Wednesday, November 16, 2011


Number 714 is a compilation of the vibrations of number 7, the attributes of number 1 and the energies of number 4. Number 7 relates to study and learning, spiritual awakening, Divine and inner-wisdom, emotions and feelings, mysticism, empathic and psychic abilities, persistence of purpose and determination, and good fortune. Number 1 is the number of inspiration and intuition, creating your own reality, uniqueness and individuality, self-leadership and assertiveness, new beginnings, creation, progress, striving forward, motivation and progress, positivity and achieving success. Number 4 is associated with practicality and application, hard work and responsibility, traditional values, honesty and integrity, patience, and diligence and determination to achieve goals. Number 4 also relates to our passion and drive and the energies of the Archangels.

Angel Number 714 indicates that you have been working hard towards successfully living your Divine life purpose and soul mission. You have been building strong foundations for yourself in order to achieve success and fulfilment and this will manifest as blessings and rewards in your life.

Angel Number 714 brings a message to put considered thought, proper planning and practical preparation towards any new project, venture or opportunity you may be considering. Be mindful of your intentions and actions and ensure that they are positive, productive and life affirming.

If you have been looking to enroll in a course of study and/or further education, Angel Number 714 may suggest that now would be a great time to follow through with your intentions.

Ask your angels for guidance if feeling any doubts, fears or concerns. The angels want you to be confident and clear about the next steps and your future path. The angels and Archangels are helping you to stay positive, centered and focused.

Number 714 relates to number 3 (7+1+4=12, 1+2=3) and Angel Number 3.



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  1. I am seeing 714 all the time and have for years. It is almost like a joke with my family, but they see it with me and even tell me about it. I am thinking of writing a short story about it.

    1. I always see that number too and the description above is dead on for what I do for work and what has been happening through out my life.

    2. Pam, it took 2 years to finally find someone with similar experiences with the number 714. This number has been popping up in front of me so often, that it can't possibly be coincidence. You are actually the first I have crossed paths with who has the same experiences with this number. I only wish I knew more about why it keeps popping up so constantly. I'm not sure about this numerology stuff because I'm a firm believer in God, and numerology seems a bit on the forbidden side, but this is the closest I have come to any answers.

    3. Omg it is so amazing to read of people that experience the same thing with this number in literally see it daily and in the most random places and have always felt a connection to the number 714
      It is also my bday july 14 . This article just gave me chills because it describes me and how I live my life. Amazing just amazing. God is good!

    4. WOW! I have the same experience with this nimber. My birthday is also July 14. the description was spot on.

  2. We have the same experience, i see it everywhere and im not intentionally searching it. And it's my birthdate, July 14, Im using 714 on may emails and username. But i always see it everyday 2 to 3 times. On my watch, on the car's plate, on the wall, on the computer, on the banners, everywhere.

  3. Same here, 714 every day several years now. I was born at 417 however, wierd.

  4. same here, seeing 714 for about a year. this page is extremely helpful!

  5. The numbers 714 have been following me all my life.
    Last 3 numbers of my SS # = 714
    Area code growing up = 714
    Last car payment I had = 714/mo

    Thanks, rush-collection!

  6. I was told this number in a dream

    1. Wow absolutely right my birthday is also 714 and I see examples everyday of the number the only negative example I can think of is when I was a teenager my best friend was murdered during a drugstore hold up the shooter was after Quaaludes which as some of you know the stamp on a quaalude is 714

  7. I always see 714 and 1111, even this original post was created 15.11.11

    1. What does 15.11.11 mean in regards to 714?

  8. I dreamed about thse numbrs last night and can't shake em. Thanks for this article!

  9. I always see 714 before someone I know/close to me dies. I started seeing this number last year (2013) and several weeks later my great-grandmother died. I tried to fight it but now I've just accepted it. Today (9/8/14) I started seeing the number again.

    1. Remember that your thoughts and worries will manifest. Make sure you dont worry and wonder if somebody close to you will pass away. Focus on being happy and joyful and living each day to its fullest! :)

  10. every day in the am I see 714 0n my watch and clocks. it was also one of the numbers of my racing mx. and it was also the day in one year of my life that my life completely changed? I thought I was a freaking nut case. Why do I see this number all the time ? 3 sevens is better than 3 sixes I guess? what the hell is this?

    1. In the Hebrew Bible, the date that Jesus was crucified was the 7th month, 14th day of Nissan.

    2. 741

  11. I have been seeing 714 or 417 for many years. Even won daily number playing 714 once. My two sisters were born 3 years apart on July 14. Good reading a positive message behind the numbers. I work at positive energy and affirmations by helping and taking care of others to keep myself from depression.

