Tuesday, October 18, 2011


Number 654 is a blend of the attributes and energies of number 6 and number 5, and the vibrations of number 4. Number 6 relates to love of home and family and domesticity, service to others and selflessness, responsibility and reliability, providing for the self and others, grace and gratitude, personal willpower, independence, initiative, action and overcoming obstacles. Number 5 carries the energies of adventure and versatility, curiosity, facing challenges, learning life lessons through experience, auspicious opportunities, idealism and activity, making positive life choices and important changes. Number 4 resonates with honesty and integrity, traditional values, hard work and responsibility, practicality and application, diligence and determination to achieve goals. Number 4 also relates to our drive, passion and purpose, and the energies of the Archangels.  

Angel Number 654 is a message to follow the intuitive messages and guidance you have been receiving about making important changes to your life and lifestyle. These much needed changes will bring about blessings and rewards and will supply the answers to your prayers. The efforts you have made towards achieving your goals have manifested new opportunities and auspicious circumstances which will allow for attaining your desired results.

Angel Number 654 tells you that now is the perfect time to be brave and courageous and put your plans into action. Instead of worrying about how things will work out, put your time and energy into holding positive thoughts and expectations about what you truly desire as through the Law of Attraction you will draw those experiences and situations into your life. Do not hesitate now or you may miss a golden opportunity as it is time to reap the rewards of patience, planning and preparation.  

Angel Number 654 may also suggest a change of home/residence, job/employment or travel/movement of some kind. Exciting yet challenging changes abound.

Accept that there will be challenges along the path to achieving your goals, but these will serve as lessons for you to overcome and learn from.

Number 654 relates to number 6 (6+5+4=15, 1+5=6) and Angel Number 6.



Sacred Scribes

NUMEROLOGY  - The Vibration and Energies of NUMBERS

Sacred Scribes Ceramics





  1. Thank you so much. Can't tell you how happy I am right now. My husband and I are highly grateful to you as you gave me a clear sign that I should pursue my dreams. For the past 6-7 days, I have been seeing shooting stars, a ball of light in the sky, exactly when I am discussing our new home, new business and a Greece & Turkey tour. We are so so astonished and overwhelmed by these cosmic signs. I need your guidance. Love from India

  2. I see 654 almost daily. Does this mean the numbers abd there meaning come in order of importance or that a situation is declining? Thank you!

  3. I cannot believe that any of you would be seeking material gains. Money is a tool to be used to navigate this artificial doll house world we have created for ourselves. A tool only. Do not caught up in money! All material gains are the devil's domain. Love to you all. God Bless!

    1. Money is little more than physical energetic currency. The devil is not real, it is nothing more than your negative thoughts. Negativity is the devil.

  4. Salam. This is an amazingly beautiful experience of going through all the information on this site. For the last month or so specially, I have been seeing numbers in sequence anywhere from 222, 234, 303, 313, 333, 444, 456, and so on to 11:11. It felt strange initially as I could feel an energy of change in and around me. Something I had been trying for so many years. It felt as if some old shackles were being taken off and a new 'me', the real me was waking up from a forced situation. Then I took to Google. And eureka! A few minutes back, I checked my mobile and 654 is what I saw �� I pray a good change is in the offing. Peace to all.May life be gentle on you.

    1. Beautiful message. Thank you. May life be gentle on you as well~♥

    2. Amazing message !!!❤ Amen!!!
      May life be gentle on you and all of us!!!💥💫❤👊
      Blessings ,love and peace to all!!!❤

  5. This message couldn't have come at a better timing! I was looking at my phone and received a notification about angel numbers on my Pinterest. When I looked at the time, it was 6:54...just right when I have been planning to make a move and thinking about a new place I been patiently dreaming of. I am ready to receive the lessons in this message and hopefully have enough courage to follow it through. Light and love to everyone.

  6. Immensely blessed and grateful!!!❤💥💫👊❤
    Looking forward to whatever comes my way!!!👊❤
    Love,peace ,light and blessings to you all!!!
    I love you rush-collection,you are our Angel on Earth !!!❤

  7. I have been hoping for a relationship with a certain man that I've known for awhile and for a year I have waited for things to happen. We haven't spoken to each other for about a month and have been visualizing our relationship. And today while driving I looked at the time and saw 654, and had to Google it. I'm in such high hopes that our relationship will manifest. Earlier today I had 1212, 111. And knew something is up. This is so exciting.

