Tuesday, November 15, 2011


Number 711 is a combination of the vibrations of number 7 and the attributes of number 1, as well as the karmic Master Number 11. Number 7 brings its energies of learning and education, faith, spiritual development and awakening, independence and individualism, understanding of others, philosophy and the philosophical, determination and persistence of purpose, inner-strength and inner-wisdom, empathic and psychic abilities. Number 1 promotes striving forward and pursuing goals, instinct and intuition, ambition and tenacity, initiative, changes, inspiration, self-leadership and assertiveness, new beginnings and starting afresh. Number 1 also relates to creating our own realities with our thoughts, beliefs and actions. The Master Number 11 relates to the Master Teacher, illumination and enlightenment, inspirational and idealism, symbols, expression, alternate consciousness, mysticism, the catalyst, prophecy, sensitivity, visionary, enthusiasm, creative/creativity.

Angel Number 711 is a powerful, spiritual message from the angelic and spiritual realms. Pay special attention to your thoughts and ideas as they are revealing the answers to your prayers and are giving you intuitive guidance in regards to the next steps on your Divine life path.

Angel Number 711 can suggest that new information or news of a positive nature is on its’ way, so listen to your intuition and heed its guidance. There may be some new opportunities for you to put your natural psychic and spiritual abilities to good use in service of those who need it. Your talents are unique to you and it is your responsibility to use them for the highest good of all. Believe in yourself, your intuitive messages and your inner-promptings, and trust that your angels support you in your spiritual pursuits and endeavours.

Angel Number 711 brings a message that you are doing a great job and are on the right life path and you are encouraged to continue along as you are. Angel Number 711 is a sign that you have chosen your thoughts well and have made wise choices and decisions. 

You are reminded also that the emotion of gratitude will speed the process of your manifestations, so remember to acknowledge and be grateful for all the blessings entering your life.

Angel Number 711 encourages you to maintain a positive attitude towards your life’s happenings, and keep up your prayers, visualizations and positive affirmations.



Sacred Scribes

NUMEROLOGY  - The Vibration and Energies of NUMBERS

Sacred Scribes Ceramics




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  1. Thank you! This website really helps as a reference.

  2. Thank you rush-collection!!! I use your website as reference on a daily basis. Your work is much appreciated :)

  3. Just wanted to say a big thank you as well, I love the feeling of being able to communicate with the angels, thanks to this website :)

  4. You are all most welcome. I'm pleased to know that you resonate with the messages and are communicating with your angels ...

    Blessings along your paths,


    1. Thank you so much rush-collection, your website is much appreciated!

    2. Joan i would like to have a personal reading with you

    3. Thanks I'm glad I know the reason of why.. I'm seeing 7:11 casually

    4. Thank you so much I for this number message information and I am now following you as LookToTheStars because I need to connect with more lightworkers peace and love to you and anyone reading this.

    5. please someone I need Help!? This 711 thing is driving me crazy!! I see it everyday and my grandma just died today on 711 ! I can't understand why I see it every ware I go !

    6. Sorry for your loss. This is also my number i see it everwhere i even had a lady come up to me and tell me i see a number with yiu and it is 711 i couldnt believe it i have nevet seen her in my life but she told me that its good numbers and for me to read the bible that my family from the other side are watching over me.

    7. Sorry for your loss. This is also my number i see it everwhere i even had a lady come up to me and tell me i see a number with yiu and it is 711 i couldnt believe it i have nevet seen her in my life but she told me that its good numbers and for me to read the bible that my family from the other side are watching over me.

    8. Thank you! Unconditional Love, Truth, Balance, Harmony, Unity, Wisdom, Peace 17.7 ∞

    9. Joaane,you too are an angel indeed. Love and light

    10. Thank you kindly! I finally thought to research the meaning of this number. I see this number several times a day on a regular bases.
      Also I have been struggling in my new profession and questioning myself. Thank you educating and arming me with the appropriate mind set.

    11. rush-collection,
      I've been able to read people's auras for a long time, but when I was young, I wasn't aware that's what was happening at the time. All the sudden it's as if the world slows down for me just enough to lock on to a person spiritually & I'll know things about them (red flags to look out for) that you know because you know because you know . . . I get a ping in the center of my being & I'll just know. However, it's eerie because my senses are heightened to menacing, manipulative, liars, evil, dark auras to warn me. I've always been right. Recently, over the past year I started receiving number sequences. When I finally looked into the number I had been receiving over-and-over, I wish I had done it sooner. Thank you for sharing your spiritual gift.

  5. Your site has unlocked my mediumship abilities..because I learned to understand my connection to angels thru numbers...now I see numbers n get the messages immediately. I use this site all the time. thank you!


  7. On this Thanksgiving morning, I am I'm great gratitude to rush-collection for this comprehensive resource. It has proven to be exceptionally accurate and has therefore become, for me, an essential tool for comprehending the numeralogical language of our Universal guides. Thanks be to rush-collection, in light & love.

