Monday, November 14, 2011


Number 707 is made up of the attributes and energies of number 7 and and the influences of number 0, with number 7 appearing twice, makings its influences stronger. The vibration of the number 7 has to do with study and research, inner-wisdom, individuality and endurance, spiritual awakening and enlightenment, empathic and psychic abilities, and is the number of the mystic and the spiritual realms. Number 0 is the number of the Universal Energies/Source, the beginning point, eternity, infinity, oneness, wholeness, continuing cycles and flow, developing one’s spiritual aspects and connecting with the Higher-self, and denotes freedom from limitations. Number 0 also amplifies the energies of the numbers it appears with.

Angel Number 707 is a message is that you deserve accolades for the mental, spiritual and physical work you have been doing in your life. You are helping yourself and many others with your current life choices and actions, and you are being commended, encouraged and supported by the angelic and spiritual realms. Continue your great work and shine your light brightly.

Angel Number 707 encourages you to become more self-aware by exploring aspects of yourself with curiosity rather than judgement. Once you see yourself clearly and are self-aware you can develop new life skills and create a more contented and joyful life. It also deepens the connection you have with yourself mentally, emotionally, physically and spiritually. Ask yourself what you need and what is vital to your wellbeing, then set out to fulfill those needs. Ask yourself what gifts you have to share with the world and how best to utilize them.

Angel Number 707 is a message to continue to focus upon your spirituality and life purpose and soul missionA change in consciousness will help you to create a positive new reality for yourself as well as a renewed sense of wellbeing.

Number 707 also relates to number 5 (7+0+7=14, 1+4=5) and Angel Number 5.



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  1. This is the latest number I've been seeing often. Thank you for your wisdom to help me clarify its message to me!

  2. Hello sweet one. I am Stephen Olah on earth. My earth dob is December 14, 1969 1:20 AM

    1. Hello Stephen, how are you holding up in this pandemic?

  3. What if you have one person that's a 707 and the other a 808 and lots of similarities wouldn't that be compatibility, it's been really awesome.

    1. you answered your own question :)

    2. 808 watch your spending habits, it always get me but I'm getting little better at it. Money is later use for something good.

    3. My son just jumped up whilst sleeping repeating the numbers 707 then went straight back into deep sleep so I typed it in Google and this came up first. Very freaky but could be something. I'm curious any advice?

    4. My son just jumped up whilst sleeping repeating the numbers 707 then went straight back into deep sleep so I typed it in Google and this came up first. Very freaky but could be something. I'm curious any advice?

    5. 707 has to do with computer programmer. 707 in numerology means the programmer. Error 707 can be a 'memory corruption'

    6. I can confirm that . It probably is something related to computer programming too. something to believe in your projects you have even if it seems impossible to complete

    7. 100% are the engines for moving forward :)

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

    1. This is the one i was looking for too! 😭

  5. With pleasure.... <3 my Angels

  6. I think all these meaning's that rush-collection gives are amazing :)
    Keep up the good work Jo ;D

  7. I keep on seeing number 707 everywhere since last 6 months abd its everyday either on my clock or mobile or computer or on till or a number plate just name it and I really cant ge my head around what it means

    1. This happens with me either. But it has been happening since long time. Did u get any answer?

  8. Hello everyone. I need advice choosing my studies and career that can share my smiles and happiness with others could be steamrolling over other people?I know that whatever decisions we make ...others too are involved.Plus,is sidestepping certain people okay for light workers?Thanks.

    1. Albeit, a late reply I hope it is still relevant. Being a lightworker does not mean being a pushover, so sidestepping individuals who wish to dim light or extinguish it, is absolutely necessary; you matter! You are not to sacrifice yourself but assist others in their journey, although at times more challenging it may be. Some people are just beyond help.

    2. @Gareth Roberts ,you are tottaly right!!!
      Some people are indeed beyond help!
      However,let's keep our light shining for people who see it !!!
      Immensely blessed and grateful,now and always !!!
      Love,peace and Light to All!!! ♡♡♡

    3. Re: posts from 5/08 & 9/23 2017, May I please allow me to differ with the semantics employed above? No one is beyond help, yet we can encounter those who may presently lack readiness, willingness & ability to sense with clarity and/or who cannot or will not offer respectful or kind compassionate interaction. It is wise to know when it does not serve us within our purpose to be in their range of influence. With You Within Love, M

    4. Re: posts from 5/08 & 9/23 2017, May I please allow me to differ with the semantics employed above? No one is beyond help, yet we can encounter those who may presently lack readiness, willingness & ability to sense with clarity and/or who cannot or will not offer respectful or kind compassionate interaction. It is wise to know when it does not serve us within our purpose to be in their range of influence. With You Within Love, M

