Saturday, November 19, 2011


Number 722 is a blend of the attributes of number 7 and the vibrations of number 2, with number 2 appearing twice, amplifying its energies. Number 2 appearing twice also relates to the Master Number 22. Number 7 is the number of feelings and emotions, spiritual awakening and development, persistence of purpose and determination, discernment and positive intentions, introspection and inner-wisdom, empathic and psychic abilities, higher-learning and research. Number 2 is associated with balance, harmony, duality, peace, adaptability, diplomacy, receptivity and love, charm, understanding, mediation and co-operation, consideration, faith and trust, your life purpose, support and encouragement. Master Number 22 relates to ancient wisdom and realization, evolution and technology, redemption, love, personal power and charisma, service, philanthropy, common sense and practicality.

Angel Number 722 brings a message from your angels that you are to believe in yourself, your intuitive messages and your inner-promptings as they are direct messages about your life purpose and soul mission. Your angels encourage you to follow the guidance and directions given and trust that you are fully supported in your spiritual endeavours.

Angel Number 722 is a message of encouragement from your angels. Maintain a positive perspective and outlook and through the Spiritual Law of Attraction you will manifest positive results, rewards and blessings into your life.  

Angel Number 722 brings a message of faith, trust and self-belief, and the angels encourage you to step forward on your life path with confidence and grace.

Angel Number 722 may also be a sign that positive news and/or information will come into your life in the very near future. This may be something that you have been waiting to hear or know for quite some time. Take this new information and/or knowledge and use it to the advantage of yourself and others.

Number 722 relates to Master Number 11 and Angel Number 11 on the higher plane, and number 2 and Angel Number 2 on the lower plane (7+2+2=11, 1+1=2).



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  1. This has been a very weird encounter with these numbers. It's never the same ones. But, they are always right on time.( time get it.) 222/ 1222/ 722/ 622/ 122/ 555/ 1111. I've read all their is to read on these numbers. It's always positive. It could be visible to me maybe because I've been so negative and in accepting these past few years. Trust few these days.

    1. I see these all the time too. Used to be i would see 2:22 or 12:22. I saw 2:22 everyday for a couple months.Not purposely at all. Now it could be anything w 22. 4:22, 7,22
      1:22. I love seeing these reminders

    2. I actually see these same numbers.. 2:22,4:22,6:22... 1:33,3:33, 5:33... I see them on billboards within phone numbers. I see them in transactions. Gas gallons, change. Dates.. times.. I'll be texting my mom and the time is 2:33 or 4:55.. it's always a double digit on the number. And if the hour number, or dollar is even the min, change is odd... It's a devine mathematical pattern.

  2. My next follow up doctor's appointment is located at a building with the address number 722. My birthday is 7/22. Coincidence? No. :)

  3. I can see that this sequence of numbers has meaning for me as I advance along my spiritual path. Something I have been questioning for a long time is becoming clearer! And yes, I trust that I will get the final piece to the puzzle!

  4. My birthdate is also 722 as well as daily seeing the time 722. Very intresting this is in regards to coincidince.. Lol

    1. My birthday is also 722 and I can be doing something and look up at the time and it's always 7:22 no matter what I'm doing if I stop to check the time

    2. My bday is also 722 and I see these numbers daily. I’m seeing them right now along side 333 for the past few months. My life has been filled with joy, laughter, and so much positivity. I am loved and I spread love everyday and it feels so good. When I see 333 I know the divine is with me. I feel powerful and have been manifesting so much goodness in my life. My soul is happy and more connected spiritually. I have reached a higher level in my spiritual growth.

    3. Dude same. My bday is 7/22 and I see the number every morning and evening as well as all over the place like this is when the timeout happened and there’s 7:22 left in the quarter.