  8. Thank you so much :)

    Love, light and blessings,


    1. Thank you, thank you, thank you rush-collection. I've been reading ur website for a few years and it is incredibly on the button anytime of day & nite. Im an artist & play actor with many spiritual visions and your website Sacred Scribes as been a comfort and life changing my inspiring for me. I wish you all positive manifestations in your life. May the Universe bring you all your heart desires rush-collection. You are a blessing to me and so many others. NAMASTEπŸ˜‡πŸŒˆπŸ’œ

    2. Thank you for your kind words Kari. Shine your light brightly,


    3. Thank you rush-collection for all you do !

  9. I have been experiencing seeing the same no. 711 for almost a year now. I don't know the meaning of it until now. Every time I look at the clock, watching t.v. or surfing the net I always see the same no.

  10. I have been seeing this number for many years now..Every place i look..every time i look at the clock..Thank you so much 4 posting this. It helped me much <3

  11. Thanks for all your help may gold bless you for bringing love and light in to the world

  12. Thank you, thank you, thank you!
    Much love and infinite blessings to you! xo

  13. This information was sooo helpful and accurate. Thank you so much for sharing the wisdom and guidance! Blessings to you and your loved ones for what you do!

    - VerbalNstrument@twitter.com

  14. I've been seeing the number sequence 7:11 several times this week. I don't recall ever seeing this in this way. Usually I see 11:11, 1:11, 2:22 and always 3:13. This was very helpful. Thank you very much.

  15. I am sooo happy and flabberghasted at the same time. I have bee seeing this number for about the last three yrs. In the a.m. and evening. This is also my birthday. As well as being the time my Autistic son was born 5yrs ago. So this really blew my mind!!!! If theres any more enlightening for me please feel free to email me at Cancer071184@gmail.com. Thanx.
    Ps. Ive been seeing 333 alot lately

    1. When you see the numbers of your date of birth repeating to you, it is often an indication that you are to concentrate and focus upon your true life purpose ... your reason for being ... your soul mission. Seeing your own birthday is a reminder of why you were born and what you are to do and achieve in your lifetime.

    2. Thank you very much! I have really enjoyed your websites and all the information you have shared. When my financial situation permits I will be messaging you for a reading!

    3. Thank you Miss rush-collection your the real mvp.

  16. nthank you and graetful to you

  17. Thank you so much, I've been through a lot recently and I find myself alway seeing 7:11, it was a constant reflexion of a relationship that ended recently, not a healthy relationship. It was soothing for me to look this up and realize it's true significance, i feel rejuvinated and re-born, Thank you.

  18. I am sincerely grateful to have this information first hand. It has provided the guiding light for my life. With gratitude and thanks, Cristi

  19. Hi thank you kept on being show 7111111111111111111 yesterday while in meditation and then 11.11 on my cell phone today.

    1. me freaking too!! weird that im in january 2024. 11:11 222 333 444 555 656, 711, 717, 777!

  20. I always thought it was because my son was born on 711 and I was just paying extra attention to it, but then I realized I didn't pay attention to my daughters birthday, it was always 711, and way too may times to count I knew there was a message in it, thank you!

  21. The angels speak through you rush-collection. Thank you.

    1. Haha! Did you realize you posted on 711!?! :-D

  22. Thank you so much! I have been waking up every morning at exactly 7:11 for several days now. I knew there was a message in this and so I Googled it and was lead to your site. This affirmed I am on the right path!

  23. I am a little confused... I have been seeing 711 every day. The problem is 711 is also my cousin's birth numbers (the day and month), so I'm not sure if my angels are telling me about her or if it's just another number sequence. She lives out of state and I've been really missing her and have thought of moving down there but my husband does not want that at all. If I moved down there I would be divorcing him. I prayed to the angels to clarify last night to show me a sign of it was indeed confirming my thoughts of moving Down there and today I see 711, 333, and 999. Zstill confused... Lol

  24. thank you so much for your translations. I have always felt like there was some hidden message when i start to see the same numbers repeatedly day to day. usually its 911 EVERYDAY then this last couple weeks it has changed to 711. <3

  25. Thank you rush-collection

  26. I have been seeing 711 for several years now. Often times it seems to be a warning. Many bad things have happened after I have seen this number. I have learned to be wary of what I am doing when I see 711 to make sure I make the right choices now where I may not have in the past.

  27. Thank you so much for this website, I love it and use it all the time :) <3 Blessed Be!!!!

  28. My son weighed 7 lbs & 11 ounces when born then it came in on the pick three. I seem to see it a lot on the clocks is there a meaning for this?

  29. Just watched the sun rise this morning at 7:11. My dear friend died of cancer too young at only 67 on Christmas Day. I'very been thinking about her and wishing I'd spent more time with her.

  30. I'm just a 13 year old girl... im quite scared.... every time i see the clock it is 7:11.. this website was really helpful, but i fear that these numbers could mean something to me... maybe time will tell... but what if it is bad? I just turned 13 in December of 2014. Thank you so much for the help!

