Wednesday, November 16, 2011


Number 717 is made up of the vibrations and energies of number 7 and the attributes of number 1, with number 7 appearing twice, amplifying its influences. Number 7 resonates with study and learning, spiritual awakening and development, Divine and inner-wisdom, emotions and feelings, mysticism, empathic and psychic abilities, persistence of purpose and determination, and manifesting good fortuneNumber 1 relates to new beginnings, creation, progress, inspiration and intuition, self-leadership and assertiveness, motivation and progress, striving forward, uniqueness and individuality, creating your own reality, positivity and activity.

Angel Number 717 is a message from the angels that the new beginnings and opportunities occurring in your life will bring you into full alignment with your Divine life purpose and soul mission. You are encouraged to follow your intuition and the guidance from the angels regarding your next steps.

Angel Number 717 indicates that positive changes in your life have put you on the right track in regards to your life purpose and mission. Keep up the great work you have been doing and you will continue to manifest your good.

Angel Number 717 encourages you to continue with your positive affirmations and maintain an optimistic attitude as these are manifesting positive energies and auspicious opportunities for you. Seek out an occupation, past-time or hobby that taps into your natural talents and interests. You may even look to begin a course or line of study that will enhance your knowledge and benefit your life. Put what you learn into practice and you will serve to help and assist others as well as advance yourself along your personal path.

Number 717 relates to number 6 (7+1+7=15, 1+5=6) and Angel Number 6.



Sacred Scribes

NUMEROLOGY  - The Vibration and Energies of NUMBERS

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  1. The 25 Say Number person is sometimes known to be very aloof and critical of others, so it is hard to form close bonds with one. However, they possess a wonderful mind and are excellent researchers.

    1. Jimmy jam is this jimmy jam from Charleston Sc?

    2. Amatee I too started out seeing 1111 and my mailing address was even 1111 Mason St and just this year starting to notice the 717 as well. This was the first time that I decided to look more into it because of seeing for about seven months now. After reading this info I it is comforting to know that I am on the right track in my life. I can also see this as well due to the fact that a prospective employer contacted me for a position that they are hiring for and for the first time in my life I believe that this could be the company to settle with and make a career out of it. It feels right too and pays more than well.

    3. Amatee I too started out seeing 1111 and my mailing address was even 1111 Mason St and just this year starting to notice the 717 as well. This was the first time that I decided to look more into it because of seeing for about seven months now. After reading this info I it is comforting to know that I am on the right track in my life. I can also see this as well due to the fact that a prospective employer contacted me for a position that they are hiring for and for the first time in my life I believe that this could be the company to settle with and make a career out of it. It feels right too and pays more than well.

    4. Thank you rush-collection! You have been helping me for years! You are a blessing to this world. Love you!!! Namaste Jacqueline Lawrence

    5. Thank you rush-collection! You have been helping me for years! You are a blessing to this world. Love you!!! Namaste Jacqueline Lawrence

    6. Thank you rush-collection! You have been helping me for years! You are a blessing to this world. Love you!!! Namaste Jacqueline Lawrence

  2. This has become my number from the angels. They originally got my attention with 1111, but once I acknowledged that, it switched to mostly 717. It's been about 8 months of 717's now. I love when they get me with more than just the clock. Though there was a cool one with my clock last week, where they got me to look at it, and it was 7:17, and the temperature on it said 71.7 degrees. Today I looked at my odometer while stopped at a traffic light and the miles were 54717, and tonight I liked a Facebook page, and then noticed it said 717 people liked the page. At work, the zoom level of Adobe Acrobat for a letter size page set to fit height, is 71.7%. These are just some very recent examples, but like I said, its been about 8 months. Sometimes I feel like I need some reassurance, and I very quickly get a 717 somehow.

    1. The exact same things have been happening to me! Every time I look at the clock in the morning and in the evening, it's 7:17. I see 717 in the things I'm doing at work EVERY day. I see it everywhere!

    2. While I still get the 717's, they are not as frequent anymore. I think because the "new beginnings" aren't so new anymore. They started last June I think, and I got a temp job in August, which became permanent in March. This is my first permanent job since I lost my long-time job in 2005, and the first place I felt I belonged. The 717's kept me hopeful about the path I was on.

