Tuesday, November 29, 2011


Number 747 is a blend of the vibrations and energies of number 7 and number 4, with the mystical number 7 appearing twice, doubling and amplifying its influences. Number 7 is the number of knowledge and understanding, discernment and listening to the inner-self, spiritual development and awakening, learning and education, determination and persistence of purpose, mysticism, psychic abilities and spiritual gifts. Number 4 encourages working steadily towards goals and aspirations, truth and integrity, practicality, system and order, self-initiation, building solid foundations, and enthusiasm coupled with determination. Number 4 also relates to the energies of the Archangels.

Angel Number 747 brings a message from your angels that you are on the right path in every way in your life. You have worked hard, achieved a great deal and are succeeding with your Divine soul missionCall upon the angels for assistance whenever you feel the need and trust that you are being supported, encouraged, loved and guided by the angels.

Angel Number 747 indicates that your strong connection with the angels has allowed for you to receive precise Divine guidance, and in turn you have taken the appropriate actions in your life. Your angels offer you their ‘congratulations’ and urge you to continue on your current path.

Angel Number 747 says "keep up the great work!" Keep your thoughts positive and focused as they are having wonderful effects in your life. Your intuition has been strong and you have used your inner-knowing and inner-wisdom constructively and productively. Well done!

Angel Number 747 may also be implying that if you are considering beginning or expanding a spiritually-based career or practice, or service-based venture or project, you may need to put in some hard work and dedication, but you will find long-term rewards and benefits for yourself and for those whom you serve.  

Number 747 relates to number 9 (7+4+7=18, 1+8=9) and Angel Number 9.



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  1. wow it is wonderful to finally have an answer that intuitively feels right. Thank you!!!

  2. This was refreshing to read and closure, thank you.

  3. Brilliant - and on track !

  4. feels great to have an answer, i am so relieved to be looked on all times by my angels.

  5. Since my mum died, I've seen the time as 7:47 appear so many times; every long haul I've been on has been 747 (as opposed to the A380). I avoided the Airbus disaster with Qantas last year by changing my flight to a later one and it moved from an Airbus to a 747!

    We were on board a 747 from Fiji and it made a safe emergency landing!

    Just amazing!

    1. That is amazing! Ever since my mother passed away I've seen 747 everywhere everything I looked at a clock treadmill, anything! That was so nice to read. Wished I would've known this 10 years ago! George

    2. I just looked this up, for awhile now i have been seeing 747 alot more. So i am glad i now can see thru deception with the knowledge and wisdom i am receiving everytime i look up a number on your page. Thank you for helping me make sense of how the numbers work in our life every moment of everyday.

  6. Thank so much for your bringing this web page... 747 is a number that keeps coming to me and reading this description is just what I needed to hear... thanks

  7. feels great to have an answer, i am so relieved to be looked on all times by my angels. Get a Reading

  8. Thank you divinity for your knowledge and understanding

  9. Of course when you seem to receive a positive message, you will automatically accept it as being accurate and wont want to second guess it. However, it is important to take these kinds of things to God and pray that you aren't being deceived - because Satan will come in and often times will do what he can to convince you that what you are doing is righteous - that you are on the right path - when in reality the path you have chosen is highly self-destructive. This isn't to say that these kinds of messages are all wrong automatically, but instead you have to keep God at the head of your life and use the Holy Spirit's discernment instead of your own head and understanding. If this doesn't make sense to you, then you really have no business looking at anything like this site.

    1. had a scary dream repeating the number 747. woke up and looked for 747 dead or 7:47 what happened. it just unsetled. me. so types 747 religous
      found the source of my fear in my dream.
       numerically, is 7 4 7. The sum of 7+4+7 is 18. 18 can be reduced into three sixes or 666. i had a dream and felt fear of the number 747. a sense of urgentcy i have never had any numbers in my dreams before.

    2. 7+4+7=18

      If you continue to focus on the negative, that is all that will be noticeable.

      In truth and numerology, you cannot take a half-simplified version of a number and say it's what is real.

      From your perception, you can though... And that gives it power. Stop thinking negatively.