    1. dear girl I just turned 13 as well and 711 has been in my life since the day I was born and today, 711 my grandma died but 711 has brought me good luck as well

  31. Hi, I just wanted to ask you a question, there is this person that I love and.... I think he loves me back... The thing is that his birthday is on Feb. 7th and mine is on Feb. 11th... What does that mean?

  32. Thank you so much for your hard work in making this awesome and putting all of this together. A project like this couldn't have been easy and I imagine it took countless hours of research and hard work. Just know that it is greatly appreciated and you are helping many people put including myself. I honestly don't Know where I would be without the knowledge gained from this site. Thank you so much! May you always have good fortune and prosperity in your life.

  33. Thank you very much! I have been "seeing" 7 11 for years!! I want to say since the late 1990's! Every time I would look at the time, 7 11 would somehow stick to my head. 7 10 means nothing to me, 7 12 means nothing to me. But for a long time 7 11, i felt it had a deeper meaning. It actually came to a point that I would purposely make a conscious effort NOT to look at the time if I felt it was around 7ish.. But guess what, 7 11 would still sneake up on me.. LOL..

    I was reading about Biblical prophesis on a different site. The subject was Rapture. The date September 23, 2015 is supposedly a day with many different meanings. One of which is the Shemitah. The stock market is supposed to crash that day. Another meaning is that a meteor is supposed to strike the Atlantic that day. These are freaky enough, but what freaked me out is that the Jewish date equivalent of September 23 is supposed to be 7 11.

    I am a Christian.. I will continue to pray to Jesus. I will continue to ask for his Blessings. I will continue to show gratitude for the many Blessings He has given me. But most importantly, I will continue to ask Him to help me fulfill my life's mission according to His will.

    7 11 means something special. I will take it from here. Thank you and God Bless.

  34. My son was born on 7/7@7:11pm and for about a year I look at the clock or my cell it's 7:11

  35. I was always a skeptic of numbers and scared because of brainwashed ideologies of evil associated with them. I've been seeing 7:11 consistently everyday for a week or two and just by chance I was watching a video from Infinite Waters on YouTube about synchronicity. Directed me to do some research on numbers. My journey continues and the truth is shown, everyday I wake up with such excitement to expand my consciousness. This website truly helped me know that I'm on the right path and to go with the flow. Trust in the universe. Thank you so much.

  36. Thank you. Tomorrow, 11/7, I marry my soul mate. These numbers have always spoken to me. Now I know why.

  37. How often do one see the same number so that it is considered angel number? If it is just repeatedly for few days?

  38. I never have paid much attention to numbers, but lately, because of my life has turned for the worse. I have truly about lost everything that I have worked so hard for, my home, my lifestyle as its been for the past 50 years, and now I may even loose the love of my life for over 25 years. I have been praying harder than I EVER have, for God to please send me some sign that everything will be OK! Ive been seeing 711 everywhere for the past week or so, My wife called me this morning @ 7:11, I got home this evening @ 7:11 driving for 2 hours. I just want to say thank you for providing this web page for people like myself to at least have hope, because without hope, you have nothing! Thanks!!

    1. Jim Peterson, I am a 13 year old girl and I was born on 711 and I was 7 pounds and 11 ounces. My father was killed on 711 and today my grandma died on 711. I see it everyday so I know how you feel...

  39. lol starting to see this every day now.

  40. I also use your website on a daily basis and am so thankful it and you exist. Without your wisdom I'd be much farther away from seeing and living my soul purpose. You've really changed my life for the utmost! Xoxo

  41. You are beautiful!

  42. Wow, Thank you, I always wondered why I see 711 so often!

  43. Thank you rush-collection for the wonderful work you are doing. Blessings.

  44. Thank you now I know the meaning of the day I was born! 😊

  45. July 11th, 2011 was the last day my dad was alive. For about a year before he died, I kept seeing this number. He's been dead all most 5 years now & I'm still seeing 711 everywhere.

  46. My first experience was my daughter born 7pounds 11 ozs.... Now everyday every other day I look at the clock at exactly 711 every night...

  47. Hello..my name is Tracy.I need your help.Ive been dreaming nightmares and my own demons.Now Ive been learning the best ways possible to be victorious in taking 1 small step at a time to do what Im suppose the universe shows me best way to do it.Ive been somewhat feeling that maybe the study of demonology may suite my needs.I know once I enter this would be a life commitment to learn and endure it.Then 711 came today as I listened to a demonology seminar online.How am I to be sure what should I do?

    1. I would suggest that you look to study 'light' rather than 'dark' Tracy.

  48. Thank you. I have been seeing recurring numbers since 2011 and always wondered why I notice the recurrence. Thank you for your positive encouraging insights.

  49. Thank you. I have been seeing recurring numbers since 2011 and always wondered why I notice the recurrence. Thank you for your positive encouraging insights.

