Wednesday, October 05, 2011


Number 599 is a blend of the vibrations of number 5 and number 9, with number 9 appearing twice, magnifying its energies. Number 5 resonates with making positive life choices and major life changes, versatility and variety, courage, motivation and auspicious opportunities. Number 5 also tells of learning life lessons through experience. Number 9 adds its influences of personal strength, conclusions and endings, leadership, humanitarianism, the Universal Spiritual Laws and your life purpose, living life as a positive example for others and lightworking.  

Angel number 599 is a message from your angels telling you that the repetitive thoughts, ideas and promptings you have been experiencing are indicating which path to follow. Listen to your intuition and inner-guidance, and trust that your angels are supporting you as you break free from old, out-dated restraints and follow the whispering of your soul. Your angels want you to know that new is entering your life and these changes will be positive and pleasing. Let go of the old with love and gratitude for the service it provided you.

Angel Number 599 tells you that your skills and talents as a lightworker are desperately needed by the world, and you are urged to get to work on your soul mission without further delay.  Trust your intuition and the guidance from the angels and take action accordingly.

Angel Number 599 suggests that it is time to put your focus on your personal spirituality and your life purpose. Your life is changing in many ways, and these changes will open doors for you to begin a new spiritual practice and/or career. There is knowledge and wisdom to be gained and shared with others.

Angel Number 599 also indicates that changes made to your life will align you with your life mission, and the angels encourage you to live and fulfill your lightworking duties and destiny.  It is time to shift your focus from the material to the spiritual.

Angel Number 599 may also be suggesting that if you have been dreaming of a different career or profession, opportunities may arise that will lead you in your desired direction.

Angel Number 599 is a call for lightworkers to get to work!

Number 599 relates to number 5 (5+9+9=23, 2+3=5) and Angel Number 5.



Sacred Scribes

NUMEROLOGY  - The Vibration and Energies of NUMBERS

Sacred Scribes Ceramics





  1. Wow! I am a lightworker! The world is in trouble and there is a lot of work to do. I accept the call! Thank you. I send waves of gratitude for this amazing site.

    1. I've been trying to find out what exactly is a lightworker I dont have it down completely, can you explain what exactly a lightworker is please

    2. For information about Lightworkers and Lightworking see:

      Love and Light

  2. Today (16.09.15), in my meditation of my friend's healing workshop, i heart a noise , someone was whispering to each other "599" repeatedly.. they were like counting something.. I thought that someone in the room was talking with someone, but after the mediation when i asked the people, they told me that no one was doing this.. i was very shocked and then decided there could be a message to me.. After the workshop - while i was on the way of my home, when i had a look on the internet, i came across this blog.. I'm still shocked.. the words in this text, including the message touched my heart.. Just wanted to say thank you.. thank you very much for your help in my guidance.. it's really surprising.. love from Istanbul, Deniz..

  3. Today (16.09.15), in my meditation of my friend's healing workshop, i heart a noise , someone was whispering to each other "599" repeatedly.. they were like counting something.. I thought that someone in the room was talking with someone, but after the mediation when i asked the people, they told me that no one was doing this.. i was very shocked and then decided there could be a message to me.. After the workshop - while i was on the way of my home, when i had a look on the internet, i came across this blog.. I'm still shocked.. the words in this text, including the message touched my heart.. Just wanted to say thank you.. thank you very much for your help in my guidance.. it's really surprising.. love from Istanbul, Deniz..

  4. GRATEFUL !!! An awesome message !!! Thank you !!! ♡♡♡

  5. Truly amazing. I am really in awe. Thank you, Thank you, Thank you

  6. Thank you so much for your work rush-collection, once again. I've been getting repetitive thoughts about my activity on youtube, thinking that i should start a series of livestreams where i intend to just have a good time with people and share my knowledge, and apply my skills where possible. When i asked my angels about a specific date of doing this livestream, they answered me with this number. It really resonates with my feelings and very well describes my situation - i need to get rid of my anxiety related to this activity on youtube, because even such a simple action is a part of my life path as a lightworker. Thank you.

  7. Feeling this amazing shift approaching...❤
    Grateful and blessed for all timely reminders, love, positivity and light Angels.
    Thank you rush-collection, for the platform you have created, thank you for you , who and what you are. I love you. ❤ Blessed be all of us.💎

  8. Gratitude! Much Love and Light to you+💕🙏💕

  9. Thank you... Love and light always!!! 🥰😜💗😇😊

  10. Thank you so much ,I m also a light worker,your info comes as miraculous every in exact time I need explanation of this number,exactly feeling yes,it is following to my feeling and my situation right now ,feel grateful

  11. This sums it up!!! Sounds good to me. Thank you Angels🥇🎁