    3. In Numerology, 7+4+7=18 and 1+8=9

      In truth, you cannot take a half-simplified number and deduct from it your own reasoning. That is going against the process and therefor redundant.

      From your perspective, though, you can. Thus, you may give negative energy power over you unknowingly. I'm sure you don't want that. Stop thinking negatively, and have the proper knowledge before deciding it is negative.

      Stopping at 18 and dividing it three ways? That's just fanatical.

    4. There is truth to this and needs to be kept in mind

      At a very important decision point for me, I was being guided to make certain decisions which my intuition was not comfortable wit and started to come across consistent 666 number occurrences in parallel to the action change undertakings along the way

      In the end,:my decision and choice and action changes resulted in a dead end and considerable financial opportunity loss and now makes me reflect on how careful one must be when taking all positive message as verbatim truth

      like rush-collection stares, many number messages also are warnings and you must use common sence and intuition in parallel

    5. Our Intuition drew us here don't let Fear draw any of you away from anything that Empowers You. Trust Yourselves Love All Now and Always.

      Love is far more Powerful than Fear.
      Don't Fear Demons or Devils.
      Don't Fear Death.
      Don't Fear your own Humanity or the mistakes you make along the way.
      Don't Fear Sin or Judgement.

      Fear is the path to the Dark side. Fear leads to Anger. Anger leads to Hate. Hate leads to Suffering.

      But Love, now Love leads to Compassion.
      Love leads to Forgiveness of self and of others.
      Love leads to Understanding of self and of others.
      Love has Dissolved any Judgement from within Myself which has Removed all Judgement of others.
      Love Cures all Illness and Disease.
      Love Heals My Soul as it Can Heal Yours.

      I Am a Powerful Force for Good in this World and so are You.
      I Empower Myself so that I may Empower all others.
      I Pour My Love into each and every Atom in Creation, Time/Space and Dimension Healing You and Healing Myself in the Process.

      I Wish each and Everyone of you the very Best Now and Always.
      I have Absolute Faith in Each and Everyone of You to Become the Absolute very Best Versions of Yourselves. Believe in Yourselves as I Do.;)

  10. Hello rush-collection, i ran into your site while researching the meaning of the number 747 that appeared to me in a vision a couple of months ago.
    The intense moment didn't last long, maybe half a minute at the most, but there was a detail that i haven't been able to find in any of the researches to this date. In my vision the 747, was engulfed in flames, very bright and in the background there was the universe, dark and mysterious.Do you or anybody here, know what is the meaning of it?Many thanks,

    1. of course the universe appeared as dark and mysterious as this is what it is to you ;)

  11. Yes, I definitely have a pretty strong connection with my higher self and my angels(and spirit guides) now. And this is just more confirmation of that, and everything else I'm going through right now.

    Thank you :).

  12. Ok, I'll take than answer. I have been feeling like an odd ball, most people see 11 11 and I see 12 12, 747, and 9s (or 999). It seemed strange to get a number like 747. Thanks for the affirmation! a year ago or so when I last checked online I couldn't find anything about this.

  13. This web page knows what it is talking about! Stay positive friends.

  14. Thank you! I love this website, this is what it's all about! Thank you so much. <3 ^_^ blessings to you <3

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  16. This comment has been removed by the author.

    1. Any time I tell someone how to live their life all I'm really doing is forcing my will. Judging is the folly of the ego. How can one say they love if they judge.

    2. Hi, "I am" this is true! "I share this because we should not compete as the world teaches us but enlighten."
      I have gone through some sort of enlightenment it's been very weird.

    3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  17. This comment has been removed by the author.

