Friday, November 11, 2011


Number 701 is a combination of the attributes of the number 7, the influences of number 0 and the vibrations of number 1. The mystical number 7 brings its vibrations of spiritual awakening and enlightenment, inner-wisdom and inner-knowing, emotions and feelings, empathic and psychic abilities, education, study and learning, and persistence of purpose. Number 0 represents potential and/or choice, a spiritual journey, developing your spiritual aspects, listening to your intuition and higher-self, eternity and infinity, oneness and wholeness, continuing cycles and flow, and the beginning point. Number 0 also relates to the God force/Universal Energies/Source, and magnifies the influences of the numbers it appears with. Number 1 adds its energies of motivation, ambition and initiative, motivation and progress, striving forward, uniqueness and individuality, creating your own realityfulfilment, happiness and attainment. Number 1 is the number of new beginnings and starting afresh.

Angel Number 701 may be suggesting that it is time for you to make some fresh starts and new beginnings in regards to the direction of your life.

Angel Number 701 is a message from your angels to keep your mind-set positive and optimistic and your thoughts filled with light and love. Decide what it is that you really want in your life, then set your course and take positive action in the direction of your desires. It is within your personal power to create the life you want to live, and it is your duty to fulfill the aspirations of your soul. Allow the smaller issues to go by the wayside and focus on what really matters to you. 

Angel Number 701 is a message that your prayers are being answered and you have manifested all that you need in your life. Your true spirituality is coming to the fore and the angels and Universal Energies are supporting and guiding you along your life pathYour angels encourage you to shed a positive light on all in your life and beyond.

Number 701 relates to number 8 (7+0+1=8) and Angel Number 8.



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  1. I was thinking about God to make it rain somewhere where has the for awhile and then 701 apars in the clouds

    1. I would like to say...i was a missionary in Africa. My trade is welding, and I supervised the refit of an entire hospital ship and worked myself into complete exhaustion. Of my 3 yrs in Africa, I never saw rain. The only way I could get a day off without feeling guilty, was a rain out. I literally prayed to God for rain, just to rest. And lo and rained the next day. And I slept all day long. God honors the prayer of a true heart.

  2. Its raining as it write this. 701 brought me here

  3. Its raining as I write this. 701 brought me here.

  4. Grateful for everything ! 💜

  5. Its raining here in Southern AZ!!! Im so grateful for all that I have and all that is yet to come. My wishes are to have a happy faithful passionate marriage with an intimate connection to my Husband and to find and begin my new career. Finally getting fit is a must also.

  6. The eclipse is opening up my third eye. I am grateful.

  7. I want to win the lottery, so I can invest into all of my beautiful ideas in order to help all of humanity. Love and light will reach all.

  8. Thank you Lord Jesus and to my Angels

  9. It’s raining as I read this ...

  10. My greatest thanks & gratitude for this message��!! Wow it is rainy here also when reading this!! Mother/Father God & the universe is too good to us!!♥️

  11. Wow all the rain comments. Its also raining as i read this. Blessings to all.

  12. Oh gosh its also raining now as i read this.

  13. This is so strange. 701 brought me here and I read this and looked outside and it’s raining! 😲

  14. I feel good today!!. I read this... now im feeling Awesome. #1Fan thank you Universe/God (source)

  15. saw this on my phone's timing in the subway, once I walked out, floor was wet from a rain that was finished raining.