  5. When you see the numbers of your date of birth repeating to you, it is often an indication that you are to concentrate and focus upon your true life purpose ... your reason for being ... your soul mission. Seeing your own birthday is a reminder of why you were born and what you are to do and achieve in your lifetime. This is copied from rush-collection's reply to some people

  6. When you see the numbers of your date of birth repeating to you, it is often an indication that you are to concentrate and focus upon your true life purpose ... your reason for being ... your soul mission. Seeing your own birthday is a reminder of why you were born and what you are to do and achieve in your lifetime. Copied from rush-collection comment

  7. How do you know what is your soul purpose because I also see my birthdate ?

  8. How do you know what is you soul mission?

    1. What is Your Life Purpose
      and How to Work Out Your Soul Mission



  9. I saw 227 on a license plate when I left work yesterday and I saw 722 on another license plate going to the park today. I was born at 7:22pm and fun fact: did you know 22/7 is pi. It is the universal number for finding the circumfence of a circle and solving many other problems as well. It is extremely significant to see this number repetitively.

    1. Lol that is funny because I just woke up and had a dream about a building I was trying to get out, there was many obstaces..when I got out I woke up and looked my phone it was 7:22

  10. Awesome!!!Eagerly waiting !!!
    Thank you rush-collection!!!Thank you Angels!!! Stay blessed and believe in your self people!!!Love,peace and Light to all !!! ♡♡♡

  11. @Pocket Pantry,thank you for your insightful message !!! Stay blessed !!! Love and Light your way !!! ♡♡♡

  12. 722 has always been my number. It is everywhere I am and noticeable to the point that everyone around me sees it when Im around too. It started with my dvd play freezing on 222222222 then now all technology messes us when Im around it when its at 22 or 722 or 272 or 227. Weird things happen to me. I believe its God trying to tell me something. I'm glad I'm not the only one who sees it.

    1. and yet the date of your message is 11/11/17

  13. My baby was born and passed away on that 722 and now I'm always seeing 722.

  14. This comment has been removed by the author.

  15. Grateful for each and every reminder !!!
    A bird were singing on my window this morning for me to get the message.
    I woke up and wondered for a little thinking if that's a message or not & so it was!!!
    I also had a lovely dream about 2 birds flying and one bringing me post ! ♡♡♡
    Stay blessed people ,as we all are !!!♡♡♡
    I love you rush-collection !!!♡♡♡

  16. Thank you Angels !
    Thank you rush-collection !

  17. I constantly seeing my crush birthdate on car plates and sometimes it goes with my birthdate. What does it mean? Thanks.

    1. Maybe it means you're meant to be together, who knows?

  18. This is true my life purpose is to work as a life coach i am urge to pursue my lightworking job thank you Lord and Angels😊

  19. Since ive changed my ways and started living my life the way the angels want me to live everything is just falling right into place,it's just going from great to unbelievable brilliant, can't believe how my life has changed since putting my faith in spirit..I feel blessed guided and protected Amen x

  20. Thanks be to God

  21. GraciasπŸ’•❤ te quiero 😘πŸ₯°πŸ™πŸ‘‘πŸ˜‡❤

  22. πŸ™πŸ˜‡πŸ₯°πŸŽΆπŸ’ƒπŸŽΆ

  23. Thank you for every timely reminder!!! πŸ™πŸ˜‡πŸ₯°πŸ’–πŸŽΆ

  24. πŸ™πŸ’–☺πŸŽ‰πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡ΈπŸ˜œ

  25. Very reassuring...Thank you!!!πŸ™πŸ˜‡πŸ₯° Love and light to all of us!!! πŸ₯°

  26. Wonderful heart is full of gratitude for every timely reminder.πŸ™πŸ˜‡πŸ₯° Blessings and Love to all.πŸŽΆπŸ’žπŸ€—πŸ’–πŸŽΆ

  27. πŸ’—πŸŒΎπŸ‘πŸ’—πŸ™πŸ½πŸ’šπŸ•Š

  28. God loves all of you. Everyone no matter what sins have been adventured. If you hold gods love in your heart and ask for forgiveness it shall be. You must ask out loud. You must confess your sins to god. If you confess your sins and asked for forgiveness for them and for the sins of your forefathers it shall be granted. You will know when the light of gods love fills you with joy and you weep from the overwhelming love. Love is the answer. Til we all meet again! Safe travels.

  29. I'm ALWAYS caught at 7:22 & that's also my 2nd oldest son's birthday πŸŽ‰πŸ₯³ it's other numbers I caught as well I wanted to know what 7:22 means. ✨πŸ€—πŸ’šπŸ‘‘
