŸ’«✨

  26. Beautiful message... always and forever grateful!!! Love πŸ’• and light to all of us πŸ™πŸ˜‡πŸ₯°
