Thursday, October 13, 2011


Number 626 is a combination of the energies and attributes of number 6 and number 2, with number 6 appearing twice, amplifying its influences. Number 6 carries the vibrations of humanitarianism, community, service to others, love of home and family, care and nurture, simplicity, domesticity and social responsibility, grace and gratitude, solution-finding and problem-solving. Number 6 also relates to material issues and provision. Number 2 adds its attributes of balance and harmony, partnerships and relationships, adaptability, diplomacy and co-operation, encouragement, duality, faith and trust and serving your Divine life purpose.

Angel Number 626 is a message to trust that current circumstances will work out for your highest good. The determination and diligence you have devoted to living a consciously balanced and centered life has manifested a continued supply of positive abundance into your life, ensuring that you are sustained, maintained and provided for in your daily life. Hold positive thoughts and expect positive outcomes and give any fears about your monetary needs to the angels as all that you require will be provided as you serve your soul purpose.

Angel Number 626 may also bring a message that a significant new acquisition or purchase will be entering your life shortly. This may be something that you have worked hard towards, or is specifically meant to enhance your life. You are surrounded by powerful and loving angels who want to assist you in every area of your life, particularly within your home, family and relationship sectors. 

Angel Number 626 encourages you to be diplomatic, loving and co-operative with others in order to set a positive example for them to learn from. Trust the loving energies and guidance from your angels to heal and resolve any issues and bring healing to all.

Realize that your ability to conquer and overcome challenges is limitless, and your potential for personal happiness and success is infinite.

Number 626 relates to number 5 (6+2+6=14, 1+4=5) and Angel Number 5.



Sacred Scribes

NUMEROLOGY  - The Vibration and Energies of NUMBERS

Sacred Scribes Ceramics





  1. Thank you for ur message. I not only see 626 it is also the month and day of my birth.

    1. My birthdate too. I keep seeing it.

    2. My birthday to i see this number everywhereee 6.26.93

    3. My birthday to i see this number everywhereee 6.26.93

    4. My birthday to i see this number everywhereee 6.26.93

    5. Wow my birthday n i see everywhereee

    6. My birthday to i see this number everywhereee 6.26.93

    7. Mine too...its my birthday but today it came up today is 12/26 and 626 is my month and day of birth, exactly 6 months to the day this is coming up and I'm dealing with financial doubt having launched a new business...and a financial acquisition is coming up. Amazing!

    8. How did everything work out for you! My intuition tells me not exactly how you wanted. It actually far exceeded your expectations didn’t it. I wish you many blessings. Spread the love bc anything else is a bad program. Love is the only truth Everything else is an illusion! Love and light to all my beings of light.

    9. My birthday too, I'm surprised I found my birthday twins just looking at explenation of the number i was seeing lately. Having in mind it's the same as the date of my birth.

    10. My birth date too.. I see it all the time.

    11. Same here, my birthday and I keep seeing it. Also in the process of starting new business ventures.

  2. When you see the numbers of your date of birth repeating to you, it is often an indication that you are to concentrate and focus upon your true life purpose ... your reason for being ... your soul mission. Seeing your own birthday is a reminder of why you were born and your reason for being on the Earthplane at this time.

    Rush Collection
    Sacred Scribes

    1. Why is life hard an what do I have to do to get out this world?

    2. dunno maybe if you think positively maybe thats all it takes; maybe the universe is in need of some light out of all that darkness. IK cheesy but w/e

    3. Anonymous. I can say I've asked myself that many times, and even prayed to die. The power of positive thinking is real, but not always enough. Sometimes a shift of focus from ourselves to how we can be of service to someone else is enough to obtain a desire to be alive. Last, and what night be a part of your situation, check in with a mental health professional. Preferably a Psychiatrist who will suggest proper treatment and also refer you to a counselor as well.There is no shame in having depression(which I'd often the cause of those feelings). It's no didn't than any other condition, except the way a stigma surrounds it. If you are very scientific in thinking, one thing to keep in mind is we know very little about it neurological existence. I feel strongly that like Chris Columbus showed the earth is round to people who ridiculed him for the idea and like sexuality was seen as a choice instead of a individuals makeup, I think mental health issues aware no more than subconscious functions of the brain. Also that they are congenital in nature. Not saying this is for certain what is bothering you, but it's a good idea to go have it checked by a Dr. Just like any other disease or infection the professionals usually know best.

    4. My boyfriends Birthday is 6/26/62. He is always pointing out when it appears. He may look at the clock at excactly that moment. It happens most mornings. Then through out his days. It really is constant! I'd love to get him a book or info on this Angel sign as a gift.