    3. I have been having the most incredible experiences, including with the numbers 717. This has been happening at an extremely rapid rate. I would love to speak more! Email me at

    4. I have been having the same thing happening to me since 3 years ago at the start of my spiritual journey, wonder what it means! At first i got the "1111" thing too and thought that and the "717" thing would die out but i constantly find myself looking at the clock, thinking things at tat exact moment and finding that number nearby etc, it's weird and at first i thought i would need to go to seen a numerologist to see where this fits in my chart but now that i look on here and see the replies and the explanation from this post it is very interesting and i'm glad i'm not the only one having this occurrence, maybe i will start to write down what i was doing/thinking at the time of said occurence.

    5. Thanks for all the sharing. 717 has become super prominent for me too. I see it everywhere. License plates, clocks, receipts, dates, etc. 1111 came first and still appears, but 717 has prominence at present.

    6. I love to hear so many other people are seeing it too. I see many angel numbers, streams of them - but 717 has appeared in the last few weeks. Blessings everyone and thank you angels.

    7. I myself keep seeing 717,,,,my birthday this year is 7 17 17,,,I'll be 57

    8. I literally seen this number and played it via GA lotteey5. It fell today I missed it and it fell 2 weeks ago (ironically ) and I could feel it both times. But I still missed the number and decided to look it up.. it's crazy because it's my younger brothers birthday as well 7-17-97 .. I HAVE BEEN Perusing a hobby and I feel this is what I needed

    9. Happy birthday anonymous

    10. Happy 7/17/17 everyone! It's now been over 5 years now of seeing 717's.
      I woke up on the first of this month thinking "It is 717 all month long". And so far this month feels like the culmination of the past 5 years. Big changes going on. I got a raise and an office window effective today 7/17/17! (though put into motion during the last couple weeks).
      The angel message of 717 still really resonates with me and my life.

  3. I had an awakening and coincedences wth number 717 also. On 7/17/05 I wake up to the sound of birds chirping and singing,this was strange because the past few weeks there were those black crow birds in the bushes next to my bedroom window making that horrible rah sounds,totally opposite of beautiful birds.My mom asks me if i want to go to church with her,i say yea sure,weird-more love(i had been on drugs trying to overdose and die)anyway,she says she didnt have money to put in the basket at church,so i open my bible i had left on the livingroom table with 3 20dollar bills randomly inserted in the bible by me maybe a week or two before hoping either my mom or my twobrothers or anyone would desire to open it and read it and be blessed with the money(I had lost hope within and was wishing to just die)so i flip through it and boom! I give my mom a 20,flip again and boom! another 20! flip again for the last 20 and it was in the book of luke,and for some reason verse 7:17 was shining at me,and I tell my mom,todays 7/17!i was already excited from the beautiful singing birdies.So we go to church and im all excited to even pay attention to the preachers message so he asks me to come up and read/translate in english for the few people that were american/english visitors.(it was a small romanian church)And he tells me to start at luke 7:11 and i ask him "where do i stop?"and he says upto and my mom look at each other in total AWE.More coincidence! Well the message was about Jesus raising the widows son from the dead...(I was the widows son,who had died on the inside)I felt soo loved how GOD could put all these little things together to speak almost DIRECTLY to me.Well its been attacks after attacks to my soul ever since and I kinda gave up on God like peter in the bible denying Him,but when I think back on the story,I have a tiny little faith on the inside,even though its been hell,rejection,loss,abandonment,and mockery,games played with me,im kinda like "doubting thomas" now....

    (I personally thought I was gonna win the lottery,because before all this, I kept seeing 7's everywhere at work)
    maybe GOD's not finished? be continued...

    1. This is so great! I really enjoyed reading this!!!!! Hang in there. There's more to come!

    2. You sent this at 7:17!!!! And up above Brenden shared at 4:44, which are the numbers that the Angels placed in my path to get my attention. Thus is how all this began for me. I see all sequences now. And I use them.

    3. Wow your story gave me chills God bless you and your family! You are destined for greatness! Haha water started tearing in my eyes what a beautiful testimony!!!

    4. Wow your story gave me chills!! Very touching testimony! You are simply destined for greatness and you have a purpose! It filled my eyes with tears of joy for you ahha, I'm a total empath! I'm happy that your mummie got to experience that 717 event with you!