    1. He has one name. Its not Jesus. Jesus is a name created by the same people who tell you in church, when he reads from his printed out papers or NKJV bible that christmas is good. Christmas is a Pagan holiday and its only the "christians" without a backbone or the nonbelievers who will admit it. This so called "jesus" your world has created is actually supposed to be named YaHuSHua or YaHWeH. God is Elohim. Please dont try to spread information if you dont even know what it is you are saying. And ifyou think you even dont understand your own words for a second then you need to do someore research in the bible. If you cant take ANYTHING from the bible i will not believe it. Thats how you should live straightforward and trust YaHWeH. The information printed on this site is there to bring satisfaction to the minds of those who give it the time of day. YET thesame information can be found on SUNSIGNS.COM.... That shoul already be a red alert since Elohim told us to not praise any other gods, but you are praising sungods and the constellations if you allow yourself to "grow" in the manifestation of this website. I suggest if you have a question about a number you constantly see AND if you know the truth that GOD has enlightened you with about the world around you.. Basically if you feel holy (which means APART when translated indirectly from hebrew) then i suggest you take this information straight to God and pray.if its that important to you to worry about a cpuple of numbers instead of worry about the last time you opened your bible to seek REAL truth.. then you probably wont even recieve a response because we may not be perfect but striving fpr perfection means doing so through Him! But you still are the only one making decisions. You can become a druggie or you can become a priester. Either way you dont lose your faith and you dont gain a new one.. But one surely leads down a broken path and one leads up the ladder of growth. Everything you do is a choice. So dont allow information on this website allow you to think it is allright to believe what is honey to your ears. Dont you think the writer of all the information wants it to behoney to your ears? Otherwise if she said instead the truth is there are no corralations between numbers and God then you would just go looking for honey elsewhere because you as a person in this Godforsaken planet feel like whatever pleases your mind is what is correct. WAKE UP. Why do you think there will only be 444,000 PEOPLE who will be allowed to enter new jerusalem??? Because there is only 13 tribes of Yahweh. Jew derives from the tribe Juda which is only ONE of those tribes. THE OTHER 12 are different tribes but all the same blood in them. Not black, yellow, or pink. They are all considered the saxon nations before they mixed with other bloodlines. So the question is. Who of you "believers" knew this and how many of you are too good to look up the inforation yourself to see if maybe the truth has just been revealed. Satan hasa grip on your mind by allowing you to prpcess information lile that. If you think for one second you know everything i suggest you think again anf seek truth. Whether you are 20,30 or 75 years old... You will NEVER know the truth about EVERYTHING unless you are a part of Israel. Gods 13 tribes. The 444,000 out of 1 billion or more "christians". Dont be fooled by your own mind. Thats how you become dimwitted and believe a bunch of nonsense posing as honey flavered information like this website contains. I came here looking for the #911 because i wouldnt stop see

  18. It was on feb 2 2007 2/2/2007 i was in a deep depression at the age of 17 i woke up in the morning o decided to commit suecide i put the song 747 billion kent to do this and i overdoses myself on seroquel next thing i woke up on a hospital completely numb ever since ive seen 747 everywhere i cant belive how many times i see it cars advertisement phone numbers books web clock watch facebook even on the movie sings with melgibson when aliens where going to attack mentions 747 however ot intrigues me according to a web page it means that its angels telling me im doing good in life to keep it up and i have ive stoped smoking (2years now) ive stoped drinking i was biggining to smoke weed hiwever i also quit that did like 9times thats it i believe in good im a hard working person and i consider myself not smart but i know my stuff and how to apply it.

    If anybody can help me or advice me please do so.

    All the best !

    1. This really helped me as I saw it all the time too! And this is from the bible~ God bless you all! Luke 7:47. Passage: "Therefore I tell you, her sins, which are many, are forgiven, for she loved much; but he who is forgiven little, loves little"

  19. My advice. DOn't depend on others or external circumstances but of course enjoy what you've got. COntinue as you have done and to improve (also talking about staying sober/free of nicotin etc)but also allow yourself some well earned breaks.

    TO be healthy does not mean a boring life, so its good to give yourself the healthy rewards that you are free to take.

    THe world is full of guilt and that often causes desperate actions. We should not feel guilty if we correct our earlier mistakes. The frequent sense of guilt is something taught in childhood and reinforced by society. But thats antilove and not to be taken personal. Its a way humans use to controle others. In fact to inflict guilt on others is known from psycopaths AND socialism which is a malicious descendent of communism which any well informed should know was a brutal dictature using brainwashing and uniforming humans to become hard working robots, while filling them with lies about this being some kind of love and also making humans control each other just as the socialistic societies do and so using bureaucracy and using citiziens eagerness to report each other, as if this were a good moral thing.