  50. A long time ago I saw a psychic and she said 711 was my lucky number. I didn't think anything of it, until a year later when I remembered that woman on 7/10. Later I realized my grandmom died on 10/17 and she watches over me. Everytime I fall in love, this number is everywhere I look. For me, I look at all variations of the number like 0711, 117, 171, 7011, 1071. I take them them all to mean the same thing. Is this wrong?

  51. Thank you so much! Love to you! Thanks to the angels! ♥ :D

  52. Honestly, I came here because I couldn't figure why numbers kept appearing and repeating every day. Chills literally ran up and down my spine when I read your write up on these numbers. I am grateful for the work you have put into this website and, even more grateful for the Angels that prompt me to see them.

    I am sure it has been said many times over but I will use the Christ reference - seek and you shall find. Your write-up on 711 was almost too scary to me for where I am at in my awakening process. I never viewed myself as that important.

  53. I have seen the number 711 for years all the time it seems. People use to say it's just a coincidence, but why do I not happen to look at the clock at 710 or 713? Sometimes it's more constant then others....But like lately it's been happening again constantly and I'm not even consciously thinking about it. Finally I decided to google why! This lead me here to you. Now recently my mother passed away. She was 101 and we were very close always. I'm at peace with her passing, but that is when 711 started showing up in consistency once again. Now that I read this I think maybe the Angels are telling me she's doing great. Also my husbands birthday is 7/11/1952 and mine is 7/12/1956
    So many coincidences....to many to actually be.
    I know I was lead here this morning and I'm so grateful I was. Peace and Love.

  54. I have been seeing this number lately and it is also my wedding anniversary date. Thoughts?

  55. Thank you, thank you, thank you. Your website has helped me through a difficult time, and has helped me bring about a huge shift in attitude. You have been a blessing for me.

  56. Thank you so much for your website!! So helpful!!

  57. Thank you! Unconditional Love, Truth, Balance, Harmony, Unity, Wisdom, Peace 17.7 ∞

  58. Thank you so much have this site favorited for quick reference. Has changed my life

  59. I born on 7/11 after my recent birth day which i turned to be 33 years old i get 711 number often with various repetitive numbers to my eyes. very harmonic and sacred. your information on this website helps me to decode the secret behind the numbers recently appeared in my life and understand them. they all make sense to my reality and motivates me to discover more about universe and its mysterious beauties. Thanks for helping rush-collection

  60. Does it mean anything if your birthday is on 7/11?

  61. this is very scary for me i have been haunted my the numbers 7 and 11 for years i am for real freaking out.
    I have followed my positive thoughts and ive gotten right where I wanted to be in life

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  62. My watch stopped at 7 mins till 11 I wonder what that means

  63. I was born 7/11 I weighed 7lbs 11oz at 7:11am
    My father passed 7 days after the 11th of July 2011 at 7:11 am

  64. I was born 7/11 I weighed 7 lbs 11 Oz time on clock was 7:11.
    My father passed 7 days after the 11th of July 2011 at 7:11

  65. Thank you Joan! I get numeric messages from my angels all the time. I'm comforted knowing I can find meaning to these messages through your site and gifts.

  66. 7-11 is also the scale/ratio of the great pyramid H to Base diameter in Egyptian units. It follows me too.

  67. Hi

    Thank you for this.

    Having split from my twin flame a month ago, I recently saw this number, I didn't think much when I saw it the 1st time but saw it again within an hour so it was a blatant sign not to be ignored. Both times I saw it I was questioning whether my ex was really my twin flame. I know that he is, there's a lot of stuff I can't explain spirituality and I've never felt like this before.

  68. I've shared you with several people thank you so much !!! Didn't understand what was going on with me but your readings helped me figure it all out !! πŸ™ŒπŸΎπŸ™ŒπŸΎπŸ™ŒπŸΎπŸ™ŒπŸΎ

  69. I wondered why I kept seeing 7:11 on the clock , it's also my sons birthweight

  70. rush-collection, thank you so much for all of your work and posting these numbers. I use it daily as a reference to the divine guidance being given me by my guardian angel. It has been crucial in my process of awakening to the healer, lightworkers I was meant to be. Thank you! Sending you love and light to continue you're light work. It is changing lives daily;)

  71. I see many number combos everyday. Thank you for this website, it provides a great reference point on which to build.

  72. I am so grateful to have been guided this way to understanding and learning how to follow my divine life path thank you rush-collectionsacredscribes these resources have been infinitely useful on so many levels

  73. Jonathan avlis in facebook contact me plsFriday, December 16, 2016

    You are soooooooooo good . you write like you know me .
    Think you are my angel.
    Cant believe all you put it happend to my these days.

  74. Cool!!! 😊😊😊

  75. My son was born today...1/1/17 at 11:17am and weighs 7lbs and 11 oz.

  76. My birthday this year is 7/11/17 & I've been trying to figure out what that means for me, but I feel like I may have found it in this. Would you have anything else to add to this? Thank you so much.