    5. Thank you for this share, the widow's son section along with info on site about a new beginning - very powerful!

    6. Your Angels were getting your attention to let you know your life's purpose was not done. The chirping birds. I along with all here started seeing 1111 and 717 which is my birthday. God and his angels do connect with us if we can be open and pay attention. I have been having a lot of hardships and health issues. But, these messages say to stay positive and spread light and love. I am a messenger that is one of my purposes. Many people do not understand. I pray for not my voice but, the voice of angels to say the right messages to people. I have been able to get messages through dreams and warn people about harm. Yes, they were okay. And lived far away so we are connected as they say. I hope things are good in your life. If things are hard for you defy it and be happy and positive and patient and kind and you will bring those qualities back to your life.

    7. To EVERYONE ! out there my heart goes out to the world. Angels want us to know just how much we are loved and needed.You can see 717 or 444 1228 The Angels are here to guide us. So just remember even when YOU think nobody cares about you . There is always someone watching from heaven that is praying for you to become the best you can be. so that precious story above the widow's son. Our Angels are celebrating that you got the message how precious your life really is ! God bless you.

  4. Wow im amazed I have been seeing 717 everday, so much I would quit looking at the clock. I told my boyfriend I was going to stay home on 7 17 thinking something bad was going to happen, that would pose to be a problem though being 717 is my birthday!!! What does this mean

    1. that's so amazing. i'm born july 17, so 717.i've been seeing 717 everywhere. now it's almost on a daily basis. it's like i'm not even surprised anymore that i'm seeing this sequence . It's really nice to get all this info about it. definitely helps with my journey

  5. So I failed to mention this thinking some of you might think im crazy but 717 isnt the only weird thing that has happened to me. Not long ago I was staying at my mother in laws I got tired and decided to go to bed my boyfriend stayed up for a while,i feel asleep while sleeping I had a dream then a falling sensation I woke up imediatly My boyfriend had just come in the room and told me I was floating!! I would not have believed had I not just had that falling feeling,which I had not told him about til later.

  6. I have been receiving 717 for about a year at first I thought since this is my birthday I just happened to notice it. As I moved away from the date it kept showing up. I knew it must mean something so I began to search for the meaning. Friday when checking my bank account I notice the dividen was 7.17, it blew my mind I really started searching and found this site, which helped me find the book...I bought it.

  7. I keep seeing 717 all the time whether it is clock or treadmill or odometer or anything u name...I am always seeing that ...I don't know what this means ...sometimes I wonder if it's bad thing or good thing ...Please get back at me

  8. The last year has been the worst of my 62 years of living. Losing three lifelong friends, an uncle and aunt i was very close too, and the closest person in my life; which was my brother a year and a half older than me in August. My dog Angel died, a broken wrist,and several friends turned on me, during a time when I needed them the most. Two numbers have consistently shown up, which are 666 and 717. I was born on 7/17/51, so it concerns me in several different aspects. My cousin and his wife needed a ride to Alamogordo, so she could visit her father on his day. my cousin did not believe my dilemma, but we left early and it was 7:17 when we stopped to put gas. I bought a few things and my change was $6.66. My cousin commented that the car only took a little more than six and a half gallons. i knew it took 6.667. Leaving from Colorado it was a long drive, as I had a few stops to make of my own. I received a phone call and asked him the number calling, he said the last three digits were 666, so i inquired about the time. It was 7:17. He remarked after our three days on the road of constantly seeing these two numbers, and several times together, that i must be the Devil. I stopped to see a friend and she said she had a gift for me, which was a mask. I asked her what it signified and she said Satan. When we got home I went to the thrift store to give a friend a ride home, and she gave me a shirt she thought I would like.On the front the word "Diablo," was written.

  9. Today it is 2014-07-17 :).

  10. This is mindblowing! The noticing 717 has really become crazy active lately but has been like this since I can remember. My birthday is also 7/17 of 1979. Everyone thinks I'm nuts!

    1. When you see the numbers of your date of birth repeating to you, it is often an indication that you are to concentrate and focus upon your true life purpose ... your reason for being ... your soul mission. Seeing your own birthday is a reminder of why you were born and your reason for being on the Earthplane at this time.



    2. hey Todd,same experience her...and I too was born july 17 1979. don't think we're nuts tho :)

  11. I see 717 a lot too. My birthday is 7/17/77. What does it all mean? How do I know what my life purpose is?


    1. When you see the numbers of your date of birth repeating to you, it is often an indication that you are to concentrate and focus upon your true life purpose ... your reason for being ... your soul mission. Seeing your own birthday is a reminder of why you were born and your reason for being on the Earthplane at this time.

