Friday, November 04, 2011


Number 700 is a combination of the vibrations and energies of number 7 and number 0, with number 0 appearing twice, magnifying its influences and that of the number/s it appears with. Number 7 is the number of philosophy and the philosophical, thoughtfulness and understanding others, discernment, deep contemplation, introspection, manifesting and manifestation, knowledge-seeking, study, education and learning, empathic and psychic abilities.  
Number 0 represents potential and/or choice, a spiritual journey, developing your spiritual aspects, listening to your intuition and higher-self, eternity and infinity, oneness and wholeness, continuing cycles and flow, and the beginning point. Number 0 also relates to the God force/Universal Energies/Source.

Angel Number 700 brings a message from your angels that your just rewards are entering your life due to your positive intentions and actions. Your current life choices are to be commended, supported and encouraged, and your angels ask that you keep up the great work and continue on your spiritual path.

Angel Number 700 is message that you deserve accolades for the mental, spiritual and physical work you have been doing in your daily life. You are helping and assisting yourself and many others with your life choices and you are asked to continue your great work.  

Angel Number 700 indicates that you are in direct alignment with your true Divine path and purpose. Keep shining your light brightly!

Number 700 relates to number 7 (7+0+0=7) and Angel Number 7.



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  1. Your messages offer me hope and strength during a trying time.

    I had a dream of both of these numbers in the same night

    700 & 777.. nice to know I am on track

  2. I just woke up and it was exactly 07:00.

  3. I was view 7000 for a video I was led to this morning (by another angel number) and it was just the message I needed to hear at just the right moment. After all I've experienced I'm sure it was a sign. Angel numbers keep appearing to me beyond all chance and I'm grateful. I just walked into the kitchen and it was 1.11. That kind of thing has happened over and over. Abraham Hicks calls it a sign of being in alignment. I think it must also be a sign of the awakening and it's wonderful to hear that it's happening to people all over the world.

  4. I created a team called 700

  5. I was teaching a stranger how to hear/feel his angel and looked at my phone and the time was 7:00. Beautiful

  6. Dreamt of a licence plate last night - B700. Love this site. Thanks

  7. When I put my calculator down it said zero, when I returned it said 26.457513. I discovered that this was the square root of 700. I think the bigger number was used to get my attention. I enjoyed your message as I have been working on this for the past few years. Thank you.

  8. When I put my calculator down it said zero, when I returned it said 26.457513. I discovered that this was the square root of 700. I think the bigger number was used to get my attention. I enjoyed your message as I have been working on this for the past few years. Thank you.

  9. Hello.
    I was taking part of a Ayahuasca ( one of many ) ceremony and i saw the number 700, it was very strange because it was like stamped in to me, white numbers on on a black background, somehow its was made very clear to me that i was not to forfget this numbers, that they was important.

  10. I've been receiving this combination along with 555, between the two I would have to assume the Angels are pleased with the spiritual changes I've been going through!?! I usually see 555 around death or upheaval, but I'd like to think this is positive; I'm hoping this is positive change.

  11. Thank you...everything that I was stressing out over...I got what I have been praying for...I saw this number and bam...confirmation...I've been seeing 1212...42...1111....1010....etc...thus is so overwhelming.. The joy that is in my heart right now...god bless all of will happen for you..whatever you dream and wish for...these numbers we keep seeing are messages.. Just like rush-collection says...omg your site is a blessing ..much love and lots of light!

    1. I pretty much read your message at 703 pm you wrote it on 7/3, July 3rd. :) Anyway,I too finally got my ,700. I guess we can call this the ,700Club! 😂😂😇😇😇😇😆 may God continue to to bless you on the life path he chose for you! ❤

    2. And it is indeed the 700 club. Exactly at 7.01am, as I type this from London.UK.❤🙏 Blessed be all

  12. I was doing some budgeting for this month, using exact amounts to the cents, and it turned out that I'd have exactly $700 left over. I thought that was strange! Funny, because I've been noticing 777 a lot today. Havnt had that number reoccur for a couple months.