    5. @Maile Gellenthin i agree with you.
      Some people are not ready or they just do not show willingness ,compassion ,nor kindness or readiness.
      I myself am very patient individual,kind and helpful ,always.
      However, there is a point when if the person opposite (be it a friend,relative or beloved ) not only does not & can not act respectfully,neither with kindness,nor understanding,but with verbal and physical abuse,then that's totally negative and disrespectful and unacceptable.
      There is no excuse for such behaviour I am afraid & that's what i mean beyond help(a help from someone else I meant)...!!!
      They are angry and not happy with themselfs,hence no one can help them ,BUT THEM SELF!!!
      Love,peace and Light to you and All!!!
      Stay blessed ,as we all are !!! ♡♡♡

    6. Totally devoid of God's light. Beyond help...

  9. Thank you angels, God and the universe!

  10. This Lightworker thanks you for sharing -- I always pass along your blog to others who see Angel Numbers and don't understand. Knowledge is power!

  11. Praise the Allmighty! Love you God , bless you and all your great angels , and for whoever the ascended masters are, Thank you to all ! My heart goes out to you all. And once again thank you God , for Jesus, for my blessings, for everything:)

  12. rush-collection, your angel numbers have given me the answers I needed to start my spiritual journey. I'm eternally grateful to you.

  13. I was born at 7:07 PM amd weighed 7.07 what does this mean?

    1. synchronicity. pay attention. =)

    2. And yet again,...I'm encouraged everything I pause to consider what messages are awaiting me; so that I might better relate,..serve and be available to those in need with proper moderation.

  14. it means your heads

  15. I literally wrote this number on my browser trying to type something else and after i put it in the browser i tried to quickly delete it unsuccessfully, and ended up here. Really insightful and on point message for me...coincidence, or not, same thing.

  16. Thank you so much going trough a tough time at the min and you seem to always say the right things when i see the numbers and google them 👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻

  17. Today i noticed my odometer read 70,707 at 7:07pm. That's what brought me here :)

  18. Would like to say thank you! I've been seeing double numbers everywhere since the new year!x mayb b4 but noticed new year!xx some painful meanings but nothing tou can't heal from! Something happened yesterday and seeing 0707 this morning and reading never look back!got message loud n clear!xx never again will i go back to a past love! Hurts worse second time!xxxxx so to all please be careful n take care!xxxx

  19. Would like to say thank you! I've been seeing double numbers everywhere since the new year!x mayb b4 but noticed new year!xx some painful meanings but nothing tou can't heal from! Something happened yesterday and seeing 0707 this morning and reading never look back!got message loud n clear!xx never again will i go back to a past love! Hurts worse second time!xxxxx so to all please be careful n take care!xxxx

  20. For me, this number was the address to the house I mainly grew up in and a part of something else very important given to me at birth.
    I have recognized that 7's were all around me at one point.
    5 6 and I think 4 has been showing up. It weird I looked up at the sky two different days and instantly saw clouds in the shape of numbers. First one actually a big 5 with two smaller 2's, one on top of the other, lining up to the height of the 5. It was too weird to not notice.

  21. Have really been having a really tough time with money management. Even done things I'm not proud of but seeing this number during this time just confirms that everything's gonna be ok keep positive intentions and a positive mental attitude

  22. Thank you dearly, rush-collection for this beautiful, encouraging message! <3

  23. Thank you wholeheartedly, rush-collection, for your kindness! Blessings to you! <3

  24. My birthday is July 7. 707. For over a month now I keep seeing 707, especially on clocks. Can anyone tell me why all of sudden and for a long time, I mean over a month now seeing 707... What is it trying to tell me? Blessings to all and thank you.

    1. A reminder to stay true to yourself the day the stars aligned and the universe created your time in space remember that.

  25. My son just jumped up whilst sleeping repeating the numbers 707 then went straight back into deep sleep so I typed it in Google and this came up first. Very freaky but could be something in it any ideas or meanings as I don't know much about it.

    1. My humble opinion is that you should take care of him as he is, not trying to put too much limits, and let him develop into special being as he already is. He is one of those "new kids" I am seeing traveling around the world with empathy and compassion for others, that, fortunately will keep this planet continue. Give him love, teach him about other places and how happy he is to live where he lives and having what he has, never to forget to share if he has too much. Teach him love and do not put too much pressure. I was a "different" kid but my mother had no idea how to deal with me, telling me, when I was saying that something will happened, or that we were somewhere, that I should stop lying and never believed in anything she could not see. Tell him that he is not alone. He has you. Much health and love. Ivana.