  77. Wow! Truly amazing!:) Just recently 711 has been popping up on me. Thank you for this helpful explanation:)

  78. Wow! This is amazing!:) 711 just kept popping up on me. Thank you for the explanation:) I love your website!:)

  79. Thank you rush-collection. I feel like I subconsciously and mysteriously already knew this but your affirmation make me feel a lot better and not so lost. I'm grateful to you. The number 333 brought me here then I searched 711 which is a number I see in abundance and it's also my birthdate. Thanks again rush-collection from Diego Cano
    Oh and I'm comment 101 I believe?

  80. Thank you rush-collection. I feel like I subconsciously and mysteriously already knew this but your affirmation make me feel a lot better and not so lost. I'm grateful to you. The number 333 brought me here then I searched 711 which is a number I see in abundance and it's also my birthdate. Thanks again rush-collection from Diego.
    Oh and I'm comment 101 I believe?

  81. Thank you so much rush-collection! I truly cannot thank you enough for sharing your wisdom.

  82. I utilize your website on a daily basis, just never thought to show my appreciation. Thank you.

  83. I use your site daily to communicate with my angels. They are helping me with my spiritual path. My awakening is fairly new. If I didn't have your site as a reference I would be lost. Thank you!

  84. When I was a little kid I saw red fish raining while I was playing on a puddle of water I told my mom that, took her where the fish were and they were gone, she said maybe I was day dreaming, from there on I see 7:11 9:11 3:11 maybe it's just me that I see random numbers.

  85. im starting to see all these numbers after a narcissist broke up with me i love to thank this wesbite for the guidance it has shown me i have faith a trust my angels guiding me a long way so far to stay really positive and making me smile with a sunshine in my soul

  86. Thanks a lot rush-collection for the informations! I am very much grateful for being guided by my angels. May God bless us all.

  87. Thank you rush-collection for the work you put in the gratitude and appreciation is being extended in the form of energy for you with every piece of my body and soul I can not thank you enough for your power of making one realize there potential is in sense a waking of benevolent magnitude of gloryness thanks be to you and your gift of guidance in time of need for others it will never go unnoticed!

  88. Thank you for this amazing site. I have had great conversations through these numbers. I use your site a lot quite often, because I see numbers quite often and the messages are spot on. Truly grateful.

  89. Then today is the day when the death of my ego starts. I am scared, petrified even. The things we will do for others.

  90. Thankyou thankyou thankyou.
    I've been seeing various patterns in the numbers and didnt know where to turn too,
    for some time now and you have given me so many posative affirmations and discovered some realisations
    and it's made me look into numerology and give me so much posativety
    through hard times and kept me on the right path. Been very bumpy too. I have to express my deep gratitude for this and show that I am eternally grateful for this. I don't know what else to say right now but I hope I can be of service to you in some way some day ��❤�������� Royston

  91. I love my God for showing me the cryptic messages through you rush-collection. All will be redeemed, all those who listen. Hallelujah, Amen.

  92. That was so perfectly accurate with the things that are happening to me that it sounds like a dream. Thank you very much!

  93. Thank you for this amazing resource and the Love that inspired you to create it rush-collection. It's kept me moving forward through the toughest times of my life and the insight and support have helped me keep the faith and guided me to my true life path in service to humanity in ways I never could have imagined. Nothing is by accident. If we can stay open and maintain a higher perspective the path becomes clear. Thank you for helping me maintain my strength and light through it all. Your work touches, inspires, and supports so many. Thank you for being such an angel to all of us!

  94. Thank you for this amazing resource and the Love that inspired you to create it rush-collection. It's kept me moving forward through the toughest times of my life and the insight and support have helped me keep the faith and guided me to my true life path in service to humanity in ways I never could have imagined. Nothing is by accident. If we can stay open and maintain a higher perspective the path becomes clear. Thank you for helping me maintain my strength and light through it all. Your work touches, inspires, and supports so many. Thank you for being such an angel to all of us!

  95. So many levels of confirmation

  96. You have no understanding of how much your website helps me and calms me down. This website is really a gift from the universe to help us get through this life.... Thank you and God Bless!

  97. This is my go to page for receiving my angels messages. Thank you for the clarity, dedication and hardwork you put into creating this. Peace and blessings

  98. Immensely blessed and grateful always and forever!!! Thank you rush-collection for being our connection to the Angels!!! Thank you for your hard work and dedication!!!
    You are indeed an Angel your self !!!
    I use your site several time per day and evening for the past year and this has changed my life tremendously!!!
    Wishing you all the health , love and happiness in the world!!!
    Thank you Angels and Universal Energies for the constant presence and guidance,thank you for choosing rush-collection for our connection to you!!!
    Peace and Light to All!!!
    Stay blessed people,as we all are !!! ♡♡♡

  99. I consult your sites daily for guidance and understanding. The knowledge you have shared is priceless. Much gratitude for the passion and love you have put into creating an intuitive interface. May blessings and abundance abound you and your family for infinite generations.

