Friday, October 14, 2011


Number 637 is a compilation of the energies and attributes of number 6 and number 3, and the vibrations of the mystical number 7. Number 6 adds its attributes of the material and monetary aspects of life, love of home family and domesticity, responsibility and reliability, service to others and selflessness, grace, gratitude, compromise, truth and order, providing and provision. Number 3 brings its vibrations of communication and self-expression, confidence and inspiration, growth, expansion and the principles of increase, encouragement and assistance, natural talents and skills. Number 3 also resonates with the Ascended Masters. Number 7 resonates with the attributes of mysticism, empathic and psychic abilities, secrets and esoteric knowledge, spiritual awakening and development, consideration, philosophy, inner-wisdom and introspection, persistence of purpose and spiritual enlightenment.  

Angel Number 637 is a message of commendation from the angels as you have chosen a spiritual life and lifestyle and have listened to your soul’s higher calling. You have worked devotedly and diligently on your soul purpose, have been listening to your intuition and inner-wisdom and taking positive action in the right direction. You are successfully living your Divine life path and accurately following the guidance from the angels.  

Angel Number 637 encourages you to continue working diligently towards achieving your spiritual goals and aspirations while finding balance between your work, family life and your spiritual journey. You are encouraged to confidently serve as guided as by continuing to serve your life purpose with passion and purpose, your material wants and needs will be met and you and your loved ones will be taken care of by the Universal Energies. Trust that your beliefs, actions and pathway are right for you.

Angel Number 637 also encourages you to make a special prayer or wish at this time. The angels are telling you that your powers of manifestation are very strong right now, and your angels want you to focus upon bringing what you want into your life. Make a wish and manifest your desires.

Angel Number 637 suggests that you have chosen a spiritual life and lifestyle and have listened to your soul’s higher calling. Your angels encourage you to keep up the great work. Know that you are well blessed.

Be open and receptive to learning new things especially in regards to how you can further serve and help people with your natural talents and abilities. Keep alert to new opportunities that may appear to come from ‘out of the blue’.

Number 637 relates to number 7 (6+3+7=16, 1+6=7) and Angel Number 7.



Sacred Scribes

NUMEROLOGY  - The Vibration and Energies of NUMBERS

Sacred Scribes Ceramics





  1. THANK YOU SO MUCH!!! I've been using your site for a month now and it has really really helped me. I finally know who I am, what's my purpose and how much God and my angels love me! <3 Once again, many thanks!

  2. Bless you and Thank you for all you do tears fall from my face though I feel the great love in me and know that we are finding our way home. Love and Light Namaste~

  3. Thankyou Jesus for everything you have done for me and for all the blessings to come. As it is said by your word, I wish to be aware of speaking in tongues fully alowing the holy spirit to work through me from this time forth and forevermore. The serpent portal/pentacle/illuminati or whatever they call it will manipulate our people no longer. Atheists are afraid for our Creator EHYEH's time has come finally here to stay. I believe, affirm and visualize the revelations have come to fruition. Hallelujah, Amen.


  4. I pray my Christ-like self to flow through me at all times for me and my people and wish all the negative thoughts or deeds that I have done in my past be vanished from the hearts and minds of all humanity from this day forth and forevermore in the name of Jesus. I will hearby continue to influence others to walk the path of righteousness through me. I believe, affirm and visualize the revelations have come to fruition. Hallelujah, Amen.


  5. It's quite surreal stumbling upon the same numbers. I pray for my family and the ascension of humanity through YHWH. I believe in myself by trusting my creator. Jesus is key. Hallelujah, Amen.


  6. Immensely blessed and grateful always and forever!!! Thank you rush-collection and thank you Angels!!
    I will always keep alert to new opportunities that may appear to come from ‘out of the blue’.
    Stay blessed people,as we all are !!!
    Love ,peace and Light to all!!!
    I love you rush-collection !!! ♡♡♡

  7. For the past months, I have been battling with a lot of questions about how the world worked outside the ordinary and how these supernatural ways meant. I AM GRATEFUL THAT GOD HAS ALLOWED ME TO FIND THIS SITE FOR ANSWERS. YOU ARE A BLESSING rush-collection. THANK YOU!

  8. Praise Be To All Of The Mine Own, I have faith in each & everyone of you to become the very best versions of yourselves as I have faith in my own ability to become the very best version of myself. We are everyone, we are everything, we are every experience & situation under the sun, we are Infinate & Eternal, we are immortal, we are Universal. Love/Light to you all for we are One.

  9. Thank you Lord Jesus and to my guardian and all Angels

  10. Thank you uneverse guides angels ascending masters of my highest truth s love and compassion i have been working my ass off and can feel the energy thank you thank you thank you sending love to you all

  11. Thank you Jesus and to my Angels

  12. Hallelujah praise the Lord oh my soul

  13. Thank you Lord for the reminder

  14. Praise the Lord thank you Jesus and to my angels

  15. Joanna is always spot on. Thank you !!!

  16. rush-collection you give me a wish are you off your head well here we go I wish to be the devine being that is arch angel Micheal but you can call me SKINNY see you soon love you 😎👽😎

  17. Its skinny love again,my physiotherapist told me to do a exercise to strengthen the muscles between my shoulder blades,you don't think she knows do you?

  18. And the lord God almighty,said let there be light hemanau yo yo yo and we came forth to show the way Skinny Love 😎👽😎

  19. On point... Exactly how my life has been going.

  20. Thank you Angels... this passage mean so much to me .I pray everything works out in my favor.I have so much to accomplish.

  21. Careffull what you wish ffor it just may come true

  22. I give my wish to the one I love for you ffi on the house love 💕 you