  26. Rapula collen MokonoFriday, August 26, 2016

    My born day its on 07-07 an i've grown up dreaming things an the next day it will happen just like on the dream,but some how all that stoped when I was about 18yrs right now im 34yrs old an for the past 4yrs i've been seen this 07-07 from clocks,registrations,B-codes an thin I know I have spiritual power in me that I can't explain.for a fact I read the Angel num 7 an its all very true.thank you for explaining this number for me.God bless...

  27. I don't look at the clock continuous but getting g the numbers the sane around 21 times a week is this often or usual

  28. hello everyone, i don't know what to say but i see 7707 around me every where (it might be someone's car number or bike number or someone's cell phone contain that number. i was listening a song today and i saw this number again. don't know where else to share this or what does this mean.can anyone explain this? feel free to contact

  29. Thanks for the advice..ive also been seeing numbers throughout the day and I google and rush-collection's advice gives me clear direction. Thank you for these wonderful messages and God Bless

  30. Hi,
    I always see 07:07 on the clock, whenever I see @ clock or watch and whatever time of the day it is. I don't know whether it is coincidence and normal or something else.

    1. There are NO coincidences. Everything is an incident and happening as planned.

    2. There are no coincidences. Everything happening is an incident. And everything is happening as planned.

  31. Have been seeing this number alot lately.

  32. Hello, thank you for sharing with us all this. I have been lately seeing all combinations 07 07 21 12 12 21 14 41 22 11. I noticed this always happens when my thoughts go towards my mother, if i should go back to leave in my country. I am in a moment where i feel i need to do something, change something but not sure what to do. I cant make a decission but keep seeing these numbers each time i am thinking of my life. Please help me to know what seeing the numbers means.

  33. Thank you angels for guidance I know you want best for me, now I finally understand.....

  34. Immensely blessed and grateful always and forever!!!
    Love,peace and Light to All!!! ♡♡♡

  35. I saw this angel number two three times today morning after 77 and came here. I also saw 11 and 22 after 707. I saw 11,111 and 22,222 often along with 33,333 & other angel numbers. I accept that my life has started changing thatis I am feeling changes in myself and they are positive. Thanks for helping me in getting messages from angels.

    Thank you Angels..❤❤❤
    Thank you rush-collection..������

  36. 6 months ago I started doing yoga and meditation in an attempt to figure out my spiritual nature.
    I loved it. I was hooked.
    However a couple of week ago I noticed a lack of drive. I got more tired and struggled to see the point of...well everything really. This state progressed and yesterday almost all will to carry on faded. I was moving towards hopelessness.
    When I woke up this morning (28/12-2017) I saw the number 0707 on the microwave clock.
    A friend of mine talks about these special number alot so I decided to check it out.
    Im so grateful I did. I immediatly felt a sensation of trust and confidence. That I was being looked after and somewhat cared for.

    I now know Im on the right path. And that the work I put in will shine back.
    Blessed be the spirits and you rush-collection for guidning me forward in my quest.

    Love and Light.

  37. Thank you Angels !
    Thank you rush-collection !

  38. Some years ago It started with 111.
    It now has evolved than noe I get 111 first. the usually another set of 3 could be any then it is a set like XYY or XYX sometimes it contunies like that.

    111 now is a get ready 114 the 444 is be carefull keep balance the the XXX which usually fit the circumsatnces the gets more detailed as it then goes XYY the XAA, etc .. each one seems to fit the situation. I tend to ignore them untils it too obvious to ignore.

    So far it has been pretty accurate, except the 777 and 707 for today as I feel like I f'ed up bad.
    Im feeling things outside my value and character ... Or ... the right thing to do seems so very wrong , however denying the situation is killing me emotionally. Meagan where are you ?

  39. Thank you Angels !
    Thank you rush-collection !

  40. Just amazing.. down to the exact words .. every single time.. amazing.. makes life so beautiful .. thank you Universe as rush-collection, thank you rush-collection as rush-collection:-) ... thank you Life.. we are all one.

  41. We ARE one. Thank you all for looking into this 7:07, 77,777,7, 7777, 7777777... eh, you know..most interesting synchronicities.

  42. hi, what do you think about it.

    I recently wrote something like a farewell letter to the person I love very much, dividing us a lot lot of things that separate us and we need to fix them, and I ask for your opinion.

    it happened at 7:07 am on 17.03.

    for a 2 years i'm looking to path to GOD for a long time, but something stops me from deflecting,also I'm constantly seeing the number one.

  43. Hi, I wrote something like a farewell letter.. to someone that i love deeply its a long difficult story... after hours I saw when it happened at 7:07 am on 17.03. 2018.