    So away with guilt, don't expect too much, appreciate what you have got, depend on God only, enjoy the good things and do what you like instead of depleeting yourself of vital energy because some socialistic society tells you to feel guilty and suppresses you by inflicting guilt on you just because you are unique and don't feel well being some monotonous robot.

    We are free. No need to kill ourselves over some crappy evil communistic ideas, having been spread like some malicious virus and disguised as loving values. COmmunism was just a dictature with no space for loving our father in heaven or searching for him. No space for receiving such love, but only the constraints to act as dictated by some dictator and later by braiwashed socialistic individuals, who in fact are just controling and feeling better about themselves.

  20. seems u are in apathy and anarchy... last reply

    living as ones desires will never bring anything good with it, except instant gratification and a boring life

    you only see what you want to see

    so socialism is hell you say

  21. I have seen this number 747 for a long time and frankly it has not changed my life nor it has lead me to any path ..I still feel confuse,unhappy with my life choices and decisions a heavy Ness so whom ever made this crappie up of what the meaning is is full of crap.

    1. Totally agree! Same with me, I've been having terrible life since a months ago and 747 is everywhere in my horrible life! If 747 means we are on the right track then suffering and pain is the right track for us!!!

  22. Self-pity is always a downer isn't it ...

    Make better choices for your own life ... it is totally up to YOU.

  23. Every morning I keep waking up at this hour. And I have set goals and my alarm is set for 930 lol. I am into spirituality and numerology. Things are very much so what this says.

  24. Every morning I keep waking up at this hour. And I have set goals and my alarm is set for 930 lol. I am into spirituality and numerology. Things are very much so what this says.

  25. I have been seeing 747 last few days, have had that before. What I don't understand is my life is a complete mess, I really mean a complete mess that I wish I were dead, so how can this message relate to me then? I must be on the right path then to die, mess up etc..... No logic here.

    1. I am in the same place... lonely, messed up, and miserable. So also unsure of how to interpret the meaning. Not only am I catching 7:47 (and other 47s on my clock), my clock is actually TURNING to 7:47 at other random times, so it is hard to ignore.

  26. I have been seeing this number for more than 7 years.I saw this number 747 on the car registration plates a lot. My life is full of mess so far. where are the angels? Hope this number doesnt mean the opposite of What is been talked here.read about this number few years back. Was happy to know about my guardian angels, kept believing in it, but it seems it's not that I think and they say it is.it is definitely something else. Need a proper answer to it.today moring also saw this number as a time on my phone.

  27. I often see 747 in odd places or on things when I start a new venture or lose my way... I've often wondered what it meant. I think now I know

  28. I also believe it's a good sign from Angels. I thought I was the only one lol. Everyone that knows me knows this is my number..I also have it tattooed on me

  29. I also believe it's a good sign from Angels. I thought I was the only one lol. Everyone that knows me knows this is my number..I also have it tattooed on me

  30. How strange! I'm wanting to
    'create jobs" for teens, and just looked up on ideas..
    The firswt website I came across with, was a site that was actually talking about my idea, then 747 came across, ( now 575 weird) now here on your site, it tells me that its about the same thing I was concidering , wow!

  31. Omega is night...

  32. This comment has been removed by the author.

  33. Oy yeah! I have worked hard that's for sure

  34. Interesting... Connects with my Japanese learning progress.. VERY interesting thanks rush-collection! 😄

  35. "We" who hold and carry the Light,must illuminate the road for "them" who can't see the Light,"them" who are lost in the dark !!! It's our Devine pat and our purpose for being !!!♡♡♡ Shine your light Angels !!! It's our Dharma,our reason for being!!! Just saw "777" & that confirmed my thoughts !!! Angels are around and uploading me & "is who hold and spread the Light!!!♡♡♡
    Thank you rush-collection for shining your light bright for all of us here !!! Never lose hope,always believe in humanity!!! ♡♡♡ Love and Light your way people !!!
    Thank you Angels !!! Always and forever grateful!!!♡♡♡

