Wednesday, October 12, 2011


Number 619 is a blend of the energies and attributes of number 6 and number 1, and the vibrations of number 9. Number 6 encourages natural ability and stability, provision and providing and the monetary and material aspects of life, love of home and family, nurturing and caring for others, grace and gratitude, simplicity, reliability and responsibility, problem-solving and the ability to compromise. Number 1 resonates with the vibrations of showing initiative and tenacity, new beginnings and striving forward, pursuing goals, achievement and inspiration, self-reliance and personal strength. Number 1 tells us that we create our own realities with our beliefs, thoughts and actions. Number 9 denotes endings and conclusions and relates to the Universal Spiritual Laws, a higher perspective, karma, leading life as a positive example for others, benevolence and altruism, spiritual awakening and enlightenment, serving your soul mission and lightworking. Number 9 encourages you to use your natural abilities to illuminate the way for others to follow.

Angel Number 619 brings a message from your angels to focus your energies upon your inner-spirituality, life force and true life purpose as in doing so as you are leading and teaching others by being a living positive example. Your angels ask you to use your manifesting tools and talents to create opportunities to connect, share and teach others. Maintain a positive attitude and optimistic outlook to manifest your desired results and outcomes.

Angel Number 619 tells you that the most suited and appropriate career choice, hobby or interest will present in your life, and your angels encourage you to take up the opportunity. Trust that new situations will work out for your highest good so expect wonderful things to unfold in your life.

Angel Number 619 can also suggest that you are at the end of a phase or cycle in your life. Call upon your angels to comfort and guide you towards your next steps and know that happiness and fulfilment await you with ‘new’ about to enter your life.

Number 619 relates to number 7 (6+1+9=16, 1+6=7) and Angel Number 7.



Sacred Scribes

NUMEROLOGY  - The Vibration and Energies of NUMBERS

Sacred Scribes Ceramics





  1. Six One Nine Real Estate shall Be Blessed. In the Name of the Father,Son and Holy Spirit

  2. im having the chills...for 3 years ive seen this number..almost everyday i get the urge to check the clock and its 6:19.. or even crazier in my receipts and on tv..thanks for all makes sense now

    1. Doctor Falvo, Funny that you say that...I see it several times a day too, and have been interested as to its meaning. It happens also to be my DOB.

    2. wow dude that's my birthday, and this all started happening when me a my fiancé started having problems in the relationship, and that been 1 1/2 ago and we been broke up a yr now

    3. Wow this message was at perfect timing!! Been seeing this number in everything for 12yrs straight now and now reading this it fully let's me know that I am already fulfilling my purpose and confirms things I wasn't sure we're true!!

    4. I have been telling friends and family for years about this number! I see it almost daily!

    5. Hey guys same in here. I always see this number in my daily live. I have a tattoo of this number as well :)

    6. same here guys, i have been seeing this number since the january.

    7. Been seeing 610 for over a year!

    8. Me too, but it just started happening to mea little more than a week ago. But I exhibit the same symptoms.

  3. owh.. me too, Doctor Falvo.. i'm glad to know what it means .... btw, i'm 16..... 6+1+9 = 16...

  4. Confirmation bias. Of course you are going to notice coincidence if you are actively aware and looking for it. I see 900 o clock twice a day every day and I don't start drinking kool-aid. Numbers are everywhere license plates etc. Of each grouping of numbers you look at throughout the entire day all you need is a combination of 3 numbers you are already looking for...The chances are very high you will notice those because it's only 3 digits in the amount and loads of number combos u see in a day and you just want to legitimize it as something else. If i told you to start actively looking for a different 3 numbers chances are they will start appearing all over the place. When in reality they have been just as common but unnoticed

    1. It’s interesting how smurfette hides her true hateful atheistic views in order to leave negative comments that bash and insult others who believe in God and angels. If She doesn't believe in God or angels and everyone on here does, what is she doing here??