  12. my birthday is 714 and for about atleast ten years i see it alot on the clock. ithoughti should play them numbers for the lottery,but my sister is very spiritual and says it means something so i goggled it,and it said some interesting things. i would like 2 learn more about it now

  13. i was born at 7:07 and weighed 7lbs 7oz. I was born on the 14th. i always see on the clock 7:14. I have been seeing it since I was a young girl. But I also see it a lot in the things I do. I always wondered what it meant!

  14. I've been seeing 7:14 on the clock for decades. My Husbands heart stopped on July 14th. I still see it all the time.

  15. I tried to post about this a moment ago and do not see it, so forgive me if this is duplicate information.

    The number 714 has no significance for me, but I began seeing it regularly on clocks, etc., 7-10 years ago. It was way too frequent to ignore. Being a baseball historian, I thought it might be Babe Ruth's final HR total, but it made no sense that I would see it so much. Then when we had a family crisis three years ago, it appeared constantly, mostly on clocks. It struck me that it could be a Bible verse. What was weird was that every 7:14 verse in the New Testament applied in some way to what we were going through. It also struck me that Job 7:14 might have meaning, and it did. When I am at my wit's end I sometimes open the Bible to a random page, and if my intent is sincere, I always receive a meaningful reading, so this is not too weird to me.

    It's comforting to find this page.

    1. Amen brother. I also see this number so frequently it cannot be passed off as coincidence. I did the same thing as you with looking up bible scriptures with 7:14.

  16. I always look at the clock at 7:14 almost every day...

  17. I can't even believe that I am reading this right now! 714 also in my life daily! Everywhere,anywhere. I makes me crazy, like I can't stop seeing it! My daughter was born 7/14 so I though it was a subliminal message about her. Just today, sitting in my husband's truck at a fish dock. I was playing in my phone and I looked up, there it was on the side of a trawler. It was the boats number, not it's whOle registry number but just what I could see with a big wooden piling covering the rest... I'm so happy to know there are so many with the same sequence.
    I do see 714 in other sequence too, 417 147 but most of all 714...

    1. After reading through the comments I have to say the truth is the most accurate to what I experience. I have to say it is nice to know there is someone else and not just the ones around us that have started to notice the unusual when we're around as well LOL best wishes

  18. I always wondered about this number. I was born at 7:14 am and weighed 7 lbs 14 oz. Every time I look at the clock it is 7:14. Unfortunate events have occured in dates 7-14 as well. Wow thanks for this informative guide.

  19. For years when I seem to look at the clock it has been so many times 7:14....For a long time I have wondered what??? is going on here that that time us stuck in my head. I don't pick a time to check but for some reason when I look and finally decided to look this up on the computer to see if there was something to this??. What is crazy for over a year now I have out of the blue been seeking the truth to life and searching for answers to something missing within..getting spiritual. I have found Enoch,scrolls,etc.with lots of answers then been directed to blood finding that being Rh negative...the traits hit me right on and being left handed that I have the dominant right brain hemisphere...hit the nail on the head also! I am no different than anyone else but find it mind blowing that the way I think and feel are describing me exactly...Are any of you who are for some reason looking up a number you constantly see for some reason have either of these two differences as me in common.I am not nuts but found that a lot of people don't really give these questions a second thought. I am sincere in what I wrote ...just looking for answers and reasons why? Hope someone leaves a remark. Have a great day!!!

    1. I also keep seeing 714. I usually see it on the clock. I woke up today at exactly 714. My Birthday is 1119, and I am Rh negative.

  20. I'm glad to see I'm not the only one experiencing this... I enjoy it... Brian.....

  21. I too have been seeing 714 as long as I can remember :) I guess I first noticed it as a young adult and now I'm 60 and it still follows me and makes me smile whenever it pops up and that's pretty often ! I'm trying to understand it more these days and thank everyone for posting as well this site for hosting this info ,Best wishes to all in our quest to understand lives :)

  22. I see them to, I'm from cape cod. I mean every week the phone time, a car plate, I don't know. I know it's our guide in mass consciousness,obviously. So is it a warning, or your special. We're all special. I have Awaken ,had my 48th birthday yesterday. Recovering Addict, lost everything, lost myself. Clean .sober now 5 yrs. The blessings are uncanny. Wow keep researching God bless Yeashua love you

    1. Hey Bo, I'm 9 yrs in recovery. I've been seeing 714 or these 3 numbers in other orders for about 20 years. I finally googled it when my mom's best friend had my daughter and I over for dinner. She asked Kaila who is ten, what's your favorite number and she responded 714. I couldn't believe it. She said it just popped into her head when she was asked. I figured if I wasn't getting the hint, God or the angel used her to help deliver the message.i think it's to help me with all my struggles. Especially forgiving myself.
      God Bless you brother. Br

  23. I see 714 all of the time and always just assumed it was because that was my birthday.Thank you for taking me to the next in my understanding of this. Greatly appreciated!