  13. I was shown a calculator in a dream by a real-life person who is very much an evil person (public figure) and for a split second, it read 90,000, then quickly changed to 70,000 and remained there -- at first, I thought I should look up both, then realized that the total is 70,000 as well, so I'm going with that, with two more zeroes for punch, by consulting 700. As you know, this is a powerful blessing, the problem is, I haven't ANY idea what I'm doing anymore! But I'm glad they're happy. I've been having some really weird experiences lately, and the 77s and 44s and combinations thereof, have been all over me like snow, every day, all day. 7 is even supposed to be the dominating number for my November. So I am extremely grateful for this massive blessing; imagine how powerful I'd be if I had A CLUE?????

  14. Thank you rush-collection. I've been seeing all the numbers, double and triple. I have not remembered a dream of mine for at least 2 years but 2 nights ago I recalled a dream where I was in a uniform, had a bunch of keys hooked to my belt and all I was doing was unlocking stuff with the keys. Today I saw 700, which your interpretation seemed to speak to me directly. Fantastic site, thank you again rush-collection, you're the best! Really puts me at ease just knowing what it's about since I am in some kind of transition.

  15. i had a dream that i was out for new years and had a glass of champagne and then saw that this would cost me 7000 dollars?

  16. I had a dream that I loaned my nephew 1400 and he only paid me back 700. Wow...are on point.

  17. I am seeing these number these days like 11:11, 2222, 3333- 4444-5555-6666-7007-8008- 10:10, 13:13, 14,14, 10:01, 40:04 or 04:40 these kind of former. And m 3-4 months m seeing very frequently. Over and over. Sometimes 3 times in an hour. Please advice.

  18. Completely blown away by what I just discovered after seeing 7 up to 700 coming into my life several times now. 108 is my most prominent number though. It's been there for as long as I can remember. GG108, author The Aquarian Prophecy. (fb Gianni CentOtto)

  19. view 88137000 on a music video, music my sht ngga

  20. I myself have been seeing all these numbers thank you GOD ALL☝MIGHTY for the guides lessonings and blessings

  21. I woke up yesterday morning and when I did I heard a loud female voice say, "700".

  22. I woke up yesterday morning and when I did I heard a loud female voice say, "700".

  23. Amen thank you God i love you and my guardian angels

  24. Viđam često ove kombinacijje brojeva i još mnoge na primjer 1100 i 1111 222 i tako još. Presretan sam što sam počeo primječivati razne kombinacije i poruke anđela a na tome sam posebno zahvalan jednoj predivnoj ženi i velikoj duši i osobi hvala ti Draga moja Danijela Ereš

  25. Amen thank you Jesus and to my Angels

  26. My cars number plate is 700HP

  27. Please be careful of evil, it is everywhere, preying wherever it can, protect yourself including the health of your soul and your journey.

  28. Thank u my Angels , thank u !!!! I love u my dears Angels and i love u universe ❤️🙏😄

  29. 700 is here at

  30. I have more info I must disclose to this group asap. Time almost out

  31. Thank you, angels! I will continue to do good. If you wish to reward me, I have really been hoping that Jack realizes how special I am and comes to the conclusion that, despite the time difference between our areas, it's worth it to stay up and talk to me. It's the only thing I want in life right now!

  32. I read the comments here and I think just now I am realizing how powerful of the number I have received tonight. I wouldn’t even looked it up, but as I looked at my phone, my 10 year old son walked buy and snapped a picture of it while I was holding it in my hands. He looked at me, smiled, and said: “ your angel.” God blessed me with work to give to others very powerfully the last two days. I am humbled to the core of my soul and privileged to do this for our Father. May God guide us all, may he fill us with His love, so we can help our brothers and sisters that are in need. 🙏🏻❤️