    2. Be careful, satan is the master deceiver, lucifer the fallen angel, now known as satan, i had all of this 4yrs ago, only jesus can save you from satans trickery/deceptions

    3. Coincidence is Gods way of staying anonymous

    4. Although I understand your point of view, nothing in this writing or in Corinthians 6 19 have any demonic undertone. This number has been on SEVERAL of my license plates addresses and many of the food items that I purchase.
      This number is around me a lot! I can see them sometimes more than 50 times a day so even if I'm looking out for them...they definitely appear for me to see! I am a very responsible driver.but Even on Long distant drives it just so happens when i DO decide to look at a plate, some variation of this number is as clear as day! We are all here trying to get the best clarity as possible...why are you here??

    5. Actually it's not just coincidence as I drive down a road n see 3 different cars have 999 on them and on fb only posts in my news feed will be numbers I see LITERALLY EVERYWHERE N I'm a child of God and an empath since little and knew who God was b4 going to church as a child and ALWAYS felt my Angel's presence. You can think what you want but I never knew what a twin flame or angel numbers were until my mom passed n my twin flame came into my life n I started seeing 1111 everywhere and I ALWAYS said oh it's my sons bday n I get my angel numbers on the time it says sum1 liked my post at 222 plus my odometer when I get home. Etc. Its LITERALLY LITERALLY EVERYWHERE W ME! I dont want to see them as they're preparing me to lose my Dad n I ALREADY lost my mom to cancer n my big bro and my Dads been my BFF FOREVER n I lost my other BFF now I have my twin flame came into my life to be here for me as I just lost my fam n my GRANDSON n I needed those angel numbers. They help me to prepare myself for things. You're entitled to your opinion but PLZ I drive past these numbers on my path to n from my kids as well and I dont try to see them. License plate in front of me etc.

  5. I noticed angel numbers are sometimes dates ! Sometimes they're telling you a date so 619 could mean June 19

  6. ive been seeing 619 for 4 years and never understood. this post was also written on my birthday which is odd lol.

  7. Ya same happenIng to me either, I am confused totally, I always look my watch at 619,phone number 619,etc many more happening to me,and the thing is that at the time I noticed the numbers 619,I am good,positive,intutive,I ve got no megativeness,but before I was depressed,tried to kill myself several times.......but now I am fine,so upto now I am searching that 619,where it lies,

  8. Replies
    1. Exactly what I was thinking when I came on here.

  9. My birthday June 19th and my address back home had 619 in it. I see it almost everywhere I go in various ways and forms. Still trying to figure everything out for the best, it has been hard at times but I've got to be grateful for life and what I have compared to others who really struggle. Thank you rush-collection, God Bless.

  10. Needed to here. Grateful! 💜

  11. Thanks, I've been suffering anxiety for quite some time and 619 would trigger me at times or I would avoid looking at the clock at 6:18, but now I know and I will do this. I also looked at what it means in the bible verse Corinthians(6:19). I didn't actually look in the bible I just googled it, It's pretty much the same as what this means, check it out. :) I wish everyone well.

  12. Thanks, I've seen this number most of the time and now I know what it means! I suffer from anxiety from time to time and now I can try this, sometimes I'd avoid looking at the clock and everytime it would 6:18, I wouldnt bother looking at it or I wouldnt like to see 6:19. I also checked the bible and in Corinthians(6:19) it says pretty much the same thing about taking care of yourself! Check it out.

  13. This is crazy bc my birthday is June 19th and I always see 619 everywhere like everywhere....

  14. Thank you angels!!! God bless!!!

  15. Grateful, so very grateful! God bless all & abundant gratitude, love,light & blessings to you rush-collection.��

  16. I need help first it was cool seeing the number 619 every day but it has been almost 1 year since this started happening to me but yesterdaymorning it got even scareyer I wake up & in ma left hand I saw blood dryed blood and I try to wash it came out 619 I swear on ma mamas I took a pic and stuff but who knows abt it please am beginning here

  17. reading letters to myself, memories coming clearer the need to trust in the universe as everything created was done perfectly. awakening to love myself move forward in my life, practice humbleness, speak the truth and there is no wrong question the only "wrong/bad" question out there is no question at all. seek the truth, accept the emotions this journey blesses us with.