  36. Awesome message !!! Thank you Angels and thank you so much rush-collection for your hard work and dedication!!!
    You have created a truly magic space available for everyone at a touch of a button !!! I love you !!!
    Stay blessed people ,as we all are !!!
    Stay positive and strong and adamant !!!
    Always and forever grateful !!! ♡♡♡ Love,health,peace and Light to All!!!♡♡♡

  37. Gd day, i have few questions to ask as below:
    I just know what is angel numbers. When i suddenly saw "444" in youtube.
    1) i always saw 7:47 on my phone.
    2) sometimes keep appear 777 too.
    3) i always suddenly spoke to myself "140"
    "Hundred fourty" i said to myself. Its
    miracle , why keep saying this number only
    To myself.

    I have a best friends (danny). We are like number "7" only. My birth was 47, his birth was 77.
    Maybe because of his birth is 7?
    1 thing i realize that he was an angel to me. He help me a lot and without any repay.
    Even our ic number also very closed.
    Example :
    Mine is xxx4xxxxxxx3
    Danny is xxx7xxxxxxx5
    Just 2 digit different actually is just the last digit are different because the front number was our birth.(month different)

    I have no idea about questions as above. Why i keep talking to myself hundred and fourty. When i drive. When i alone. When i doing something.

  38. This comment has been removed by the author.

  39. Gracias Gracias Gracias a todos¡¡¡

  40. Gracias Gracias Gracias a Todos¡¡¡

  41. Blessings and thank you for this detailed and insightful information. Sometimes I wonder "if" thankfully you have put this into perspective. Namaste����

  42. Amen!!!🎈🕊🍀🕊♥️Blessed and grateful !!!🇧🇬

  43. Amen!!!!Grateful for every reminder!🎈🙌🍀🙏❤

  44. Such a wonderful message and very accurate. Thank you Angels and rush-collection! 💟

  45. Hello, my birthday is 11/7. Does it matter how those 3 numbers appear like 7/11 or 1/7/ thank you so much for all you do. Blessings. Penny miles

  46. Thanks be to God and thanks to my guardian angel and to you rush-collection

  47. ((( <3 ))) ^ 8 True Gratitude Love and Light and a Smile Thank you~

  48. Thanks be to God love you Jesus and to my loving angels who assisted and guiding me in my spiritual journey God is always faithful and all things will fall in to place and brings my desire and wants into fruition

  49. Thanks alot, this means so much to me

  50. Wow I've been seeing angel # 747 alot lately
    I think I'm on my way !!!! Yes! Finally . Thank you Angels. #1 Fan

  51. I see 747 almost every single day sometimes twice a day when I look at the clock it almost seems like a precisely look at the clock every time it's 747 I always felt like it was my deceased mom tried to communicate with me because that was her pick 3 number when she played the lottery and always felt like it was my mom trying to tell me something is that a possibility that she is trying to communicate with me because the answer to 747 means I'm on the right track in my life but I must say at this time of my life I am in some very hard struggles right now and I almost feel overwhelmed and defeated I'm 57 years old and I do have health conditions and I always wondered if that means that my mom is letting me know that I'll be called home soon to heaven

  52. So awesome I love the encouragement ocean bound bb

  53. Iam waking up daily exact at 7.47. Till now my life was totally mess .. what will it be after 7.47 ..

  54. Great things are coming for me. I'm taking this sign and listening to my heart. My goal hit me at 7:47 sometimes the best ideas are right in front of you.

  55. On other sites 747 is seen as a negative number. It appears to be a conflicting one. In seeing it most days, what does it really mean? I like to take inspiration from the words here but there is an element of self-doubt based on other sites about this number. Who knows what any of it means! In times of trouble or distress, it’s simply nice to think something higher is guiding all of us one way or another.

  56. my dad passed last year at 7:47am, been seeing this number since. my confirmation that he's with me, I know he would never leave my side since we had such an amazing bond.

  57. If you go by these numbers you may well lose everything like I have!! It’s been 3 years since 1111 came to me, I have had many, many synchronicity’s happen to me and you my numbers keep changing, I’ve been promised success and abundance but I have lost everything and I haven’t a pot to wee in!! I am at the brink of depression in fact!! Just live your lives!! Peace!!