    5. Thank you rush-collection. 626 is a number that's followed me for several years now, in many different places. It's not my birthday, but you made this post on my birthday. 10/13 :)
      Thanks again

  3. Thank you. love and light
    Kelly C

  4. My birth date is 12/3/1987 what does this mean?

  5. This comment has been removed by the author.

    1. I've felt the same in the past & all I can offer you is advice & that is that life is what YOU make it & thru the law of attraction, you create into your experience that which you are focused upon, good and bad. I'm sorry it's not something more tangible for you or you may see it as in constructive but this the very best piece of advice I can give & one that I hope you can apply in your thoughts and life. In love and light, many blessings, NaMaSte my friend!! You CAN DO THIS!! WE ALL WANNA GO HOME HON, JUST MAKE THE BEST OF IT WHILE YOU'RE HERE K!! (; PEACE BE WITH YOU

  6. When a person haves done everything right in the in there life an never hurt anyone had a choice To choose from right an wrong but that person always did the right thing an no matter how good they are an always do the right thing it's still meaningless worthless no matter how good they are everything thing good they've done don't matter it's meaningless do they keep doing good? Or do they just stop doing good.. An turn for the worse. Will Shit get better. If that person goes bad??????

  7. When a person haves done everything right in the in there life an never hurt anyone had a choice To choose from right an wrong but that person always did the right thing an no matter how good they are an always do the right thing it's still meaningless worthless no matter how good they are everything thing good they've done don't matter it's meaningless do they keep doing good? Or do they just stop doing good.. An turn for the worse. Will Shit get better. If that person goes bad??????

    1. No, it won't even make you feel better. You will be worse off. Always contribute to good fruit, even if you don't see it right away. Use this time to draw near to God. God bless you.

    2. Agreed. Acting poorly it bad just adds self loathing and shame into your life. Do good, and it might help to think the good that you do now might be rewarded in life after this, wherever you believe that to be

    3. Maybe the people you ve around and doing good for aren't "good" people. Maybe they take and do little reciprocate. This is my situation. I spent many years surrounded by people and being r"raised" by individuals who only wanted to take, even from a child. So try as might, the good didn't come back. It was going into a black hole, into feeding someonelsr's addiction to fantasy. ("I'm a 'good' mother..", ""I'm kind.") Really they were none of those things with or without my "help." I hope things aren't still a "shit" sandwich, but if anyone else needs a direction consider this. Am I doing good around people that reflect the good or absorb the good? Can I afford emotionally what is happening?

    4. Thank you Beloved Angel You have been my Goto for Spiritual understanding of Numbers....All that is Blessed, Bless You.
      Namaste, Namaste, Namaste.

  8. thank you so much! this is also my birthday! It's time for me to forfill my lifes purpose! Namaste!

  9. Is this world coming to an end? is all this story's I hear bout God real????

  10. I've been seeing 626 for years now. I'll go some weeks seeing it a lot then other weeks I'll see it here or there but I'm always seeing it. On a clock, house or building #'s or change I get back after buying something. Bizarre!

  11. I've been seeing 626 for years. The time, house or building numbers, change I get back at the store & when my bf & I first got together he drove a Mazda 626. Bizarre

  12. I would like to know what is my purpose for being in this world my birth day is 626 an I would like to know what is my mission on thins earth ..... Please God if you there please tell me what is my mission....

  13. What if it's part of your phone number what does that mean?

  14. What does it mean if it's part of your phone number?

  15. Could mean doing charity work for some like me, because this is apart of my life purpose, being kind loving and compassionate to people is a positive change to be made by all. Stay strong and filled with faith no matter what...a new purchase hmmm I hope so for me I've been wanting a my dream home for awhile now and all signs and numbers are pointing towards moving, been seeing number 325 for days now, could mean moving, new job or starting my dream career of serving humanity, or both!

    1. That is the best answer ever thank you

  16. Hi everyone... Im havin alor of personal emotional pronlems.... Im lost in with in try to escape all the ospticales i faces in life i have over come some ut some still hunts me... I yry an let go but its like there a dack ☁ blockin eberythin an anythin i ever wantex to has been rough since i could remember.... Its not been easy on my journey till dis day... An i find my self cornered ingents the wall feelin like theres no way out 😨 an blue by not understandin alot of thins... I have live life as in came an kept my head up no matter what came my i found a solution to everyrhin nagetive in my path it was hard but i did it i dont lnow how but here i am tryin to find a away to make a change but with my bad luck ill never get ahead... God help me its so hard im hangin with out streaght.....

  17. I wanted to share some light on what is the symbala of the three paramints they resemble humanyty an there meaning first paramint mean we are born. We get to choese on what side you on good or evil 2 one mean we live life make a di#rence for the good not for worse we have the privilege to geel life an its 5 sences love learn teach loyalty an respect for the unfutures sarrow the 3 one is our spirist has moved on to meat with the creator... Born on earth an live on earth destiny after your jearney here at the end of it he would know if your hueart is pure... Just wanted to sare a thought. Of my knolage on life....

  18. Wanted to share another though here goes ne opened mind its bout the ark in the bible it saids i would put you lusifer in the dark of the darknes were you woukd be able to hear us but no see us an that an thats were the ark come in he was put in there to deal with his stuberness an you should remain in there till the day god jesus an mary return for its fallen angles it why the ark dusapired an never to be found till our creater returns....