  100. Tu Eres un angelπŸ™ I learned that in Bible study in jail this past Spring. The Cuban teacher spoke on me preaching in Cuba. My thoughts/response, it was already written. I am so very grateful for this siteπŸ™ thank you madam for all of your work. I have sent much love and praises of gratitude to all Ascended Masters on numerous occasions;but it is rightfully so that I also tell you a big fat and direct THANK YOU!

    I am sending you huge vortexes of love and light to reach you in whatever realm you may currently be in. I look forward to linking up with you in the futureπŸ™IG@lizziemae_escobar

  101. Tu Eres un angelπŸ™ I learned that in Bible study in jail this past Spring. The Cuban teacher spoke on me preaching in Cuba. My thoughts/response, it was already written. I am so very grateful for this siteπŸ™ thank you madam for all of your work. I have sent much love and praises of gratitude to all Ascended Masters on numerous occasions;but it is rightfully so that I also tell you a big fat and direct THANK YOU!

    I am sending you huge vortexes of love and light to reach you in whatever realm you may currently be in. I look forward to linking up with you in the futureπŸ™IG@lizziemae_escobar

  102. I don't know how I would get through without rush-collection, God, Angels, Masters and Ringy, my new name for one of my Spirit Guides. Truly daily miracles. Just so grateful.

  103. Hi..I actually see 7.11 time very frequently on my mob watch..also it happens to be my birth date..so is there any significance related to this particular number??

    1. When you see the numbers of your date of birth repeating to you, it is often an indication that you are to concentrate and focus upon your true life purpose ... your reason for being ... your soul mission. Seeing your own birthday is a reminder of why you were born and your reason for being on the Earthplane at this time.
      It may act as a prompt and/or validation as to your path.
      It can also be validation that angels/spirit guides/passed over loved ones are with you.


  104. Today is 711 and reading this page is the culmination of the most enlightening day of my life. My gut told me to do something I never do, commit to memory today's date. It "felt" important. So, I wrote the date down using only the numbers. 07112017. It didn't feel right, I expected, on my mother's life, to find something remarkable, like the numbers would be a palindrome. My gut tells me to drop the 0. And, my hand wrote 71117 instantly. Googling 71117 blew me out of the water. And, what started all this? A link on YouTube I stumbled upon called, 17 signs you're an INFJ, the world's rarest personality type. Little did I know that in just over 11 minutes I would discover something deeply profound about myself. As I watched the clip and listened to the descriptions, one after another described me with uncanny perfection. And, not in a vague or suggestive way. The details were precisely on the mark. In fact, a few had me shouting in surprise at what I just heard, then rewinding, to see if I heard right. So, I basically discovered something I've always known instinctively, I have a rare gift. INFJ personalities are, well, like me. Deep, complex, honest, artistic, writers, the list goes on and on. It's safe to say it's not a personality disorder. People with INFJ truly march to the beat of our own drum and only 1% have this wonderful trait. You know, always knowing that you are different to most people but only knowing it instinctually takes some faith in yourself. To suddenly have it confirmed is humbling and counts as the single most enlightening day of my life. Discovering that it's written into the fabric of my day (711) is all the cosmic confirmation I need. There is a divine force, it's everywhere and nowhere at the same time. It is and it isn't. In my experience, when something is and isn't at the same time, you're as close as you can get to the divine. I say divine in a general sense. It can't be described, so don't try, it's a waste. Focus on the answers within your reach, eventually you'll instinctively drift towards it. You see, I believe religion is a barrier to this force. Our journey is meant to be unique to the individual, so defining it en masse distorts its true form. We are hard wired instinctively with an ability to find the right path, it does it without thinking. You don't need a preacher telling you what's inside you, or how walk your path. That is deeply personal and your choice to make. Inevitably, when someone tells you how to walk on your path, they are telling you to walk like they do. How selfish is that? Anyway, babbled enough. Thank you to the person who uploaded this page. You have been a part of my extraordinary day.


    1. Awesome comment DD(Duncan Disorderly)!!!
      Reading it was like reading my own writings.
      We are all "Indigo's" for a purpose!!!
      Thank you rush-collection, you are an Angel!!!
      We would have been lost without your words of wisdom!!!
      I love you sencerely !!!♡♡♡
      Stay blessed people ,as we all are !!! ♡♡♡
      Love,peace and Light to all!!! ♡♡♡

  105. This comment has been removed by the author.

  106. Very helpful once again... Thank you! :-)

  107. First off, am a real messenger from God . God says don't use the word psychic, that's offensive . Use the terminology Messenger. Thank you ��

    1. With all due respect, read my comment above dated, Nov 08 2017, in particular what I say towards the end. You see, I find it offensive when someone ingratiates their faith onto others and have the audacity to speak on behalf of the divine. Who are you to assume such a lofty role by telling others how to walk their path? Don't you realise you neglect your path and that is where you should focus your efforts? When you tell others how they should behave or worship, you are selfishly informing them how to walk YOUR way. It's not the right way. It's merely YOUR way. Think on this and I hope my advise inspires you, nothing more.

