Wednesday, October 12, 2011


Number 624 is a blend of the energies and attributes of number 6 and number 2, and the vibrations of number 4. Number 6 resonates with honesty and integrity, giving and receiving, the monetary and material aspects of life, love of home and family, nurturing and caring for others, solution-finding and grace and gratitudeNumber 2 brings its attributes of insight and intuition, faith and trust, finding balance and harmony, adaptability and reliability, co-operation and diplomacy, pursuing your Divine life purpose and soul mission, and service to others. Number 4 resonates with honesty and integrity, practicality and application, hard work and responsibility, traditional values, effort, diligence and determination to achieve goals. Number 4 also relates to the energies of the Archangels.

Angel Number 624 asks you to believe in yourself and your skills, talents and abilities. Have faith and trust in your angels and ask for their guidance and assistance whenever you wish.  Surrender any worries and fears to the angels for transmutation and healing, and know that all is being taken care of as you live your life purpose and soul mission.

Angel Number 624 is a message from your angels that your hard work and determination are reaping rewards, and you are being blessed with the fruits of your labours. Through diligence and responsibility you have achieved a great deal and the angels are commending you for your efforts and are encouraging you to keep up the good work. Trust that all of your monetary and material needs will be met as you serve your life purpose and soul mission.

The angels help you to release negative thoughts, thought-forms and heavy energies that you may have absorbed from others or from your own stresses and worries. Mentally ask your angels to surround you with their love and light and allow them to transmute and heal any negative energies in your life.

Number 624 relates to number 3 (6+2+4=12, 1+2=3) and Angel Number 3.



Sacred Scribes

NUMEROLOGY  - The Vibration and Energies of NUMBERS

Sacred Scribes Ceramics





  1. Thanks for the insight! I have seen the numbers 624 LITERALLY everyday since March of 2009. I have yet to meet a day since that I have not. I first thought that I was subconsciously making myself see it as I wake up around 6a and get off work around 6p. However, I now see it everywhere. I have even, on numerous occasions, caught a clock that is flashing as if it has been unplugged and plugged back in. Bet you can't guess what time is flashing when I walk in the room... Crazy, huh?

  2. I see it everywhere too! I was even born on June 24th :) 624 pops up everywhere for me :) thank goodness it makes sense now :)

    1. When you see the numbers of your date of birth repeating to you, it is often an indication that you are to concentrate and focus upon your true life purpose ... your reason for being ... your soul mission. Seeing your own birthday is a reminder of why you were born and your reason for being on the Earthplane at this time.

    2. Thank you so much for responding to my post!!! I am honored! Your information is very helpful! Actually, I have recently been reminded about my soul mission and I am putting more emphasis on that, isn't that interesting that I visited the site now! I am a firm supporter of Archangel Michael and the work he does on our planet!

      Thank you so much for all the hard work you have done for putting together this site! it has been a GodSend for me!

    3. Same here i was born in june 24 and that number is all i can see

    4. Same here especially when I'm under alot of stress pushing an goin thru trials others would just break... When I see it still startles me because I see it do much an every day it's my birthday... I keep seeing 624.everywhere

    5. Same here especially when I'm under alot of stress pushing an goin thru trials others would just break... When I see it still startles me because I see it do much an every day it's my birthday... I keep seeing 624.everywhere

    6. I always try to figure out if 624 is related to my mother who passed in 91 and if the number represents good or bad luck for me. The phone number we had while growing up was 624-6264. Reading this brings comfort that the angel is my mother.

  3. Not only is 624 my birthday but I have been seeing those numbers repeatedly as well. I don't know what it means but I really would like to know.


    One of the greatest world's mysteries, no division, sides in three's... We can put a man on the moon 🌒, predict a storm in the month of June 💦... Even Einstein said it best, "' After WWIII, Man will still fight with stone's and sticks... "' Three sparrows flying in the sky, God would know if one would die... Who could make such perfect angles, must of been some fallen Angels.

    Joey Hernandez


    One of the greatest world's mysteries, no division, sides in three's... We can put a man on the moon 🌒, predict a storm in the month of June 💦... Even Einstein said it best, "' After WWIII, Man will still fight with stone's and sticks... "' Three sparrows flying in the sky, God would know if one would die... Who could make such perfect angles, must of been some fallen Angels.

    Joey Hernandez

  6. I have seen this number in my dreams a few weeks ago, and not sure what it meant. Someone I knew for 12 years died a few months back- three months,two weeks and three days- my life has been just strange since his death.

  7. I have been seeing this number everyday, since about 2 week's ago. I thought it was a hint that the day I would die.

  8. I have only commented on a few of the comments that have been guiding me or reflecting my lifes exact circumstances more intensely as time passes. Is this normal for angel guides to be communicating so frequently?

  9. I saw a license plate go by today that said Number 624. Got intuitive impression to look up "Numbers 6:24" in bible. Here it is:
    24 The Lord bless you
    and keep you;
    25 the Lord make his face shine on you
    and be gracious to you;
    26 the Lord turn his face toward you
    and give you peace.

    I'm not saying it's what 624 means for everyone ... but isn't that beautiful?

  10. Ive been seeing the number 624 ever since me and my ex broke it off about a year ago we still talk but its really wierd because 624/june 24 is his birthday not mine so i dont understand why its following me

  11. 624 Also my bday too! I see it everywhere license plates, paperwork, clocks, anywhere there are least once a day!

  12. Amen praise God thank you Jesus and to my loving angels

  13. I just lost a huge post I wrote . My birthday is 6/24. My life is a mess of debilitating depression and anxiety. I can’t do the activities of daily living except work to,keep this shell alive. I have recently been trying to connnect with the angels. They have been showing 1’s for years. I need a jump start of hope as I have lost every shred of hope as this depression has devolved to,this and gone in for years. It feels like the dark night of the soul,that never ends. I live in a rural area with no decent resources so I have been trying to talk to the angels as counselors . Someone has to know how I feel . I’m 55 and in horrible isolation. Physical problems etc. all emotionally driven I’m sure but have been unsuccessful at getting at. I see all these energy healers on you tube and have tried Donna eden again no success. How,do they get to have this,gift and I can’t get off the couch or even eat. Wtf ? Will the angels ever reveal themselves in my head at least ? Help and thank you

    1. Have you tried practicing meditation? You can do it anywhere and at any moment. It’s a great way to gain control of your thoughts, slow them down, and clear your mind. I’m a fellow Cancerian(we share the same birthday) and I know how easy it is to get so caught up in your thoughts. Sometimes it feels like your thoughts are waves, rolling over and crashing down on you. They certainly will if you allow them. Meditation has helped me to gain control of my thoughts so that I can clear my mind of any negativity. It’s worth trying. It’s not easy at first but neither was learning how to tie your shoelaces as a kid. Eventually you get the hang of it and it becomes second nature, that goes for anything. Hang in there. Nothing is ever as bad as it seems, only as bad as you make it. Which means you can always turn the situation around. Sometimes life can be dark and scary but the sun always rises. Sending peace, love, and joy to you.

  14. Also thank you rush-collection for the effort you put into this site. It is my go to place for information on these numbers I keep seeing .

  15. Amazing! thank you rush-collection <3

  16. This message is well needed. I only think of positive thoughts and things that I want to happen in my life. #1Fan thank you Angels

  17. I see 6:24 every day. It is also my birthday. I read above and still don’t really understand the significance of seeing these numbers all the time. What is spirit trying to tell me.

  18. I keep seeing 624 daily, sometimes twice a day. Mostly on the clock. It is also my birthday. I read all of the posts and I still don’t really understand the significance of seeing these numbers all the time.
