Friday, October 21, 2011


Number 667 is a blend of the vibrations of number 6 appearing twice, amplifying its influences, and the attributes of number 7. Number 6 carries the influences of love of home and family, domesticity, business and material aspects, service to others, solution-finding, expressing gratitude and grace, responsibility and reliability, providing for the self and others, care and nurturing. Number 7 relates to the esoteric and mystical, spiritual awakening and development, emotions and feelings, persistence of purpose and determination, discernment and positive intentions, inner-knowing and understanding others, empathic and psychic abilities, and education and learning.

Angel Number 667 is a sign of positive progress, spiritual awakening and advancement on all levels. It signifies the strong connection with the angelic and spiritual realms that opens the doorway to Divine and angelic guidance and relates to your spiritual path and the monetary and financial aspects of life. Angel Number 667 encourages you to work towards gaining more spiritual knowledge and wisdom and incorporating it into your daily life, trusting that your needs will be catered to. You have put thought and considered efforts into all aspects of your life and have found balance and abundance. The angels encourage you to continue on your current path and applaud your commitment and courage.

Angel Number 677 is a message that working on your spiritual practices (eg. prayers, positive affirmations, meditations, study and the like) will manifest many and varied blessings into your life. Positive solutions and answers will present in order to resolve any issues that are currently causing anxiety or concern for you. You are encouraged to give any fears and/or anxieties to the angels for healing and transmutation, and trust the benevolence of the Universe. Your angels are by your side offering their support and guidance. Trust that all will work out for your highest good.

Angel Number 667 suggests that your thoughts, actions and work on the material plane are to be commended and you have successfully balanced your thoughts and activities. You are heading in the right direction and things are set to improve all the more as you hold a positive vision of your desired outcome. You are prompted to research and/or study topics of personal interest as this will enhance and help you with your inner-growth, development and life purpose.

You were born with a unique soul mission and life purpose to fulfill on Earth. This is something that is yours to do and accomplish, and yours alone.

Number 667 relates to number 1 (6+6+7=19, 1+9=10, 1+0=1) and Angel Number 1.

Sacred Scribes

NUMEROLOGY  - The Vibration and Energies of NUMBERS



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  1. Thank-you! Yes, this is what the angel in my dream had indicated... This is a very interesting experience

    1. Wow rush-collection, the last portion you wrote reminded me of a seen from the Matrix where Neo is talking to the Oracle, it's yours and yours alone. Very cool !! It's a choice only i can make and it's up to me to make it! Peace to all =)

  2. Thank you much! Love your page :)

  3. Much love rush-collection. I use your site every single day.

    I love your light,

    Kelly C

  4. the last 3 of my social security number is 667 does that mean im a angel?

  5. When one asks Jesus to purify ones heart, mind and soul while in water, sunshine or steam. One will arise with their own number to stand amongst the angels and be served by the creator. To save Earth and revealing more treasures

    Much love
    Glory 667

  6. I get these numbers from being the sixth child, born in the sixth month, and on the seventh day.

  7. Thank you. Over the past 2 weeks I've been receiving random text messages (which are blank) from a phone no. 667. I've wondered what it was about until I read your page. Now I know. Thanks so much. Lyne W

  8. rush-collection, my birthday 3-21-1977 has a profound significance to this number. When I divide each number by the Holy number 3 (father son holy spirit) I get 1-7-659. Added together 667. Oddly enough your calculation to angel number 1 also correlates with my name. Michael.

    1. ... and it is not a coincidence that your name is 'Michael' either ;)

    2. I just did the same calculations as Michael's. So the results are 2.6666666667
      +9.3333333333+659=671 I wont state be disclosing my Birthday, however do you see what I see. My month of birth decided by 3 comes to 2.6666666667 , hence pretty clear 667 out there, even though it did not come from the total of all.
      My name is Silviya and numerologicaly it adds up to 7.Calculated in my own language my name adds up to 9. Grateful for all the blessings in my life and all those yet to come.Amen.🙌❤

  9. This comment has been removed by the author.

  10. What does it mean when I divide it by 3? My birthday ended up with the numbers 667. My name is Christopher

  11. Immensely blessed and grateful!!!Now and always !!!
    Love,peace and Light to all!!! ♡♡♡

  12. I recove random texts time from a 144 number....thats the lightworkers number

  13. last night at 11pm, i was on my bed using my laptop looking for something on google and all of a sudden my tv turn off by itself, when i turned the tv back on, the google search had the number 667, i never wrote it so i started today looking for the meaning. i know I've searching for info about the 4-5 dimension, and i'm sure this was real and something is happening to earth and the universe and in order to transcend along side with them we need to start listening to music/radio at 432hz frequency, and Change this world with LOVE the highest vibration on the Universe.

  14. Wow amen with light abd blessing praise God

  15. thank you this was a very good reading i came on here because i am a home born baby and the midwife who was to deliver me said to my parents that i would be her 666 child she delivered but my mother told her she didn't want me to be the 666 child (because thats usually satan number)and literally when the day of my birth came the midwife called my mom that she was a little late because a woman gave birth an hour earlier then me making me the 667 child she delivered and also her last child delivering so thank you this really motivates me spiritually in the world of love and purpose.

  16. Thank you!!!.. So Grateful for Everything coming my way. Thank you for helping me along, my soul mission, and life path.. Thank you Angels #1Fan