  8. This number is just so crazy to ne 654 has been a number thar has been showing almost everytime i look at the time atleast twice a month. It all started when i was pregnat with my first child. I was with my first (supposedly love) who was abusive to me for 5 years. I met one of his friends who always told me things like your to beautiful to let any mam put theyre hands on you and so on. So i fell for him because he was funny and i was my true self with him. He showed me theres another way to be treated and loved. So we dated and i ended up going back to my first i was still stuck (i know who oes that). I ended up getting pregnat with him i broke jamaals heart because i was his first love. I moved in with Antonio since i was pregant and apperantly blind lol. I seen 654 atleast 5 to 5 times a month my entire pregnacy. I always thought of jamaal because is number used to start with 654 so i felt like it was a sign of him thinking of me. This was back in 2009. We started to contact each other ehen i was about 7 months we spoke everyday. Of course he yold me how much it hurts him thatim not having his child butbhe always asked if the baby was okay if i was okay. 2 months after i gave birth to my baby girl. I left antonio and got back with jamaal. (Keep in mind i was in a abusive relationship) i looked at my baby girl and i was theres no way im putting my daughter threw this. (She saved my life). Me and jamaal got closer and guess what is 2018 and he has been raising our baby girl since 2 months(12 years) we have another baby girl who is 9. I have gone threw alot emotionaly and those numbers always pop up 654 till this day. And now i know it does include jamaal as my soul mate but also for me to believe in my self and be positive to my self and know that blessings are coming my way and manifistation is key. Sorry for the long story and mispells along the way so much i wanted to write i didnt go back to edit. By the way what brought me here was 6:54 am on july 20th 2018!

    1. Your testimony gave me chills as I can relate to you I too was in an abusive marriage for 25 years and started seeing 1111 and me and my ex bday numbers and began to question this back in 2017.Im now out the abusive marriage and I was lead to read your long paragraph lol normally I would have scroll by but was so drawn to read And it gives me such hope as I am seeing 654 all the times at least 3 times a week but Inow that I Am manifesting all my desires into my reality.


  9. "Accept that there will be challenges along the path to achieving your goals, but these will serve as lessons for you to overcome and learn from."
    Ahhh, I've accepted. Passing testa tests, overcoming challenges & learning new lessons is what do best! Fearlessly.😉♥️🎈 Love peace and Light to everyone and all.🎈🌞

  10. Life is beautiful be positive we will always be victorious coz God and Angels are with us😊❤

  11. Hallelujah to the Lamb by the blood of Jesus we arenprotected amen thank you Divine Angels

  12. Oh I don't know what it all meanssssssssss. SIGH I'll never get this right.

    1. Quite your mind...shhhhht....ask all the questions you need answered...listen....if you can't hear ask SELF again and again...switch off the noise.....shtttt
      The answers will flow, from within... that is your intuition...listen, trust and ACT.

  13. Thanks be to God praise the Lord

  14. Thank you for the reminder Lord amen

  15. Magestic
    ~ all forthcoming changes
    We are safe and protected throughout everything and all.

    My second book, just as my first brought me the closure I aimed for.
    Hard work pays off. Each and every time. As we focus on the love and light within everyone and everything.
    We can only see and feel as much love as we are.
    All I feel and see is love and light. It has always been this way.❤🙏✨
    ~ our learning
    Inner growth is Divine.❤🙏🕉
    Endless love and light to everyone and all. Blessed us all be.

  16. Well prepared and always and forever grateful for each and every reminder.🙏❤
    Endless love and blessings to us all.

  17. Sharp- home and job changes.
    After two months searching, I finally managed to find a new home.
    New Permanent position next 🙏🤍✨
    Endless love and blessings to us all ❤🙌

  18. Beyond grateful for everything and all.🙌✨

  19. Thank you, grateful!

  20. Thank you, Grateful!,

  21. God bless you all