      As to your life purpose / soul mission ... only YOU what that is. It is within you.


      Sacred Scribes

  12. is it normal for this many people to be born on the same day having the same sight, sign!?
    its my bday too I've seen it my whole life, at least twice a day..
    I've asked plenty of people if they have any related stores never heard anyone that sees their bday ever day or so then i come to this an find ton of people with the exact same day are having the same occurrence,.. i think it might be more than out lifes meaning.. cancers yoooo emotional an intuitive... an my intuitions telling me this is a lot bigger than I could perceive... idk I'm not all super superstitious but thats weird. I'm on some hard core astrology tho.. an i think peole born same day share something even jus a understanding for alike thinking processs. but i know only the dominate, sun sign is the same but maybe its something else idk.... maybe not... is it normal for almost every number having this many people comment searching the web having the same occurrence with their intuintion knocking so hard its saying this has gotta have meaning.

  13. I have been seeing 717, 711 and now 707 for the last 8 months...

  14. Good morning all. I have also been seeing 717 in my sleeping and waking hours for the past month. I have seen other sequences repeatedly for the past 6 months. My birthday is July 17. This year has been a very trying year with so many bad things happening that would almost make one just give up but I have tried to keep a positive outlook and try to listen to the signs around me. In the midst of this dark year I have been blessed and as this year is about to end I am a little concerned that I am leading in the right direction. So much spiritual activity has been surrounding me in the past 6 months. People have told me that there is an energy around me that they can actually feel by touching me. I know that there is a purpose for all this...a change that I must under take for the better, but I just need reassurance I guess. Any thoughts would be greatly appreciated. Blessings to all. I could go into more detail but there is just so much to say.

  15. Woooow how synchronistic!!! A facebook friend made a post on synchronistic numbers, I comment, and later on in my day got a random inbox message from her asking if I'm aware of this site. So I click and go straight to my 717!..... Found out the meaning listed resignated with me........Then OMG THE COMMENTS!!!! Lmao

    Soo many people seeing 7:17!! Gotta love that number! Always been a fan of 7s since forever! and have always thought that's why I have so many 7s in my bday!!

    I kinda got the immediate thought that most these comments are influenced off of a comment I made a little while back on a spirit science article about reoccurring numbers. And my comment listed a couple of my numbers including "7:17 (my bday)" as I listed it and it got like the most likes! I often wondered if so many people saw 7:17 as well or as if it was to say "you see, he sees a unique 7:17 cause its just his bday. Doesn't have to be a 1111 all the time" in a kind of debunk way..

    But many of these comments are very detailed and I resignate with almost all. Even the part about the three 6's which I took some time today to reevalute my belief systems toward the number 6 as it has positive meanings I seem to choose to look over and assosiate it with negative instead. But this site helped with that! ^-^

    Love to you all my 7:17s!!! ;D


    1. my birthday is 7/17/1993 as well and i been seeing these numbers all the time. also 1111

  16. 717 is my street address. Is there any significence to me seeing it a lot lately?

  17. This has been bugging me since January, and I hope that someone can help me figure this out. One morning when I was partially awake, I heard a males voice very softly say 4717. Immediately I sat straight up in the bed and looked around to see if I saw anybody. There was no one in the room, nor was the tv on, and hubby was still asleep. To break this down, my theory is, 4 is our anniversary month, 47 is the number of years we have been married this year, and the 717 is our street address. Is it possible there may be a karmic lesson to be learned at my home that involves my husband, since the 4 and 47 possibly resonates with the both of us, or, maybe the 4 is referring to our anniversary month, and the 717 could be a date, like July 17th that maybe something is going to happen on that date? Can you please help me figure this out? Thank you! Louise

    1. anybody have any ideas on my post about 717, any responce would be appreciated.

  18. I just wanted to take a moment to say that today I am very grateful for your page full of your love, light, & wisdom. I've learned a lot through the source that is you over the past 5 months as I really stood up to plate on my spiritual journey. You don't know who I am, but because of all that you share I've went from being someone who didn't know who I was or wanted to be to becoming a young woman with passion & faith in something that truly matters, not only to myself but I hope to benefit many others just as you did for me. I feel like you have quietly been one of my guiding lights to inner freedom. I am so grateful for all you have shared. I hope to one day be as inspirational as you!

    1. Thank you Amber ....

      Wishing you the brightest of blessings,


  19. 717 people were killed in Makkah on 23.9.2015

  20. I see this number constantly. What does it mean if it is my husband's birthday? Is the message related to him somehow?