  18. Thank you so much 💗 Everything changed for me last night 💗 It’s such a big wonderful change and I never thought this would ever occur to me and it did. It did in the beautifulest way possible. I will never forget last night when things happened and it brings to new and broader perspectives. I believe this goes to show you that anything can happen to you. What you give out there to the universe is what you get back 💕 When you put goods into the world, you will receive it back, be it in the same form or another form. Whatever it may be, I want you to take note of the joy you feel while helping people or doing something nice, be it other people, to lovely animals, or to our beautiful environments. When you can wake up feeling the joy like that everyday, does you not want to ? We can wake up feeling like that every morning by simply doing good things every single day, be it small or big. If nobody knows, you just know that you knows. Always remember, angels are here with us and they can see what you put out into the world. They will reward you in one way or another 😌 Always be positive, keep spreading love and light everyone. And may love and light be with you too. With love, Rosie 🦋

    1. Beautiful comment, I agree, I was mean't to see this comment, Thank you Rosie 😊

  19. I see 619 everywhere. It's the date of my birth (June 19). I used to have problems with drinking. Liquor store by my old house was 619 Queen st. see it on the clock ALL the time. I work in a grocery store and when I check product codes, 619 is a very common number. I'd really like to believe that it is angels trying to communicate with me, but I'm a very skeptical person. This was very interesting to read though and I really do hope that this is what my future holds.

  20. i too would for about two yearw look at the clock and it would read 6:19 or in other places as well. Or the same numbers in different order as on my Instagram I curtcurre follow 169 users. Also last but not least I started dating a girl whom I met freshman year who was my best friend then and never realized her birthday is 6.19...!

  21. Good morning... seen 619 twice ,Thank you for this confirmation... the Universe is magical. #1 Fan Angels

  22. I have seen this number for several years! It is a number of the Lord!

  23. 619 has been everything for the ongoing now 2 years, I get an urge to look at clocks at those times mornings or evenings. I have add items i got to buy that end up that price by chance on sale. I have liked yt videos or been a leave a comment and im number 619. 619 is also my DOB. This last year has been the worst I hope this number means better is on the way.

  24. Mine is I dream numbers...and when I woke up I write in my notebook

  25. What I’ve learned over the many years of welcoming my Angels into my life, is they are real and they offer trusted help. The help they offer may not appear right away. If this is your first encounter with your angels, it will take time for you to trust and feel comfortable. When I first discovered my Angels, I went and bought a box of Doreen Virtue’s Angel Cards

  26. 619 has been following me my whole life. Good to know what it means finally!

  27. I was born June 19, every day I see the number 619 MULTIPLE times a day. The clock, random numbers. I believe that numbers have power, numbers mean something and it's not "Satan" or Lucifer (because they are different people considering the great war of the heavens was after humans were created) but something deeper. I am a spiritualist, I believe in many different things. Angels and Demons are some because they believe in us, why not believe in them. But I also study palmistry. (Considered devil worship at any given day) but let's put everything into perspective. The lines on our palms were created when we were, they disappear when the tendons are cut and move as we live our lives. Same concept as Angel numbers. This meaning is literally who I am...not what, but who. And to me, the people in my life, it's a great thing. Because I am optimistic beyond all negativity, I remain pure of heart, and I lead by example. It just takes one drop to make the ripple, be the kind of change you want to see in the world. It's really simple, for the christians, it's called the golden rule...Do into others as you wish done unto you.. all the negative comments, if it's not your belief then don't believe it, don't look it up, don't comment.. it's really that simple, but for those that hold weight in numbers, believe that angels are trying to speak to us through them, keep believing. We all have different beliefs, and no one belief has more validity than the other. If you don't have anything nice to say, say nothing at all...

  28. Hello! I also was born on 6/19 on my maternal grandmothers birthday. She will be 96 this year on 6/19. My husband and I have been seeing 619 for about 18 months now. Multiple times a day, everyday. I know for a fact its our angels. <3

  29. (6:09 ; 9:06) Numbers I see daily.