  108. First off, am a real messenger from God . God says don't use the word psychic, that's offensive . Use the terminology Messenger. Thank you ��

  109. I am very curious about this, i have 2 sons one was born 7/11/13 and the other was born 11/7/17 is this a coincidence?

  110. Not much of a spiritual person yet I'm hitting on 11.11 once, that time my farther passed away 06/06/2016. Now 711 . don't know what brings this time

  111. Thankyou so much....it so helped me and still helping me I thankyou so much and feel gratitude from my core for this information.....

  112. I come here on a regular basis. This is my go to reference when I need insight and or validation with my ascension. Thank you for putting so much of yourself into providing remarkable vibrations of numbers and their correspondences! Witchy Wishes to you rush-collection.

  113. The crazy part is I was born at 7:11 at night and this post is so accurate about me, I always try my best to listen to this guidance a lot with other number patterns that I get and I’ve grown so much by honestly listening to this and I’m finding myself, it’s all about how it applies to you personally, everyone has there own path meant just for them they just have to look within and find it. Lord knows I appreciate the guidance and will do my best to help guide everyone in the right direction. Thank you

  114. The crazy part is I was born at 7:11 at night and this post is so accurate about me, I always try my best to listen to this guidance a lot with other number patterns that I get and I’ve grown so much by honestly listening to this and I’m finding myself, it’s all about how it applies to you personally, everyone has there own path meant just for them they just have to look within and find it. Lord knows I appreciate the guidance and will do my best to help guide everyone in the right direction. Thank you

  115. Thank you Angels !
    Thank you rush-collection !

  116. My appreciation and gratitude to you and all.

  117. Wow! Thank you Silviya, albeit belatedly. In my defence, I was unaware you had responded to my comment until today. Regardless, Karma compels me to reply in the hope my message will reach you. After all, you wrote such kind words, it's only right to return the gesture, despite being 6 months overdue. Also, the comment was written on the most profound day of my life (so far). It was truly a remarkable day that will remain etched in my memory until the day I depart this realm. While I would like to asert that I will carry it with me to my afterlife, I can't state this with full certainty. Still, if I can, I will. And, if I can't, then that's the afterlife for you. lol Point is, I will deal with it. Plus, it's not like it will kill me. So, I know I'm immune there. lol

    Peace to you Silviya. I hope this message finds you and it's unexpected arrival makes you smile at the very least. If it makes your day or arrives when you need it the most, then my faith in Karma is, once again, attested.

  118. @Duncan Disorderly What a kind message and indeed it did made me smile and it was indeed unexpected.
    For we are connected , the Univerce connects us all . We are all indigos with a mission to spread the light within us !!! For sharing is caring!!! For together we are a force. Never loose faith and trust!!!πŸ™Œ❤πŸ™πŸ€ Love,peace ,light and blessed journey to you kind soul.
    I am sencerely pleased to hear that my response and the day it has been written has such a profound effect on you and is of such importance. Stay blessed .Namaste.πŸ™❤πŸ™Œ

  119. rush-collection my deepest gratitude to you. I have been seeing the number 711 for the past year now and now for the first time I have an answer. It resonates with where I'm at.πŸ™❤.

  120. rush-collection, Thank you so much for this resource . On a daily basis I see number sequences . At first it was 1011 and then 711 now I see numbers everywhere 555 333 222 888 .. Anyways is this a stronger method of them communicating to me ?

  121. I got broken up with for the second time. I have a lot of things I have to work on such as self esteem and confidence. We do love each other just rushed back into it without really fixing the problem which led to the second breakup. The first time I kept seeing numbers on the clock that ended in 11 for example 7:11 8:11 9:11 10:11 etc. Every time I would see it I would speak my wants into existence. We ended up back together. This time around I'm seeing the exact same thing! I'm wondering if this means that we will be together again soon. It's been 2 weeks since our 2nd breakup (I'm moved out again) and all I'm seeing are these numbers. Does it mean we're meant to be together and we just have to get our sh*! together??

  122. i enjoy your site and use it as a good "nudge" towards that which is mine. not to be used as a crutch nor a "all inclusive" as we are all evolving to perhaps "different" higher planes..

  123. I've been seeing the numbers 711 for years now and your message has really helped my spiritual growth.
    My last name is Pearson
    Which means pear=a good fruit
    ear=ears to hear what the spirit says
    son=a son of GOD
    Thank you!

  124. Yes amen this is so true I'm related to this thanks to my angels and my Saviour God Jesus

  125. Thank you rush-collection, for your website of Knowledge you make available go us. I have been referencing your website almost daily for two years, and tell others of your site as well. The Angels always guide me to visit your site for the messages instead of others. I value your Time into your mission of helping others navigate their Journey back to self. Sending you blessings!