  24. I see 714 constantly and had always just assumed it was because that is my birthday. Thank you for taking me to the next level of my understanding of this. Greatly appreciated!

  25. When you see the numbers of your date of birth repeating to you, it is often an indication that you are to concentrate and focus upon your true life purpose

    ... your reason for being ... your soul mission. Seeing your own birthday is a reminder of why you were born and your reason for being on the Earthplane at

    this time.

    It may act as a prompt and/or validation as to your path.

    It can also be validation that angels/spirit guides/passed over loved ones are with you.


  26. I have been seeing 714 everywhere for almost 20 yrs. I was seeking God then. I was struggling with life, alcohol and drugs. I'm now sober 8 yrs and a couple of nights ago, my close friend asked my 9 yr old daughter what her favorite number was. Kaila answered 714! Really. She didn't know I have been seeing this number. It blew my mind once again. I was always worried about it being something bad. Now I know it is something wonderful and Devine. God is good!

    1. Wow Brian Tate!!!Well done !!!♡♡♡
      Stay blessed , as we all are !!!
      Love peace and Light to you and family!!!♡♡♡

    2. Wow Brian Tate,it was lovely reading your experience!!!Thank you for sharing !!! There are no coincidences in life,indeed!!!♡♡♡Well done !!!♡♡♡
      Stay blessed , as we all are !!!
      Love peace and Light to you and family!!!♡♡♡

  27. This has been my lucky number since the 80s qualludes and the last 14 yrs I've been seeing it often and my bff numbers is 1234 we c these numbers all the time clocks mile markers bar codes and most recent winning lottery ticket I'm trying to figure out the formula that relates 1234 and 714 together cuz these numbers will bring us together spiritually and emotionally. And long lasting love. Can u figure out this formula please help us link this love

  28. C wat I mean June 14th 2017

  29. 714 is my birthday. I hear and have heard for yrs from the Holy Spirit that it's a "Special" day and has a deeper meaning. I've never gotten into numerology or researched it until now, 4 days before my birthday. It's bugged me almost all of my life, esp with the yr I was born to add another 7. Sweetqueen

  30. My daughter was born 4/14 at 7:14a.m. and weighted 7Lbs.,14 oz. My car VIN number ends in 714. 714 pops up all the time. The number 14 also does. My credit card ends in 14, my marriage license is 1414.My husband's birthday is 1/4.
    Thank you for the information.

  31. Saw 714 twice today, Thank you Angels..

  32. This number pops up everywhere for me. In a lot of forms, the clock, in the gym, on my light bill this month. I see it multiple times a day for the past 2 years. My childhood area code is 714! I can't believe there's more people out there with the same situation .

  33. been seeing 714 for years now.. and i wander what does it mean?

  34. Omg same to me..alot ..when i wake up or happen to lok at my register ..or customer's buy things and total is 714..alot thz year ..i see the numbers 714.

  35. Amen praise the Lord hallelujah

  36. I have seen this number 714 when I was 5 or 6 years old, i just cant remember whats my age. It showed me in the night sky, forming a clouds. And until primary, highschool, college, and present still that number is following me everywhere. I even, have weird dreams of seeing God, or even the chaos of the mankind. I thought I am the only one seeing this #, but we are many. Maybe God wants to show us something or tell us something. Read 2 Chronicles 7:14, it tells about what the pandemic cause us today 2020.

  37. I was born on the 714 77 I was born seven clock my name is oswaldo which means got rules divine power my son name is also oswaldo he was born 7 14 09 let me know when you guys think of that God bless

  38. I also see the numbers 444, and saw them primarily in my 30s.

  39. I took a photo of angels on a carriage in the sky lastnight it was the most incredible thing I've ever seen I looked back at when I snapped the photo it said 7:14 I then had so many questions I couldn't stop thinking about it if you would like to see the photo you are welcome to email me this sight was so beautiful it felt like the whole world stood still I wasn't a believer in god but as of now I know there is something more powerful out there

  40. I’ve seen this number my whole life because it’s my birthday. And I feel super connected to it, like it’s been my birthday in every life I’ve had. 7s in general have always followed me. I was born 7/14/93 so my 28th birthday fell on 7/14/21 with me turning 28. It was crazy. I love that I found this!