  21. This comment has been removed by the author.

  22. I started seeing 11:11 on clocks, the computer, files and email. Then I saw a video of reverend Ike where he said if your seeing 11:11, stop and thank the creator for your prosperity. Then I started seeing 7:17. Almost every day. I was born on 7/17. My daughters close male friend was born on 17/17, I woke up early to meditate this morning and opened my eyes to this article at 7:17.

  23. Hi rush-collection,

    It's been some time but I wanted to say thank you again for all the hard work you put into everything! I'm certain you have changed many peoples living through your Angelic numerology guidance!

    Kindest Regards,

    Joshua Seeley

  24. 717 is the letter in Hebrew means beloved,loving (daw-veed, david), and He call us His Beloved.
    Use Google translate and just type:"david" (in English) and translate to Hebrew and you will find the result. You re beloved of GOD to love others.

  25. I don't feel comfortable yet sharing my 7:17 experiences. Just know though that seeing all the posts today further assures me that I'm not crazy and at this point these are no mere coincidences but rather signs and reminders for us all to do good and to stay on the right path in order to fulfill our destined purposes. Next year will be extremely special as we will be in a double palindrome year 7/17/17

  26. Thank you so much! <3

  27. I see 1111 also 1010 also 1212 also 121 also 555 etc and today 717.. But i get numbers all day long it comes about when I'm thinking of something i want or need to do.. I know the angels are talking to me and ive talked to the and now honest they are making room for me to pursue my lifes purpose.. Which i kinda have a feeling of what it is i just need certainty. . which i will also ask of my angels

  28. Hola a todos !!! Les cuento mi num de documento termina en 1111
    En letras hebras mi nombre termina en 1111
    En mi carta natal tengo tres conecciones ascendente casa 2 casa 3 y casa 11
    Estan a los 7 minutos
    Eso hace un : 7777
    Saludos a todos Muchas Bendiciones

  29. Thank you all for your wonderful post, providing awesome inspiration. May ALL THAT IS always keep yo safe and perfecting you in his LOVE.

  30. Hi there I'm seeing 717 more often in the mean time I've become a positive person focusing on my future and let go negative people so I started to seek studying opportunities instead of laziness and negativity let's hope 717 means you're on the right track ❤️��

  31. I think it's common to see your birthday number but mines is 415, so unsure to these numbers. I started seeing 1111, then last two years 1117, 117, 7111, and 711. Just recently maybe two months ago I am seeing 717. Saw something about twin flames so was thinking OK my guy and I are meant together, but we had a fall out and that's not like us. So now I am wondering if 717 means twin flame does this mean that I am with the wrong man. Honestly I have to work with him on his positively and have been thinking that he is draining my energy.

  32. Thank you so much rush-collection!!! Light and Love your way !♡

  33. Hello Rush Collection,
    Thank you so much for graciously sharing your angelic insights. Angels are all around us and the way you write solidly reaffirms, reminds and respects that.
    rush-collection, here is my question, I have been seeing this repeating pattern, all the time and everywhere for @ 4 months. 2 numbers the same and one different, ie: 717, 828, 656, 929, 101, 545, 727, 434, 232, etc. I have looked at your blogs but still have found no reference as to what this mean (if anything.)But maybe you have an insight as to why, that would be lovely.
    All the best,

    1. Take them to a mathematician and see what they come up with, interesting set of numbers, let me know what you find ����

    2. WOW...I'm experiencing the very same for a few now! What have you learned?

    3. I see the same thing, can anyone explain it please?

  34. How come I also experience the same?? But I am happy to know this is an angel number. And yes, I am going through something new now that I truly, truly love. :)

  35. I am starting a new beginning. I am moving at the end of the month. The house number is 7117. I couldn't be more happy to know this is a double whammy! For the past few days since I have been seeing the number 717 at least twice a day, more and evening. It is good to know what it means now.

  36. I understand now why God chooses to speak through me rather than give m information that can be manipulated and stolen by the Evil of this creation. But hey, God knows better than we all do and this is why I’m his guy. I’m willing to go to whatever lengths to ensure this creation of God’s doesn’t fall to those that love to hate! Run that algorithm through the Quantum computer and jam the possible answers up your asses! It’s starting to look bleak on the B side of the coin!

