Wednesday, November 16, 2011


Number 718 is a blend of the attributes and energies of number 7, the vibrations of number 1, and the influences of number 8. Number 7 is the number of knowledge and understanding, discernment and listening to the inner-self, spiritual development and awakening, learning and education, determination and persistence of purpose, mysticism, psychic abilities and spiritual giftsNumber 1 relates to creation, progress, inspiration and intuition, new beginnings, striving forward, uniqueness and individuality, inspiration and intuition, motivation and progress. Number 1 encourages us to step out of our comfort zones and reminds us that we create our own experiences and realities. Number 8 resonates with giving and receiving, manifesting abundance, monetary and business acumen, mastery, self-confidence and personal authority, good judgement, inner-wisdom and intelligence. Number 8 also relates to the concept of karma, the Universal Spiritual Law of Cause and Effect.

Angel Number 718 encourages you to take the time to really know yourself on every level as only through self-knowledge and trust in your own power are you able to gain a true sense of your own self-worth, bringing you the confidence to follow your dreams. Acknowledge your own personal power as this is the force that shapes your life.

Angel Number 718 brings a message from your angels about your finances and monetary circumstances. Due to your determination, focus and persistence with living your personal truths and values, you can look forward to new opportunities, positive changes and a steady supply of abundance and prosperity in your life.

Angel Number 718 indicates that your positive affirmations and prayers have been acknowledged, and your optimistic attitude noted by the angels and Universal Energies. Follow your intuition and angelic guidance and take action accordingly. Trust that your beliefs, thought-patterns and actions will manifest abundant supply and your wants and needs will always be met. Remember to be grateful for your blessings and share them with others.

Number 718 relates to number 7 (7+1+8=16, 1+6=7) and Angel Number 7.


  1. Pay it forward.

  2. I see this number everywhere. It's a bit unnerving at times!

    1. I see 718 all the time.. it's been years...
      Did get married on the 18th July 1993
      This number comes up so much it's uncanny

  3. I see this number damn near everyday for the last ten years. I'll look at the clock randomly and I'll see it 3 to 4 times a month to 3 to 4 times a week. This post amazes me. If you knew me this post is almost scary. Thank you so much and many blessings. Thank you for this.

  4. Awesome message!!!
    Immensely blessed grateful!!!
    Thank you rush-collection and thank you Angels!!!
    Love,peace and Light to all!!! ♡♡♡

  5. I've been starting to see this number when I randomly look at the clock for the past week, scary thing is that they are my birth numbers 7/18�� I'm praying that it is for good reasons and not bad, guess I will know by my birthday next year

    1. everything U just posted is the same for me

    2. OMGosh me as well, I was born July 18th, and I have a friend that plays the lottery and she told me randomly one time that she plays my birthdate 718 all the time, ever since she told me that, I started seeing the number everywhere, especially randomly when I look at the time. It's crazy and my other friends always think im insane.

    3. This is crazy.. Just started looking at my life and changing for the better. I'm saying things before they happen without consciously doing so, and recently looking up manifesting as well. Then this # on the clock when I look at it.. This makes me feel better about it.

  6. This post is so true it's scary. I see these numbers everywhere. I was really upset and I just so happened to see the numbers on my clock and something nudged me to finally look it up....I wanna be skeptical but it's so spot on about me and my life at the times I see this number I can't help but to do more research.(not to mention 718 is also my bday) Thanx for the article.

  7. Thank you so much for this message, I pray for guidance every day 🙏❤️

  8. I love your message pertaining to numerology You’re right on target I see this number @ least 3 times a day!!! For the last two years. Thank you for explaining. Blessings

  9. Thank you seen 718 twice ..there are great things ahead of me.

  10. Thank you ABBA Father and to my angel

  11. I see 718 constantly for as long as I can remember and it is my dad's birth day and my son's birthday 7/18

  12. I started a business and this number was repeated 3 times associated with my business. There is a course I was interested in starting to just learn more and now this is my confirmation to start it. I love what I do and Im just so happy and so appreciative in the universe and God for guiding me. Im so blessed and so thankful. God is so good.

    1. I pray your buisness is going amazing . God bless

  13. This is so true for me

  14. 718. See it twice a day at the stroke of the 18th minute of the 7th or 19th hour randomly. And is the zipcode of my hometown and my whole heart, south Brooklyn NYC

  15. Knowing yourself is the beginning of wisdom

  16. Its crazy i see this number everywhere and it also happens to be my birthday which is oddly amazing…but i didnt start seeing this number till later in life like later 20’s

  17. Here it is 2022 and still resonate. Thank you rush-collection for your love, light, and messages. I left my true love in 718 area code. His Be day is 718 also. I keep dreaming of him, and lurking at his IG *blushing* Also, I believe in signs, symbols and sequences. And this post was meant for me to see, no matter how old it is. *smiles* I needed to her this from my angel, it makes me feel good. *smiles* I is conformation, Ive been looking for.

  18. I see this number at least twice a day * in tht order* it also comes in mixed. But mostly 718 order