    What do you tnik,what does it mean?

    Also i see a lot of number one and for a long time i search the path to GOD.


  44. uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh.................... you are the only reputable source for angel numbers on the internet........................................uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh bye.

  45. You! Do not doubt yourself, it is true and you must learn to adapt.

  46. I needed this. Thank you.

  47. Thank you, thank you.

  48. Every message is given to me in the right moment ... Im going thru a rough patch with my 16 yr old son... oftentimes I am reminded that everything happens for a reason and this too shall past... I love myself, Thank you God ,Guardian Angels for loving me first and forever....

  49. God is good all the time he always equipped and bless me when you serve in humanity

  50. 707! Thank you Angels Thank you rush-collection! READY TO 🙏🙏🤲🤲🏝🏝⭐⭐🔥🔥🌊🌊💖

  51. Thank you loving Father Lord for the messages thank you angels

  52. Thank you so much for everything.

  53. Thank you, i've dreamed last night a dream in
    which i sow nubmer 707 on a peace of papper.

  54. Thank You for the Accolades I am Very Much Grateful.

    Our Intuition drew us here don't let Fear draw any of you away from anything that Empowers You. Trust Yourselves Love All Now and Always.

    Send Your Benevolent Thoughts and Energies out across the Globe Now and Every Day to come.

    Love is far more Powerful than any Fear based Energies or Manipulations.

    Don't Fear Demons or Devils.
    Don't Fear Death.
    Don't Fear your own Humanity or the mistakes you make along the way allow them to Empower You.
    Don't Fear Sin or Judgement.

    Fear is the path to the Dark side. Fear leads to Anger. Anger leads to Hate. Hate leads to Suffering.

    But Love, now Love leads to Compassion.

    Love leads to Forgiveness of self and of others.

    Love leads to Understanding of self and of others.

    Love has Dissolved any Judgement from within Myself which has Removed all Judgement of others.

    Love Cures all Illness and Disease.

    Love Heals My Soul as it Can Heal Yours.

    I Am a Powerful Force for Good in this World and so are You.

    I Empower Myself so that I may Empower all others.

    I Pour My Love into each and every Atom in Creation, Time/Space and Dimension Healing You and Healing Myself in the Process.

    I Wish each and Everyone of you the very Best Now and Always.

    I have Absolute Faith in Each and Everyone of You to Become the Absolute very Best Versions of Yourselves.

    Believe in Yourselves as I Do, Believe in the Goodness of Humanity no matter what the Media or anyone else says to the Contrary.;) Thank You for reading this long message it means a grate deal to me.

  55. I hv seeing 6-7 numbers almost repeatedly. Those are 12:12,13:13,14:14,15:15,17:17, 707,808,911 etc. What does mean it? Please help.....

  56. I've been a long-time visitor here. Synchronicity abounds. At 7:07 pm, yesterday, I saw the time on my screen so I looked it up here. This is the message I received after doing a webinar, on zoom for these times. It was about living an old tradition with hidden wisdom, consciously. This was finally after 20 years of meditation, research and writing. I finally spoke about it in-depth, publicly. Thank you for this message. So healing. So needed.

  57. Hello. Thank you for your good site
    I wanted to ask you a question …
    I have a friend who has hurt me a lot in the past
    He is back after a long time and wants to connect with me again
    i have one secret wich should not some know that .
    I asked the angels if this person knew about my secret. If he knows, it will be very bad for me
    The number 0707 came to me ..
    Does he know my secret? and he danger for me?

  58. Replies
    1. X hi Angelica, thanks for helping me!

  59. Thank you for your service. 🙏🏻☀️

  60. Tell them to give me my accolades than, because I ain't seeing them.

  61. Hi rush-collection hope you are doing well.
    Here is my new blog post on gifts, yes especially about Newyear and Xmas gifts.

  62. Thank you so much for sharing this guidance! I've been using it for the past 4 years and it's led me on quite a journey. I tend to be critical of myself although that has improved significantly. Number 707 has always confused me in this part:
    Angel Number 707 encourages you to become more self-aware by exploring aspects of yourself with curiosity rather than judgement. Once you see yourself clearly and are self-aware you can develop new life skills and create a more contented and joyful life. It also deepens the connection you have with yourself mentally, emotionally, physically and spiritually. Ask yourself what you need and what is vital to your wellbeing, then set out to fulfill those needs. Ask yourself what gifts you have to share with the world and how best to utilize them.

    Can anyone offer me an explanation and/or examples as to what this part means? The part about curiosity rather than judgement confuses me to no end.

    Thank you.

  63. Concludes several intense aspects of my day 🙏
