Thursday, November 17, 2011


Number 720 is a blend of the attributes and vibrations of number 7, the energies of number 2 and the influences of number 0. Number 7 relates to understanding the self and others, mysticism and the esoteric, spiritual awakening and development, empathic and psychic abilities, introspection and inner-knowing, and study, education and learning. Number 2 is the number of faith and trust, service to others, finding balance and harmony, understanding, caution, diplomacy and mediation, selflessness, love, encouragement and happiness. Number 2 also resonates with serving your life purpose and soul missionNumber 0 represents potential and/or choice, a spiritual journey, developing your spiritual aspects, listening to your intuition and higher-self, eternity and infinity, oneness and wholeness, continuing cycles and flow, and the beginning point. Number 0 also relates to the God force/Universal Energies/Source, and magnifies the influences of the numbers it appears with.

Angel Number 720 brings a message from your angels that you are being assisted and guided in regards to your life purpose and soul mission. Listen clearly to your intuition as you are currently receiving directions as to the next steps to take along your spiritual path. Have faith and trust in the Universe as it is time to put your creative interests and passions to good use in pursuit of your soul purpose. Trust that all is going to Divine plan in your life.

Angel Number 720 is also a powerful indicator that you are fully supported, loved, protected and guided by the angelic and spiritual realms as you live your spiritual, life purposeBe aware and observant of even the smallest events and circumstances in your life, and watch out for signs, signals and messages that appear to support your spiritual growth and life path. Take note of your impressions, visions and insights, then follow up with some research, study, inquiries and/or action.

Number 720 relates to number 9 (7+2+0=9) and Angel Number 9



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  1. It gave me goose bumps reading this because i have been seeing this number everywhere for a long time. And i mean EVERYWHERE.

    1. I have been seeing this number since I was 15 what I can remember. Maybe 19. But I'm 30. I see it seems almost everyday. And yes that gave me a big smile

    2. I have been seeing this number since I was 15 what I can remember. Maybe 19. But I'm 30. I see it seems almost everyday. And yes that gave me a big smile

    3. I too have been seeing this number 720 since about age 15. That's the youngest I remember. I seen it everyday? I wondered for years how do I look at the clock everyday at 7:20 without even thinking about it? At home at work everywhere I'm now 39 I see it much less often as when I was younger but still the angel brings this number to my attention often. Now its a different number 555 which I see all the time !

  2. This number had been in my life at very peculiar times but recently its on a constant. Today, I layed my head for a nap I called AA Michael to sit with me so I could sleep. This is amazing! I cried :) tears of thankfulness.

  3. I Have Been Randomly Yet Constantly Seeing This Number @ Odd Times & Places For Years Now. It Also Happens To Be Both Me & My Grandpa's Bday. But As I Started Noticing It A Few Years Ago, I Have ALWAYS Thought That It Means Something Significent & Was More Than Me Just Seeing The Number.

    1. When you see the numbers of your date of birth repeating to you, it is often an indication that you are to concentrate and
      focus upon your true life purpose ... your reason for being ... your soul mission. Seeing your own birthday is a reminder of why you were born and your reason for being on the Earthplane at this time.

      Seeing numbers of personal significance (eg passed over loved ones' birthdate etc) may be an indication of that person's spirit or energy being around you.

    2. THANK YOU VERY MUCH VERY VERY VERY HELPFUL! I had been looking for an answer and this really calms me down and makes me wanna meditate about my life's purpose! :D

    3. How ca I know what my true life purpose is or soul mission? Ive thought about it for years but no luck :/

    4. Stop waiting for your purpose to be revealed to you. Its your choice. U have to make that decision and act upon it. If u dont feel passion about it thenbu will know that is not really it. The passion u have for something good in life is proof from God that it is meant for you before u ever have it.

    5. Thank you, I really needed to read this today.

  4. I have started seeing this number 720 a couple of years back , and have been wondering why it happens ??if its good or its bad ! Finally i found the answer (if this is true)"& I am happy ☺️😊"
    Good to see others too with same experience ! 😊

  5. i have very old two rupee note and the ending no. is 720 angel number. its good to know about no. 720

  6. Me and my husband both share the same bday of 720. When we got married, we had to sign our marriage certificate and the building number we went into was 720. Ever since we split, all i keep seeing is 720. When i see the number i know he is thinking of me and soon after i see the number he calls or reaches out to me within a few days. I believe this number is following me for a reason.

  7. Omg, I am so happy you put this. Plus I was born 07/20 At 7:20am I am always seeing 7:20 or 1:11. Thank you for this.

  8. I recently forgot to set my alarm two days in a when I have work and woke up at this time. I have a lot of changes in my life and know I should be focusing on myself and I have the feeling everything I want is coming to me I'm almost 30 but thought I would of been settle 10 years ago. Now everything is happening within its own timing. I keep feeling like my angels are guiding in these past two days things have blatently been on a website when I open it up stuff I havent searched but things that catches my eye..after reading this I knoe this is my angels telling me to keep focus and work hard. love this so much.

  9. Okay so may someone plz explain this to me. I had a dream about the number 720 and in the dream my book characters were in there. I woke up at my alarm and had the need to write. Does that mean im suppose to become a writer?

  10. July 20th or 7/20 is my birthday...I look (seemingly randomly) at the clock to see 7:20 very very regularly. Is there any significance to seeing your birthday expressed as a time on a clock?

  11. When you see the numbers of your date of birth repeating to you, it is often an indication that you are to concentrate and focus upon your true life purpose ... your reason for being ... your soul mission. Seeing your own birthday is a reminder of why you were born and your reason for being on the Earthplane at this time.
    It may act as a prompt and/or validation as to your path.
    It can also be validation that angels/spirit guides/passed over loved ones are with you.


  12. My name adds upto 720 and I keep seeing 11:11 constantly? I was born on the 7th February as well and 7 is my lucky number

  13. Love the wisdom you share!! #Salute ������������

  14. Amen!!!🙏❤
    Immensely blessed and grateful!!!
    Sending much love,peace and light to all!!!❤ #TogetherAForce #HoldFaithAndTrust #SurgeForwardFearlesly #BeYou #BeTheLightYouWantToSee

  15. This is fascinating. I was born at exactly 7:20 on 7/20 and recently noticed that I look at the clock at exactly 7:20 almost every single day. What strikes me even more is it's relation to 9, which is a number I have been drawn to most of my life. I have always considered it my favorite number. I don't really follow numerology at all, but after constantly seeing 720 I thought to see if there was significance.

  16. This is so amazing. I have to listen to myself listen to my Lyft driver said she wanted some long sour string candy after I asked her can I get her anything from the gas station.she wanted watermelon and I asked the attendant where was this candy at. when I finally see the candy i seen
    one watermelon left and one strawberry. Myself said get the watermelon and the strawberry and when I got back in the car and told her that they have one watermelon left and a strawberry and she said watermelon and strawberries are her favorite and I was like wow. I knew to get that strawberry one and didn't I should have listened to my intuitive self this is training me I will listen next time. Thank you so much to the Creator to the angels the ascended masters the universe and the universal energies and to rush-collection. I'm so grateful and thankful.

  17. I have been recieving this number all my life it is my bday. But now more so then ever since my spiritual journey this year.

  18. This is the only blog I read on angel numbers. I have shared it with others. It is truly a gift from God! Thank you