  19. Very grateful!πŸ’œ I did clearing on my house, land and business today!😊

  20. I'm 626 lost angel coming to you to yell you I give up I tried everything to keep my family togather an I failed now I'm going to do what I never thought I would do I'm gonna call child services to put them some where because I can't seem to get a head

    1. I hope what felt like the "wrong" answer turns out to be the best one. I've found it's not easy to see it. I've spent many years doing the "right" thing until I was shown that it wasn't the best thing. My parents kept my family together and in hindsight that was the worst thing they could have done.

  21. How can we help?


  22. Love & light your way rush-collection!!! Thank you!!!
    Thank you Angels!!! Forever grateful !!!♡♡♡

  23. Immensely blessed and grateful!!!
    I realize that my ability to conquer and overcome challenges is limitless, and my potential for personal happiness and success is infinite!!! AMEN!!!
    Love,peace and Light to All!!! ♡♡♡

  24. This blog has being very very helpful for me since the day I found it. This is a great divine service. Thank you for this ^ your effort is much appreciated. Thank you again rush-collection! Bless you! Love & light from Sri Lanka.

    - Migara -

  25. For the past few weeks I been waking up at the same time every day and the go back to sleep to continue dreaming of more #’s
    I was curious about such and add # to wake up to ��

  26. "Realize that your ability to conquer and overcome challenges is limitless, and your potential for personal happiness and success is infinite." This statement strongly applies to me, as the rest of the message. Grateful. Blessed. Timely.♥️🧘‍♀️πŸŽˆπŸ™

  27. Amen this is so true praise God thank you Angels

  28. Wow praise the Lord hallelujah

  29. Thank you Jesus and to my loving Angels

  30. I was shot 6/26/98 scares me

  31. Thank you so much for everything

  32. This thread was so helpful to me. The article about the number 626 was confirmation about my life and what path i should take or stay on. I see 626 on anything. Sometimes, well a lot of times, its when I look at the clock. Sometimes I see it on a mailbox or house I go by. Ive seen it on a light post. I assume that was the light post number. When it 1st started happening it really creeped me out. But now im use to it. And Now I Know what my Angels have been trying to convey to me. And it all makes perfect sense. Now I just have to overcome the obstacles in order to fulfill my Lifes Purpose. And the ironic thing is that im doing just that, without having the knowledge I have now as to why I see the number 626 so much. Im so excited now. Ive always wanted to know my purpose. Ive always wanted to be in a position where im confident about the choices ive made. And now the Universe has made its self very clear as to what I need to be doing or continue doing, as well as quitting the things that are holding me back.. Thank you so much for article. And this thread.. Also 626 is my birth date in case I didnt include that in my comment... Love and compassion for all who are experiencing this exact same occurrence. We will succeed. And we will make right choices even in time of despair.. Hope, Grace, Mercy, Determination, and perseverance will be our principles.

  33. Nice to see people see that too.

  34. I am virgo 6th kid born on aug 26 of 86...i take many screen shot of 626.

  35. i was the 6 kid born 08/26/86. and i have seen 626 everywhere that i dont doubt it anymore. I take a picture every time I see it to remind me that my angels are strong af ! this is coming from someone so secular that it took a long time to believe it. May y'all third eyes be a blessing for all of you. I feel SEEN by the presence of you. Starseeds are hard to come by.

  36. Music to my ears!!! πŸ’—πŸ™πŸ˜‚ thank you thank you thank you!!!! πŸ₯³πŸ₯³πŸ₯³πŸ™πŸ™πŸ™ #626

  37. Thank you πŸ™ Amen πŸ™

  38. Wow ok I’ve seen my bday 6/26 for the past week now. Every time I find out something new I needed to know to achieve my soul mission it shows. I was born 6/26/86… only 2 months after Chernobyl happened… what a wild time to be born. But it makes me think I have some significant gift he’s given during that extreme sadness a baby born of extreme love and empathy he sent. So God I’m here, I’m finally open fully and listening. I promise with ever fiber of me I will do your work. Heal others, bring love compassion and hope back to your children here crying out for you. We are all vessels for him and the angels to work through. Whether you believe in him and allow him is the life changer. I want Heaven on earth. If you do too walk in Jesus’s footsteps. See the world as he did… feel it as he did. Miracles will happen when you get that close to God. Trust me! It’s started for me. God is a loving father. He made us in his image. We have more power than we believe! Only thru him though do we achieve it. We aren’t powerful we are human… but our spirits are! Allow yours to let his in to do what he’s asking of you! God bless everyone. Go be the light!!! The time is coming to fight the darkness! Wake up people. Please. Go spread love and light. In Jesus name Amen! Bless these followers lord and allow them to help us bring the light of your love to the world…. Heaven on Earth is obtainable. We only have to figure out how to bring it.