  37. Indeed.Timely.πŸ™♥️♥️♥️
    Grateful and blessed.

  38. 717! READY TO START! Thank you Angels Thank you rush-collection! πŸ‘‰πŸ’—πŸ‘ˆπŸ§š‍♀️🧚‍♀️🧚‍♀️πŸ₯‚πŸ₯‚πŸ₯‚πŸ€²πŸ€²πŸ€²πŸ™πŸ™πŸ™πŸ™πŸ™πŸŒ 

  39. 717! READY TO START! THANK YOU FOREVER! πŸ™πŸ™πŸ™πŸ€²πŸ€²πŸ€²πŸ™ŒπŸ™ŒπŸ™ŒπŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸŒΌπŸŒΌπŸŒΌπŸŒΌπŸžπŸžπŸžπŸžπŸ‘ŒπŸ‘ŒπŸ‘ŒπŸ‘ŒπŸ¦„πŸ¦„πŸ¦„πŸ¦„πŸ˜˜πŸ˜˜πŸ˜˜πŸ˜˜πŸ’“πŸ’“πŸ’“πŸ’“

  40. 717!πŸ’πŸ’“πŸ’•πŸ’–πŸ€²πŸ˜» Thank you rush-collection thank you Angels!!

  41. 717! Thank you Angels Thank you rush-collection!πŸ‘ΈπŸΌπŸ€—πŸ˜πŸ˜☺πŸ˜šπŸ˜˜πŸ™πŸ™πŸ€²πŸ˜—πŸ˜—πŸ˜™πŸ‘πŸ˜»πŸ˜ƒπŸ˜‚πŸ˜☕☕πŸŒŠπŸ’–πŸ’œπŸ§‘πŸ§‘πŸ’›πŸ’™πŸ’™πŸ’—

  42. I've been going through a spiritual transition which has drastically affected my career path. I don't know what to do anymore. I keep following my heart...but....i dont know.

  43. I have been working on a hobby--just as I got started I looked and saw 717. I've seen 1& 7, 1&3, repeat for weeks now.

    Does this mean I'm on the right track?

  44. Hi. For two years I've been working for this company and initially they provided good working environment and bonuses. Until end of 2018 where suddenly none of the expected remunerations and bonuses did not materialize.
    When we asked for reasons we were shut down and I personally was let go summarily. But my immediate bosses told them that those reported about me were false.
    So after that 2019 had discouraging remunerations and there were resignations and non renewals because of the poor treatment of workers. It happened again.
    I'm claiming 717 for me this year. Finish this contract and get a job to transfer to with better pay and conditions.
    Thanks for the encouragement.

  45. Happy 717 \ 2020

  46. First start I saw 1111 2222 3333 and then 313,717. etc...

    2 days morning in the rolls I grabbed my phone and saw 717. I was amazed.

    I started seeing angel number last year, I went to the most toughest time in my life. My husband got a book The Miracles of Archangel Michael from his sister. I saw him read it but I didn't get to know what the book talk about.

    And then I start seeing repeting number many times when I got in the car. I stared question him why I sww these number often. And he told me it is Angel Number. I said WHAT??? what do you mean.. and he told me that he pray every night. I was in a surprised!! since that time I google what the meaning of number.

    everytime I see, I just thank you to all the Angels and whatever I have done good to the others ppl, I give good energy back to all the angels around me.

    All the situation happened to me and my husband, I think all Angels helped us out. I hope they will lead us to the right way. Thank you rush-collection to create this for me to check the number. hehehe😍🀩πŸ₯°

  47. Thank you πŸ˜‡πŸ™πŸ’—. Love, light and blessings to all!!! πŸ˜‡πŸ™πŸ’žπŸ₯°

  48. Thank you! Love this guide. ������

  49. Wow. This was posed on 11-16 which is my birthday date! If that’s not confirmation that these numbers are meant for me I don’t know what is! Thank ylu God! πŸ™πŸ»πŸ’‹πŸ†πŸ’°☮️🀟😍

  50. Wow. This was posed on 11-16 which is my birthday date! If that’s not confirmation that these numbers are meant for me I don’t know what is! Thank ylu God! πŸ™πŸ»πŸ’‹πŸ†πŸ’°☮️🀟😍

  51. πŸ™πŸ˜‡πŸ’–πŸŒ…⏰🎢

  52. Thank you for this delicious repository of sacred knowledge that allows me to decode the signals from my angles and the universe! Such a powerful light worker you are rush-collection!