  126. Thank you for sharing your gift.

  127. Thanks be to God amen praise the Lord

  128. Thank you Lord and to all my loving angels including rush-collection

  129. I believe 711 is a number brought forth to remind me of my soul mission.
    Thank you

  130. I seen this number 711 for the past couple years , but this year everywhere I looked I seen this number and I knew it was significant because I couldn't look at the clock for my phone without seeing it. I then notice one night after talking to my sister that both our conversations took place at 7:11 and I started reviewing all the messages and conversations that we were having at this time. All conversations and texting was about my beautiful mother who passed away on July 12th. I had asked her before she left us if she would give us notice and let us know she was leaving and on July 11th, she called all of her daughters to her side to leave this world. So now I know why 711 got so persistent. And why I was seeing it continuously.

  131. Thank you Jesus and my loving angels for the lovely messages

  132. Wow, Thank you for all your help I get goose bumps and chills when I think about this as well these numbers pop up every day 3 to4 times a day 711, 1111 420, it truly amazes me and Thank You for your help you truly are an Angel!!

  133. Entering my gratitude here seemed like a good way to work on appreciating what I have.

    I am grateful for the house I live in for providing me shelter & privacy. I am grateful to cream for being so yummy & energy giving. I am grateful that I have all my body parts and that they're all in the right place and functioning well. I am grateful to have my best friend who has stuck by my side and fought my corner when I was unable to take care of myself and my affairs, please may I be just as supportive to her when needed as she has been to me. give me the capacity to be as good of a support to her as shes been to me. I am grateful to my Angel's, archangels, ascended masters, aliens and divine spirits for their patience, tolerance and endurance with me. I am grateful I am free to do whatever I choose whenever I choose wherever I feel inclined to with whomever I please. However I shall try to be considerate of others while I wobble away in my world.

  134. I see 711 almost everyday for most of this year. It is my birth time. I wish I knew what it means.

  135. I just wanted to say I'm so glad. That I was given the life that I have tho it's hard and thou I don't always understand the hardship and I get very down at times over all I'm very thankful because I realized it all in Devine plain to set me up for the success of becoming the women I always knew I could bea more and more everyday I realized I couldn't have don't it with out my faith or. My Lord or Jesus Christ ������❣️

  136. Thank you rush-collection, I always look for your blog when I google an angel number!


  138. Thk u been seeing this number for the past week atleast 3x daily... this is my #1 source has been for years now TY


  140. Am blessed to be with you as my daily reference,I don’t know how to communicate to my angels if it’s wasn’t you who help me , am forever pleased with your work. Blessed


  142. rush-collection, thanks and blessings for your years of spiritual experience and instruction. You point the way to the 5th Dimension and beckon my highest good.

  143. I was born on 4/7/70 and weighed 7lbs 11 ounces. I have the numbers 11 and 7 in my vein in my wrist. I see the numbers 111 or 1111 all the time! I also see 4 and 7 sometimes but mainly 111 or 11. Someone please help me understand why this happens and does it mean anything since it's in my vein too?

    1. You(UnknownSaturday, August 21, 2021) are Blessed, you are guided. As all of us are.
      Learn to heed your intuition's guidance(that of your soul), and trust it fully.

      Endless blessings and love to you and us all ❤✨πŸ™Œ

    2. Thank you❤️❤️❤️

  144. Thank you Opening up yourself to be a vessel of light,to share the divine light and bring clarity in our unique paths.aum

  145. Thank you...I am greatful. Life is beautiful, as you are my friend. You bring a broken guy hope. God bless.

  146. Thank You πŸ™πŸ½πŸ’š

  147. I am trying and trying to remain positive in order to refine my natural talents and manifest. Thank You God Lord God and Angels of Light AMEN πŸ™ πŸ™Œ ✨ ❤ πŸ’– πŸ’• πŸ™

  148. My angel woke me up violently this morning at 7.11am. I wonder what's coming and what happened to people here who have seen 7:11.

  149. Dear rush-collection, Thank you for these beautiful interpretations of the angel numbers and communications. I was always drawn to your website as your messages truly resonate with me. Sending love and blessings up for you and yours, I am grateful that you share your gifts with the world. May all your dreams come true dearest sister in spirit, love and light πŸ™πŸ’—πŸ™πŸ•Š️

  150. GrazieπŸ™πŸŒΈ

  151. Thank you πŸ™

  152. I so appreciate you and your beautiful contributions to the collective Sister! Much love & gratitude! πŸ™❤️☺️

  153. Infinite love & gratitude! πŸ™❤️πŸ•Š

  154. Thank you, thank you, thank you! Someone told me about this website and I'm so thankful for it and your work, and also that you're willing to make this easily available for the public. I've been coming to it often as the numbers I continually see change every so often. It's been so helpful. Otherwise I wouldn't know what to make of it.

  155. On point every time, Thank you rush-collection! Your translations of Angel Numbers are the ones I resonate with the most. Thank you for creating this site and sharing your blessings with us! I really appreciate you.
